100 Days in Hardcore Cherry Grove ONLY!

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I'm gonna be surviving 100 days in a hardcore Cherry Grove only world the Cherry Grove biome is part of Minecraft's 1.20 update and gives us a super interesting world to try and survive in the goals for this video are to find the new armors and make the ultimate set of netherrite gear and build a massive cherry tree Temple but before we even get to that we need to try and survive I think we should try some light exploring just to get a lay of the land all right let's grab some wood ladies and gentlemen this is the first piece of cherry log I have ever touched in Minecraft which makes Cherry planks wow that's nice we can still make a crafting table we can still make sticks excellent it works just like everything else but it's pink oh pink petals we've got Cherry saplings we can we can make a cherry boat I end up kind of digging this update all right we've got some sheep so anyway I came across this wool and mutton don't work guys I just I did some off-screen mining I went ahead and I got us some diamonds right I'm really just trying to do some exploring right now get some of the the bare necessities that we we really need you know a little bit of coal yeah and that is gonna be our pick really appreciating this River for exploration oh we don't have as much time as I thought we did like am I even gonna have enough time to make a shelter okay that is not looking super promising and to ensure that this video is longer than a single day I think it's time for a couple of hunk shoes if you know what I mean all right day two I'm gonna gather some more logs the question is where do we want to make our home got a floating island above a Nether Portal hey thorns and blast protection so after a little more exploring I think I found a pretty good spot where we can build our home this peninsula will be great to build on because it's super safe and being next to water makes it really easy for us to move around it's getting dark we're gonna have to sleep this one off and now ladies gentlemen we can get started I like the spot of the island just because it gives us so much room to like head off through the river I'm gonna have to do a lot of clearing there goes the first shovel we're getting a little hungry how far do we need to dig down to find Stone there's a furnace get that mutton cooking up make two more shovels and before we get back to work a nice delicious snack all right so ladies and gentlemen today is the day we build our starter house how's that for a plot of land till this flooring with cherry slabs I don't know if I'm like over analyzing this but it just sounds good like does it have its own custom sound for light because wow something very satisfying about this oh man [Music] really just going for that starter home right now we do cherry oh dang okay only problem is I feel like this wants a lot of glass and I don't really have any right now all right we do have a little bit of sand right here what can we do with our glass so far that's gonna be 32 panes right that actually looks pretty good the only problem is it's getting dark and we don't have enough sand let alone enough glass yet gosh I'm just I'm getting this weird urge to like know if hostile mobs are gonna spawn yet at the same time like we are not geared up I think a single skeleton would end my career right now well there is our answer if I were to say sleep right here we would not get killed by that approaching zombie we would not get killed beautiful I'm gonna be honest with you guys a few more a few more mobs than I was really hoping for there you have it oh carrot whoa it was worth it let's go I guess the biggest thing is this layer is what needs to be filled in because I don't think I'll get snipe right okay this looks great I like am just in love with this new wood I think the glass looks really nice I just think like the aesthetic of everything outside it looks so clean we could definitely do pressure plates there honestly we may as well just do it here like that is gonna allow mobs to come in but whatever look it may be our starter house our level one basic guy but it's a great start and as the days go by I promise you we're only gonna make it better and better now basic shelter achieved we should probably switch gears we're gonna build another boat and I want to do a little little more exploring so we've got this other ruined portal right here no chest actually and I don't believe I have the tool to break that yet oh my gosh Sun is going down already man I cannot get caught out here come on yeah we need some torches over here oh gosh dang it am I ready for a fight how many years have I been playing Minecraft if I can't take out a single creeper with bad gear I just don't even deserve to play this game it's it's really not that hard it's just a consistency thing you know all right much better you know I kind of forgot about this carrot so I'm also gonna get that started no bones yet but it would be nice to have you know at least even one crop and as soon as I say one crop why not go for a second now everyone I want us to all look at this together the first true sunrise in our Cherry Grove world it's a beautiful thing and now it's time we do some more exploring look the first thing I gotta at least try is this I know it's a real real dangerous spot to go but there is loot up at the top there uh check this out okay what we're looking for is an entrance which is of course over there quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick okay nice we have a bit of wheat bit of string we got a crossbow a goat horn some dark oak log that is rare in this world more carrots and a bottle of enchanting which is not a very good item but you know there's half a level the real question is how do we get Odie here you know like this is the day you almost met Captain Jack Sparrow and then I do this jump off run away run away run away run away run away oh this is not not that good not that good okay oh oh no oh no oh no okay I have made a wild error now I realize this isn't the best time to be saying this but it would be really awesome if you guys could subscribe by the way help us hit a million subscribers okay we're we're all right there we go there's a new boat oats and oh my gosh hi okay I'm being a little more casual than I I might want to be I just kind of need to know like is a village possible because if it's not we're gonna have to figure out the whole villager training thing in another way okay we're definitely not making it back tonight so I think we'll just be smart about this make a bed hey ladies and gentlemen day seven is a new day to explore I'm seeing another ruined portal here it's time with the chest and oh a bit of iron oh no we're so close maybe find some iron along here somewhere oh and there we are three pieces of iron for one iron pick and nine pieces of gold if we want to get back to our house I think we can just walk straight over this where is Hope Bob come pick me up I'm scared I'm gonna be on a spider this is not a very good plan of attack hey lady gentlemen we have mom now we did get some carrots four pieces of iron in total as long as I have an iron pick I think I just want more oh wait no always is first the shield now before our next Endeavor I'm also gonna get a bit more charcoal as we need torches and what is that next goal you may be wondering well I think it's time we get some better gear okay there we go there is our first little peek at some deep slate okay well we found something guys all right little Redstone got gold over here you know the two things I absolutely don't need oh my God shut up you're not gonna just be one piece of diamond right okay that's good now you're not gonna be just two pieces of diamond right oh why Gabe why would you do oh okay three four four baby all right it's not looking very good the three really lucky I I can handle that that was actually a huge blessing let's let's continue down here it's a lot of like exposed rock right so I feel like there's a good chance we could find some more ore down here or a little more gold oh am I seeing some yes oh we've got some baddies over here oh no please don't I have a family oh I see lapis and my pick is almost oh so here's what we're gonna do ladies and gentlemen say hello to the diamond pick I'm just gonna mine this way there it is some more lapis higher is singular and disappointing oh what the heck I just oh my gosh dude I just keep fighting new areas this is awesome we've got one diamond two diamonds oh that's diamonds we're having a better time finding dime in this run than iron four pieces let's go here it goes okay we're really starting to get into some more dangerous territory here oh man oh you know what yeah easy oh but then you five more dive as it's like dude this is unreal okay one Diamond still unreal hey there's a little bit of what we're looking for that is it for torches so we are going to head back and ladies and gentlemen say hello to the real world we're gonna get this precious iron cooking up five diamonds bit of gold the Redstone and a Lapis for the amethyst what a run I got a potato I think for now we'll just go with a chest plate and helmet we've got the leggings that'll be good for now but that is a lot more armor actually that's perfect because then we have four and there are the boots all right ladies and gentlemen we spent the night getting log and it's time we move on to the next phase so next up I think I'd like to spend some time just kind of fixing up the island I'm gonna grab an iron shovel we're gonna start by smoothing things out a little more I'd also like to just try and give just like a little bit more land here so that feels better and doing that I also realized that now some of these crops are close enough to water I don't really have intentions of keeping the crops like this but that's fine for now now Sun is going down I would like to return to the mines but tonight I am not here for diamonds why 1516 is supposedly the best for iron now and look at that oh there we go nice big juicy vein yes that is what we're looking for look I'm just here for some quick cheap easy Iron oh that's big I just need to not die what do we have Smite and fire aspect okay nice wow a dungeon it's just so cool to see emerald ore just out in the open like that I kind of had to grab it oh there goes the sword but guys oh you see it what trip would be complete without a oh oh let's go dude five call me satisfied well guys it was a few days postponed but I think that was really really the hall that we were needing we can get the rest of our Iron cooking up this also means we can have some iron leggings 10 diamonds now our crops are pretty much good to go now in total we have 62 pieces of iron everybody I want you to watch me say goodbye for stone ax and our Stone pick if anything we're kind of lacking on food I guess we'll make an iron hoe so I've been told that when you lay crops in alternating rows they actually grow faster I know carrots aren't exactly the best crop that should be all right and then I will lay my three potatoes right there so not a bad intro Farm I suppose the other thing we could really benefit from would be some animals now I've yet to see cows in this world but we have seen sheep and pig yeah I mean pigs feel kind of fitting for this world don't they ah yes my dude number two and I guess while we're here nice again we'll do this one at a time machine number two beautiful so it's becoming apparent to me that there's not much else we're gonna find in the Overworld and I think that means if we want to make more progression we're gonna have to go explore the nether now last night I was exploring I found a lava pool right across from our house that got me thinking about the Nether and then I realized this is pretty much ready to go we can do this the lazy way obsidian start filling that in all right we're gonna do here is is really just like take a peek you know we're just gonna see what's on the other side of this and oh my like actually just shut up what for this current moment Hank we need a little more before we go back in there now the big thing I should say just to kind of set the stage is in the nether now uh it's more so in bastions there are some really cool new items that actually give you like access to armor trim the new version of netherrite so there's gonna be a lot of useful stuff in there we're just gonna need to get a little more set up before we can really take that on so what that means practically is we need Diamond gear and so really that gives us one of two rows we can take the first is we could do the whole zombie villager thing but to do that we would do blaze rods and we've kind of just established that the nether isn't really safe right now so I think instead we're probably gonna want to just do some more mining it's a tough limited World out here guys and we're just trying our best to get by dang I was not expecting this world to be so hard so guys this means it is back to the mines for us uh this time we're going a little deeper because we are here for diamonds this is gonna be one two three four five six and seven massive W oh that's gonna be one two four five oh my gosh this is a big day guys I can't even count what that was a nine and guys that is going to be wow 21 diamonds and so now in total that is gonna be 31 diamonds which is going to allow us to make a chest plate leggings helmets and boots with these upgrades you never stood a chance let's go we are gonna do a big investment of iron here guys we're going to make an anvil we're going to make one diamond sword and on this diamond sword we have the smite2 and fire aspect with all that said and done I'm still not sure if I feel ready for the nether we certainly don't have enough food if we made just like a few more days our dudes are gonna be coming along we're gonna have a ton more meat and that's really going to be the big difference between surviving the Nether and not I'm just gonna spend some time getting some more log bucks so we've got a lot of cherry log I'm thinking while we wait for more animals perhaps it's time we level up our house so I don't know exactly what I'm doing but I kind of just want to add like a second floor I guess and then like a cool roof right so there's a good start this is what we started with I know it might not make sense but but look at this from see how it's kind of like arcing up let me show you kind of what I'm going for here like the idea is that you've kind of got like this curved slant on the outside of the building so hopefully that is going to help to make a little more sense next I'm hoping like kind of if I back up you can sort of see what I was going for it's not the worst thing I've ever built it's our level two build guys okay we're gonna get way crazier we're gonna get way nicer but for now there it is oh I also can't get up uh maybe just something pretty simple for now this roof actually looks really cool from the inside so we've got in total 21 pieces of meat and 56 carrots can I bring with us some deep slate as well and now guys we're gonna finally go check out the nether in a bigger way first things first we're gonna go down here and see if we can find any more chests oh let's go so this is our first armor trim so to do that we need ingots and crystals okay not something we're gonna do here but that is really really I think this should just be a quick in and out there's one all right there's two that's all we need I was hoping we could maybe get some ender pearls the big thing I would like to find is a Bastion which I recognize might take us a very long time oh okay not exactly what I had in mind but it is something that's gonna have loot we'll take a quick peek through here that seems like it's a pretty small structure oh this well not specifically you but this guy this is what we actually need guys because leather right there's no cows this is actually a really good spot to do this let's get that cooked pork is that it that is looking like a Bastion let's see maybe beautiful this really could be the answer to all our desires oh look at all that gold with no gold armor no this is fun though I always love me a nice Bastion raid oh I don't like this oh I don't like this I don't like this can you please get off me oh okay wow scary scary stuff oh there's the beefy boy I got six arrows I could probably take this guy out oh nice nice final layer honestly yeah easy done you know what let's uh oh oh hi there okay another right upgrade there it is got two diamond swords a piece of ancient debris I think that is about it for good stuff right oh yeah gold no one mind me here just be taking this oh it's fine guys it's fine you weren't using it anyway if I'm leaving anyway I may as well now oh my gosh another netherride upgrade I don't know if that is necessary do we really need to but sure I guess right now guys as much as I feel so pumped that we have safely raided this middle section uh there's more we gotta do what we want to get is over there because that's where you've got like the multi-chests that are gonna hopefully have more armor trims so I think we'll just skip that for now and and let's see what we can find in here without getting absolutely wrecked yeah hey what's up you know all right no one can get in and let's see I'm breaking nothing really great so we're looking at some gold carrots not really a whole lot and we have a fortune one diamond pick oh a golden apple that's one of the things we're gonna need if we want to try and turn villagers now we just gotta do everything but in reverse and that will take us all the way back home oh this is gonna be a while oh I missed a chest in the Fortress but ladies and gentlemen that is gonna be one completed trip to the nether with that ladies and gentlemen we have returned with not just some armor trim but a another right upgrade now the most exciting thing to come out of that whole trip guys is we have our rib armor trip right and we have our amethyst Shard and so if we do this whoa okay that is our first look at trimmed armor wait it consumes it I'm really glad I went with the main armor but I can't believe that now I know you can duplicate these but I wonder if it's the same oh I understand now and I made a bit of a mistake I suppose I just wonder does it does it work with this yeah okay we didn't waste our netherrite upgrades at least well that's good to know anyway we now have a brew doing stand which means we can make things like awkward potions but unfortunately we don't really have a whole lot of much else to actually turn those awkward potions into anything useful now the thing I think we need to do is actually build a mob grinder and rather than having to do like the whole torching fig we're just gonna build this really high up something like that should be good ladders all the way up right and so now we just gotta do the Bob grinder part look most of you have seen someone make a mob grinder before so I'll do my best to save you most of these steps right you get it like we're doing this thing then we're doing this thing you guys know what we're doing next we get our infinite water putting water at the end of these now next we put trap doors down the edges and so we're placing something down like this to stop spiders from spawning now lastly it's time to build a roof we are going to make this a little easier by going with slabs I think we're done here I'm just gonna pop on down like so now the reason this should work really well is because we're very high up I mean there are a few mobs down there but for the most part there shouldn't be a ton of mobs spawning now we can just make a stone sword for booping all right well it is starting to fill up a little bit not bad the great thing we're here for is actually a witch if we get sugar we can get the fermented spider eye and then we can get villagers yeah you know they're right here at least at night time is not great so I'm just gonna do a a light dusting of torches okay this is like one and a half minutes of waiting and that is looking really good like I think I see a zombie villager in there unfortunately this is just not the spot where we want to get one from for less than a day we've actually got a lot of good stuff like that's gonna give us a full stack of arrows gunpowder is actually really big if we ever get an elytra there's a first witch I'm not gonna let myself get too excited and oh my God first try there's the fermented spider eye and the splash potion of weakness so I think next I'd like to keep working on our house thinking maybe we'll start with a bit of a walkway just a little something like that for right now and then from here what we're gonna do is kind of like make it a nice fun walkway A Little Flower Power you know what I'm saying oh yeah it looks great now the other thing I want to do is to bring these sheep up I did not realize I had this many animals and so now we're basically just gonna extend this out and that should be enough space for the pigs Pig petals do turn into pink dye I was really hoping to find a pig sheep here but I think the odds are just very low so instead we are gonna die all of our sheep pink not bad you know I gotta say from up here it's actually starting to look pretty sick now this back section was looking a little bare so I just went ahead and added some more pathways through here and yeah I'm feeling pretty good about this for day 36. yeah feeling a little more full now I would like to do some searching for villagers remember we do still have that Golden Apple so we could actually convert currently one zombie villager right so we're oh almost through the night still no luck well I guess we'll have to try again tomorrow night and ladies and gentlemen tomorrow night is here it is a dude wait how am I gonna get this guy back there we go and then we're gonna have to put him in the boat all right buddy you stay there I think I see room portal maybe over here yes oh my gosh well that is what we call insanely clean the reason that's a big deal is now I'm not gonna have to go to the nether to try to find another Golden Apple oh done hey hey what's up dude a villager this is something that was so difficult to achieve and there you are just chilling living life right and so he's gonna do that and we take it you move it a little bit ahead this is gonna be the process there it is guys this is a big deal welcome home my good dude oh the thing I gotta do though cause I know he's gonna go for that because this is the Villager Scourge every single time you have one of these they always go for it and you gotta break it and you lose your blaze powder so that's good it is your plan of action you're oh he wants to grab that one okay uh here is my plan then nice cool um you're actually not gonna do that but but welcome to your home and like come on this is this is sick guys we have a use for this Upper Floor now the next question I have is can we beat the Ender Dragon in this world I'm assuming there is a stronghold in this world but I I genuinely don't know and so I mean there really is only one way to know there's a pearl there's a rod there's another ladies and Gentlemen We Ready oh okay now we know so here's the plan we need more blaze rods time to get spicy and ten right so that's the easy part now for the hard part I must bully like 25 Enderman nice I mean not nice because I'm not getting pearls but I'm actually fighting so well against these guys yeah I'm happy with 13. we have a lot of Eyes of Ender now okay there we go so that's 11. next step guys we are going to head to the stronghold but I'm not 100 sure if we're gonna take it on I know that might seem a little bit weird but I just want to like feel it out first we're just gonna gather all our important tools oh you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna get nuggets and then I'm gonna use nuggets to make golden carrots yeah I'm even gonna bring obsidian and diamonds in case we want to just enchant while we're there there's some strength potions to beef us up a little bit and come on yes actually this is probably a good time to throw a pearl oh okay we're a little bit of a foreigner here looking like it's down here whoa whoa maybe we can just dig down from here home for the best oh oh oh let's go uh door and oh okay well guys it it really doesn't get easier than that now before we do that we're really mainly here for loot right because like this world doesn't have a lot of loot give me the loot for some chests we got armor trim that is huge also it wouldn't be a big deal in a regular playthrough but we got paper realizing I forgot gunpowder but we cut paper books are good and that oh my goodness uh already having to toss some stuff that is really big and then another one and more books and more importantly more paper making our enchanting table laying out bookshelves oh wow okay sure yeah I'm ready for is like some protection three protection for any Unbreaking let's go let's just hit it I'm breaking it did sometimes it'd be like that still though that that makes us very ready for an ender dragon fight efficiency ladies and gentlemen day 43 univid silly guys if I forgot more blaze rods you know to go along with their her ender pearl oh man that would be that would be really silly of me so anyways guys I'm here on day 45. we've got my three more ender pearls here and uh let's do this okay okay beautiful we love a nice safe area this is actually a very weird spawn I've never seen anything like this before Oh gosh dang it I forgot my potions too oh man really making it hard for myself then again I'm kind of cracked with a bow man I don't know it's these days the ones that I struggled to hit nice I mean while I'm up here don't mind me oh my gosh okay let's get down before this gets too dangerous it's gonna be uh Boop I don't know I feel good about this one yep there it is okay Ender Dragon let's get this over with look watch out I got a a Smite Two Fire aspect sword no strength you know it's it's gonna hurt a lot oh man stopped is he like there's no way this is gonna be a kill but we're gonna get close maybe maybe yeah yeah yeah can I do it with the bow this would be so sick of me I'm getting beat up by an Enderman right now but I want to do it could you get off me you're ruining my YouTube video man oh oh you are ruining my YouTube okay there it is I had to sacrifice the Apple yes right that's right what's up oh you're gonna come down for me why don't we become the first person to beat the Ender Dragon with a piece of no no all right that does it you fool you feed you're dead yeah you're made of XP ha nice right so I mean we've made it this far boom Oh a huge reason why I wanted to come to one of these is because we had really bad armor and I thought maybe we could just get like some nice easy quick mending gear we ended up getting some great enchantments though so now it's feeling less necessary I mean that's gonna be easy to get to but like it is I I don't even think there's gonna be loot in here and don't get me wrong I love myself a good shulker I I love shulker shells uh didn't get any from that all right pop in here and that's oh my god that's literally it this is an embarrassment to end cities how could you even call this a city it's not even a house it's just such an easy ender pearl shot right just boom yeah look at that and then we're in Easy kill still only one now in here that's four diamonds or six diamonds and some hot iron leggings of course what we're mainly here for the elytra here we go ladies and gentlemen there is the shulker box I think we're actually good like I don't really think we need anything else we have an elytra we have really good enchantments um if we want to get better stuff like we have 69 experience we're just we're golden hey this is the day you almost uh you know did the thing where you get me but you didn't because I'm a Disney pirate now guys you know what I think would pair very nicely with our dragon head a super special dragon egg basically why am I at spawn oh because I picked the best bed up that I slept in well you know what I didn't really want to waste these Rockets but we just get away with one oh it's gonna be there's the thing and then yeah yeah okay cool I know we don't have a lot of paper but this is sick this is such a big take guys that I think it's finally time we go ahead and do some storage stuff I know this is what most of you live for but unfortunately guys I I you know I just I know it's so interesting we don't have too much time want to get this video up fast sorry we're just gonna have to skip through the storage stuff so at first glance it looks like our regular house I did water log this chest just to be safe but if you uh take a little peek around the corner here you will find got a nice little basement down here most of the stuff that we're not going to be using on a regular basis is down here now I do still like having like a free flowing set of chests but I think this way things are a little more organized dude I I gotta be honest I did not think this man was showing up I was really counting on that just not being a thing in this world showing up with uh well why that that's a bit of a slap in the face well it's still nice to know we have the option suppose at the very least we could get the llamas so I'm pretty sure you just need to feed them one hay bale each so anyway then I figured out how to free these llamas it was definitely peaceful that's for sure excellent I have been holding on to wanting to show you guys something that's going to be our enchanting table now we are gonna try and enchant some tools oh a shovel would give efficiency guys it is finally time the diamond shovel wait what oh no it changes oh dang it we just got baited I will take oh my goodness okay efficiency there we go just a straight up efficiency four pick oh Smite four yes ax with Unbreaking and there's the shovel all right that went very well we're still not perfect but we are efficient now what are we gonna do with this dude you may ask we're actually not gonna go with the lectern just yet I use my golden apple in the dragon fight you know we could go searching for another Apple I suppose but then again is it really worth like the very limited paper that we have not no no it's not what I'm thinking is we just get a farmer see we just got a bone meal all our wheat yep there it is got the level up in oh this guy wants pumpkins but sir I don't have any pumpkins were living in a Cherry Grove world how could you ask that of me what would I do have our emeralds I suppose I could buy pumpkin pie from this guy alrighty sir I've got more wheat for you oh I think we got unlucky and it was just like a 50 50 shot and he's not giving us apples oh that's so rude of you well time for the backup plan we haven't really explored that way huh oh okay well that was actually really quick to be fair we're looking at nothing all right I don't want to go too far cause realistically finding another Bastion just has so much more good stuff that we could potentially get oh another one of these bad boys wow that is in a cool spot and I see another one over there this is like the neatest Pillager Outpost I've ever seen and in here we have two Sentry armors let's go uh that's really all I need thank you ladies and gentlemen now we've got one more shot at this probably gonna have to go to the nether but it's all right right oh my gosh is this one of those ones without a chest kind of tragic I don't think we're too far from home so we're just gonna boat it maybe we should just just give this a go it's like if we find oh wow that's not even hostile that is just like straight toxic oh my gosh because you know at the end of the day like it's not just a gold Apple that we'll probably find in a Bastion we'll probably get a lot of good stuff so actually The Limited situation we have with Mobility is quite funny like we have fireworks but we just don't have a lot of them I mean while I'm here it's uh not what I was trying to do but I'll always take the XP oh okay 15 arrows is not really ideal but oh the flame bro oh it's so clean the chests a lodestone some arrows this is kind of a Wimpy Bastion I'm gonna be honest with you guys I just literally need one apple oh my gosh this is so much gold oh there's what we're looking for that'll be one golden apple and over here not a bad pick a little late but still not bad the big boy is another piece of ancient debris that's gonna be it's nice okay I thought I was gonna do that really smoothly and I didn't head up on fire and I'm wizard my guys we're getting close to a piece of netherite and we also have more armor trims grab leggings let's see oh I like the purple honestly let's go for it it's not bad it's not bad at all I don't know the purple just to me really goes well with the light blue so we got our golden apple we got our Splash honestly let's just go for it let's just it's full scent oh we actually have a bit of time tonight guys this is really it once we get this villager we've got access to all the villagers but honestly I really don't need a lot of villagers oh he's got a sword ah I don't know if I love that if I just there we go okay now take that take that wow that went great and hello sir let's just go ahead and get in that boat there just going on a little Adventure all right ready for the ultimate trick some might even say ah you fell for the oldest trick in the book this now I'm not really here for like eight million villagers in this video probably should get more than two at least with three we could get consistent iron just want to do a quick reassessment of where we're at and what our goals are we now have a librarian who will eventually hopefully give us mending we are still very focused on Armor upgrades now I like what I have there's also that thing in the back of my mind never right would be nice the last thing of course is the house currently not like my number one priority but now that we have the tools we could actually make it happen I want to make a big cool looking Temple I guess we could start thinking about it I also just kind of feel like I need to switch it up for myself and probably for you guys too so I'm gonna be taking inspiration from someone else's build just to give you an idea of the of the size of this that block to this block that's 24 to that block to this block would be also 24. this is going to be the outline for our final house which I'm realizing kind of intersects with our farm I think our llamas disappeared I'm realizing that with this build we need a lot of materials this is like such a big project I not even really sure where to start I guess the very first thing we can do is get some Cobblestone get that cooking up we need that many cherry planks also a bunch of strip Cherry logs oh like 56 Gates we need slabs stairs trap doors oh I need 128 more trap doors oh my gosh yes there we go that's enough signs we got doors we also need pink banners but I don't really have access to that right now so we also need Spruce and Oak all right I would like to go see what we could get from that Pillager Outpost but before I do that my gear is looking rough so as mentioned before we are going to get a librarian and they are going to give us mending in like four seconds because I just know they're gonna be super kind to us and not make us take a whole day for try I don't have any Wheat but didn't we get a bunch of bone block yeah I don't know if this is Gonna Save Me time but I Just Whipped up like a really simple should be like a like a wheat dispenser let's go oh man that is a beautiful thing oh it's just enough boom lock it in there is The Mending now while I'm down here I'm also realizing I just have them breaking on these boots but I would like to get protection for yes I'll take that yeah seeing as we only have one mending book right now we're gonna put it on our most broken item okay so that is good oh wow that was really quick uh helmet is good now gosh it's such a well hidden base I am actually here to destroy this thing for the materials so that we can build our own house oh no guys this wasn't supposed to happen this was not part of the plan also I can't oh Jesus okay um you guys want to just shoot each other that would be actually great I'm fine like honestly they're kind of weak this is not gonna give us Spruce or Oak um which I I guess means just gonna have to use Birch and dark oak you know it's not ideal but it's it's what we've been given for this world I'm hoping that's enough okay so after another day that is all the wood it's a chain I'm gonna need more iron this is me getting more iron and that'll be the eight Hoppers that we need yeah in other news I think I'm just gonna have to get a Fletcher and we can do the sticks thing and get more mending there it is now getting back to business I think I have to just accept that this is going to be a little complicated a little tricky for now so this whole project starts with a too high wall this is the start of our entrance next we do a little something like that and there we go so the next step for this is to actually do the floor which is kind of gonna be tricky because there is a house in the way okay that's gonna be everything filled in except and with a little trim of stone around there I think that is pretty much the base done okay so next we have the outline for the pillars which is actually going to use barrels and it's supposed to use Spruce but I'm wondering if we can get away like a stripped dark oak maybe now it has come to my attention that I actually made this one too long so it's supposed to be 23 3x23 and I made it 24 by 24. realize that and I fixed this Edge I brought it in one but I didn't do the same for this I don't really want to fix it at this point but I am following Mr Matt Ranger's tutorial so if this just screwed up then I I I I don't know okay so you know how I said I wasn't gonna do the thing that I said I wasn't just gonna do I did it now we gotta do the pillars this is basically what we've got going on now the next thing that we need is like a metric butt ton of calcite and we don't have a metric button of calcite so I'm wondering if diorite will be okay polish diorite looks pretty close so we can at least try to start with an outline given that I found this giant deposit of diorite about as soon as I got down into my cave I think we're gonna go with diorite let's give this another shot this is kind of what we got now honestly it doesn't even look that great now next up we gotta do our windows and so that is going to be the frame of it I guess you could say now we break out this three by three space here okay so we do yes oh it's looking better lastly we add these Cherry fences and there we go that is our first completed window now I just gotta do that seven more times all right guys so that is gonna be done we've got Windows going along the whole thing now as for the door it's something kind of interesting so we've got trapdoor and then that will go just like that same thing on the other side and so lastly we have these two sides that aren't going to be doors it's similar to the window but just simplified with no actual window and same on this side we've also got Cherry fences in these corners and then a slab on top now I know it's not looking perfect yet but I'm hoping you know you guys can at least get the general idea of what this is gonna look like actually you know what even adding that one ring around it does a lot there's still hope that this is gonna be awesome Now ladies and gentlemen I present to you something that took longer than I had hoped we have our rooftop it's kind of confusing with the old house but hopefully you're starting to see this coming together this has been like honestly the the biggest build I've ever done on the channel but I I think we're slowly getting there I think I need to take some time and just switch it up or else I'm gonna go crazy now they're mending for my pickaxe and my ax and I'm actually just gonna take a sec and get these fixed up with The Mending okay there we go Armor's fully good pickaxes getting there now one of the other things I wanted to do for this video was get sick armor not just strong armor but like really cool looking armor so I've gone ahead and I've looked at what structures we could possibly get armor trim from and this goes as follows so we already have the Sentry armor trim that's located in Pillager outposts unfortunately it turns out ancient cities don't spawn in this biome so the ward and silence trim armor are both out now we've already come across rib armor which we could probably get more of we've also found the snout armor Trim in the Bastion Remnant I believe we found eye armor Trim in the stronghold and so interestingly enough all that leaves is Spire armor trip which can be found in end cities as it's the rare first there is a lot of hype on the silence armor trim with a 1.2 percent chance to be found in ancient cities but I kind of feel like the Spire armor trim is going a little underappreciated it may be more common but it is technically the end game armor trim and so in my opinion I think we should really go for the end City armor not only is it end game armor it kind of in some ways looks better than the silence but then again maybe I'm just hyping it up because I can't actually get silence right so we still have nine pieces of paper left that's gonna be 27 fireworks perhaps we could yes and then yes so that should be enough for an end trip was oh it was right down there but what are you doing here this guy must have spawned like last time I was here maybe exploring of all the saplings this man could give us dark oak is not really useful I'm sorry man if it was Spruce we'd be talking but look I've got some armor to get oh I'm a dingleberry I forgot blocks also as it turns out I didn't really need that Many Eyes of Ender we gotta get more pearls all right yeah okay so that one was right there I have 27 fireworks and now my plan is to use them very sparingly Crossing these are dangerous and very time consuming so that is what I call disappointed don't get me wrong I'm grateful to find something so quick uh it's kind of tough to be excited when you've got like possibly two treasure rooms that it looks like no two so I I dang that is a no mending fire protection not bad but it's cursive binding so I'm just gonna leave that in there because I don't want to accidentally put it on but the top we would find two chests a very cracked Shuffle Diamond horse armor and not usable leggings for here mending Fortune actually yeah first city no luck oh we're back and we parkour and I fall let's go up first there's our chest so in here we have a saddle and iron this is our other treasure room nothing all that useful now in here we have boss protection boots oh my God the perfect pick I mean yes I will take take that the Jer well guys the journey continues this is looking more promising we have a lot of really good stuff wow that is a crazy Shuffle we're getting so so much good stuff good to say this is trickier than I had thought but yetis maguitas over oh bro this is like an end City Metropolis over here this will be an easy pop down here nothing and oh my gosh okay we're hoping for some luck right now actually I will take that sword feather falling okay so yeah we're getting good stuff but not all we want looking at nothing why okay beetroot seeds all right so I just looked it up and there is about a six and a half percent chance honestly we're coming up on probably like 20 treasure spots so just stick with us guys we're gonna get there real soon oh that looks like a City feeling confident we have stop the stuff not the stuff next up it is a no come on yes oh it's purple oh my gosh I feel so accomplished right now dude if that was a six and a half percent I can't imagine how long silence would take so I've looked it up and apparently it's uh like they're all have the same formula where you have to surround them in diamonds but then the middle block changes and so the nether ones were netherize uh this one is purple okay I'll grab another elytra aha we got the second rarest piece of armor in the game I think doesn't matter how rare it is because it's really cool oh it's nice to be back in the land of the Cherry Grove and I gotta say for not even having the top two stories done our this is looking pretty good boom look at that we can do so there's four so we have Sentry I and now Spire the other ones don't look that great to me so I really think we should just go for a full set of spire right like let's say I have this rib armor here if I want to put that in well I guess the thing is is we probably want to prepare for netherite right like do we even want to oh I do like that I kind of like the purple on honestly it's been the thing that stood out to me the most anyway though that is a huge checkpoint ticked off so basically all I want to do for the rest of this run is finish our house and get our awesome netherrite gear oh I also can't forget we got some good stuff to add to our armor like feather falling uh it's expensive but feather falling is one of the most important things for a run so yeah let's do it so my five is not worth 12. oh right we have that fortune pick that I'll carry now but that's pretty much it so the three chest sitting a lot of beds in them and we're gonna take these three shulker boxes we're also going to grab these blast protection boots I think this will be a good spot to launch our netherright mining career look I'm a huge fan of the bed Strat I know not everybody is okay well that's gonna be our first piece another right uh actually three we actually just need 13 more this really shouldn't take long especially not at this rate then with luck like that I don't even mind single pieces okay that's gonna make six that oh seven and eight where'd you go buddy oh there we are whoa whoa what okay so that is one chunk that is another this might be the craziest thing I've ever seen in Minecraft oh my gosh easy bro too easy fourth seed at 15. hey I really just did that huh that's uh that's not what I was trying to throw in fire fortunately I it just so happens I have another efficiency for mending pick that we got in the end I'm just kind of stupid that is gonna be 16. there's your scrap gold and four netherride ingots we still only have protection three on the leggings oh right right right now we need this gotcha and then if we want to upgrade it's uh that and that whoa that actually looks really crazy like in the Simplicity of it it almost kind of looks like it's glowing right so we still have to give them trim I feel like gold is gonna be the coolest oh I love that the icon of the boots looks sick the actual boots don't look that sick now before I commit to what we got here I wanna see what Diamond would look like over overlaid on the netherite I just don't think any of the other options are really gonna be it so like eh not great it's okay I would say red is the best of the rest but yeah it's definitely gold for me I'm gonna spend some time getting diamonds alrighty ladies and gentlemen we've got just under a hundred diamonds now the question is what looks better diamonds or gold oh oh man the image of the diamond looks sick I think I'm gonna go with gold just gotta get one more we've got the protection four and the right first oh oh it looks kind of clean with the variation dang I kind of like that subtle purple honestly guys I kinda dig the Sentry yeah boom I feel pretty cool now you may be thinking oh great okay cool he's done with the armor but I'm not because I would like to have a pair of all the prominent armors so we'll do our Diamond we'll do our gold and we will do iron as well got four armor stands it's like once we actually finish our house we'll maybe make like a little armor room with all four of them in there just set that up like that there they all are together but I think I'd like to wear this now let's get back to this house so before we get to continued building I'm very sad to say it but we are removing all of this I really like diorite but the way it looks all like symmetrical and stuff I that's not like the design that this is supposed to look like instead we're gonna be filling it in yeah I mean it just looks more cohesive I want to say that was worth the effort now next up it's finally time for floor number two I'm going to start by just sort of making a bit of scaffolding kind of thing going on so first of all we're gonna go along this outer edge here and we're going to add slabs and then from there we're going to add a spruce plank now in total that should give us something like that next up we're going to add like a little overhang to this so next we have we've got this section angling out here that's actually looking really good also as you can see I decided to go for like a more simple entrance on the back side okay now that's looking even better continuing with that Trend a little Cherry plank here little stairs action next see how this is kind of coming along and guys I can't believe I'm saying it but the bottom section of our Temple is actually done also again huge shout out to Mr Matt Ranger for this build starting off we've got more pillars next we got more walls we are now going to do the windows for this section so we've added a layer of trim there and we're going to add miniature versions of the windows we did down below we're going something like that and then we take this out and place it instead with two trapdoors there so that's gonna look something like that beautiful and that's gonna be the middle window done we're starting to look pretty spicy here this build is is really starting to come together now for the roof section we're basically going to be doing the same thing we did down here right so we've got the same thing kind of going on down here as we do down there you know with this section right here it's kind of funny because basically I was trying to do this myself I just didn't know the design but this is like so similar to that like upward sloping style that I had been going for okay with the second one done I really see it looking good now okay so that's gonna be I think basically the final look at the roof but now we have to finish the peak so we're looking at a peak like this yeah that's gonna be all four so next up we've gone ahead and added trim next We're Gonna Fill everything in with diorite there's something like that basically the last thing for the exterior is gonna be putting this together yeah there we go oh my gosh wait does this feel like we're technically done on the exterior oh wait not quite but it is looking sick right so we're basically doing the same thing as always that's actually all it is for up here so now I say that's it and guys come on I mean look at that have you ever seen anything so good in a Nifty Smith video now the real question guys we might be done on the exterior but this interior uh well see for yourself I think I'm gonna have to start by removing this roof it's just it has to go but I think before we take this down entirely I think we should add in a little bit of a sort of deck-like thing going on here yeah so just something kind of like like this I feel like it needs to be up here yeah I like that now back to taking this down this brings us to an interesting section here I almost want to expand this and have it be another section so I've gone ahead and done something like this this oh light it feels a little weird to have villagers way up here but I also don't hate it because this is kinda gonna be like the main floor now right like that is that is our main floor yeah so honestly I know it might be sad to some of you but I think I just kinda gotta tear this down so this is what we are now presented with well see I don't really know what I'm thinking yet guys I should also mention we've now gone off the script so everything we do from here on out this is all me hopefully that's not too scary you can what I'm starting to go for here now this floor is getting a little complicated so I basically took out everything here lowered it down see the thing I forgot about is that there's a whole other floor down here and so what I was thinking would be really cool is to somehow like kind of connect all of this it's kind of gonna like work its way up I don't know it's like kind of covered together so if replacing the rest of the dirt as you might have expected it did quite a bit there that is looking much better I'm here as well kind of feeling like a cool sort of Lobby entrance you know and then you come down and we didn't have to move our stuff it's all there continue on down don't fall down there and then in here we have our sort of like bigger storage section now as for the armor oh I have an idea what if we set our armor down in each one of these four corners let's just chilling like that but obviously you know it's gonna be set up and done all right we got the gold the diamonds tricky thing is that like obviously I'm gonna be wearing the netherite so I don't know really what we should do with this side anyway I'm still not quite done with the exterior and because like as awesome as this looks like what is your house with a terrible yard alrighty ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna give you a quick little run around here so we made things a little larger in the front but we did a whole lot in the back here because this was just like really tight this side needed a little bit as well now we are gonna make some pathways through here this is going to be our walkway as you can see looking very spicy so to finish off with the full tour we've got a very spicy nice looking exterior literally the the best thing I've ever made in Minecraft I will see you in the next one
Channel: NiftySmith
Views: 677,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft lets play, lets play, minecraft but, thesmithplays, nifty, smith, niftysmith, let's play, gameplay, episode one, funny moments, minecraft but its fast, minecraft fast pace, minecraft but its on crack, vanilla minecraft, minecraft on crack, new lets play, lets play series, new minecraft world, funny gaming, tsp, smithplays, playthrough, survival, survival series
Id: qI8UeURY-oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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