I love this too much.. (Star Citizen)

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okay I'll be honest with you one of my favorite ships in Star Citizen is legitimately this absolute Legend of a ship the Xperia Prowler it's fun to say and honestly like the design of this ship is just next freaking level which hanger am I going to six um alien week is happening soon here in Star Citizen and uh I just thought you know let's get hyped for alien week oh man it's been a while since I've seen this ship it's so cool I've actually gone ahead and um bought this ship now uh so like it's been in my uh you know Wanted list for quite some time but basically it's just a drop ship and actually I'll get on to it later on in the video it's got a lot of problems right now I don't know if it's getting fixed in the next patch but it is just a unique ship design and it's so cool inside I just love it so what I want to do here how do I even get in I can't even remember I here we go open the door here it's been a while whoa look at it so good looks like I'm going into the depths of evil like what the I love this I hope they never change the interior I think they will at some point because um as far as I know anyway there's like they're gonna have to fit in components and I like it's been a while since I've been in the ship but I'm pretty sure there's no just does so detailed inside I'm pretty sure there's like even the ladder design is unique there's no components let me just go upstairs and have a little little look but yeah it is purely a maybe in here okay so there are some components but like you know there's no way how am I ever gonna get this component out of here oh I guess through the door no that's more components the doors are downstairs okay so all the components are here but there's absolutely no chance they need like a hatch or something man that's gonna be this is gonna need a rework honestly because like with all the new components of Star Citizen you're gonna have to be able to replace these parts if they explode so yeah that needs a rework at some point so I guess it's on the list in the future but right now I just love the design it's so cool it's got this really unique kind of uh drop ship effect so I don't know if you can see I don't even know if it's on right now but there's like a force field that goes there or like a shield airlock it's basically so you can open it without opening it and it's super cool I think I'm writing that uh well I just said that but yeah it's just such unique cool design I can see it's got a bit of a cult following this ship and this is cool watch this I'm just I haven't oozed over a ship in quite some time look at this okay so you might be thinking hey Ollie you can't see anything right now and you're absolutely right until I turn on the screen I never gets old holy crapola what is that 200 meters away guess someone exploded and there's Luke over there um yeah it's just such a cool let me just sit up here look at the animations for the kind of like it looks so animalistic I think would be the right term but you've got these like giant Shield Force builds I think that's what those things are that's what they look like right let's open up all the doors it is honestly so it's just like this ship is cool Factor 100 right so if I press K here is it okay I thought it was okay let's press n wait yeah okay right so I can press K now so if we've got landing gear down this is how it lands lift up the landing gear and you've got this kind of amazing silhouette of a ship oh it's so good love it I hope they never change a ship well like I said we'll get on to like the problems with the ship and there is quite a few at the moment and I feel like my Prowler Brothers out there will be watching this oh there's a little ladder at the front nice um we'll be watching this in Midnight absolutely there are problems and I hope he talks about it so yeah let's just uh go to daymore here just want to go and look at it in its natural habitat uh now the reason why I'm gonna go to Damar and not just do it here is because what oh yeah this is what I'm talking about this chap oh no no no this happened in one like a video of mine before I'm pretty sure this guy's after me so I've for those of you that don't know actually you can probably see it okay it doesn't show me I have a crime stat of five I'm like the most wanted I am a valuable Bounty so people have been waiting for me outside of Hangar doors all week um I'm trying to level up uh for an f8 lightning whole nother video I'll put a commentation to that if you want to see some more info um but yeah let's see got here oh Vanguard oh that's not good as a player there as well can you see it cool it's like collision and stuff there's a lot of debris outside my hangout what the hell okay he these people might be friendly players or they might just be after me we're about to find out actually I'm gonna spool up first where's my okay he's in that direction but like okay first things first look how freaking awesome this looks man in the in the cockpit it's I could don't often get this giddy right I'm gonna go very slowly yeah because people just come out of hangers and they just crash he might just be a friendly player he's not actually facing me okay yeah I've actually exploded just coming out of hangers recently um there's an update coming very soon so I'm not too worried about it but holy no obstructed come on let's get out of here yeah there's people people are gonna come after me guys what look at that for a Quantum animation this is so good all the ships manufacturers have slightly different um animations but I think that one's one of the best 100 right so as you can see top right we've got the max wanted level so we'll go and do some bad guy missions in a minute because actually this thing has some pretty fairly okay Firepower for the pilot and that's one of the issues to get onto later but I just want to see this in its natural habitat because it's so freaking cool like if there's a ship to to make easy thumbnails with this is it honestly it's so good oh something's happening hold up what is that or something on the is that something I can get now or it sounds so good listen to it I don't know if it's meant to have like be evil but like the whole ship no that's not a player I can get to the whole ship just has this evil um look at this holy crap hold up what's this just just just just just watch oh my instantly a good thumbnail instantly you just can't take bad screenshots of this thing holy so good I absolutely love it but yeah anyway I was just saying I'm not sure if this is meant to have like evil Vibes or like bad guy Vibes but man I want Xperia to create a uh like a ship like this that's like a heavy fighter in this style kind of tavaran so if I'm not mistaken right I don't know I don't really know my ships too well I just know the manufacturer in the Xperia I do have some cool ships for you to buy oh it's the Racecourse this would do hang on just land here oh shoot oh a bit too hot there oh man this bird don't have brakes bro that is so freaking cool I'm gonna reverse a bit again what a thumb that oh man the sandstorm it actually did me dirty there it does need a rework like those control panels there look very modern day human Tech right and everything else looks so opposite I guess maybe that's the purpose but you see what I mean like this does not match everything else anyway who am I to say um how do I get out of this thing here it is exit ship turn off my head tracking for the moment it's gonna be hot out here that actually freaked me out I thought there was a genuine other ship here like oh my word it looks so good oh damn now there's a screenshot sorry this video isn't meant to be me taking screenshots of cool ships but I mean here we are love it so good right let's take it for some bounties ah the sounds man what is so good you got two slave from the turret which are meant to be for the co-pilot but they don't work at the moment and then you've got the two deadbolts which do pretty good damage so we're gonna have an interesting time giving this a go really all right so I've got a bounty locked in for us to do um so yeah I'll talk about the problems with the prowler while we're getting there so I was actually watching a video from uh four Forks gaming another fellow YouTuber of a Star Citizen uh I'll link to his video down the description by the way because it was really good and I always watch so many Star Citizen content creators and go man I need to do a better job with my videos like genuinely anyway I was watching this guy's video and um he explained how there's been issues with this ship for like two years that haven't been addressed yet and considering this is over a 400 pound ship I would like to think the people that have spent that kind of money on this ship deserve to have the ship looked at at some point soon if not you know should have been done by now so uh I guess you know I want to put a shout out and say the problem needs some fixes so I think there's a I think he mentioned there was a problem with like um I mean you should go watch the video I'll link to it in the description like I said but one of the few things is like the uh secondary turret person um disables weapons or messes up weapons for the pilot which is kind of weird also the prowler actually has like a really low armor HP um I don't think this ship should have armor personally I think it should just have the capability to run really big shields um because I think that is would make more sense I don't know if you guys agree with that but he said in the video um you know it should fall in line with other ships such as the valkyrie which is this ship here um I like I personally think it should just be really well shielded and just have massive Shields um but hey I don't know and I haven't flown the prowler all that much so so yeah seeing as it's a drop ship I kind of feel like it should be um you know it should get to use its Dropship capabilities which means just like go into enemy fire land drop all the troops and leave the problem is right now and I think you put it pretty eloquently it's like this ship you can hold a few people back there right um but they're not going to trust you in a Prowler they'd much rather get in a valkyrie which is a bit of a shame because it is a very cool ship so there was other things as well um they've been issues for like two years so I don't know like hashtag get the prowler working because it is so freaking cool it's such a well-designed ship it will need an update soon with the component situation but yeah um I'm excited for alien week because we're going to get other ships like this to fly um I think we're getting a new ship pretty soon which is kind of cool and I have not seen an enemy yet which is a little bit weird I'm gonna get ambushed on I whoa what that's no moon what the frick that was freaking lucky holy I'm so glad that was caught on video I'm gonna say this guy's my target it's usually a Herald let's just attack him the server's obviously being a bit slow I have never seen our nose I've never seen that before that asteroid just like appeared bro okay wow that Herald is tanky right um wait does this not have decoys okay that's a freaking problem I don't like that all right so this is actually my target uh someone said in my video actually you can select components so you can actually shoot like engine stuff that is a genius shower by the way I did not know that okay this is not really a fair representation of the ship the enemy is a really uh giving me any backlash here there we go goodbye engine that is such a cool feature especially when you're fighting um annoying ships like the Cutlass black oh shoot all right calm down bro let's just get rid of him that was a nice easy Bounty wasn't it I can't believe that asteroid though oh really I can't really like I'm actually like a little bit struck because I slowed down and then it appeared makes me never want to come into the asteroid field ever again all right let's just uh load up another bounce here I'm sorry I'm doing like bounties back to back but honestly I just want to get a good little Bounty going okay so I didn't uh find a bounty just yet but I did find another great screenshot potential look how cool this looks [Music] it looked good it looked real good right I was just looking at this I don't think it works it was a bit of a shame but apparently I'll have to make another video so make sure you subscribe for it apparently some ships now the stealth bottom works again so specifically uh the eclipse so I'll definitely be making a video on that soon so that should be quite cool um but let's see if I've confined another contract here it's running obviously the server is a little bit slow today so yes no nothing yet sad times I really want another mission though okay this is really weird I actually do think stealth Works guys but kind of but not really because I pressed the button I'll show you when I come out of quantum here I push the button and then I couldn't fly properly super weird uh I don't know if this is this is clearly not intentional but it's like it restricts my engine power and then I'm flying all over the place like some poor dodo I don't understand let me just show you this so come out quantum right and I press stealth I think I missed that oh I pushed the wrong button I pushed viewport off all right so push stealth you can see it's like locked in here right I think right am I flying okay now I can't tell honestly like my em and IR are basically the same so I'm not sure also I want to see what this is also this is fine now but it did restrict my power I don't know but there was a moment I wasn't recording so you don't see you won't be able to see it maybe someone will be able to go and do some testing for me but um there was definitely a moment before oh hello and an arrow and a stalker I gotta have a look at this oh this is a piece of property and I'm trespassing hey guys oh it's a bunker got ya that's awesome though oh shoot and that looks so cool right let's do this bounty in atmosphere yeah I don't know what was going on there was definitely like something weird going on with my engines when I went into stealth mode before who knows all right we're coming in here we're pretty close um I've already said it enough but holy damn this look good it looks so good I'm actually very happy that we've not been targeted yet but the fact also sorry I'm just very passionate about this the fact that there's no decoys with this ship really means it needs big shields big armor because holy that's not cool dude like especially if you're a drop ship right well we've got here oh we're mantis okay cool let's uh let's provide some delightful uh we got saber saber mantis nice cool all right wake him up hello welcome that's quite a lot of his Shields there this is yeah like I say this is not useful really in a dog fight especially without flares I'm just gonna have to eat it like an absolute champion you managed it no not the missiles guys chill I'm actually gonna keep fighting these Sabers here I don't need to and they'll probably kill me but I kind of want to see the soft death situation and if I do kill them then hey jokes on them right oh I don't actually have that much oh no oh that's okay that is bad oh no I know I'm I'm somewhat lost a wing okay I need to break am I gonna hmm I have blacked out ladies and gentlemen I oh I'm back I'm back I'm back okay slow speed slow speed oh okay all right there we go okay I'm just gonna have to do this really carefully oh God this is not good this is not looking good at all oh no all right you know what we're gonna we're gonna just hit accelerate and we're gonna hope we don't explode oh God that's fully my wing okay that is actually full speed oh wait Vito off maybe maybe that's look no no beats oh I need beats oh oh geez no no not again Mark Shields oh dear okay that's just uh uh this video might be coming to an end ladies and gentlemen I'm back I'm back I'm back okay so I can move slightly okay we might be able to it's it's still here we're still here I just need to be a turret I am a turret I am a turret I've only got I'm only shooting one at a time come on for me please oh no not the missiles that's like the last thing I can this might be the end [Music] okay okay I am screwed ah guys okay I need to land ing gear what the frick man's wrong with you this is a this is a bad situation I'm just gonna oh no I just realized I have no land again Okay this may be painful okay this okay okay oh wow this is bad oh this is very bad okay let's just get out the pilot see okay the ships actually just been disabled I am on my side can I get out please no this is what I'm going oh no wait I am upstairs what uh everything's upside down oh this is horrible I'm upside down in this foreign well that concludes this video ah guys if you enjoyed it uh drop a like more videos with alien week coming soon bye-bye
Channel: Olli43
Views: 63,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star citizen, star citizen gameplay, star citizen game, star citizen news, star citizen guide, star citizen 2022, star citizen alpha, star citizen update, star citizen 4.0, star citizen pyro, star citizen early access, star citizen leaks, star citizen 3.19, star citizen fury, star citizen new ships, star citizen quick money, star citizen prowler, star citizen alien week, star citizen alien ships
Id: 1C1VNo2tIAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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