Exploring Star Citizen is just UNBELIEVABLE...

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wow uh i've got a video for you today it's an experience i guess footage recording evidence of this game just blowing my mind from moment to moment man star citizen is so cool i've uh i i was in the recording session obviously with level cap uh thank you by the way level cap for uh show me the ropes a little bit in our recording session i hope to do some more stuff with you soon but i was there in the recording sessions going wow this looks incredible and then i've just finished editing this incredibly long video and throughout editing i was just continually blown away by the moments that we experienced like i really hope this video reminds veterans of star citizen how awesome this game is it's easy to like get used to the game but i think if you show this game to new players you kind of reminded on actually how impressive it all is so i hope both veterans of star citizen star citizen doubters and like people who have no idea what star citizen is this is just proof of this game blowing if not just my mind for hours on end it was really really cool so i should say by the way this entire video is level cap showing me for the first time microtech also i was showing him my constellation phoenix which i don't think he'd seen before so it was a really cool kind of like sharing experience between us anyway guys hope you enjoy the video if you do and you want to support the channel just give this video a thumbs up it really does go a long way in supporting me and the channel and if you haven't already you want to make sure you don't miss future star citizen videos which by the way we've got loads of cool stuff on the way make sure you hit the subscribe button and i'd love to have you on board so yeah without further ado grab your snacks grab your drink kick back and relax because this is a long one and uh yeah i hope you have your mind blown like i have it was uh pretty special oh uh last thing before i begin if you want to get into star citizen at any point remember to use my referral code just so it gives you some delightful extra in-game credits when you sign up uh you want all the money you can get in this game to buy fancy nice ships so definitely go ahead and use the referral code and also you'll be helping us uh reach the javelin which is a really cool ship i hope to show you guys one day but anyway enjoy this video's awesome ego so there there's the ship on the back can you see yeah oh yeah yeah yeah there's finally some light out here we can see stuff and this is the cargo bay i was talking about oh is this as far down as it goes there's no way you're gonna get a an argo on here because no i think it's too tall yeah okay i thought maybe if well definitely get a hoverbike on here oh can you not take the cargo yeah you can but okay it doesn't really matter uh it's just the buttons really small there you go oh yeah she said this is just not the entrance i feel like this is oh did i ruin that i mean the effect a little that's fine i forgive you over here ah and then oh no get out get out get out get out get out get out were we about to be trash compacted yeah we were i forgot about that i would have felt really bad here we go what yeah oh man nice this is nice there's meant to be a hot tub here people moan at me in my videos for not pointing it out but the button doesn't work so i don't know what people want from me it doesn't matter oh what by the way do you ship without a hot tub i know those bastards but it looks really cool just looking out the window of this oh dude the passenger seat on this is cool you can play cards uh are they actually super nice i have seen a ship though where you can play chess which is pretty neat oh i can't handset now that that's where you're at do i disengage seat just hold why surely oh yeah right there you go yeah i think that seat had the recline button i hit something and something changed on it this bar is very nice oh my god i don't know it's a good thing this uh all this um booze responds when your ship explodes it's for free they don't charge you for the refill as well it's lovely it's nice so this over here is how are you getting the uh archimedes oh man that is cool so we'll give that we can just fly out and you can have a little okay cool yeah i want to check out the cockpit and then let's we'll take off and i'll run back to the archimedes i love the um the glass ceiling man it's a nice ship isn't it i know a little fish tank in there i need a fish tank in my room man this ship is i think it might be one of my favorite ships in the game because it kind of does a little bit of everything so there's the two turret situation and then yeah you got your pilot and co-pilot seats so millennium falcon dude but the ship does have a huge issue which if you get in a co-pilot seat you'll see there is like freaking black bars right in the middle which is not ideal oh i see what you're saying is that the same on all constellations i'm not sure honestly it does look similar it does look a bit similar wow microtech is a freaking i've you know what i've never been down to microtech yet genuinely wait what yeah because i've just been to the coolest location i know i feel like i've been saving it for a special occasion let me um get out into the little snub fighter and i'll fly alongside i want to try this the archimedes out man yeah yeah oh yeah if you hit the gas i'm going to fall on my face hmm tempting have you done that yet with multi-crew uh somebody ship and they just accelerate you just fall down no but that sounds hilarious okay so i'm seeing the archimedes here how do you get in it okay the ui just didn't pop up interesting i'm in now okay and then okay yeah how do we launch so it took me a while to re to work it out but i think it's just landing gear if you hold it in yeah i think if you hold it oh you have to start it up obviously oh yeah okay that makes sense okay i tapped it and it worked i said yeah there you go there you go right now just yeah go down a little bit and then you'll be sick that is awesome wait wait that's all right this one's oh yeah yeah yeah it's really fast hang on oh such a good screenshot i'm turning my movement down the only thing with the archimedes obviously well unless i'm wrong doesn't have quantum so you can't obviously fly it without um yeah it's a snub yeah so it's a snub fighter um basically it's like yeah it's so cool looking though oh i want to see how yeah so the wings fold up on this when you land it isn't that cool so yeah you can fit these things in just about anything that's why people like them and the dps is actually quite good yeah so they're fast they're nimble dude this is sick you want to head down to microtech somewhere yeah do you want to try getting back on or do you want to just fly that for a while oh uh yeah you want to fly down through the atmo i'm sure oh my that was so cool just did a flyby like gives me an option to quantum jump to you if you got two oh yeah yeah isn't that neat yeah that's awesome you're sort of like well what are the properties of quantum jumping in this game like you can just jump to people basically wait where are you going what do you mean where am i going oh what you just your ship accelerated super fast and i was like what happened i thought you're quantum jumping bye yeah there's uh forested areas but they're not as common okay yeah if you want if you want i can read doc at some point we can go to a force today yeah let's check that out sounds cool oh we're in atmo now my ship is flying uh weird okay hang on chip should we go let's try and get back up there's definitely something going on with my targeting there is another guy just like hovering around us fyi that's the police that's the police oh okay he's okay i didn't get that i think so he's scanning you not me interesting what are you guys doing out here i i don't know hey i didn't get it why is he looking at me he's just he's following me around he's seen if you're he's super on me dude i was in a quantum drive mode even though this ship doesn't have quantum drive oh nice that's a great feature letting me target so that's cool yep okay this should work now whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i'm gonna miss the money shot hang on okay oh oh oh oh oh yep just build me yeah just fell over okay okay go for it go for it oh you want to be down here i actually don't see the thing yet oh okay so if you go back now if you go way far back and then target my ship do you see it do you see the uh can i like go through the gap this is weird science i need to check out okay oh my god you can that is actually you got on your ship okay so i reselected your ship i see the like general target around it i'm gonna move in closer let me see you through the glass are you in the interior of your way right now will we where is he i'm straight overhead hey that is actually terrifying please don't shoot me oh you just went over the sun that was really cool nice so when i get that one there's still a red circle somewhere and i don't know what that red circle there we go oh okay i got it oh my god does anyone have a timeline in a quick 50 minutes wow are you serious no okay um i would have believed it we did it though well done i got it i didn't understand that ui at all i'm just like there's squares and circles yeah and obviously it's impossible for me to like explain yeah [Music] oh wow yeah you can just this doesn't mess with you does it no wait there's another ship down there you serious oh there might have been a water drop on the glass nevermind wow good with the car how's it going buddy yeah just trying to shave it's fine [Laughter] sorry am i messing with all your beauty shots no just messing with the landing you're gonna have cold play in the background and then i'm gonna stand in frame this looks very cool it does i had no idea there was trees in this game is that lame no it's just kind of cool that you've like been enjoying it for so long i know trees yeah i know i had no idea there was like earth like sounds kind of weird but you know what i mean like earth-like planets otherwise all ice wow look at the grass that's oh man i know dude you know what i want in this game is um they're gonna have aliens alien life forms like crab creatures and yetis and like you'll at some point i assume you'll be able to be like a game hunter so you could just like go to alien plants and like hunt the species oh my goodness this is cool look at this it's like a playing field what game is this i'm sorry i'm just getting so excited about the weirdest stuff right now i've been watching your videos i'm like oh you've been playing a lot of star citizen you're like there's planets wow this looks awesome yeah you know there's like tanks and stuff in this game too right i've seen tanks yeah yeah so like yeah people have been practicing like full-on ground assault warfare and why not this is yeah is it microtech beautiful yeah no this is a really cool place i'm gonna hang out here a little bit more should we get a ground vehicle or something have a little tool uh yeah yeah so there's there should be facilities that spawn ground vehicles you can you can also spawn one at new babbage if you wanted to i could show you where the spawn location is in new babbage if we can't find a usually mining facilities will have a ground vehicle spawn um this is awkward hang on maybe i have a backup you know what's the best part about this game is that's a real issue with like so many ships and then somebody will be like cool i just flew my like 30 000 30 million dollar spaceship to this planet and i can't get back on the ramp i love it didn't even crush the grass returning the game that's a feature i want my money back i don't care if you've procedurally simulated life's world-sized planets do you want to uh fly the ship sure i saw a reddit post the other day about this game and they're like you know like even without like substantial gameplay loops and yet they're like the gameplay is the experience just as much as anything yeah cause you're constantly gawking at the game you're just like yeah yeah 100 like just i know it sounds really lame but like that mountain over there looks so picturesque and i know no one actually built that mountain it's all procedurally generated like that's really yeah right and then on top of that they do have the ability to oh is your ship on oh yeah it's ready to go you don't turn off your engines when you land um that's a uh good practice yeah ship can get blown over in storms on stormy planets but oh didn't like that uh you know what that's a fun one to figure out on your own yeah well let's do some low flying man yeah i forget how big this thing is actually i'm like it's nowhere near to me it's going to get engines hanging off the side yeah we can get lower to these rocks now that these pesky trees can i give them the bottom turret that might be quite fun i'm gonna change my camera so i can oh god the uh the ground elevator's down oh yeah lower that all right all right it's coming back up okay can you see the turret now as well uh yeah okay here i am look around alone oh i think you can have staggered oh yeah yeah staggered okay interesting not sure why you would want that but yeah i can get us pretty low that's cool oh my word that was an epic screenshot right there [Music] this thing can handle an in-atmo barrel roll all right only one way to point out oh my god it is slow yeah no you are veto mode by the way i don't know if that has it oh i don't know if that no i'm not i'm not in vital mode oh the retail things are open at the front that's weird well i just turned it on switching it off i just turned it on and then off again okay it yeah like the flaps will come out you see the blue rings near the front so when you're not in veto mode the like doors close and they disappear but also i'm a bit unsure whether or not veto is even in this game yet yeah oh i see what you're saying there's flaps up front mm-hmm yeah this area is so cool i know you see that mountain on the right yeah yeah listen let's do a sweet flyby do you use track ir with this game no i literally have one on order though because did you get the tobii or track ir uh i got the toby yeah i got one on order too i'm switching over apparently look at this makes like looking around sluggish really good but i've never used anything like that before i barely cleared that dude i was holding up food me that looked glossy yeah i know i was intentionally skimming it dude look at these hills it's awesome oh god i switched my camera to like this weird view i got outside viewing it look like we were crashing oh that's a floating tree i found a bug i want a refund you should send it you should take a picture and circle excuse me hey guys um i was playing your game until i found this bug yeah [Music] also i'm not going to tell you where it is and that might annoy you just have to look for this yeah i'll give you i'll tell you what planet it's on but you're going to have to do the rest so have you heard about the pyro oh yeah yeah man a whole new system doesn't look good but the next peak over there looks like we could set it down maybe i have a question about the tracking situation yeah so to me moving your head to move the camera seems really weird but is it less weird when you actually do it it's less weird and um as soon as you get used to it like it honestly doesn't take very long to get used to it and now it's second nature to me start twitching your head side to side that's really funny why isn't it working do you see it do you see my character uh no i was i mean oh i thought you were telling me to do that no no no tell yuri you're just giving me an example i was like doing it you know it's um it's very cool man let's see this peak looks a little iffy but you know what we'll figure it out okay i forgot that this transforms completely when it puts down its landing gear if we can get out and walk on this peak that would be actually insane yeah we should be able to oh nice it's flat right here all right i need to get out a little situation uh you need to go left yeah yeah i'm like rotating my camera and i'm like oh this ground is not suitable for landing this looks okay we might have to use the cargo ramp though is it worth one of us staying on just in case it launches the ship into the sky um we'll hang on once i kill the engines we'll know okay okay engines are off all right let's do this well that landing gear looks precarious i can't see it so let's take a word for it you'll enjoy you know what it's um it's dynamic landing gear that adapts to the terrain which is impressive nice i don't think you're going to be able to get out with the front elevator you're going to have to use the cargo okay but this is still pretty dope are you staying in the uh no i'm coming out with you okay cool oh i'll wait is there an atmosphere can i take off my helmet or do i leave on i guess i'll just leave yeah um you should be able to take it off it is cold in certain areas so that's the only thing that might uh slo oh where is the cargo ramp in this oh um well if you go where i am walk towards me and then it's like in the floor oh dude this ship is cool man i'm running back i'm like i swear there was a cargo ram right this is so much cooler than the constellation when i first checked out the constellation oh oh my god dude that view oh no no no no my god no parked that's parked i just turned around it's your face have you looked at the feet at the front here look come up here have you seen that hang on if we put it down shall i put it up no we'll never get back on it dude wait can you just stand like right there because that is a great screenshot i'm gonna watch you as your ship starts to slide down the hill in the background you remember your spaceship yeah no the good grip the constellation phoenix has good gripping feet it's fine as long as there's no snow movement they yeah they don't look like skis at all now that you say it yeah oh that's so cool though isn't this dope though you know look at this beautiful parking job it's not bad for having i i opted for the less flat part because it was the taller part [Music] these are some big guns on this ship yeah i'll say i think it would be quite useful with a full team on it yeah it's supposed to be one of the better um like uh very high risk and extremely high risk target uh hunting ships like you should be able to take out a hammerhead an npc hammerhead in it anyway literally this looks awesome also what's going on with my ship yeah did you take up your helmet i think you yeah so um i didn't but it's fine no i'm just taking the wait stay there stay there stay there i'm just taking the world's like most awesome screenshot it just literally looks like you're about to ski down with the constellation ah be so cool if they had skis or jet packs in this game this game definitely needs jet packs well i mean they already kind of got the tech right with the like when you're in space like how different can that be just change the speeds yeah you put some gravity into it and whatever right definitely didn't pick the right outfit for doing epic screenshots like look how cool we are that ship is perfectly parked it's perfect you know what if you just rotate the camera about 45 degrees it looks like i parked it in a flat terrain you know it looked fine oh god oh no okay no no no no wait i kind of want to see what happens here okay that's not what i was expecting at all interesting yeah i guess that kind of makes sense it's kind of heavy all right we can definitely get this thing back up in the air well if we can get back up into the ship we try it now the question is you see look at this right here you see that yeah this that's our lifeline right there yeah the net okay nose is a load-bearing object all that glass the horrifying thing about this is if this stops then we die at night nope the nose is doing its job cool make sure we don't get crushed to death oh wow look at the view on the skyline from here because of the angle that kind of looks cool it'd be fun you know what's funny you think is like this has its own gravity system inside right so you could you could eat dinner here just in this nauseating angle okay powering on the engines just what would happen if you like lifted the landing gear i wonder you mean before taking it off um okay let's give it a try oh interesting okay smooth i did give it a tiny bit of lift there so yeah it worked i love as well how we've been doing this for like we did a mission and we did that for like half an hour but the rest of the time we've been literally doing nothing but it's been like so much fun i know like i've got that it's it's almost funny because you're like oh i haven't been progressing my my wallet or my character my reputation and like that kind of like nags you for like half a second then you're like wait a minute this game is amazing i don't need to do i don't need to do any of that gamey stuff that other games do you just want to explore [Music] that's not bad actually i'm telling you it gets crazy cold okay so the so this this one with the orange thing here that's a trading hub right so you could actually go over there now buy a bunch of like uh i don't know one of the like natural mind resources that this base collects and then go and fly it over to like new babbage and sell it there for profit like that's kind of like the very basic level of trading right now trading's pretty boring at the moment but but could you like make a substantial amount of money out of that or uh yeah i your ship seems like it's got decent cargo you won't make a huge amount if you had like a hercules you can start making more per run okay but yeah if you buy the cargo and you go back to your hercules you'll see all these cargo boxes in the cargo bay it's kind of cool so i've got the gray cat golf cart which is actually kind of fun and then is that the ptv uh yeah okay yeah i've got that i don't know if it's interior counts there's like a um the other thing i've got is the rover yeah i might spawn in ursa rover okay i got there's two buttons in like the console to the right and they both say use but i don't know what that means yeah damn it's not working man what the hell i i have this um issue with ground vehicles yeah there you go oh what the hell yeah you got it okay that's working there oh dude oh whoa you're fine so this is full gravity if you start doing jumps on the moons you get like hundreds of feet of air it's wild wow this is cool yeah so they're supposed to be um they're gonna once they add fauna to this game there's gonna be like these yeti creatures that live out here dude i swear you could say anything i'm like whoa like the amount of times but doesn't it all sound awesome i know every time i'm like wow that sounds awesome i want to go yeti hunting in an ursa rover and one dude's just like on the turret mowing them down is it going to be like a trade situation for you gosh i i hope people are wearing yeti skins that would be hilarious got my micro tech yeti fur oh you could um line your oh you could line your bedding in your uh phoenix yeah or like uh make a coat or something right that's cool rug you know like you know how they have those bear rugs with the open mouth yeah yeah just a yeti i have no idea where we're going okay the only thing i'll say is if we get more than 30 kilometers away from the constellation it'll despawn because that's a bug apparently ah dude look how much snow is on that tree oh dude that's cool so i'm driving from the outside of the river the controls are all wacky for ground vehicles but my um helmet cam is aiming the turret so i'm like oh weird yeah you're kind of pointing your head pretty much weirding me out yep hey they definitely programmed in that they're like on your wheels sort of thing yeah oh look there's the uh landing pad that's kind of cool you go that way i think we'll get to out of the snow because we weren't that far into the snow i think it was like right on the edge yeah also allegedly they're gonna have season two in this game which is insane is that with the like uh orbiting the planet of the sun sort of a situation i guess i don't know but it sounds so crazy to me because it's just like you could be visiting and like making a youtube video about like this location and then somebody will come here and it'll be like it's covered in 10 feet of snow or or it's like green and yeah lush with life you know it's gonna be like cool you'll be like yeah depending on what time of year you play the game the environment's gonna look different oh wow this is a fun please don't blow up okay we're fine that was a fun jump though oh god i'm not handling it well nice it's got a nice you know what i'll buy that this that this vehicle has an auto stabilization tech it's a bit of a stretch but okay i mean we're flying through space that like yeah so if you start asking questions the whole thing falls apart i get it if we can quantum travel we can have gyro stabilized cars okay yeah that's how they they said i mean they could just invent a thing where the wheels can like move to the other side and the cockpit spins like i could see that that would work oh i think we can fit two uh i know you can fit one i doubt we can fit two oh yeah there's no way to get a second one on here you will have to turn it off because i think the turret like um yeah you're probably right like sticks out when it might jot around perfect okay let's uh press the button oh oh oh god what's up all right i try to open the back oh yeah it's like jammed there was the other door yeah well it jammed into the thing i think it's like half open weird it's pretty wild just parking cars on spaceships man i find it fascinating how they don't like rattle around and explode having fun they did did they they did when it first came out like you couldn't do you could barely be on a spaceship without just like warping through the wall randomly like you go into the funniest one and it i think it does still happen on occasion is um you'll be in like quantum travel and like a ship with like friends and some dude will just go through the wall and they'll just be in quantum space forever and he's like guys guys hello you're like you're gone now buddy this way see where i'm see where i'm pointing yes this is how we this is how we navigate in spaceships okay you just go slightly to the left stand here and i'll be like this way okay no no no it's actually effective are you not aware of um okay so the most expensive ship i've bought that does not exist yet i love that it's called the pioneer it's from consolidated outland and it is a capital class base building ship wow that sounds cool think like bigger than the 890 jump no and it's really flat and kind of has these two prongs that come out and it lands on a planet and then turns into a factory and builds structures that sounds like something out of like a strategy game what the hell yeah exactly it totally from a strategy game so uh yeah you're going to be able to build planets and settlements and have base or build bases and so if you're in a system like stanton which is owned by corporations you'll have to buy chunks of planets or moons that you want to build on um and you'll be able to claim them so they have four by four kilometer plots and eight by eight kilometer plots and then uh yeah right this is blowing up i think you'll be able to claim giant asteroids too so you could build like an asteroid base if you wanted um you can build space stations as well so if you just want to build in space but then if you go out to some place like pyro uh there's no government there so you can build wherever you want you don't have to buy a stake wow um but also if somebody tries to blow up your stuff the government's not gonna come and protect you right they're not going to get a crime stat so like if you buy your land and build something and then somebody shoots at it or something they're going to get a crime rating the police might come after them that kind of thing but if yeah pyro it's sort of like yeah if you want to build you better be able to protect it that's crazy yeah now granted that's all concept right yeah i was gonna say surely that's not like soon right no i'd imagine that's kind that's basically endgame oh wow okay so that's probably after they implement just about every other feature and they'll be like all right base building since we don't even know how it's gonna work yeah that's oh cool your turret hit the ship when they came out nice that's so funny that the turret goes up it's like it literally just doesn't fit i like all the server banks in this in this car oh god here let me put the door up that was kind of cool oh wow i'm putting the door down whoa this is nauseating looking at the back of this thing can you imagine doing like a mission wow it's really like you drift a lot right here yeah no i i can i can't wait for them to um do more mission content i can't close the back door so that's i can do it i'm going to attempt to get into the seat system oh what did i press oh i get into the passenger seat but i don't uh did that power it up here let me pair you up welcome what well i powered on i'm supposed to be able to go into the remote turret from here but can you drive uh i can't move right now where did our ship go oh just look at that that looks so cool just out there it's fine come on okay now we can go yeah dude a mission where like we can just shoot at something mm-hmm and be amazing all these rocks oh nice i can control this turret with my joystick too but that works nicely that part there looks like a freaking postcard i know yeah i do like the constellation a lot it's it's one of the oldest ships in the game yeah i pledged for it when it first dropped and then it's awesome and then that's like obviously i waited ages and then came back to it yeah you must have waited like eight years literally i was like eight years later i can let's check out that chip i bought for like hundreds oh god no i don't know what's that they're probably size one turrets holy oh that is actually nauseating do you should stare at the back of the yeah yeah somebody's driving at 50 miles an hour you're just like oh god i'm gonna puke oh cool i just turned on giant yeah so you have gyro mode and then you can turn it off oh this thing's pretty durable man yeah it's like takes a beating that was um the first iteration of ground vehicles was just like they would explode really so easily i'm so glad i missed all of that because like coming to this experience like it is now is even even though like there are bugs we've encountered bugs like it's still really cool yeah like i think i think it must have been like 65 six years ago whenever they like had their first planet tech in the game and we took this rover down to a planet i believe on a constellation yeah and like it just wasn't this it was so oh my god it was so buggy and just like everything exploded and the vehicles didn't work and people were teleporting into the planets and like half your half year away team was dead just to bugs basically it door's working again i think that's so cool i can't wait to see my screenshot folder when we're done it's not going to be like android it's not even joking yeah yeah yeah oh you know what i want in this game that like would totally like i'm surprised they don't have it but like a way to remotely control your spaceship so like oh yeah the amount of times like the ship like bounces like two feet off the ground you just can't get it bounces or maybe you go on an away mission you're 50 kilometers away and you're just like do i have to run 50 km you know just like let me remote control my spaceship from like say a certain distance and you'd be limited in uh what you can do right yeah okay get better oh god that's what happens sorry if you hit like afterburner or do something that it'll like knock me down whatever did it maybe hit the brakes or something i have no idea i know right the game's very impressive it just needs a little bit more game stuff now yeah yeah it's like oh because i feel like it's almost there you know yeah like right now we're exploring and like at some point the game's gonna be like here's a mission and then you're gonna go on it and you're just your mind's gonna be blown because it's gonna be like a basic mission or it's like kill 10 rats or whatever but it'll be like land on this planet now kill ten rats you know you'd be like oh my god damn rats yeah the classic oh the fc come on oh i'm riding out okay there we go yeah kill 10 yetis these dang these yetis have been eating my village farm yeah yeah that's another thing there's no experience in this game is there like you can't no level up i like that though isn't that cool yeah well if you're a badass fighter pilot you're a badass fighter pilot it's all skill based right yeah that's true actually that's a good point so it is it really is like so they make the learning i think the plan right is to have each profession in each aspect of the game to have like significant depth and learning curves to it where it's almost kind of like you might you might almost hit a skill depth you might almost hit the skill ceiling for say mining but then the knowledge curve for mining like where the good resources are oh yeah it could almost be infinite right yeah so you'd be like oh you want to get some good like beryllium or something you know come with me and like you know where all the good money spots are so like i think that's kind of the plan with the game is like no skill there's not going to be a character sheet where you're like yeah i need more intelligence or whatever i can't mind this rock because i'm only level two mining yeah it'll be like hey if somebody gives you a million bucks now you can buy whatever you want like now you're and you're good to go well obviously not whatever you want but yeah if you've got the ship you can you can use it i like that with the armor and the weapons too they're not like this is your golden gun with plus 10 to like um yeah to yeti's you know plus 10 yeti damage it's like no it's here's here's your machine gun if you found one cool you can use a machine gun now it's not going to like make you god dare it's just going to you're going to have a machine gun yeah good for you it kind of reminds me of like the early days of minecraft when nobody knew what was good and i kind of love that like because you kind of just got to figure stuff out on your own a little bit i like that yeah and i don't and i don't think like like there will be stuff in the game that's probably not like the meta ship or the meta weapon but it doesn't seem like any of it's going to be particularly bad you know yeah like right now if you're like into space fighters the gladius is arguably one of the better light fighters but people love using all of the fighters still it's if you're a great pilot you're gonna beat somebody in just about whatever light fighter you pick yeah that's why i think a lot of like the ships have their own feel like the concert like you were saying the constellation feels really heavy but you could get used to that and then get good at it yeah and then imagine so they're gonna add weight into the game right so imagine you load up your constellation with like cargo in a buggy or whatever and then now you're like coming down onto eda one of the moons and it's there's a storm raging and you're like trying to hold level while setting it down on a landing pad but you're like twice as sluggish as before you know yeah and now your hydrogen fuel is burning down because you're like using as much after burner as possible like i could see how even just basic shipping missions could have like that a certain level of depth to them not to mention if they start adding stuff from um i used to i played this game called frontier pilot simulator which is a weird weird indie game have you heard of it i've not heard of it but okay it's like you play a vtol aircraft on like an alien planet oh no purely have you done a video on it i may have seen you make a video on it to be honest yeah yeah no i think so what was neat about it is they like took the shipping gameplay loop and said here's a massive skill and strategy curve to make it interesting so they're like okay there's hazardous zones you gotta avoid but then like you could also get cargo that was g-force sensitive so imagine like you get super valuable cargo for a mission it's like you can't exceed these men this many g's so now when you come in to do a landing you got to do it you got to ease it in you got to start de-selling like yeah you go figure out like that kind of thing could be really neat yeah it's just they could just go on forever adding features like that like the weight in situations yeah and that's that's relatively basic compared to all the other the crazy stuff you know like base building is crazy uh having a hundred planned systems is crazy uh you know and that's like handcrafted systems right yeah as opposed to lake although i i swear i heard that like because they're building all this engine stuff and it's like getting a lot better or like it's becoming more feature-rich the engine like stuff will come around a lot quicker in some form even if it's buggy it will come it will appear yeah well what's interesting is like i don't have have you seen that sand worm video i think so not for a long time yeah it was like it came out in like 2017. i probably did so like that sand worm is on a planet called lyria 3 or something okay and like the lyria system if you look at the star map on their website they have a really cool interactive star map on their site that shows all the systems all the planned systems it's like 10 jumps away from stanton so they would have to build like 10 systems so they're literally working on planets for systems that are 10 jumps away already so you're like oh are they just building out stuff right now are they just building out the whole universe and then there's just going to be this like massive patches where it's like we added four new systems in this patch oh yeah like i don't have time to explore four systems in the next month that's insane i feel like like you say they should be doing stuff out because i bet every time they do something like that everyone's like oh check out star citizen it's got an update sounds like it's pretty cool yeah so if pyro comes out at the end of the year right pyro's gonna potentially be enough content and interesting stuff to keep people busy for quite a while right yeah it's got i think it's got uh six planets and six moons [Music] oh i lost semi-destroyed stuff and weird things oh can you hear me oh yeah yeah you're back i've got a very um touchy xlr cable on my microphone it's weird i don't know how that's a thing because xlrs are supposed to be very solid but whatever yeah oh wow and then after pyro is the nyx system and then odin and odin is the system that they're building for squadron 42 right and squadron 42 potentially is like a two year out ish project i why do i had a feeling that that was like nearly done why did i have that feeling uh because it's been nearly done for like you know eight years right uh yeah they brought on a another studio that invested in the game that's like apparently helping out a lot with squadron 42 right now so they're making a big push to get that done cool yeah i feel like once they get to that point they actually have a game to sell rather than like a pledge promise situation yeah you've been blowing my mind this whole time with like you can uh do i'm surprised that you got into star citiz you didn't have like a tutor or somebody who was like hey buddy let me show you this game because it's like a game to get into yeah i just come without somebody like let me hold your hand past all the horrible bugs that you're going to run into do you want to know the first experience i had coming back from like 2015 or whatever it was so i load up in my constellation area 18 and there's a guy on the train and i'm like really excited there's another player i'm like hey do you want to see my ship and he's like yeah sure so i'll get him on my ship and i'm like blown away and he's talking me through like press u to start the engines he got a phone the like airport people to let you go and all this stuff and it took me like half an hour just to like get out of sort of the landing bay anyway if we go into space and then he hits the self-destruct button and leaves and i blow up and then and i'm like okay welcome to star citizen oh my god it's so funny yeah i was just like here's your tutorial and now all right guys thank you for watching this video if you made it this far in the video thank you for your time i guess and uh i hope it was worth it so yeah drop a comment down below if you made it as far and uh yeah i'll see you beautiful people hopefully in another video take care bye-bye also massive shout out to levelcap who's an absolute legend he's a really cool guy make sure you subscribe to his channel
Channel: Olli43
Views: 360,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star citizen, star citizen gameplay, star citizen 3.17, star citizen game, star citizen news, star citizen guide, star citizen 2022, star citizen ptu, star citizen alpha, star citizen update, exploring star citizen, star citizen microtech, star citizen 3.17 gameplay
Id: fc9V4EF7Pj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 53sec (3053 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2022
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