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how's it going YouTube how's it going stackers welcome back another beautiful day to go garbage picking it is a little warm today but regardless we're still going out trash picking it is trash day if you guys are stopping in for the first time what we do on these trash picking videos as we go out on trash day and trying to find cool things or interesting things people throw out in the trash that we can take and reuse recycle in terms of take to the scrap yard or resell so let's go out there and let's see what today has in store he got some some shouting it's more if you guys want to throw a piece of plywood not plough a piece of board down and you want anchor those into the wall be for shelves TV cable stuff of that nature the old scraps yeah it comes apart multiple pieces it's amazing whenever you do find something it's like some way out there is probably looking for it but this thing is gone that's a hole it's all falling apart look at that can see through it all right saving the earth one piece of junk at a time an old basketball hoop and a girl's bike all right so I did actually pull up over here my GoPro just like really corrupted or died on me so pull it to the other side of Street trying to fix it hopefully it's working right now grab this some metal there's a beach chair for beach season which I think it is right now it's almost beach season at least if not already up here in the northern part of the United States I see something in a far it's like a guitar case that that case is so beyond on [Music] the case is gone but look what we found here I don't see a brand on it says Made in Japan on the back no no bring that to the flea market unless someone else news with that soul about it's not a bad piece I thought was just empty guitar acoustic guitar case has holes in it it's all torn apart so I'm not gonna grab it that's a great find I don't know if I see some brass in here maybe maybe these trims are brass all gotta go this is collector's piece it's kind of funny so I have a backup camera right here and when I go in reverse it pops up and there's a bug flying around look at the camera you can see it like flying around all right what do we have here that looks like an aluminum door possibly it is so that's all aluminum plus this door which is goes us clean aluminum even though has like that paint on it it's still clean aluminum so that's not bad gotta love the old aluminum doors alright this is where I found that brass bed a while back we got here there's all this [Music] looks nice I don't know what kind of rug this would be but plant thing whatever it might be I don't know what you do for plants maybe yes thank you I think that's it this fall scrap piece up huh no one saw that all right funny thing about this place right here is there is a grill out here probably three minutes ago five minutes ago so I went to the other top side of town I went to the other side town and it was gone my time I got here which is like literally two minutes later they left the iron there's no that's final sue there's definitely another scrapper out here in the past 20 minutes you just never know get a small assortment of metal over here it's not metal but well this is vintage look at this piece old chair skis good flea market items if not there just right into the recycling scrap yard but these looked clean and today actually why is that the flavor was that the flea market someone asked me if I had an extra chair and I said nope but now I do I mean what are these things there were rabbits I don't think it really blew their head back on you know what unfortunately I'm gonna have to pass I didn't want to grab this it's not what I came I came over for that but if they're broken like that I know exactly what's gonna happen at the market so it's not worth the hassle they were really cool concrete does sell however if it's broken its broken how's it going alright know for myself yeah just as like a side job I am Sava Sher II yeah yeah I I do flea markets also so this usually covers my gas for a week so that that's the reason what's that all right oh yeah perfect probably not yeah probably not all right thanks again yeah usually all right have a good one that's vinyl that's mine also so I got two walking sticks this one's a little too whole matey put that one back got one walking stick there's other things were vinyl guitar should be alright she's alright alright I need to do some reorganizing in the back gotta grab that guitar out snow as good as new grab this nice doll Joey she's one of those guys screen right here and I don't know if these are they have names on them so that does not so usually there'd be like advertisement here and there's not if there was I would grab them what's looking like there's none on any of them this one's got one got Lois Levi's clothing Corp Elizabeth Street New York City I'm not seeing any other ones that's it it's not in there all right so everyone always tells me to grab these and I usually don't grab these because I don't think they would sell but I'm gonna grab these and see if they do so already got their baseball trophies soccer trophies all sorts of different kind of trophies here we're going to try it and see if they sell if they don't they don't they do you live and learn there's only one way of doing this by experience those are some trophies we want to try that all right The Adventures of garbage picking trying to go to a new area where it might be garbage and this road is atrocious I don't even know what's going on here any we got Gulley's that are just wood deep holy cow look out [Music] all sorts of scrap got a milk crate whatever this might be it's kind of nice no no that's like a ferret cage or what so I'll post it up all right so that's gonna kind of wrap it up in terms of the track picking day lots and lots of good scores we just picked up a bunch of metal at the last place this guy said there's a bunch of tools in the air so we picked up these by the way those are pretty cool we'll see if those so they don't sell they don't sell they do sell they do so alright so yeah guys they are there's a bunch of old tools in there some buddies are pretty shot but the Taiwan are those sockets so they're not snap-on right that is probably gonna be just scrap I think I might take out the wrenches for some reason everyone buys wrenches they can be completely shot people just like wrenches I don't I don't I don't know what that's all about but hey it sells it sells got this one guitar I think it's a good score it's not broken I don't think I have no idea what the brand is on it anything all I see is that says Made in Japan right there that's it so who knows what this could possibly be if anyone knows what this is let me know if it's a valuable if there's any value to it I got some aluminum chairs a bunch of other stuff girl's bike a couple other things cool things to scrap some chairs overall it was a fun day it was a good day hopefully guys did enjoy this video if you guys would like to see a monas content and you have an Instagram account follow me at taco underscore stacks right here and that's my Instagram handle so make sure to go over there and follow me on there I think I'm approaching like 2500 followers or something so maybe I'll do a giveaway once I reach a certain amount on that who knows but overall very very fun very exciting hopefully you guys enjoyed please leave a like if you did and as always have a great day keep living a dream peace [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 178,363
Rating: 4.8762269 out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, Junking, Garbage Picking, Trash Day, Trash To Cash, Trash Picker, Dumpster Diving, Dumpster Diver, Dumpster Dive Finds, Dumpster Dive, Dumpster Dive Ulta, Dumpster Dive Gamestop, Dumpster Finds, Found in Trash, Found In Garbage, Garbage Man, junk man, scrap metal, scrapping, recycle, bulk pick up, trash man, the junker, junking, pickups, hauls, trash hauls, landfill, county dump, dump site, treasure hunting
Id: GKx_a5MvDR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 09 2018
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