The BIGGEST ships in Star Citizen...

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all right so it should be here i think somewhere uh docks maybe maybe it's out there oh oh there's this fireworks dude oh my god get over there oh this is the javelin dude [Music] i think i just caught the fireworks there holy whoa oh [Music] did i just catch that coming into port or like i don't think it's leaving i think i literally just caught that coming into port as i got here holy that's huge wow [Laughter] wow oh there's a carrick right there dude oh my word that is insane so this is the javelin guys this is what i've been talking about um over the past like 20 days or so i've been trying to get you guys to use my referral code because when i get to 2017 we actually get one of these that is ridiculous oh look at the look at the cannon on the top there holy that's ridiculous wait there's a is there a guy there is a guy okay we've got a eva that's a great idea look at it it's massive that guy's a good genius i didn't even think to like eva around it like for example just look at one of these turrets it's ridiculous can you see the seat oh you can that's crazy wow holy just imagine oh there's actually people in it wow can you imagine us all manning the ship running around inside we're gonna take a look at it inside in a minute that just looks crazy annoyingly the bridge is all blanked out that's upsetting but look at the size of this cannon here that is crazy right i'm a little bit worried someone's gonna steal my ship so i'm gonna head back to it here like compared to i remember making a video on my constellation phoenix i think i think most of you probably watched that um but i called it a super yacht i was just you know in awe of the constellation phoenix i was like look how amazing this ship is and it is really really cool but then when you put it side by side it doesn't even it's not even the size of the nose you know it's insane that's great right let's go and see if there's a tour going and then hopefully we get to see the fireworks show afterwards uh when it leaves port which would be great guys in the comments section i i know some of you have probably already seen it but let me know in the comment section what you think about the javelin is it as awesome as you expected or were hoping for uh you know now that you've seen it in game what do you think okay this is really awesome so there's the bengal flyby happening at virginia point in 16 minutes and the javelin here is for an hour so i've got plenty of time to do both this is gonna be awesome uh so i'm gonna go back to my ship and just kind of hang out um i'm hoping it flies by probably near the javelin it's also going to be freaking sweet uh should i hang on i might actually swap out and get a different ship i thought we'd take the scorpius a new vehicle for the update out i've recorded a video for it yesterday morning uh it's coming out of my first impressions and you taking it out for a bit of a spin it's an amazing ship um but if you want to make sure you don't miss that video coming out make sure you hit the subscribe button so you don't miss it uh it's genuinely a fantastic ship it might be my favorite ship in the game right now um the way the wings come out i like this isn't my first impressions but look at this let's turn it on here but watch this are you ready this is gonna blow your minds ah so cool right that's better oh my goodness there it is oh dude that's huge thank you and please visit again wow oh there's so many people here as well wow dude look at it so this is another capital ship wow look at this that is amazing it's great to see actually in action look at the detail here so cool i gotta get a little bit close to it because i just need to see like the sizings of what look at the bridge along the top there that's awesome dude look at it it's got a runway wait what's this up here oh my goodness the frame rate right now is that an idris oh my word so there's okay so that's another ship that isn't actually out yet called the idris which is a pretty big ship uh pretty big capital ship i think even that is huge holy why don't i get too close yeah that's massive but when you compare it to literally this that is incredible oh look someone's in the 600i that looks amazing that looks so cool oh my word i'm so glad we caught it oh look this guy's going for it what's he doing now is he trying to land on it he mad man trying to match his speed here that is insane isn't it i cannot get over it wow i'm so lucky right now oh my word hello thumbnail my old friend so we've got a carrot there so that is we saw it yesterday oh no wait that's not a pisces that's a carrick why is that saying pisces so that's a character that's currently like one of the biggest ships in the game you can fly just to put it into perspective oh my word that is seriously cool look at the size of him that is ridiculous yes i know oh i just love the fact that it's obviously got a runway on the top hang on see if i can get closer look at it hang on [Music] oh my goodness there's a bad guy right there oh no oh oh my word lol sorry the 600i the big ship literally must have touched it and then the army just absolutely destroyed him anyway i wanted to show you the runway a little bit closer if i could so you see that right where i'm looking right now wait no am i there we go do you see that underneath me right there whoa the runway there [Music] very cool oh my word screenshot time oh the perfect moment oh it looks so good it's insane like even the turrets on the top it kind of looks ridiculous doesn't it wow look at that for comparison oh my goodness i've just seen the cannons underneath it you seen that imagine being shot with those things oh no dude careful why is it with people trying to land and touch the big dangerous ship holy that was awesome oh my word that was cool oh my word what the heck oh my this guy's got mental oh my oh what he's literally dodging every shot that looked insane oh my word let's go and check out the javelin because uh i'm really excited for that because there wasn't much time left on the javelin i decided to basically go for lunch come back and apparently it's about to arrive oh my god there's fireworks happening right now i thought i'd be really cool to catch this oh dude i really just want to catch this as we get close look at that that looks insane oh whoa easy what the raven is the javelin is it coming in i have no idea where it would be holy what the is that it there it's pitch black so it's impossible to see we gotta get close or is it just coming in hey hey hey look at that that's way better than before dude come on that is the most awesomest thing you've ever seen holy damn we just caught that just in time what that is mental there's a character right there that is insane hold up part of me just really wants to like eva but i don't want to miss the last bit hang on wow should we fly through there oh that was the end right there yeah you see i would have missed right at the end holy that was cool all right let's uh ah i'm so glad that i went and had lunch that was awesome uh let's go and do the tour okay so i'm assuming it's going to be here at security port a because usually that's not here so i'm going to assume that's where it is um i'll just leave the phoenix there hopefully they won't get mad and remove it but i'm so hyped i could like i can't tell you how long i've like i've got javelins in my wallpaper this is the picture i have as my wallpaper on my pc uh i'm really really want us to hit that milestone so i can get as many of you watching my videos on the javelin when it comes out i think that would be absolutely insane we can do our own flybys you know uh so to be able to tour it inside is like very very cool now i know for a lot of veterans you've probably already seen this whoa oh is that it that it is wow it's in daylight as well that looks insane hi let's go um by the way timing wise we've got one hour 20 so loads of time i'm not suggesting this video end up being an hour 20 but uh i mean you never know so yeah be interesting to find out but i do want to watch it leave the station as well get that firework situation so stay tuned for that because that would be cool oh whoa hey dude what's up welcome aboard oh ees warhammer as part of this year's invictus celebrations i'd like to invite you to take a look around and get an up-close look at an active military vessel some of the actual crew members have graciously volunteered their time to explain what life is like aboard the ship i would like to remind you that the entire ship is not available for exploration so please be respectful of unauthorized areas thank you and enjoy your visit oh that's so cool it's like npc's giving you a tour where the heck do i go let's just head in this direction i suppose this is super awesome looks like a turret or something turret five holy is that window nice oh okay so we've got our first blockade here all right yeah i don't know how much of the ship is available to see but down here another block at another stop ah just imagine guys when we can walk around this entire ship it'll be so cool but it looks really nice though okay what is this oh this is whoa i guess like a ship like this you need holy hang on oh the mess hole sorry dude look at all the bunk beds is this person going to talk to me are you going to talk to me is there anyone here to talk to me more bunk beds can i just log out here let's try it hang on oh you can don't mind me uh oh no there's no log out that would be amazing if you could just wake up in the uh in the next area just have a little nap on the javelin that'd be so cool okay so this is the mess hall oh that's interesting hello everyone whoa my name's lieutenant horrigan and as you can probably tell this is warhammer's mess hall definitely one of the more popular spaces on the ship the mess has a fully automated dispensary since we operate on rotating shifts we have a standard crew compliment of 65 to 70 and meals need to be available at all times so we have a culinary team always on duty ready to lend support pilot harry o'reilly was once quoted as saying if you ever want to take the temperature of a ship's crew spend 20 minutes in their mess now this is one of the main social areas of the ship's where crew members from different departments can catch up in their own downtime we also use the mess for social events like birthdays holidays and promotions since it's able to hold so many people our skipper captain metcalf is a big believer in in casual gatherings it's in an effort to entrench camaraderie so we're in here pretty often now you've probably noticed our games in the corner so i'll just address the question that everyone asks yes it's pretty competitive the xo currently has the score to beat anyway i'd like to invite you to have a look around this is very awesome i love the little banners and stuff oh so what's through there don't know another hallway ah it makes me so sad that things are like locked away i guess it makes sense oh more bunk beds okay wait so we came in here yeah there was that woman stood there okay so unless there's an identical woman aha yeah it was different same punk situation oh hello you going to talk guess not first aid oh hi folks oh he's going to talk hello leading starman detmer and this as you've probably guessed is one of the two barracks on the ship and i know i know you must be thrilled to see where navy personnel sleep and let me be the first to tell you it's every bit as exciting as promised javelins are pretty great when it comes to sleeping arrangements as they have enough bunks for the full crew which is amazing because it avoids situations known as hot bunking where you swap out bonks with somebody on the opposite shift and that is horrible this one time on my old ship i had to share with this guy who had just the worst smelling socks and i'm talking you know the military could have weaponized it kind of bad i had to try and fall asleep with that every day so uh yeah after that these bunks are a dream and i'm just thinking that uh actually i don't think my ceo would like me talking about how bad hop bunking is so maybe just forget i said anything anyway uh each one has special slots for personal effects and is capable of sealing you up to give you a little privacy because people are always moving around the barracks sleeping schedules shift slightly too so they can activate the full crew at a moment's notice if the ship enters heavy combat you know so you you're kind of always sleeping with one eye open i mean we get short sleep schedules if we are patrolling dangerous space so i mean you're already grabbing sleep when you can and sorry i am rambling uh otherwise yeah i'm not sure what to tell you this is where we sleep not a whole lot of mystery to it but i hope this has been enlightening please have a look around if you like but don't touch anything in the bunks as this is an active ship and everything in here is the property of the crew so be cool awesome i love the little voice acting they're actually really good i i'm really excited for squadron 42 if that's the quality of voice acting and stuff so this is like a locker room basically it's kind of cool showers etc very nice is this a door i can go through oh it is interesting didn't expect that ooh imagine if we like snuck onto a like sneaky area like started taking out all the people oh another person are you gonna talk you look like you're about to talk no okay oh you got me again my name's lieutenant commander alderman i run the turret compliment aboard the warhammer that means i'm in charge of coordinating fire between our various gunners during a combat engagement in order to maximize combat effectiveness but when we aren't in combat i strive to keep my team sharp by running through engagement drills and simulated encounters now the javelin comes standard with 15 turrets 13 of which have embedded operators there are six turrets like the one you see here that run along the side of the ship each of which is equipped with a pair of seven cannons for larger targets [Laughter] like fighters oh yes we've got four more turrets systems oh it's not active kind of missing the talk there but i mean all the weapons have been deactivated oh okay they've been deactivated oh no fun let me shoot people that's pretty cool they let you get in the seat though that is very exciting i was very uh probably a good thing they were like not working because i would have gone up on one probably cheers lady i'm sure whatever you said was incredibly interesting uh can i go through here doesn't look like it this one looks closed gosh darn it let's have a little wonder another window is that an escape pod you guys all want to get out the escape pod dear interesting uh we got another turret is this going to take us back oh okay so this takes us back to where we were interesting um [Music] welcome aboard here we go sleeping cause see i know my way around now there was it looked like a downstairs area or like looking upstairs yeah there's like a downstairs and an upstairs let's have a look upstairs i just honestly can't believe how big this ship is it's like an actual place holy where are we going now armory briefing room all right so the armory is closed briefing room oh yeah i want to see if the okay another guard come on briefing room oh wow this is cool hello welcome to the uees warhammer this javelin class destroyer was originally built by aegis dynamics it has been its active service since 2832. launching under the command of captain omar singh the ship initially served as a combat support vessel i'm a terrible person i'm sorry the warhammer saw action during the fall of caliban in 2884 where it protected retreating civilian and naval forces when the system ultimately fell earning a ribbon for valor in the process for the next several days transition between fleets in a variety of support and patrol positions even participating in the uee push to reclaim the nexus system in the 2930s most recently the warhammer distinguished itself as the primary combat vessel to repel the outlaw group known as xenothread from the stanton system since then the warhammer has been placed in drydock for repairs but is heading back to active service once this year's invictus festivities are concluded nice name you're currently seated in is the main briefing room for the entire ship wow based around a hollow volume built by microtech the crew gathers here to discuss everything from battle strategies to repair schedules that is insane i'm going to keep walking because i don't want you guys to get bored uh oh it looks like we can go this way ah so many guards everywhere oh i said what the okay bye dude okay so this is goes around in a loop okay gotcha armory that way right i know where i am now right let's have a look downstairs it's so awesome if you haven't already you should definitely come check this place out it's so cool but let's see what's down here oh is this guy just there's nothing down here for you sort of a situation no it looks like there is all right chill out self-destruct sequence initiated oh my god can you imagine oh where the heck are we going oh this is kind of eerie hey guys hey what's up uh what's in here manual override i'm guessing this is a docking area or something or a lift wait a minute oh i thought that was a thing so what's down there oh there's a guy down there is it a turret is this like the big big boy turret is that what it is kind of insane i'm sorry hang on i'll keep an eye out for signs and see what it says because usually if you pay attention it will tell you i guess not oh scanning so i guess this is like a like to the bridge maybe or something it's interesting because there's gonna be hacking in the game to open certain doors so if you're like your ship gets boarded you can remain sort of in in there locked safe away unless the team trying to get to you have like a hacking uh ship or something so that's really cool oh i feel like i've seen everything which is really bumming me out i wanted to go to the bridge so bad ah [Music] it's cool seeing everyone arriving though that's kind of awesome all right let's settle down yes whatever my name is lieutenant commander alderman i run the turret dude [Music] the only thing i haven't seen yet is the fireworks show afterwards so yeah i guess i'm gonna sit around for an hour it's gonna be good okay so to compare the huge javelin which is just you know massive i thought we'd compare it to an equally awesome argo cargo look at this little guy this might be the cutest ship in star citizen i've been saving this for its own little video but look he got one red button to open it look it's quite nice actually you got like a glass floor you have to crouch around you got a nice little seat here got a cage for post whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa easy well that was cool it almost blew me up anyway so um you gotta love it so yeah i thought we'd uh compare this little guy to the to the javelin so while we're waiting for it to take off let's go and have a little like closer look it's in daylight as well now which is kind of cool wow we were just here so look for perspective sake there is i gotta be really careful i don't hit it here because if i hit it i'm gonna die very quickly there's the bridge okay this ship is smaller than the bridge look at that that is insane look at the cannons on top by the way huge this is a great time to actually have a little look actually because whoa because before i was kind of doing a little tour but you can really see all the detail but now you can little cargo ships actually pretty zippy let's have a look down the barrel here look at that so you've got two massive cannons as i understand it which is awesome and that looks great can we i'm like i really want to just you know have a little wander down there but i'm kind of scared maybe in a bit so you got a turret there you got a turret there look how massive it is and then we sat in the turrets along the side there so you got three there another three there it's insane this is just the top as well there's probably more underneath and then you've got a huge cannon there but yeah let's have a look underneath here so underneath whoa yeah so underneath you can see another huge sort of right in front of me cannon set up right there this is why you have a small little ship guys because you can get up close i mean to be honest you know if i was zipping around in this thing i don't know if they'd be able to shoot me because look i'll just go in the middle and i'm fine [Laughter] oh that's amazing and then obviously if i go underneath so you've got a cargo lift there it's pretty neat you got three more turrets underneath oh easy easy easy this thing is super zippy actually two more on the front this thing just has so much firepower it's kind of ridiculous and this is why i cannot wait until this little community we have on this channel comes together to pilot this thing that would be such an event we'd have to live stream wouldn't we we'd just have to because like imagine just all of us taking off in this and people like seeing if they can go up against us we'd absolutely just blow it away we'd have to have a space battle with another youtuber or something that'd be super awesome actually i think i picked the perfect ship for this literally if there's a better ship for this by the way let me know in the comment section but i think i've i think i've nailed it i think it was a great choice i can't wait till the fireworks pop off okay i've picked the perfect spot to watch the javelin fireworks show uh look at this how perfect is this review i mean i was just gonna crouch or sit down somewhere but i thought you know let's let's just go all out let's just uh get the get the best for you in the house it's gonna be great come on i thought this is genius i'm not sure if i actually said guys if you are looking to pick up the game uh there's a free uh week or so where you can play the game for free uh so if you use the link in the description uh it puts in my referral code so if you do end up buying it uh you get bonus credits uh when you sign up uh but the next 10 days or so on nine days from when this video is posted the game is free to play so it's a great opportunity for you to download the game and see if it runs well on your system and see what you think i just thought i'd mention that whilst uh we're waiting for the big finale oh wow oh dude whoa oh my goodness that looks amazing quickly quickly [ __ ] this [ __ ] [ __ ] the ship that was so awesome holy oh my word what am i watching oh that was so cool oh dude wow oh yeah honestly that was epic [Music] that was so worth the wait i waited like an hour for that guys that was so worth it i'm guessing it i i've been told don't be surprised guys that it's gonna like disappear in a minute i think it just disappears i'm not sure if that's true but that's what i've been told but there you go the javelin the scale of these ships guys it's just absolutely unreal please don't ram into me and kill me okay i'll be most upset it's kind of just sitting there though it's kind of weird look at my argo it's tiny should probably step back a little bit just in case it does move so where's it going usually it says on the map where it's going next oh it doesn't actually say here ah there you go all right guys thank you for watching the video if you enjoyed it and you made it this far let me know with a juicy like let's go let's see if i can reach 22 likes and uh if you enjoyed it um free feel free to let me know with a comment as well because i love reading them but yeah there you go that is the biggest ships in star citizen tours and flybys it's been great i'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Olli43
Views: 359,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star citizen, star citizen gameplay, star citizen 3.17, star citizen game, star citizen news, star citizen guide, star citizen 2022, star citizen ptu, star citizen alpha, star citizen update, exploring star citizen, star citizen 3.17 gameplay, star citizen invictus 2022, star citizen invictus
Id: DlY8YzRBdwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 27sec (2247 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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