Star Citizen 3.19.1 - Ship tier list for VHRT bounty hunting solo! (With timestamps!)

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hey folks we've been through the ringer with the last few patches but we're back with a new vhrt bounty hunting tier list for solo players I'm only taking combat performance into consideration for this tier list and ignoring any additional utility that multi-role ships might have since this is a solo tier list I'm also ignoring multi-crew performance this list is based on my experience flying all of these ships so low in hundreds of single and group bhrt bounties with different loadouts in the 319 patches I've shared my preferred fits in a link in the description if you want to see what I'd use and if you think I missed something let me know I'd love to learn from your experience too [Music] a lot has changed with ships and weapons in the 318 and 319 patches missile targeting was chained to be more consistent among the missile types missile and Ballistic damage mostly penetrates straight through Shields and ship hulls have a huge resistance to ballistic damage check out the video linked for more info on specific details enemies in bounty hunting missions also have significantly more health and take about two to three times as much damage to kill compared to before 319 and we've still got the infinite size to front Shields bug where if you shoot directly at the front Shield of a vhrt target with a size 2 shield the damage gets registered against the back shield and then doesn't do anything after the back Shield is down so you need to land your shots from the side or the rear to do damage they've also added a few new ships to bounty hunting contracts like massive Tanki reclaimers to hrts and up and moles as wingmen and erts and these things along with the fact that a lot of servers have a much more responsive AI means that bounty hunting is a lot harder than it used to be so getting the right ship for the job is more important now than it was previously PS combined with tankiness or maneuverability matter much more than before so those shifts will end up higher and many ships that relied on only one strength may fall a bit the rankings reflect the dramatically increased difficulty so keep that in mind in case your favorite ship isn't ranked highly it's not a fun to fly tier list it's a vhrt combat performance one the S tiers for shifts that are still easy mode and can still kill quickly and relatively safely while making the highest income while bounty hunting he tiers for ships with strong DPS that can reliably kill targets so these are ships that I found myself coming back to the B tier is for ships that are combat capable but may need to dip out during combat to recharge Shields depending on what the enemy spawns are or how the engagement goes the sea tier is for ships that will struggle against tough spawns due to the lack of effective DPS or lack of tankiness and may need to kill wingmen to safely kill the main target the detailers for ships that will be a challenge and you wouldn't use them unless you were just looking to have fun and lastly the F tier is basically all the other ships when piloted solo so I'm not going to mention them to try to keep this video from being too long also I want to take a second to thank Iceman sivadkas Delta Lima and Pratchett for providing me money and fitted shifts to test with after a 319.1 wiped a ton of my stuff I appreciate it guys that said let's get into it we're kicking this off with the origin 125a which ranks high in the d-tier that's because it only has one size one shield for defense and two size three hardpoints for a low DPS output it's also not very durable with the low hit point Hull that has engines and guns integrated into the wings which can be blown off with the more active Ai and ballistics and missiles penetrating Shields this becomes a real issue for Less durable ships and makes the 125a not a great choice for vhrt bounties even despite its excellent maneuverability the 325A is the combat variant of the origin 300 series and it lands in the middle of sea tier it has mediocre DPS with two size three hardpoints and a size 4 on the nose but it comes with a decent missile payload and decent maneuverability this is more important in 319 since an initial volley of missiles can disable components on your Target and the extra maneuverability is useful since you may need to get away quickly to recharge your Shields now that combat takes longer if one of your wings gets blown off the ship it is challenging to control so you have to watch your Shields you could also use the 300i which performs only a bit worse than the 325A with a smaller size 3 nose hardpoint and two missiles instead of the eight of the 325A I wouldn't recommend the 315p and 350r variants for vhrts though since the 315p only has two size three hardpoints and the 350r has a really flimsy Hull the 600i has moved up from the top of B tier to the top of a tier and 319 for two good reasons the most important one is that the 600i got a huge Hull HP buff more than tripling its body nose and total Hull hit points these are important since the body or the nose or the sections of the ship that have to get to zero to make the ship enter the soft death or explode in the past even the smaller ballistic pass-through damage would disable parts of the ship whereas now you can have targets literally Ram into you and they explode in your fun it feels amazing the other big reason this ship moves up is that enemies and vhrts have had their effective Hull HP dramatically increased and the super tanky reclaimer has also been added to as a vhrt Target this means ships with big DPS are much more useful than they used to be since combat takes a larger chunk of the total time in bounties whereas in the past combat was pretty quick and most of your time was spent in between traveling to targets in the 600i Shore comes with big DPS with its three size five cannons huge capacitor and also some big tankiness in its two size three Shields covering its newly thick Hull It's very effective to enter combat with your power fully set to Shields for even more tankiness and only set the power to weapons to recharge the weapon ammo as needed you've also got 16 size 3 missiles to help deal with the smaller hurricane targets that might be a bit trickier to hit overall this is a fantastic ship for bounties now the only thing is holding it back from s tier are the facts that it's still really slow with a ton of inertia on its pitch and yaw axis and it also didn't quite make the same kind of income per hour and my testing is the S tier Ships coming in around 380 000 Alpha UEC per hour whereas the S tier ships are all over 400k it also only has 25 decoys so you have to be a bit stingy against incoming missiles the origin 85x lands near the bottom of the detail it's got decent maneuverability and four size when hardpoints but it's got really small capacitor and the size when hardpoints overheat with laser cannons equipped so it's definitely going to struggle against tankier targets like Valkyries and reclaimers to put the nail in the coffin it's only got one size one Shield a really flimsy Hull and no missiles to help it soften targets before engaging them the Aries Inferno and Aries ion are sister shifts by Crusader that both land near the middle of the sea tier with The Inferno having a giant size 7 ballistic Gatling and the ion having a big size 7 Laser cannon ballistic Gatling on The Inferno shoots projectiles at the slower 700 meters per second Cannon speed and it also has a short spool of time so It's tricky to aim against some smaller fighter targets like hurricanes and even wardens but it's fine against larger ships like dockeries in the redeem reclaimers and the fact that the ballistics mostly penetrate Shields help it immensely since this means you'll never have to worry about the infinite size 2 front Shield bug where you hit a Target and the front and the back Shield goes down without ever doing any hole damage a laser cannon of the ion shoots at almost two rounds per second so it feels a bit more like a repeater and that you need to trace your Target's trajectory to do decent DPS instead of just lining them up for a split second for a big shot doing big Alpha damage it's a bit trickier to use than a typical Laser cannon since it's very difficult to aim but it does have a massive capacitor matching the constellations the Corsair and the 600i most of these ships also have two size two shields in okay maneuverability for a heavy fighter but the thing that helps bring both of these ships up into the sea tier is the fact that they also come with a pretty massive missile payload you always get 12 size 3 missiles an additional two size five racks that are flexible so you could do something like 16 size 2 missiles or two size five torps this can really help you against smaller targets like the warden or the hurricane just one thing to be wary of though is that I've hit myself with my own size 5 Torpedo launching from The Inferno twice in 319.1 so I'd recommend only launching them from SCM speed no faster the arrow has dropped drastically from the a tier to the C tier in 319.1 thanks to the more deadly AI the much tankier targets and the low DPS hardpoint layout of the arrow these characteristics aren't unique to the arrow though so actually most light Fighters are dropping down quite a bit compared to where they were before the arrow has a decent Hull and missile payload for a light fighter a really small profile excellent agility in zero g and a decent weapon Loadout with two size three hardpoints and two size ones it's also incredibly fun to fly and fight in thanks to its excellent pitch roll yaw Precision but it only has one size one shield and the size one weapon hardpoints mean that if you wanted to equip cannons to help you deal with the tankier targets like Valkyries and reclaimers you'd be overheating the size on cannons and therefore handicapping your DPS potential and unless you're doing bounties only in our Corp you're always going to end up having to deal with some tricky Bounty spawns like Valkyries or hurricanes in atmosphere where the drag slows you down so you can't use your Mobility to keep that size one Shield up and the turrets on those vhrt ships well they only want one thing and it can get pretty disgusting the Aurora series finds itself near the bottom of d-tier primarily due to its handling and DPS hardpoints it has two size one Shields which is pretty respectable for a ship this size but it really needs them because it has a very low SCM speed and a below average Hull HP it greatly struggles to maneuver an atmosphere even while at the SCM speed which makes any sort of combat maneuvering tricky but it does pretty decently in zero g unfortunately since all of its hardpoints are size 1 it does have issues with Canon's overheating so if you come up against a reclaimer and a vhrt like I did in this clip it'll take you forever to kill it on the plus side it does have nice headlights so that bodes well if I ever make a headlight tier list The Avengers series makes it close to the middle of the sea tier in 319 just behind the 325A it shares similar properties to the 325A and having one size four and two size three weapon hardpoints but it carries fewer missiles and has poorer turning performance in atmosphere the Avenger does benefit from having a strong straight line boost which is helpful in the middle of combat to get away and recharge your Shields it's also a bit more durable than 325A and doesn't suffer the same severe loss of control when losing a wingtip of the four hulls in The Avengers series there's only three real variants since the Titan Renegade is just a skin and a different default Loadout of the Titan stalker and the Warlock have better top speed than the Titan in exchange for a bit less maneuverability and the Warlock gains an EMP in exchange for having the lowest angular turn rate of the bunch thanks to the EMP I'd say the Warlock is the best combat variant but I still think it lands in the sea tier due to its overall DPS and Atmospheric handling the blade is another ship that drops a lot compared to where it was to the Sea tier after its weapons were changed to all be repeater projectile speed in 317 it would have been solidly near the top of the a tier but with the 319 changes to bounty hunting the blade really suffered as a light fighter its strength is the agility of the ship in both staying on Target and avoiding incoming damage the deadlier AI makes it harder to avoid the incoming damage especially in atmo and the targets being a lot tankier make the lower DPS really hurt the ship straight up the ship only is 12 more DPS than a repeater fitted Aurora and you can't change the guns out on the blade so you're stuck with the repeaters also in 319 they upload they updated the warlord Canon to fire blue projectiles and the bloom of the lighting in 319 is much more severe so you get this painfully bright flashing strobe effect while you're fighting and it's so much worse on the dark sides of moons and planets due to the darker blacks in this patch and this all makes me sad because I really used to love flying the blade but now they've made it painful in a few different ways if you don't mind the flashing though the ship can still perform decently since it comes with a reasonable missile uh Loadout for a light fighter with eight size one missiles and two size one shields for defense you do have to be wary of getting hit by missiles though since if a missile hits you and takes out one of your wings the ship will become very hard to control the Buccaneers are first ship in the b-tier in my testing I was able to make it to the mid to high 300 thousands of alpha UEC per hour with the buck depending on how lucky I was with the bouncy spawns and engagements I like the ship because it's relatively small with two size one Shields it's fast in a straight line and it has really high DPS for a medium fighter it works well with either cannons or repeaters although I don't recommend ballistic cannons because I only took out about two Targets before having to reload it also has some decent flexibility since you can either put a size 4 gun or two size two guns on the back of the ship which is nice in some weapon types only exist in certain sizes its downsides are that it doesn't have a great missile payload compared to some other medium Fighters like the Reliant tana and the Hornet series and that it's not particularly maneuverable outside of the forward strike Direction it also has a bit of a flimsy body and its wing tips can get shot off relatively easily in 319 which will also take out your size 1 guns and make the ship unstable above sem speed that said it's still a really effective little gunship and satisfying to use to Hercules star lifter gets promoted up two tiers to the middle of the a-tier this ship was always decent at the HRT bounty hunting thanks to its two size five hardpoints and huge capacitor but it was hampered by its ability to actually apply that DPS thanks to its pitch roll yaw rates until this patch it wasn't worth dealing with trying to snipe ships from this Mega tanker since alternative smaller ships were just as effective and didn't have issues staying on target but now with the enemies being tankier and deadlier the two size three Shields and big DPS from the size 5 cannons are much more warranted and the Hercules Series starts to excel it's got a ton of Hull HP and a ton of countermeasures as well so you don't even have to worry at all about incoming missiles just press the right Alt key plus h a few times and you'll fire off a bunch of decoys with a single Tab and even though the ship is one of the larger ships currently in the game it's surprisingly agile thanks to those booming Crusader Industries engines I've always joked that the C2 was a bit too good for a cargo ship and I still believe that but hey why mess with a good thing I was able to make about 400 000 Alpha UEC per hour doing group bhrts in the C2 and multiple times during my testing I had enemy light and medium fighter wingmen ran into my ship and just explode I chuckled thanked them for their 500 Alpha UEC Call to Arms bonus and kept blasting one thing to note that might help you is if you decide to fly the ship is to use the up and down strafe in addition to your pitch axis to help you line up shots against smaller targets like hurricanes and wardens and pull the trigger only once they're lined up you only need to land a few shots to get the kill the constellation Andromeda finally breaks into the S tier thanks to the 319 changes the Andromeda has an absolute boatload of 52 missiles with 28 size ones and 24 size twos it also has two size five and two size four hardpoints controllable by the pilot and the Fantastic capacitor which gives it a really high TPS it comes with a single size 3 shield and a very tanky Hull in fact the only ships currently in the game with more Hull HP are the Hammerhead and the Retaliator and for some reason Sig still feels the need to call this ship a gunship and a medium freighter it's it's a gunship it's one hell of a gunship the other variants of the constellation are really good as well they all have the same Shields and pilot controlled weapons and depending on the variant they'll either get the 28 size 1 missiles or the 24 size twos the luxury Phoenix and the exploration Aquila variants have the same old HP for the critical body and nose sections whereas the elongated torus has half the body HP making it a weaker combat ship due to the less HP and being a larger Target they all maneuver just about the same which is to say a bit slowly but as you can see in the combat footage I'm still able to get my guns on my enemies and dispatch targets quickly I also like to take advantage of the massive capacitor on the Connie by starting with it set to Shields and only putting it to weapons to recharge them when they run dry which gives me an additional 25 damage resistance to my Shields and keeps them recharging anytime they're not being hit if you add on the fact that you can open up every fight with a volley of missiles to soften the targets you start to see why this ship makes it into the S tier in my testing I was making 420 to 440 000 Alpha UEC per hour just chaining group bhrts and single vhrts in 319.1 once I had the maximum reputation bonuses the Corsair is a new addition to the tier list and lands at the top of the a-tier it's a newer exploration vessel by Drake that specializes in exploring enemy ships with its four size five and two size four weapon hardpoints and it comes with a size 3 Shield to help keep its explorers safe it also has four size four missile hardpoints to give it some flexibility to explore smaller ships and it needs it because it's a bit of a sluggish oaf on paper it has better pitch roll yaw than akani but in actuality it feels much more weighty and has a lot more momentum to its movement the good news is that 319 increased the HP of the maneuvering thrusters on the ship which was badly needed so you no longer lose control if a single bullet even thinks about hitting you I flew it with laser cannons and it had great damage thanks to its strong capacitor but its struggled to move around enemies and get around their buggy Invincible front Shields so instead I used a fully ballistic Loadout since ballistics mostly penetrate shields in 319 and the ship performed great I think this ship is uniquely positioned to run a full ballistic Loadout in this patch because the four size five hardpoints allow you to fit really high DPS guns like the 85b gatlings which have more ammo than other ballistics personally I really enjoyed a split Loadout where two of my size fives were 85bs and the other two were deadbolt 5 ballistic cannons because even though the ballistic cannons have less ammo they have much less weapon spray than the Gatling so they're better at applying exploration to smaller ships like hurricanes and wardens and on the big boy reclaimers I only use the 85bs to conserve the deadbolt ammo for the other targets overall this ship feels pretty good to me and I've made around 400 000 Alpha UEC per hour average while exploring and that includes the time and money spent restocking one thing I did find helpful was to bias my Shields to reinforce the front if the enemy spawn had a lot of DPS since that seemed to be the shield that always went down first the Cutlass black drops down the tier to the C tier in 319 its boxy shape makes it an easy target to hit and it's not agile enough to avoid incoming damage you combine this with only a single size 2 shield and you get a c Tierra multi-role ship that relies heavily on its missiles to soften up a Target before engaging with the guns fortunately the Cutlass does have a lot of missiles with six size four missile racks on the black blue and steel variants it also has respectable DPS with four size three hardpoints and the same capacitor as a heavy fighter but it just doesn't have the staying power for drawn out fights often relying on taking a bit of Hull damage to finish off a Target what this means is that you end up with a ship that's heavily dependent on server performance and the Bounty spawns for good performance if you get really fast Ai and dangerous Bounty spawns you'll have a rough go of it and may come back missing weapons or even exploding but if you get decent spawns good missile hits or just lucky engagements the ship is capable I wouldn't want to use the Cutlass red for bounties though since it doesn't come with any missiles the Cutty blue is slightly more maneuverable and has a nicer cockpit canopy than the others so that'd be my choice if Money Was No Object but the black is almost as good and the interdiction of the blue isn't useful when fighting NPCs right now so unless you just really love the flashing lights that black is good enough the cutter is near the bottom of the d-tier it's slow has low DPS with only two size two hardpoints and two size two missile racks and it only has one size one Shield it's strange to me that they gave it a little bit of Firepower so it can actually do the lower level batteries you've got no other ships but it's definitely not the right tool for vhrts it does have a nice tanky hole though so you could do it if you were a patient masochist the Banu Defender is a great little ship but it did drop slightly to the top of the B tier that's primarily due to its DPS being decent but not excellent it has four size three hardpoints and four size two missiles and it performs well with either laser repeaters or cannons it is a really maneuverable medium plywood that has a slim front cross section and it's the only medium fighter with a size 2 shield if you believe me that the Cutlass black is actually a heavy fighter due to its larger capacitor these things give it some staying power and 319's extended combat against the tankier enemies especially if you move the capacitor around from weapons to Shields while you're firing your weapons and the fact that it's a size 2 shield means that the front and back Shield bases can recharge independently so if you're taking all the damage on the front Shield base you can boost away to disengage when the shield goes down and avoid Hull damage by tanking fire with a rear Shield base and I mentioned it before but it's worth mentioning again the ship flies closer to a light fighter than a medium fighter and performs really well in atmosphere despite its crabby shape the eclipse in the Retaliator are the two size nine torpedo bombers and they're both in the S tier with the Retaliator taking the top spot 319 brought much tankier bounties to the game so while every other ship takes a lot longer to explode their targets these size 9 Torpedoes are still one-shotting every vhrt and ERT Target because of this you'd actually run group erts and single erts for the higher payout since it's all the same to these ships the AI was informed of our strategy though so now they actually try to shoot down the torpedoes because of this we want to equip Seeker 9 em Torpedoes which are the fastest Torpedoes that will consistently lock our intended targets people love various strategies for trying to get the best hit rates but what's worked best for me is to shoot the torpedo at 3.2 K range while flying straight at my target at around 350 to 400 meters per second and speeding up after launching to try and get the enemy to shoot at you instead of the torp I'd recommend straight being up after launching the missile to make sure the path from the missile day to the enemy is clear to avoid torping yourself because I have done that a couple times in 319.1 claim times and expedite costs for these ships have drastically increased in this patch so committing insurance fraud to get free torpedo restocks is less viable for consistent income but these ships make enough money to cover paying for the restocks even with a few shots missed I've made over 450 000 Alpha UBC an hour chaining group erts in the Retaliator and probably have around an 80 to 90 percent hit rate for the missiles further Retaliator over the eclipse because it gets six Torpedoes instead of three which means less time spent restocking although the eclipse is a lot faster getting to and from the target but if you hold down the Boost in the Retaliator after killing your target you can force the ship to point in a specific Direction even while moving faster than the sem speed which can help you Quantum away quickly the other reason is that the Retaliator is effectively Invincible to anything other than its own Torx whereas the eclipse can sometimes die to an errant incoming missile if the decoys don't spoop it away but both chips are honestly great and I fly both of them or at least I did until 319.1 took them both away so now I'm still grinding money to rebuy my eclipse the freelancer Mist takes a big hit in this patch and drops down two tears to the Sea tier this is because the freelancer's strength was in its ability to consistently front load a high amount of damage thanks to its impressive missile Loadout and then quickly get the kill in one pass and then get out it was never a ship that could really dog fight in a vhrt because it was outgunned out tanked and outmaneuvered by the targets and have to kill it's got four gimbal size 3 weapons and the capacitor of a heavy fighter but it's large and extremely slow so it's difficult to get around on the buggy infinite front Shields to land effective damage and despite having two size two Shields you can't evade any incoming damage so they go down pretty quickly and then you're too slow to disengage to recharge them you've still got a dedicated 20 size 3 missiles and four interchangeable size 4 missile racks for a massive missile payload to front load damage but if you come up against a reclaimer you'll quickly deplete your stockpile and that's even without mentioning that the 20 dedicated size 3 missiles fire extremely slowly like over 10 seconds to shoot a full volley and this bums me out because I really like this ship but it's just too squishy and slow for the current deadliness of vhrts Beyond sitting back and spamming missiles the Gladiator actually comes up a bit to the back of the seat here it's a smaller torpedo bomber and comes with four size five Torpedoes four size three missile racks and two size three Weapon hardpoints It's got two size one Shields and a pretty tanky Hull for defense but it's pretty slow and easy to hit because of this you'll want to rely on your Torpedoes and missiles to kill targets and fortunately a single size 5 torp can mostly kill a hurricane and a warden and two size five torps will kill a valkyrie reclaimers are more of an issue though sometimes you get lucky and hit a critical component but I've always needed all four torps and then some so beware it really depends on whether or not your torps hit the same spot or spread out their damage you can't really dogfight in this ship but thanks to the big capacitor you can set your power to pull Shields and dump your ammo magazine into a damaged Target to finish it off but honestly if you want a torpedo bomber in this price range it'd be better just spend an extra hundred thousand Alpha UEC and get a Vanguard Harbinger it gets three torps instead of the four but the missile racks are one size larger which means it gets double the other missiles the Gladius took a hit in this patch dropping down two tears to the front of the sea tier this is the unfortunate reality of a low DPS ship that's reliant on agility for survivability because you've only got three size three weapon hardpoints your DPS is okay at best but this makes combat take longer which gives the enemies more time to converge on you and land a few lucky shots with skillful piloting and some luck in zero g or low atmosphere you can make it work but in places with high atmosphere it becomes a real struggle and you'll almost certainly have to disengage to recharge your Shields or try to pick off easier wingmen to decrease the incoming DPS or rely on your missiles from your 4 size 3 missile racks to soften up or finish off some enemies and this can actually be a fun way to play because the Gladius is a great ship to fly but it's not a quick or efficient way to make money the glaive jumps up two tiers to the bottom of the a-tier thanks in large part to those two gigantic size 5 cannons on its wings they're listed as plasma cannons but they're actually doing full laser damage in the 319 patch which means this ship has really high damage against ship hulls the size 1 weak cannons also I'm not being judgy here they're literally called weak cannons but these size 1 guns actually fire their projectiles at the faster 1400 meters per second repeater velocity I don't like mixing bullet speeds since you can only hit with one weapon type at a time so I turn off the size ones to give an extra shot to the magazine of the size fives since this only costs five percent DPS on paper but in reality it's going to increase my DPS and speaking of the ammo magazine this ship is listed as a medium fighter but it has the capacitor and weaponry of a heavy fighter to balance that out it is a bit less maneuverable than a medium fighter and only has two size one Shields like most medium Fighters so it sits in a weird space between a medium and heavy fighter with some good Trigger Discipline and careful piloting you can be really effective with this ship but you have to keep an eye on your Shields and boost a way to recharge them if they're going down and one thing to note is that I occasionally get blinding green flashes on my screen so there may be some bugs with their ship since it's quite old and due to be reworked since it's only available to purchase on the RSI store after completing the Vandal swarm in multiplayer I'd hold off on it unless you're sure you want one the Hammerhead is a new addition to the tier list thanks to the shield penetration changes and it lands in the middle of sea tier now the pilot doesn't actually have any weapons they can fire but they do have control over eight size five missile racks which means you can get a Loadout of 8 size 5 Torpedoes for the pilot to fire then consider the fact that this ship has two size three Shields and basically infinite Hull HP and you've got a fun little off meta Bounty Hunter and I thought it was going to be a totally sluggish bore to handle but it actually flies way better than I expected it has a lot of momentum so you have to use your bottom and rear thrusters to slow down but it turns and accelerates surprisingly well hurricanes wardens and Valkyries typically take one to two torps but you'll use more against reclaimers I tried killing six reclaimers and the best result was five torps to kill one and the worst was at taking all eight because the damage got spread around the target I use the EM Scimitar 5 Torpedoes and had the best luck firing them from about 4K range but it's not even too bad if you miss because if the target is smaller than the reclaimer you can just Hammer them the hawk drops a little bit but manages to stay in the B tier and it's the only light fighter that does that that's because it was never was as agile as all the other light Fighters and so it earns its place in the rankings by its DPS and its utility EMP it actually punches a bit above its weight class with its four size two and two size one weapon hardpoints getting it close to the DPS medium Fighters but it still has a flimsy Hull because of this you really have to keep an eye on your Shields while you're fighting and you probably will even want to move your capacitor around mid-fight recharging your Shield while you're dumping your ammo add on the fact that this ship has a quick charging EMP with a short cooldown and you've got plenty of things to manage in combat it's a bit frantic but it's a lot of fun I personally like the full Laser cannon Loadout in 319 since it picks up the DPS even more over the repeaters and canons take longer to discharge giving you more time to run the capacitor to your Shields the EMP is useful in helping take down the peske infinite front Shield of vhrt targets via its Russian area of effect damage which also indirectly adds to the DPS by letting you have more shots registered if the shields go down but like I mentioned it's not the most maneuverable ship so you'll want to focus on using your up strafe and forward strafe since those are the strongest dimensions of thrust one quick note about the flimsy Hull if you lose those rear Wings you'll likely lose a gun or two with them but your ship will still maneuver perfectly even in atmosphere so it's durable in some ways despite that fragile hole the main thing I want to look out for is the missiles though since your EMP will be boosting your signature and missiles penetrate Shields The Hornet series of ships drop down a tier to the middle of the B tier these medium Fighters have a pretty tanky hole for their size two size one Shields decent maneuverability and solid Firepower they also have a lot of flexibility with both the rear and the nose of the ship having turret options you can put on a turret with two gimbal-sized two weapons on the back or swap it for a single size 4 weapon the wingtips have a size 3 hardpoint each and the nose can be a size 3 hardpoint or a turret with two gimbal sized ones so for the max DPS Loadout you can have a total of Six Guns evenly spread across size one two and three I have used both the Canon and repeater layout and I prefer the Canon layout so I opt for the fixed size sphere on the nose since size 1 cannons overheat and because the nose turret occasionally gets damaged and stops firing this gives me two size two hard points and three size threes all of the Hornets except the Super Hornet also come with two size three and two size two missile racks but for some reason the Super Hornet only gets two size three racks to help make up for it though the Super Hornet lets you gimbal the nose hardpoint from a size 3 to a gimbal size 2 which for some reason none of the other Hornets allow I'm guessing that's because this is an old chip and sick hasn't gone back and cleaned up some of the weird quirks between the variants speaking of which the forward acceleration on the Hornet is currently bugged to be much higher than it should be so that might be fixed soon but the ship is still good even without the bugged acceleration I was able to make the equivalent of 420 000 Alpha UEC per hour on a slower server and I was making about 350k per hour on a really tricky key server with difficult Bounty spawns so this is going to be one of those shifts where the performance relies on a few factors out of your control which actually applies to most shifts outside of the sna tiers the hurricane moves up a tear into the middle of the sea tier for a solo pilot the ship only has two size four weapons and four size two missile racks for the pilot so the DPS is actually lower than a Gladius whether you use cannons or repeaters but the hurricane is also roughly the same size as the Gladius which is a very small size for a ship with the hull and capacitor of a heavy fighter on top of its tanky Hull it's got a size 2 shield and its agility isn't great but its thrust while boosting is very impressive it has pretty poor angular turn rates though so you will struggle the pitch battle enemies but thanks to its size Shields and boost performance and capacitor you have a surprisingly large amount of staying power in fights there are a couple of annoying things though like it literally doesn't have a headlight and you can't see the bottom of your two mfds half the time so if you're pitching up and you glance down you won't see how your rear Shields are doing but other than that I'm pleasantly surprised the car to all drops a bit to the back of the sea tier it's a light fighter with two size one Shields and a massive front cross section and only two size four weapon hardpoints it boasts being one of the most agile ships in the game that have a Quantum Drive and so it'll never have trouble keeping its guns on the target but with its relatively low DPS and large size it'll definitely struggle to stay alive against incoming turret fire which can hit it no matter where it is I'm looking at you Valkyries and hurricanes it's also a bit fragile and can have its engine blown off by a single incoming Missile hit if you're unlucky and that will send the ship into a death spiral the M50 ends up near the top of the d-tier they actually fix the ship's handling in atmospheres so that it's much more willing to turn one above the sem speed and that helped it a bunch but unfortunately there's no getting around the low DPS with two size two weapon hardpoints and two size one missile racks it does have two size one Shields which is a lot for a ship this small and quick so it has good staying power in a fight and that's good because you'll need it the Mustang Alpha drops a tear and lands near the back of sea tier it's got two size one and two size two weapon hardpoints and two size one Shields which is pretty standard for a light fighter where its struggles is in its weapon layout the two size one hardpoints are on the front leaning wing tips in my experience I've lost those wings and those weapons about one third of the time I go out and that's even with paying close attention to my Shields and disengaging when I'm low it seems those body parts are really flimsy so that's one thing to be aware of it is extremely agile though and that's good because the overall cross-section of the ship is a bit large with the way the wings fall down I do like the really clear view of the two mfds and the excellent cockpit visibility though the Mustang Delta lands in the middle of the sea tier this is thanks to its upsized wingtip weapons to size twos giving it a total of four size two hardpoints it also gets ballistic rocket pods on the wings that shoot at the 700 meters per second speed of cannons which is great because that means you can use a laser cannon pit on the ship and match the speed of your guns and thanks to the weapons being size 2 instead of size 1 they won't overheat like they do on the alpha other than that it shares the same strengths and weaknesses of the alpha it's got two size one Shields but the wings that hold two-thirds of your weapons get very easily shot off so you really need to use your agility to disengage before your Shields go fully down it's still a really fun ship though The Nomad is an excellent startership but it lands near the middle of deter for vhrts that's because for all that it's good at it doesn't excel at bounties at that difficulty level it does get three size one Shields three size three weapon hardpoints and a decent missile payload of eight size two missiles but it's a very large Target and it actually has a capacitor pool that's even lower than the light Fighters it's got the agility and whole durability of a medium fighter but it's a lot larger than them and it doesn't have the capacitor or Firepower to back that size up I still think it's capable at lower tier bounties probably up to mrts but I wouldn't want to take this thing against a reclaimer which can start showing up in hrts one thing to note is that the default power plant on the ship causes issues so upgrade your power plant to something like a js300 to prevent various problems with your ship like Shields overheating or thrusters misfiring the Pisces is dead last in our list and it only makes it on here because it's a starter ship but it's not a combat ship despite the Expedition variant having four size one hardpoints and some missiles since it's only got one size one shield and most importantly a really flimsy Hull with no ballistic damage resistance it's basically the only ship in the game that's taking full damage from ballistics and so it shouldn't be taken into combat the prowler jumps up two tears to the B tier it's got fantastic DPS thanks to its two size five hardpoints along with its gimbled two size threes all available to the pilot it has the capacitor and the maneuverability of a heavy fighter and has two size two Shields as well and it's actually a bit smaller than a Vanguard the main downsides are that it won't have a lot of ammo for its size 5 cannons and that it can be challenging to fly in atmo if the tailpins get shot off but these are manageable with some Trigger Discipline and paying attention to your Shields and disengaging before they're fully down I've made over 400 000 Alpha UEC per hour using this ship and it's very satisfying when you land your shots it's worth noting that the wing orientation is the direction of your main Thruster so if you've got your landing gear down you've got a lot of vertical thrust but not a lot forwards and backwards and vice versa when you've got your Gear Up it's also worth noting that the pilot seat is actually on the second level of the ship so you have to go up a ladder once you're inside the ship already the Razer series of ships land at the top of d-tier they're small and extremely agile light Fighters with the bass razor being a racing ship it also happens to be almost equally as good as combat as the stealth fighter Razer ex with the ex variant only getting an additional decrease to its signatures the luxury LX variant is missing two size one missile racks at the base and the ex have and it also has a much more flimsy Hull with one-third of the hit points all variants have two size two weapon hardpoints a size 1 shield and ridiculous maneuverability in both 0g and atmosphere they're an absolute joy to fly but that doesn't change the fact that they have pitiful DPS so it takes forever to kill the HRT targets the Redeemer is the biggest winner in this tier list going all the way from the D tier to the a tier this is thanks in large part to the Buffs they've given to the engine HP and the fact that the two size three weapons on the turret under the nose are back under the control of the pilot this is actually really important for the ship's DPS because that turret is run off the ship's turret capacitor which means those two size three guns will get 146 repeater shots each and recharge as fast as a turret does even if you don't have your power set to weapons at all and yes I did say repeater thanks to that turret being run off the turret capacitor that leaves the ship's normal capacitor to power Just the Two size four weapon hardpoints for the pilot if this is all mumbo jumbo to you the takeaway is that the pilot gets two size four weapons and two size three weapons and they'll have a big ammo magazine and will recharge more than twice as fast as you normally expect because of this we can use repeaters since the DPS loss is going to be minimal compared to cannons and we get more range and easier time hitting our shots and that's helpful because this is a pretty slow ship its thrust is a bit lower than a heavy fighter and its angular turning is a lot slower so the repeaters help bridge that Gap you've also got 16 size 2 missiles to help with the smaller targets which generally you don't really have to worry because you get two massive size 3 Shields and a really tanky Hull so you can just safely pew pew away as your targets until they die you might occasionally want to bias the shields to the front since I had mine go down a couple times but it's generally very safe you do only have 25 decoys though so you want to take care not to waste them I did find that to be a strange decision for a gunship in my testing I was making around 380 000 Alpha UEC per hour in the laser repeated Redeemer and is having a fun time of it too so I'm glad this ship is worthwhile to use solo now the Reliant Tana drops a little bit to the back of the B tier Sig classifies it as a light fighter but it's actually got the hull HP size weapons and capacitor of a medium fighter so that's what I'm calling it and it's got solid DPS as a medium fighter with up to six size two weapons if you equip the Reliant toshima turrets and 20 size 2 missiles it's got similar Mobility to other medium Fighters and has two size one shields for defense it's a bit larger than something like the Hornet and it's also got a weaker Hull so you do need to be more careful with the Reliant but I think the additional missiles are a fair trade-off especially in this patch where DPS is King and missiles mostly penetrate through Shields I like to use laser cannons with this ship and move my capacitor to Shields while I'm firing the Cannons to keep them topped off and give myself a bit more staying power in the fight also I really love the cockpit view on the ship and the fact that you can see four mfds simultaneously and come on who doesn't love some vertical Supremacy the other variants of the Reliant are probably a tier lower though since they miss out on 16 of the size 2 missiles that the Tana gets as the combat variant the saber drops a tiny bit to the top of the sea tier this was actually a ship that surprised me in the past I've always had difficulty staying alive in the saber but I flew it a bunch of times across a bunch of servers and I was having a much better time of it now even despite the AI being more aggressive it's a medium fighter with two size one Shields covering quite possibly the sexiest Hull in the game and it's got four size three weapons and two size four missile racks for offense it's actually one of the more agile medium Fighters which is good because it's also one of the larger medium Fighters so much so that Sig used to give it three size one Shields before they decided the ship looked too good and it needed to be nerfed in some way I've enjoyed flying it with both cannons and repeaters in this patch as long as I'm not taking out a reclaimer in atmosphere with his buddies hurricane and Valkyrie eating my face the Scorpius drops the tear and ends up near the top of the B tear this applies to the new Antares variant as well since they're almost identical for a solo pilot the Scorpius has solid Firepower with four size three weapons backed by the capacitor of a heavy fighter and 16 size 2 missiles of Ordnance it's protected by a size 2 shield and has decent Hull given the size of its main body it's also got a really good jerk profile for a heavy fighter so it can roll and Pitch to its maximum angular turn rates much more quickly its thrust capabilities are just okay since it lacks a bit of performance while boosting but I didn't really mind some people have issues with losing weapons when Wings get shot off but a really good workaround for that is to keep your wings on the ship at all times but seriously if you if you watch your Shields and disengage right as they're getting low it shouldn't be an issue I have lost wings when getting rammed by an enemy but never due to incoming damage overall I found it to be pretty effective bounty hunting ship and I've enjoyed using it with both cannons and repeaters so you can go with whatever you think pleases Pico the main gripe I have with this ship is that it only has two mfds so you can't set one of them to comms and prevent the enemies from taking over your target MFD if you also want to see your own ship status the Scythe is a newcomer to the tier list and lands in the sea tier it's a van dual ship that's something between a medium and heavy fighter it's similar to the Xperia glaive in that it's got two size five laser cannons and two size one laser repeaters so you're better served turning off the size ones to get more size 5 ammo the ship is more agile than the Glade but it unfortunately gets a bit uncontrollable in atmosphere above the sem speed it also has 8 size 1 missiles compared to the size twos of the glaive but it makes up for it with a smaller front and top cross section thanks to the asymmetrical One-Winged ship design for those looking to get their hands on a site it's not available for sale either in-game or for real money I've heard some people say that top level subscribers get one while subscribed but I'm not sure so validate that for yourself if you're considering doing it the Xperia Talon lands near the bottom of the sea tier it unfortunately suffers a very similar fate to the car to all the other Ultra agile large cross-section alien light fighter that has only two size four weapon hard points funny how there's two of them the large cross-section means the ship is going to be taking fire from turreted enemies so those two size one Shields don't hold up for very long especially in atmosphere and the two size four hardpoints put out low DPS whether you use repeaters or cannons so you'll most likely need to disengage to recharge Shields and sometimes you'll have to pick up wingmen before killing the main target a Talon does come with two size three missile racks though so it does have some missiles to help front load damage and spicy Bounty situations and it is a lot of fun to fly as well but those large wings are asking to catch bullets and it's even worse if you get rammed and they break off since the ship becomes pretty uncontrollable and that's decently likely to happen in a fight with a reclaimer since it takes so dang long the Talon strike lands in the details since its main ornament is 24 size 3 missiles it has two size two weapon hardpoints for backup that do low DPS and you'd need them too since even if you hit a reclaimer with all of your missiles you wouldn't kill it so because of this you'd be relying on your tickle cannons a lot and that's no bueno so I wonder where the vanguard's going to go yep it's still in the S tier although the harder bounties have dropped it down to last place instead of first it still has great Firepower a tanky Hull and good agility for a heavy fighter it's got a size 5 hardpoint under the nose and four size two Vanguard specific hardpoints in the nose which means that you can only put certain guns on those size 2 slots that are Vanguard only weapons these weapons actually perform better than their Universal counterparts though for example the Vanguard mvsa is a size 2 Laser cannon that has pretty much the same DPS as other size 3 laser cannons the ship also comes with four size four missile racks and two size two Shields making it a pretty impressive overall package but wait there's more if you get either the Sentinel or the harbinger right now you'll get a free EMP or three size five Torpedoes thrown in at no additional cost these are also the cheapest variants available in game so they're the ones most people get I personally prefer the Sentinel because the EMP does a sphere of distortion damage around your ship that can be helpful in taking out the Invincible front Shields of the enemies and because the ship doesn't get a huge agility penalty like the harbinger does the harbinger comes with three size five Torpedoes which can be worth kills but the cost of that is that the ship is about 30 percent less agile than all the other values you can't really go wrong with either one though check out my Vanguard video if you're interested in all the difference between the ships since it's too much to go into here I think the best loadout for vanguards is a full fixed laser cannon Loadout using a size 5 laser cannon and four mvsa cannons in the nose since this is the max DPS option I've been able to get in get my kill and get out before my Shields go down most of the time with this Loadout so I'd urge you to give it a shot even though you don't get a lot of ammo in your magazines the DPS makes up for it this is also why I don't use the Distortion cannons anymore they do sometimes take down the shields but then I still need to chew through the upgraded hulls while three to four ships are shooting back at me so I'd rather just have the biggest possible hammer and hit them with it the Vanguard did get a bit of a Nerf though the flight model changed somewhere along the way where if you get one of your little side wings shot off the ship it will be squirrely at high speeds in the Red Zone but that's a small price to pay to keep all the other opinas that this ship has on Fast servers I was making over 420k Alpha UEC per hour chaining group bhrts and having a blast while doing it well that's my tier list folks it drastically increased enemy Hull HP and the inclusion of reclaimers into HRT bounties and up have changed the face of this career making tankier and higher DPS ships preferable over lighter and more agile ships with lower DPS I honestly like the higher Challenge and actually think it'd be cool if they could do different tiers of missions so that we still had a good place to use light Fighters and PVE while making good money like I think it'd be cool to have a high-paying light fighter vhrt where it's just a bunch of light and medium Fighters with good AI instead of having to slog through a reclaimer but I know this is temporary since theoretically we're all going to get master modes eventually and that will completely change the face of bounty hunting as will having to capture targets alive and armor and probably five other things that'll come in the next few years if you've got any questions or comments please let me know I'm curious what you think you can find me in the comments or on Twitch I've also got a Discord where a bunch of us like to chat about things and I'll put a link in the description so come on by and as always thanks for watching folks I hope you've liked this video cheers [Music]
Channel: WingZeroType
Views: 156,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Srsx7WTYctA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 6sec (3066 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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