How Not to Survive Natural Disasters (Roblox)

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hey guys welcome back to my new job at the construction site well it was fun while it lasted but like i guess i'm gonna have to find a new job or something okay okay my biggest problem with this racetrack is that the cars i don't know what roblox did but they just can't climb up slopes anymore but you know there's some bigger problems that we have right now oh as i was saying before i got interrupted by that very rude tornado earlier um yeah i don't know what happened to these cars really right on top of me too oh wait how did i survive that okay i gotta get out of here now here's to hoping i don't get sniped by debris because i'm not ready for it at all oh no oh no this is very bad this is just so terrible i don't even know where i want to go going over here was the right choice thankfully and it's coming back for more oh never mind we're good it seems like there's some roblox force that just really doesn't like it when i criticize their new weird physics that broke stick master luke's cars alright as i was saying before that second tornado rudely interrupted me um car physics bad roblox fix game okay standing on here is my only chance at surviving this and it's it's not a very good one honestly oh and i fell and i fell again i always get interrupted oh i lived nice nope oh oh no oh that was almost karma but it wasn't haha flash flood well we're in the perfect spot for that i don't think this tower here collapses i think these are invincible to the flood for some reason oh never mind we are definitely screwed oh no yeah that sounds about right all right guys it's time to go to school and someone is already trying to break through the window uh oh this school has two floors we're screwed here let me just stand on top of the chalkboard here and just hope that it works oh you know what i think i'm completely fine yeah we're good nice school is about to collapse though oh geez okay i think we're mostly all right although people are just just getting slammed into the ceiling like look at that okay what happens if i drive my tank into the helicopter propeller not much although if this guy gets out he's done yeah what were you expecting oh okay look at this it's the perfect day to be standing on top of some random silo all right maybe less so now what just happened to that guy okay look look at this guy though this guy he's just he doesn't care right now he would send the meteors back into space and this guy is a box of tic tacs anyways i i am confident that we will make it through this round i'm still confident that we'll make it through this round i think i think we've got this guys there we go we actually survived somehow all right it's a nice day out again so we're going to try the silo strats again and they're not going well for this guy so far no don't don't just walk off again it's not a great idea hey it's meteor shower again where you going willy you kept the meteors away last round and now you're going away well i guess his health is too low so i understand why he doesn't want to come up here again but also it's it's like our lucky silo so i don't know all right well not so much anymore you know we should really just cancel this rocket launch the weather is not very great for it today oh that is just not how you do that well they avoided the acid rain at least all right i think today is a better looking day to launch this rocket so let's all right it's about to tip over that's all right okay it's just swaying back and forth and it's gone what was that i've never seen that happen before usually it launches before the weird thing happens or the disaster hits but nope the rocket just gave up immediately alright i'm climbing to the top of this skyscraper and i just want the most inconvenient thing to happen to me while i'm up here are you kidding me this is like the best thing that could have happened all right oh this guy just walked off for no reason all right and i just died instantly maybe flash flood was terrible after all look at this dude he just wants to go home man get these people out of school oh never mind you just walked out that works too oh oh no no this is not good somehow this guy survived and the only thing he suffered from was having his baldness completely exposed okay i'm getting destroyed by the tornado right now i just lost both of my feet and this guy is just well he's just walking into it at this point i don't know what you're doing he just keeps walking into the tornado he's literally a storm chaser like this guy just does not care about anything right now and i don't know where he went but i'm assuming he's not coming back here it's finally time for a relaxing ride on the ferris wheel and before the carriage comes tumbling down to the ground let me just remind you guys that if you haven't already you should leave a like on this video and subscribe to my channel because yes anyways back to our scheduled programming of me dying in roblox over and over again it's time to finally complete the race after a couple instances of tornado interruption really what what is this didn't spawn directly on top of me this time at least okay i'm just gonna stand outside here and i'm just let's just see what's going on outside oh that one felt personal okay what is everyone doing at the edge here i don't i don't understand oh well there maybe they were trying to avoid that i guess what was that you know this tornado is gonna fling debris at everyone and knock them off probably what was that speaking of people getting flung away geez alright who's gonna be the first one to fall off the tower this time oh oh okay this guy was the first but oh it's a rough day for these people climbing the tower or specifically the ones who unclimbed it you guys better get down from there there's a not like that anyways yeah there's a tree on fire hello what what are you guys doing oh you all of you guys are just screwed look they're trapped up they either have to fall down well they didn't have any other option really okay this helicopter is about to take off on its own let's see how this ends okay first one dead how many lives will the helicopter claim oh that's two uh oh okay now that there's a thunderstorm it it's probably gonna explode now yep there it goes oh yep somehow it's still intact but that is just not not good just bouncing everywhere now oh it got struck again look at how excited this helicopter is isn't this so wholesome oh the whole thing is gone it was fun while it lasted although this last part is somehow still going all right guys today is a day of the most spectacularly failed rocket launch yet so really really excited for this one um i think we're gonna see some epic fails the rocket just brought the whole tower with it now that was a pretty spectacular failure oh did i just see a speed hacker what was that oh this guy is definitely speed hacking out of all the games why would you do it here okay i'm gonna go to the top again and because there's no clouds i don't think there's much that would immediately ruin my climbing experience should be able to just okay well i forgot this okay this time there will be no earthquake instead there will just be good things good things only see no earthquake what was your goal there if it was to push someone off then you certainly succeeded okay the volcano shouldn't be able to snipe us from here so we should be all right oh that is not good at all we're being held up by nothing right now well it would be pretty clutch if we did survive somehow and it looks like we're going to because it's been a while and this area hasn't been hit so we should be all right there we go see only good things happen that round like it was pretty clear that we were going to win that one honestly all right this time i don't i don't trust these buildings i think they're just okay dude maybe i'll get ready to try and stand on the side here to have a chance at survival oh oh i'm on all right and it flung me off that's pretty cool all right well i'm gonna try and get down from here because you know tornadoes kind of destructive oh no oh no oh no oh how am i still alive i don't know how i got down from that all right i'm gonna get a sick shot of me getting sniped by a meteor oh no that wasn't good enough we gotta we gotta try again that's more like it there we go all right let's see how happy this home will be after whatever disaster happens okay well this this home is definitely not happy right now what was that that was one of the strangest deaths i've seen today you know i think this is still repairable it just needs uh it just needs to be repainted i think and it should be good after that all right i'm gonna go up here so i can get a very sick view of this wall oh okay well i'm gonna get down here then okay that's not the best way of doing it actually i'm just gonna go back up here and oh never mind there we go i am protected by this roof so we should be good i don't know what this guy's doing just standing there i wouldn't say that's the best the best idea obviously it worked better than whatever i was doing anyone want to play bumper cars oh how did that even happen oh no maybe this will get struck by lightning in such a way that it repositions itself upright you just have to wait and see i guess okay that's definitely not what happened all right this time i am getting on the rocket okay so if if this guy could just press the red button in there before the volcano erupts preferably then we will be good and this this guy is afk isn't he oh no how do i get to this button oh this is not good i have a bigger surface to stand on though at least oh no there goes my whole surface and the whole rocket okay well i i guess i'll just resign and just oh oh where okay we are actually flying right now how is this working we are so far away from the map right now dude how is this actually working shout out to this guy right here he clutched up with the balloon and he saved us from whatever was happening over there and i'm so far away that my character is just shaking and i'm gonna violently explode once this next round starts okay maybe not so violently but still all right guys that's gonna do it for this video if you guys like this video be sure to leave a like and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and make sure to turn on all notifications for my channel so you don't miss out on any new videos anyways i'm gonna get back to enjoying my picnic and i'll see you see you guys in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Remainings
Views: 1,105,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: remainings, roblox, commentary, lets play, gaming, roblox gameplay, roblox lets play, roblox commentary, roblox funny moments, no swearing, natural disaster survival, survive the disasters, roblox disaster, roblox disasters, roblox survive disasters, roblox natural disasters, natural disaster survival funny moments
Id: qVGHanCvUQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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