I Built Automatic Machines in Minecraft Hardcore

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I've built a ton of farms and factories in this hardcore world but I've never built machines I wonder what that will look like so today we'll start off with the easy machines and move on to the medium difficulty machines like lava machines and Cobblestone machines then onto the hardest one which will be an automatic snowball machine first machine I'm gonna build is going to be a flower machine so let's quickly clear out a small area there we go hey man get off my bed what the kids man now let's fill in the outline with some blocks and I'm actually really excited for this flower machine mainly because it's so simple so let's finish this up there we go now let's just fill up this chest with some bone meal and to turn it on all I gotta do is right click there's no block and this one here and it should work uh this is part of the laggiest and noisiest machine I've ever built and after everything for 10 minutes this is all of the dye that I got but since we have a normal flower machine let's build a tall flower please shut up please shut up thank you let's build a tall flower machine in behind it that includes rose bushes these pink thingies this purple thing and aha sunflower oh sorry techno piggy sunflowers let's first get rid of this that was my first ever villager breeder so say goodbye in the comments but anyways let's start working on the tall flower machine [Music] now let's just slap down the tall flowers in each of these grass blocks and now if I right click this lever it should just start spitting out rose bushes yay I could turn that into some dye and it should work for all these tall flowers yeah okay okay it's getting annoying now but both of these Farms are looking pretty boring and stale so let's start decorating them [Music] now let's build some flowers above the machines [Music] and there we go both flower machines are complete and you know what these kids are playing tag in Minecraft what what is that okay um I'm glad I built this though because I'm a guy and I love flowers and that's okay you know who else loves flowers yeah it was good but I've kept all my bees pretty captive inside this little box so let's make them a better home the only thing I need are flowering Azealia leaves which I don't have um that's awkward what's up oh and now let's just yoink these beehives I just got jump scared by a bee oh they're all mad at me don't want to hurt you oh wait is it good now after stinging me all right do I need to use shears to out cheers to get oh okay that didn't work how about I use silk touch this should work right okay there we go and let's build the B machine right beside the flower machine because it only makes sense so let's first put down a chest right here which will collect all of the honey bottles and then some Hoppers like this I'll go all the way across the beehives will sit right on top of these Hoppers with some Azealia leaves right here which will be the pollen and let's trap them in a glass box so they cannot Escape The Bee got out um I should probably cover this up so it doesn't fly away there we go and now he's just spin botting right above the beehives there will be some dispensers that are filled with shears or bottles that will collect all of the honey now let's expand the B Machine and line it up with some redstone hey and the bees are out collecting pollen and making honey I just need a bit more beehives so let's go collect some was there to find beehives dude it's literally impossible I see bees but I don't see no hives where are they living like in the ground where the groundhogs where are you hiding the nest totally not trying to steal it and farm you guys for the rest of your lives foreign [Music] oh God oh God oh God oh God there we go now if I craft up a ton of bottles and put them inside these chests it should slowly move into all of these dispensers when these hives are ready to be harvested the dispenser should collect the honey and go into here which it isn't nice there's always a problem when I'm doing something um what's the problem here uh oh I think all the dispensers need to be full so then they end up being collected by The Hoppers I think well that's about a thousand more pieces of glass and turned them into glass bottles filled up every single dispenser there we go our beef farmers were ah hey stop would you do it again it's not a lot though so while we wait let's build a giant Beast surrounding the machine kind of like that guy let's go ahead and grab all of my materials and start working on this giant bee [Music] and there we go we got our my mouse just died we got ourselves a beef friend what should his name be he's so he's so cute it'd be like uh Arnold or uh bee God or uh felicious or honey you find that was bad um but I don't have a door into the B machine so uh I'm sorry but I'm just gonna have the carve Halo section of your head and there we go the grass doesn't really match though so let's quickly change that up and make it more b-e now let's add a little bit of decoration [Music] bring a few bees in here we got ourselves our B machine and it seems like we got more beads inside the B than the actual then the actual Hive and there we go let's call him Barry Benson if you know who you know next up let's move on to the medium difficulty machines the next one being a lava machine so let's grab all of my materials and now I just need some hanging poop you may also know out as drip Stone come on it literally looks like piles of dinosaur poop I have everything that I need we just need to find a spot to build this thing um you know what let's actually build something in the savannah it's so ugly let's just cover it up with something let's clear out the area and now let's start building the lava machine let's build it a little view blocks up English is cool and let's let's build a square of cauldrons there we go and you guys will see why I built it a few blocks above the ground later I got a cool design in my head and now let's put a piston here and an observer right here with a little bit of redstone like that and let's do that for all of the sides and now let's leave because I'm okay now now this is awkward um there we go now let's build a square above all of the cauldrons I will hold the drip stone that will drip lava Into The Cauldron it'll look pretty cool now let's take our drip Stone and place it down all underneath this block now we just need lava here let's see oh my my mouse joint a bunch of this lava oh I forgot it doesn't burn and fill in every single block there's no way are you see I thought I need to grab enough lava um I'm such a baby there we go and now let's start working on the Redstone and the lava machine is basically done it's already working a little bit I just need to turn it on so let's jump over here place down a cauldron and a what tin right here um I think the button goes on the Piston all right there we go it's working look at that that's pretty cool now that all the cultures are moving in a circle oh the drift Zone will just drip lava into the cauldrons and now I just need to fill up my inventory grab a few buckets stand right here and hold down right click and I should be collecting all the lava inside the cauldron and throwing it into this chest and it seems to work pretty good let's AFK this for 30 minutes and see how much lava buckets I get well I was actually gone for an hour and a half and I gotta hold up a chest of lava buckets and all of the cauldrons are basically full so the lava machine was pretty successful but now let's do a little bit of decoration I built the lava Farm a few blocks above the ground so I can build a giant lava pool underneath it and a cool staircase that goes up to the lava Farm [Music] and now just like the flower machines that I built a few minutes ago which was actually like two days ago I'm gonna do the same thing over here with a lava bucket and the lava machine is complete this overall is a pretty cool farm I've never seen something designed like this I really like it now let's build an automatic Cobblestone machine right beside the lava farm and this machine would produce me 120 000 Cobblestone per hour which is a pretty insane so let's first start building it right here let's build six blocks up huh oh they're invisible and up here let's build a 13 by 13 Square made out of glass let's put a fence gate down and add water to all of the corners and the sides and this is where all the Cobblestone will be collected now let's build where the Cobblestone will be made which will be thick to thick block six blocks to this side let's slap a block down right here and then four blocks on either side and this is where the fun begins let's grab some three stones and some blocks and let's line this whole thing up with pistons and these will push the stone over there on these edges let's add a little border that will contain the water that will make the stone and on top of these blocks does add even more Pistons make even more Stone and repeat the same exact thing again and again now let's add some repeaters and some Redstone that will activate all of the Pistons now let's add the water to the corners and now let's build some other cool redstone stuff all right this is the rest don't clock that'll make everything work and now I just gotta build this exact thing on the other side weird noise [Music] and now from here let's work on the TNT duper that will mine the Cobblestone for me and there we go the TNT duper is done I feel like I really messed it up though so we'll see if it works now let's just come over here and connect this entire thing up with repeaters now let's work on the lava now let's grab some buckets Actually I don't even need buckets let's come down to this lava machine grab two pieces of lava place it right there and the lava should eventually flow right into this hole and create some Stone on top of the water which seems like it is now let's just break all of these temporary blocks and there we go this makes my life a lot easier and it ends right where the water source is perfect now let's just do it on this side and now let's start working on the collection system let's break that and make a little tube coming down from the middle here let's grab my chests and my Hoppers and let's line her up and this Cobblestone machine is going to generate me a ton of cobblestones so let's just increase the size of this entire storage system now let's make a little tunnel with some glass let's grab a bucket of water place water right there hey fence gate like that with the open another glass of water okay I say glass and Bam and this will allow all the Cobblestone to just roll down here and fill up all of these chests let's break all of the scaffolding and I'm actually really scared to give this a test I have a feeling I kind of messed this up so let's come here flip the lever and it should start everything a bunch of redstone stuff will happen uh TNT Duplo will start and okay it's it's going down Stone is coming out which is good um oh no is it is that bad is that bad oh yeah I think that's bad yeah that's pretty bad I think it's clear that I made a mistake [Music] all right test two I fixed it a little bit I forgot one repeater over there there's something wrong here but I think it's right but it could be wrong so all right we got a problem oh there we go okay TNT is activated it's dropping okay it blows up right there now instead of all the way down there Stone's working and it's actually blowing up the stone it's working okay so far so good um it did break this glass right here which isn't good it could cause lava to flow but um It Isn't So Far So everything seems to be working pretty well this is a tad bit scary um okay we'll do a TNT death run [Music] that didn't work out it seems like the Cobblestone machine is actually working with the TNT no problems yet which is uh good and surprising at the same time let's Advocate the machine for one hour and see how much Cobblestone I get all right it's been about 55 minutes I couldn't wait the extra five minutes because I'm a little impatient and let's check how much Cobblestone I got um I couldn't help but notice all of this Cobblestone at the very end I couldn't get picked up oh my God literally all the Hoppers are full how many stocks are in here oh my god um let's see oh hey yo um that that's a lot of cobblestone what what the heck I was gone for an hour and we got ourselves about 20 double chests of cobblestone I am really shocked as you can tell by the sound of my voice so let's turn this off forever and probably never use this again oh no oh no oh no [Music] I don't like this oh no stop stop stop right there oh no I'm in a mess okay GG is GG is GG oh God oh God oh God I can't contain any more it's out of control it is out of control okay at least I saved the lava from touching that I mean well just when I thought I had enough Cobblestone I got more there you go well that marks a medium difficulty machine complete automatic Cobblestone machine it's it's pretty cool since we have a cobblestone machine we also need a stone one so let's take the same exact design and build a manual sewing machine right beside it let's grab my materials and start building this stone machine so while I was building I was having a ton of trouble at first I built the bottom layer but I was trying to go the other way and it just wouldn't work so I had to destroy it I then tried building the top layer first and going down but that didn't work either so I had to break the top one as well then I finally started building it correctly but then it was a little too long so yeah um I'm not the smartest cookie in the room all right I have finished it and I have no idea if this is gonna work or not this was a little different design because I had to combine two together so uh I guess YOLO um please work okay stone is made oh yeah oh yeah it's moving something is moving that that's good good noise good news okay I think I did it only problem is this kind of goes out a little too far but that shouldn't be a problem let's get rid of all of this glass I should probably use a silk touch that would be smart yeah that's a lot smarter now all I gotta do is build a beacon which will have haste too that makes mining the stone instant and just mining the stone machine for five minutes yeah let's just say it's pretty successful and now we have a fully automatic stone machine that makes me thousands and thousands of stacks of stone an hour that's if I'm not lazy to mind it but now let's move on to the harder machines I will build the snow machine it pushes around snow golems and stuff yeah let's first collect a bunch of materials and there are two more things that I need to collect honey blocks and slime blocks and luckily I made ourselves a bee machine and it seems like they're working pretty hard bam yeah that's not enough here we go [Applause] at least I didn't fly far for this to break or else I'll be stranded again oh now I gotta repair this and I also need some slime balls into the Slime Factory Wham that's a new noise now in order to build the snow machine it needs to be pretty high up and somewhere that isn't warm this place looks pretty flat let's build it right here but before I start building you guys should join my Discord server today we're running a special q a event where you can ask me any questions you want so go join the server and join a voice call and I'll be there so this is gonna be a pretty complicated build but I'm gonna try my best let's first build a 7x7 area now let's put some trap doors above it and this little square right here is where the TNT will fall and break the snow so now let's fill up this entire area with water and this will make the floor blast resistance from the TNT now let's start extending the platform and all the snow blocks that will be blown up will be pushed over to these edges so let's drop this wall down a little bit to make a pathway for the water now let's put a block here and water so it flows all around this thingy let's put a ice block right here with a slab a sign and another piece of water and another another piece of glazed terracotta right there I don't really know why it just helps prevent the thing from freezing and stuff yeah and now we just gotta take the water stream across the side here so both sides connect and there we go the collection water streams are done now let's start working on the Redstone part I have no idea if I built this correctly it's a mess but uh let's just pray now let's work on the flying machines that will hold the snow golem so let's put three composters right here oh I'm not sure if that was a move um anyways let's put three more here and three more here and another three there there we go now let's uh sleep because I'm tired and my brain hurts now the goal is to get the snow golems inside these composters and they would just sit in here and they'll be trapped so this is the challenging part so let's take some chains and put them right here so chain down the snow golems let's put some sticky pistons behind it the Pistons will push the chains over frapping the snow golem now I just need some buttons which I don't have um you know what there we go now I need to craft some snow golems I didn't even bring snow or pumpkins nice let's grab some snow blocks and now I just need some pumpkin block oh my God I can't believe I spotted that I got the eyes of a toad I think I think the word is Hawk um I forgot all right let's see if this works let's put snow blocks down a pumpkin Shear it and yeah let's do it again trap them and again and trap them there we go snow golems are trapped inside their little box I am so sorry oh he's trying to escape you cannot leave I'm sorry I don't like how you guys are staring at me so uh there we go now I can't see their head because the honey blocks covers it so let's do the same exact thing to trap one two three four five six seven eight nine nine Snow Golems I'm so awkward anyways [Music] oh no no no um we gotta escapee no get back in there get in your hole come on please just get in one he's gonna start the revolution of the snow golems he's gonna retaliate he needs to get in come on buddy all right fine now we need to find another pumpkin oh that's not good no no no no no no no no no no I messed up again why why why must you be so annoying and there we go did I mess up again think these three guys are supposed to be over on this side like right where the snow is and finally there we go I fixed it now let's add a few sticky pistons like this and like this and then some honey blocks behind it like so that is the most confusing thing I've ever done and now an observer right there and there let's do the same thing on the other side and there we go that makes the entire Snow part of the snow machine all done you guys probably have no idea what's going on right now but soon enough you'll find out it's pretty cool now we need to work on the TNT duper right above this platform that will blow up the snow and now we are done I just forgot to get a minecart bro I always forget something [Music] and Bam let's power this and Pull It in there we go I think it's all connected and now let's build this thing and this is the on and off switch so now everything should be working let's uh remove everything on the platform and pray I didn't mess anything up because this thing was a pain to build so let's right click this it should turn on and everything should start moving okay it is all the snow is being placed down by the golems and that should be activated oh okay the honey blocks lowered down and works it works it blew up the snow and now these flying machines just push all of the Snowballs into these water streams which will come down this way and there we go Dad Mom I did something right for once in my life yo this is sick this is actually genuinely really really cool the things you can do in Minecraft people said this is just a block game I mean I mean they're right but let's see how many snowballs this gets me let's see oh my okay there's even more over here um I don't think I need this this many snowballs but yeah every single time this TNT blows up it gets me over a hundred snowball balls that is the snow machine complete and I feel like it's one of the best ones and there we go seven different machines built at three different difficulties this video is super fun and don't forget to make some memories with your friends and families goodbye how
Channel: aCookieGod
Views: 4,605,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acookiegod, a cookie god, a cookie god minecraft, cookie minecraft, minecraft cookie, minecraft cookie god, cookie god, acookiegod series, acookiegod hardcore, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, minecraft, extracookie, building automatic machines in minecraft hardcore, i built automatic machines in minecraft hardcore, building automatic farms in minecraft hardcore
Id: YGDUrZpyY64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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