I Can't Believe Pokémon Did This

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i hope he doesn't mind that i make you greetings boogie fans michael here and it's time for more of my crown tundra adventure in the last episode after entirely too much time i finally got my shiny gallerian slowpoke evolved into a shiny gallerian slow king which looks mostly like the normal one it's fine it's still cool to have i'm not going to swap it out for one of my team members uh in isle of armor i swapped in my shiny gallerian slow bro onto my main squad i will not be doing that this time because slow king is ugly i feel terrible i feel truly terrible but it is not a particularly pretty pokemon and i don't want to i don't want to ditch my i don't want to ditch my my venusaur i like my venusaur canopy maybe i'll get the dragon to max it at some point it'll be fun what the hell is that oh my god i saw that jinx's hair and i thought it was like a pile of swine like an overworld shiny pile of one pilot swine's not even shiny polish one's not even that yellow but anyways i am going to progress in the story now because i accomplished my mission last time and let's enter the dynamics den please sir i can't let you oh i think you can apologies for the hydration break my precious daughter's in there and i'm going in after her i understand sir but but what i'm here to have an adventure and i want to kick it off right now i simply can't allow it sir oh there you are lad so you've come after all have you something to matter nothing's all right and everything's the matter this ultra mega numpty of a scientist oh vicious vicious disintegration ultra mega numpty that's that's the new insult of our time numpty i beg your pardon sir yeah see she's pissed if you'd be so good as to simply listen i could let you through the heinemann's adventures are quite fraught with peril and i'm afraid and i'm not no patience for standing here listen you rattle off the fine print oh we're just going around in circles you seem to know this gentleman would you simply listen to my explanation if so then i could allow the two of you to enter as a pair uh-huh now you're talking a little dotler chilling over there go on then let's see what the good lady's got to say then we'll go find my little nia together right right the max there's a labyrinth labyrinthine that's what i've been saying crown tundra labyrinth underground cavern where rare pokemon dwell the likes of which normally are not found in the gala region form a team of four trainers and set off to explore the mysterious max lair see if you can find the deep find the legendary pokemon said to away you in the deepest part of this unusual den to take part in the dynamics eventually you must borrow it borrow a single pokemon get things started by having each trainer select the pokemon they will take with them on their adventure as you explore this den you'll come to branches in your path decide as a team which way to go when you come across a dynamics pokemon it'll be time for a max raid battle catch the pokemon and you can swap it with the one you have if you think it'll help you press on into the depths of the den it's like uh this is really it's kind of like the battle factory uh back in the back in the gen gen 3 gen 4 days to avoid the risk of gallon particle over exposure which can cause your own deer pokemon to lose control we have prepared pokemon for you that are resistant to the particles effects right right i'll follow you so you're saying you don't want gallard losing control so the pokemon rent some particles and we might see a rare overexposure that was stunningly incorrect sir okay peony's a hoot this is a dangerous place please make sure you have a firm grasp of the rules i'm still in touch lost uh that's the type of place this is eh right sounds like this is all a bit beyond me so i'll just go on in and get cracking here comes papa my darling no i've told you it's too dangerous what's going on with that man he looks so much like chairman rose but his attitude doesn't match the chairman at all ah for the proof when you're ready go chase him down pardon me i meant when you're ready to begin your dynamics adventure please let me know all right i'm ready let's do this dynamite or yes so i could get carrots so we suggest trying them alone for now just to get a little familiar yeah that's what i was gonna do don't invite others i can borrow one pokemon cling clang lorentis oh this is hard um you know what let's go let's go clean clang and i think it just has the biggest uh biggest face that total [Music] oh water type oh i wonder what that's gonna be right clearly we're going normal i'm not going ground when i have a steel type and like no one's weak to normal so like we're fine what we got diggersby which is still a ground type are you kidding me what the heck that's so unfair i mean if i'd picked lux right too should i dynamex i don't think anybody else will dynamic so i have to dynamax i'll boost our defense this will be super effective but never dynamics to clean clang before i don't have ever used a cling clang before it floats oh is that a neutral head oh i thought i thought ground resisted steel i guess i'm wrong oh way to go lowrance yes more max steel spike oh we got this we gonna get this diggers b oh yes crush it oh i got a crit okay we're gonna be fine i was a bit worried but this yes perfect timing i'll target just exactly what we need right now is you to make yourself a plus five defense all right right she goes down but that's fine laurentis should finish this yep there we go all right one down i guess i'll catch the pokeball i don't think i'm gonna switch out of cling cling for a [Music] but i might get extra goodies if i catch it wow that took no effort and all right huge power actually actually i'm taking the diggers b huge power is pretty cool oh i can see the silhouettes of some of them oh oh what is that okay i can't tell the ground one i can tell that's a chansey let's go the chansey chance is gonna be for sure easy to beat with a huge power pokemon encountered a backpacker well how incredibly lovely okay this is cool wow this is a fun strategy thing figuring out what items you want to give along the way wow that's dope why what are you doing oh nice big damage oh yeah this is this is no problem dude this guy he's the one with the stupid snorlax looks like he's stupid with other pokemon too just attack it's a chansey do you think you need to boost your defense against a chansey was it this is gonna tickle admittedly that did more than i thought it would but still freaking martin it's always martin are you doing martin all right beat the chansey no way i'm swapping i don't want a chancy i do probably need to not have the diggers be before the final battle though uh because the boss is a water type that's gonna impact my next decision man i should have gone the other way i i'm not doing fire flying that looks like a butterfree okay i gotta go i gotta go dark man i should have paid attention i should have scrolled up all right that's a tip scroll up on the map sooner to see the path you need to get to take to get the best pokemon before the final battle oh you don't heal between battles i just realized okay that's news that may okay they really are incentivizing switching aren't they altoria martin martin stop what you're doing and just attack diggers be held on incredible all right this ends it got him all right absol you're gonna be my partner it could be kyogre could be suicune or other water time legendaries would would it show two types if it was a dual type like if it was like palkia would it show water dragon or just show one of the times i don't know all right i definitely want to swap pokemon i found some bursts [Music] oh oh i'm nervous i mean i've got an electric and grass type on my side but oh the music's different oh sweet goon i am not allowed in dynamics so i guess i'm just gonna night slash many times all right setting that up for later moves [Music] my heart is pounding this is intense oh that is not damage that is also not much damage that was good damage with the special defense drop what what whoa wait hold on why did that just hap why did it raise sharply does lorantis have contrary and it's not not what you like to see there i got a crit that time oh nice laurentis oh man this lorantis is carrying us lorentis has contrary i had no idea it had contrary that makes this a heck of a lot easier we're almost there all right this is absolutely overkill but just to be safe yep it was overkill all right but we won wow shout out was that contrary laurentis or did its leaf storm drop another time i don't even know oh heck oh i'm using my actual pokeballs this time don't fail me now i want this suicune oh thank god all right successful first max rayden dynamics den whatever the hell you call this choose the one pokemon you'd like to keep ah with the chansey no i want i want the suicune dining or i could get some carrots oh i'm just chilling in here oh what hey it's nia hang on i recognize you are you here for dynamics adventure 2 wicked i guess we're on the same wavelength i'm peonia oh peony peonian okay nice to properly meet you what about you what's your name i'm watcher i need to say this just so i know what it means watch her name's michael that's how you always talk it's not bad no i all right well now she's laughing at me and i regret everything teenage girls are ruthless so is my dad on his way here too i haven't seen him they got turned around and wound up back at the entrance listen sorry for using you to distract my old man back there he's as stubborn as a mud bray things go all right after i left what you beat him you sure pulled a blinder there he used to be a gym leader you know even on holiday he's no pushover you know my dad was going mad with excitement for this trip he kept going on about how he'd planned for us to check out local legends on this super intense adventure tour or as he calls it what i mean come on what girl my age would be caught dead doing some naf thing like that with her dad girls who like adventure besides that really fancy having more battles with dynamaxx pokemon uh the thrill of battling one of those massive towering pokemon just thinking about it gets me puffed up you know what i've just had a thought you're a pretty fine trainer but you could handle taking my place on my old man's adventure uh sounds like great fun too right it does i mean it's probably gonna hurt his feelings but it's a brilliant idea if i do say so myself he's so hyped up about all this it'd be a shame to just leave him on his own and who knows you could end up running into a legendary pokemon yeah i just caught a suicune how about i meet back up with you two after i've had my own fun in the max layer go on then enjoy your twosome tour of legends not my old man the deal and all that okay great but wait how do i get out of here i don't see a ladder okay clearly i found the ladder boy oh no he's dead rest in peace peony it hurts and ultra mega hurts near where's my darling are you all right that's fine gentlemen appears to have tripped on a rock okay i didn't see that coming our adventures aren't to be taken lightly i vlog that first head now first hand i mean oh i love this guy i was just checking to see if my little girl was buying some rocks look how i've ended up find some rocks is your daughter rolling holy sir there we go i'm up little bumps going to keep me down long that kip's got me feeling right as rain how about it then live did you find my darling nia i did but you don't say so there's nia set on stainless she's just staying away till she's had her fill of this dynamic adventure stuff she wants the two of us to go ahead and get cracking on the grand peony adventure adventure i keep wanting to you guys are watching the princess of power how seahawks says adventure adventure adventure adventure that's why i keep wanting to say at venture you know i burned the candle at both ends working out the best itinerary i could for my dna's sake but i guess she's at that april she doesn't want her old man tagging along all the time oh i'm trying to press her to doing what i want to do is probably won't win me any dad of the year award right then what's your name kid cheers michael my name's peony wait i've already told you so there is twice as nice to meet you oh let's check out his late card let's have ourselves such a smashing adventure that my dear neil be itching to join in on the fun yes let's i'm so excited now that's an ultra mega great response just what i was hoping to hear i'm gonna have ourselves a real treat of a legendary pokemon hunt so let's decide now then michael let's get ourselves to freezington it's a town just a short ways off time for a strategic planning meeting for peony's inventor i'll fill you in on the details once you get there i say let us reconvene post haze just pull on your leg can you imagine if i actually talk like that oh peony you absolute legend oh cool eeny is a former steel type gym leader his powerful and dynamic battle style method anyone stuck on pitch maintenance had their work cut out for them to this day he is known as steel peony and has many fans especially among men this photo is actually a composite photo made before peony became came to the crown tundra it was originally a poster peony stuck in the travel planner he made for his daughter but she threw it away in short order beanie likes the way it looked and decided to use it for his league card well all right then more cutscenes in town i've already been to hooray hello hello what have we here another visitor oh i'm the mayor of this fair town there's the mayor i'd say it's surprised to have visitors arriving in our out of the way town one after another why you be here to learn about the legend of the king of bountiful harvests well yeah never mind it hardly bears asking after all this very little otherwise to attract visitors to our sleepy corner of the region which is a bit of a shame really come all this way to investigate what turns out to be a mere fairy tale but since you've made the journey i must offer you this freezington specialty as a memento a boatnik sweatshirt the shirt and blazer with the lightness of the king of bountiful harvest afraid it hasn't quite sold as well as we'd hoped we've got a number left over illustrations based on extremely ancient accounts of the king's appearance hence the unusually sized head we thought it might make the design a touch more hip as they say if you'd like to see what the king really looked like i suggest you take a look at the statue already did it's a calorics on a horse by the way you're hearing the crown tundra feel free to let your lead pokemon out of its pokeball and take it for a stroll ah okay following pokemon can i just say they did the following pokemon really badly in the expansion pass like how they like you go faster than them and they fall behind and then run and catch up you know and when they fall behind them they run and catch up it really just like don't care if it's biologically accurate just make them go the same speed as you like carrot scenes screw it mystery is still left to unravel about the carrot scenes here we are in the freezing aha here you are this pokey little place will be our lodgins now the inn is just a house but at this moment it's also something far more important our base camp i know i know not much of a base camp still we got gotta give it our proper air of importance haven't we now enough rafting about michael let me tell you what the peony exploration team is after the pet around here they've got a fair few stranger mysterious legends for example a huge headed pokemon known as the king of bountiful harvests not to mention a massive red tree where legendary flying pokemon gather and furthermore the great hulk and dodd face giants to sleep in some rooms or something etc oh i i'm on the pen the roller coaster and i love it see what i mean this place has just burst it with juicy legends we're not stopping until we found just how much truth they've got to them there you have it we have a peony exploration team and that is our grand noble magnificent goal of course if i have my way i've been doing this with my darling nia oh he's crying but who knows they even say chancy meetings can lead to blissful friendships the puns so here's your grand adventure expedition chief michael chief obviously look what do you think would happen if the two of us went gallivanting off together my dear nia could come along for a grand emotional reunion and find this place empty there's the thought of it my own darling daughter sitting alone in this room pining for a papa fanny plays with my emotions no not on my watch i'll never let that happen so i'll be holding down the four chief dude you were so excited for this adventure and you're just gonna sit on your butt in this house which means you get the pleasure of being the extradition chief which brings me to this go on damn it yes i want to look cool and wintry oh like it comes with a backpack oh i love this outfit look at that fit you like a glove i brought some spare uniforms so my dear nia could have a few to change into so there's enough to give you one and if you ever need to change or have a kit by all means send to the bedroom back here i got some different colored scarves in there so switch it up if you fancy a bit of style what what [Music] legendary clue one a clue about the king of out of a harvest it's written by peonies and an old photo is attached there's a fairy tale in freezington oh look he's got his head but the legendary pokemon was the king bountiful harvest and the legend of the king said to wear a massive crown on his head but the wooden statue near the fields in the middle of the village shows no sign of a crown okay man this is fun i'm solving mysteries far far into the giant's bed lies a temple where the giant of stone sleeps on the temple's dwarf strange words let the something mon change something one sunken in the side of snow slide slope lies the temple or the giant of i sleeve so the temples draw strange words wash together living bathroom stall of snow near where the green meets snow in the giant's bed lies the temple where the giant of steel sleeps in the temple store strange words let out note taking wake the giant of steel on the distant paths of three-point pass lies a temple where two giants sleep on the temple's door are strange words where are the doors shall be opened [Music] and there's another one i'm a i oh man this is giving me flashbacks to like trying to figure out the reggie mystery back in the hoe and games when the sun reaches its zenith it shines directly down upon a great tree with leaves that seem to burn it is there that the legendary wings come to roost from hours of dedicated tilly watching first off why don't i have a look at that clue about the king aboundable harvest seems like this king's bonds that's loyal steed or whatever you call it run property that's why to name this expedition and call it the sacred bonds of sovereign and steed i love that font there's a great big statue of it bang in the middle is that the crown just sitting there on the table [Music] are you serious no why would i ever want to change a little something to help you out oh no wow okay oh do i like the blue accent for now i've decided to toss on the yellow electric armband just because like either blue or yellow and i don't know i think the yellow looks nice with the orange and red like i'm on fire and stuff but uh let me just grab this part of the statue that's just chilling here hey chief my pillows caught your eye oh god your pillow oh i listen to your chief i've got some wisdom to impart before you put your head on and have a kip it's a pillow course i went and left my favorite pillow bag at home so i wouldn't have looked around town for some rest my head on i found this out back behind the game the inn can i have it come off it you want me to hand over my ultra mega coffee pillow penny it's a rock that's a lot even coming from you chief what what's that you think my pills got something to do with the legendary pokemon ultra mega seriously is just some old thing i found really want a chief oh my refuse all right all right go on then have it but you better make sure you track that legend down oh more cut scenes oh nope it's just a nice camera pan informing me of look at all this place you have to explore when i did that not fully extensively but i did quite a bit of it yes let's put the wooden crown on here russell russell schwunk looks so derby excuse me wait this is the clearing save the game [Music] wow [Music] i'm fighting this already am i even gonna be able to catch this thing i mean it said you want to ready a pokeball i don't know how this is going to even work i've got a oh i can't throw a pokeball oh if i really spend then i just have to kill it like [Music] i don't know why man i could if i knew i should have just thrown a tried a quick ball on turn one i just wasted so much time for crown crow round round crown who are you [Music] its legs are so long [Music] all right what's up i heard a big ruckus coming from over here what's this now chief what are you having a pokemon battle [Music] oh what's this what what whoa whoa what are you doing oh yeah it's a sturdy body just as i expected i hope he doesn't mind that i make you oh oh my god there's possession in pokemon oh oh man okay it's fine i hope he doesn't mind that i make use of it for the time being are you the pokemon no i see you've grasped the situation already very astute of you [Music] i'm calorics i'm the one known as the king of bountiful harvests i borrowed this man's body in order to thank you in person so to speak indeed there are no words to adequately express my gratitude toward you for restoring my stature in days long past i reigned over these lands as king humans offered me their loyalty and respect as i was able to bring lush vegetation to the land give them plentiful harvests year after year however it seems that over many many years the people of this land have forgotten my existence they used to make offerings to me every year maybe that tradition has long since been lost to the ravages of time see it is the faith of the people that grants me strength and now i have lost all but a fraction of my former power my loyal steed has abandoned me [Music] you were kind enough to restore my statue that act has returned some strength to me at least enough to speak to you by borrowing the body of another now kind-hearted human child i have a favor to ask of you oh man i must know once and for all that the people have truly forgotten about me we should just speak to the villagers and ask if they remember the king of bountiful harvests i've tried asking them myself you understand they treated me like some sort of fairy tale creature or flew into a mountain panic at the sight of me please kind-hearted human thank you to help me so i'm just gonna walk away in the yo that is this is this is nuts i can't i can't get over i can't get over that oh they healed my team all right that's nice i should've known that because peregrine was out of the ball i'm just i'm i am flabbergasted at that calvin or callista of course i do it's only the main tourist attraction of our lovely freezington after all imagine we would see more visitors if only the king were real a human child i trust you were able to speak to the villagers they say anything about me they did but it is as i suspected nobody truly believes that i am real seems the people of this land have indeed forgotten the bond they once shared with me oh no of course i'm not grieving i'm the king of bountiful harvest after all i know better than to count on humans to remember me this proves beyond doubt that i cannot simply rely on human faith if i want my powers to return and my loyal steed were here to return to me gain something of what i've lost is that a pokemon yes the four-legged pokemon that i used to ride all across the land very same pokemon that my statue in the village shows me riding it just looks like a horse last though in ancient times we spent many days together dashing through the valleys and over the mountains of this land my power waned and i was forced to part ways with it now i know not where it may be even if we should succeed in locating my loyal state i have my doubts as to whether it has remained well loyal i've lost so much power perhaps the villagers know something about my currently not so loyal steed i've been your dead if you could speak to the head of the village on my behalf able to find any information at all i ask that you let me know whoa what whoa his head just flew back on yeah chief with it with a massive nugget wait no no it's normal what i must have fallen asleep where i stood i feel strange on my body not quite my own cause i'll head back to base to get some rest besides it's freezing out here man's not home at the moment i just talked to him what's this oh do you visit her what brings you here want to learn about the loyal steed of the king about flarvest this is oddly the place for storytelling come to my home in freezington it's better to have a nice chat in the warmth after all please visit whenever you're ready dude what why didn't why are you why are you making me run on these errands oh of course you want to learn about the loyal steed right right well i don't know why you'd be interested in such things but come then follow me king's proud steed the horse pokemon gave over its power to serve the king and carry it hither and vither the two even became one for a time oh combining their strength to create a forest in a single night this proud steed has been a wild thing once ravaging had been a wild thing once ravaging the village with crops and causing much woe but the king and all its greatness brought this fierce creature to heal and secured its loyalty and for each among us who claims the steed's hide was black as the midnight gloom in which ghosts appear there is another who claims it was white as a block of solid ice party crops for the tundra while carrots can be grown in the crown tundra they have rather unusual growing habits when grown beneath the heaped snow these hearty roots tend to develop into ice root carrots when grown in tracks close to where many souls are laid to rest shade root carrots will be your crop shade root carrots are a favorite tree for many ghost-type pokemon ice type pokemon seem to lighten eating ice root carrots according to the old fairy tales the steed that the king of bountiful harvest wrote upon left both of these varieties or perhaps one or the other records seems to contradict one another while some story speaking of a white seed delighting in ice root characters and others mentioning a black seed steed devouring shade root carrots this seems funny when we pass a euro it's tempting to stay indoors where it's cozy don't forget to move that body to the freezing snow samba today and get your body moving too warm all winter yay lift both hands in the airwave here wave there bellow touch your toe and freeze then we pop up start it over okay i think i think i figured it out oh hey there chief i had a feeling someone called me was it you uh oh man that deeply unsettles me every time human child will be able to find something about my loyal steed yes so you found out about something that my loyal steed could not resist it's been so long since we wrote together that i'd completely forgotten this information will be able to lure my loyalty to me yet so tell me what is it that my loyalty would find so irresistible carrots or carrots you say yes i remember now even back when we were together would leap at any chance to eat some kind of crop took everything i had to restrain it looking back the crop must have been carrots and then you're dead human child we must do now is clear if we are able to find carrots somewhere it should be about a trifle to lure my loyalty back to me i wonder if it's a village grow any carrots i could obtain even a single seed i could grow a carrot from it myself by the stars you said that you have carrot seeds look at his shocked eyes that strange bag contains the seeds of carrots you humans never stopped adapting and evolving i'm constantly amazed by your ingenuity i feel so happy that calorics is proud of me the fields of the village simply won't do they're not suited for growing carrots we could find rich soil i could use my powers to grow the crops we need now everyone we find soil suited for growing these crops in this tundra of mine oh all right two spots that might suit our needs one is a field covered in pristine snow and another spot is a field by gravestones where those who moved on were laid to rest either of those locations should allow me to use my powers and grow the carrots we need please i ask that you choose a field and plant those seeds [Music] oh god well wasn't there i seem to be getting in the habit of falling to sleep outside guess it just goes to show that holding down the fort isn't all that easy take care of yourself chief don't overdo it all right well now i know what i must do i have to go plant carrots ice or ghost my decision will be made next time thank you guys so much for watching this episode of my crown tundra adventure and that is all i have for now till next time fans gotta catch them all
Channel: MandJTV Plays
Views: 709,633
Rating: 4.9437041 out of 5
Keywords: mandjtv, mandjtv pokevids, gameplay, let's play, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, gen 8, new pokemon, pokemon let's play, playthrough, best pokemon, all pokemon, nintendo pokemon, original pokemon, pikachu, greninja, charizard, pokemon switch, isle of armor, crown tundra, dlc, pokemon dlc, expansion pass, sword and shield dlc, calyrex
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 41sec (2201 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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