I Took Upgrades Too Far...

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welcome back to more weird worm destruction the goal today is to not only scan planets but kill all the life around me die oh and i already got a new body don't mind if i do and give me this engine that i just suddenly also got i was wow really hoping to find one of these guys why are you designed like that there's just no way this design worked out for you what is that weird little coil thing give me it let me have it thank you i'm sorry a spear let's put this right here and then how does this work can i just yeah get back here yeah that's exactly how that works does this not have ammo usage can i just constantly do this oh my gosh hey guys how are your days hey man let me just get straight to the point all right [Laughter] wow this weapon is fun i wish i just had two of them so i could be double deadly instead i just have one and a little baby stinker outside your visit against the big ones oh it's still a two shot that's always good oh i forgot they have babies ugh gross what is that random thing oh wait this is a perfect moment to just use the stinker and okay that killed a lot of things really quickly i don't know what armor does i'll just put it right there i assume it'll like block a projectile or something are you spawning enemies stop that gross little overgrown seaweed thing all right get blocked yeah oh that is what happens nice upgrade might be better than what i thought it was going to be and is this another ship yes die gross monsters i'm sorry fusion reactor extreme energy regeneration sure so what is that is energy this stuff wow this is crazy so i can just lay down a gas trap and then it pretty much is instantly back oh don't mind if i do and here's some asteroids with little gems in them yes that's the currency of this world and i want it bad and another way to get it is by recycling parts that i will not be using thank you engine i already have two and then i'm gonna lose my armor and my fusion reactor if i were to take another one and i just can't afford that and planet done oh there's still enemies down here man hit him with the infinite stinker loop yes die die wait it's another spear give me your friend can i just put it right here and then have two on one side so i think what i'm doing is just gonna have a two spear attack and then i'll use the stinker if things start to get scary but you know i'm getting the feeling that things aren't gonna get that scary especially whenever i've already done one of the planets oh beam there's like no reason to just not have that okay hello and then for you goodbye it's nice to have a one shot to most things yes i can't one shot these random little purple manatee things but i have army to block their shots so it works wow things really do just die super fast huh this is crazy who'd have thought putting two pointy objects onto the front of some rope would have worked out so well come on come all enemies i'm ready just go ahead oh why you have a spawner here there's so many spawners oh stay back guys i know i said i was ready but there actually is a ton of you hang on it seems borderline unfair for you maybe actually i'm killing this right now dead dead dead you're dead they're dead your kids are dead everyone's dead i said everyone's dead i'll be curious to see how this fires against world three because against these guys it's going extremely well oh and here's the shop hello i can buy this beam which i believe will just let me throw more stuff onto my ship for free and i think it also just increases my max health just because does my ship look a little weird i'm not going to think about it too hard let's go tie world 2 oh i see enemies still die as long as it takes one to two shots i should be fine for most things and as luck would have it it takes about one to two shots for most things especially these weird purple freaks little gross goblins oh and i just got another beam i'll throw you right there i broken ship that didn't make it as far as i did thanks for your resources i think those things drop health which would be cool if i had taken any health damage so far you stupid overgrown tadpole die oh a two-way engine wait a second i think that means i can break this beam put that on yeah now i kind of have a good little forwards backwards perfect movement speed will end up saving my life what is that thing oh that was that's gross oh and it just dropped babies why oh this is such an abomination to everything that is just good in this universe freaks i'll do the smart thing here and scan the second planet because now i know where all the enemies are oh is there only three left this whole time hi guys i'm here to answer the question you've all had in your minds what happens after death friend let me know because i won't be experiencing it anytime soon especially since i have my armor bar shield drone i think this is just like a passive thing it just kind of works its way in and block stuff for me for free thanks buddy my favorite type of upgrades are the one that i have to use no brain power to actually benefit from like that yes first things first scan a planet and then immediately rush to scan planet 2. this is just handy to also see if i'm getting rushed by any random enemy but mainly because i'm lazy and don't want to go looking for them sorry you didn't make it give me your stuff i wish i would get an upgrade every time i did that rather than just health oh a chop this early already oh a body yes i'll take you throw you right there and i'll just kind of work like this the weirdest ship anyone's ever seen but it works one second let me actually recycle both of these and then by this reflective armor because now if an enemy shoots something at me i can just bring it right back someone comes shoot something at me also i get the feeling that if i get too close to this planet something bad is going to happen okay and just like that planet scan wow there's a ton more enemies here oh and another body yes let's put you right there and then i'll just slap that like that wait shoot me shoot me get reflected yes oh and it actually kills stuff too that's good and i oh i just took damage from something oh this is new this has never happened before i keep taking damage from something oh wait the little stupid fireflies just suicide bomb me wow i went from taking no damage to having less than half my health you know i really like my spears but their range is starting to not pay off anymore maybe i just need to condense myself to be as small as humanly possible especially from these giant little kraken squids there's nothing i can do about these guys they just go out of my range fine i'll kill everything else sorry rapid laser how does this work oh this is oh i just got my wish get back here random squid stupid idiot die everything dies don't touch me you overgrown firefly you have so much health that's so gross can there be a broken ship somewhere why do they all congregate right here oh i have six health this is so scary oh and there was just a squid left over down here too how am i supposed to go about this die yes okay i got one oh i got two suddenly i feel like there's a chance i just have to make sure their butts aren't turned towards me oh you're so gross i want you dead and it happened yes oh is there any dead ship over here anything to heal a man that's on six hp from not getting hit once too critically wounded anything can happen in this game why is everything so mean to me all right time to start repairing myself it only heals me by 25 this is just the worst news if that's the case let's go ahead and recycle this beam because then i can repair for another 25 and since i'm just using lasers at this point let's get rid of these harpoons and i can get more and i might as well go ahead and get rid of this armor plate that'll also give me some more health oh man and these two items look so fun it's okay just means i need to kill stuff here until i can get it okay these guys have a lot more health all of a sudden what's going on here game and they're spewing fire yes okay that's right i forgot about level three just randomly getting a lot more difficult good thing i had my battleground to come help me out oh my gosh it dumped so much and it barely touched me my scary lava planet just leave me alone and don't even touch me thank you can i get like a better gun a super gun maybe by chance hey wait a second i know how this planet works oh stupid crap gotta make sure i don't just die to the planet's random volcanic activity thank you oh yes it's a shield i think that just nerfs everyone there perfect easy kills are what i long for thank you shield drone because that was about to be deadly oh is this a mace how does this oh okay yeah i'm fine with this wow that just like one shot that thing this isn't really a passive uh attack upgrade but it's effective and i can just hold this button all day the game severely underestimates my dedication to not dying can i hit him through the wall i can where was this thing like 80 levels ago there's just so many enemies here oh my gosh this is like a whole stack of toads look at how much fire is down there oh i just activated a bomb okay i don't know what that was i just wanted to see oh a battery this lets me store more energy that's actually huge thank you can i get a second battery can i get seven batteries all sound like good things to me oh you guys have little fire spinning moves that's cool i'm not really in the trading business i need all the health i can get so you guys just need to die thanks oh it's another mace which i believe means i just now activate two at once yes oh i love multi weapons that don't require any actual energy usage all right the only enemies that remain are in this corner i need everyone to go ahead and get out for me thank you yeah you're actually wow they just kind of complied extremely well thanks guys first world three wasn't that bad and everything immediately sucks again i'm already fighting stuff oh my gosh okay well this planet's fire is going extremely fast what the heck wasn't where these things could just get volcanic upgrades game some people are trying to not die out here oh my gosh wait there's a flame version of the stupid squid oh that says homing missiles hello oh no i don't have a spot on my ship anymore i guess i could get rid of the reflective armor and just try it out real quick and i already took damage from something there we go oh this isn't even that effective you just need ammo for it too and i'm severely lacking all ammo all right well that was fun while it lasted time to scrap you and put my armor back i think that one little test cost me about 50 of my life anything for science can i just scan this planet already get this fire out of here thank you think i can squeeze through yes i got the drop on him you idiot oh and then you're over there get maced medieval weaponry in a spacecraft works way better than one might think stupid sling squid where'd he go did i kill him okay no i'll take that yeah see before i just used to rush the planets so i could see where every stupid little overgrown fish was but now if i were to do that the planets deal damage to me uh and there's way too many fish so i would simply die wow and i just am going through a gauntlet oh dear god okay i survived it all right maybe i need to give myself more credit maybe that one round where i almost died was a complete fluke oh and i got another thruster which i think i can put on so long as i just remodel my ship to work like that now i have random amounts of boost in random directions you know works out good enough for me thank you i don't know if i take damage if something hits like my beams or if it has to hit my body oh another beam but i have a very long tail right now so one can only hope did i kill that fish i did so i'm i'm done right oh no there's two enemies right here but it's red on red no wonder i didn't see it maced idiot blow up and die for my amusement and then i think i have a shop hello friends oh this looks fun and wacky oh but then this gives me more energy too i want it i'll throw it right there then i'm one coin away from getting the harpoon oh wait this uses energy too all right let's risk it in the sense that it'll be better than my rapid laser and now we can see all right how does this work oh it's like just a constant gun well time to go test out the damage and i can just leave it there does that do like constant damage anywhere that it's at no okay and i all right i just took a lot of damage back to my back to my lasers all right there was a it was a fun dream oh that was a critical mistake that cost me a lot of health oh but it's okay though broken ship right there got full health back let's go i might actually be able to see the end of world three at this rate so long as i don't have to fight these giant kraken squids stupid idiots oh another body yes i figured i should make my more compact uh so this is what i came up with it doesn't look weird does it whatever it can look as weird as it wants whenever it's able to kill things this efficiently die you stupid overgrown worms no one even likes you now why am i doing all this are these things living in peace and i'm actually the bad guy i mean not like i care i'll still kill their family and take all their resources i just you know i want to know a purpose either way that's three three done one more world this is such a weird area to be there was asteroids all around and then like a bunch of tiny enemies random sea turtles don't get me wrong everything's dead now but still it's almost like the game doesn't want me to win this says angel wings you have me i'm curious oh is it just free protection i don't really know how it works someone shoot something on my angel wings and then don't have the shield my auto defense systems are just too good my shield drone gets out there starts blocking stuff all right well you know what i'll leave it let's hope it's one of those things that i have just in case but i never have to use oh this is this is a lot of damage okay oh well i actually took i think 20 damage it looked like i was about to take a ton more because there was a ton of enemies right there that i just could not avoid but hey you know what it works third planet done and the fourth planet is conveniently right next door is this everything did i kill all the enemies already too i did oh all right back to the shop then the shop's not really that good so i'm going to refresh and see if i get anything better double laser i just don't want it to be worse than my rapid laser whatever i'm a man of science give me it how does it oh i have to go in the front of my ship dang it all right how good are you oh it shoots very slow i'm worried i made the wrong choice what is this world 4-1 okay hi things do these explode yeah they do oh that was so fast oh that was so fast and so much damage oh all right a lot of projectiles let's just immediately yeah and back to this perfect anyways thank you oh wow that still hit me huh have you ever lived in fear before i'm not really sure how to go about this there are some enemies that will rush me but then the rest look like they just shoot and this guy has so much health oh my gosh i'm already at 200. i just got here this guy is a shield and lasers can i find the right angle and shoot this guy off the wall i think this is about to be my only saving grace if i can just continuously do this one of these days die why is everything so mean and hateful i've decided it's best if i just swing the mace around non-stop again everything here just looks the same get away i have to kill stuff before it kills me oh i got another double laser not like it's worth anything something tells me to not be in this range whenever those things pop off oh wait i can still scan the planet from like outside their range that's not that scary at all and now there's just a couple enemies left to deal with let's just hope it's you know not enough to kill me it certainly looks like it might there's lasers that's a bomb oh and that emp'd my ship okay this is fine everything's fine we're good oh half health moving on well the good news is i have another shop the bad news is it sucks oh but i can get another shield drone don't mind if i do i'm just going to sell this thruster oh hey wait and then i can buy this beam as well and then i can just go boop and boop this is the ship that will conquer the galaxy or blow up and die trying one of the two oh there's three planets i have to scan this time instead of just one i will admit the two shield drones are helping that's a bomb and i'm empty and i'm lasered i have 88 hp i think what this is called that's a bomb oh how did i forget that and then i ran right into the planet oh this is the worst day oh man you know now that i'm looking at it i think my ship kind of looks like a
Channel: ImCade
Views: 136,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, funny, gameplay, Upgrading a PERFECT SPACE SHIP, space scavenger, space scavenger game, space scavenger hunt, early access, space scavenger lets play, spaceship builder, space survival, alien shooter, space explorer, terratech space, vehicle builder, space roguelike, space game, roguelike, space exploration, alien, indie game, indie games, terratech, space games, space scavenger playthrough, ftl, UPGRADING to DANGEROUS LEVELS, I Took Upgrades Too Far...
Id: 4VpY6lGOPuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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