I Built a GOLD FACTORY in Minecraft Hardcore

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I built a gold Factory and Hardcore Minecraft that generates over 300 Gold Blocks an hour and is filled with a bunch of cool gadgets like gold conveyor belts gold golems and even a gold bank with a secret Redstone door that is full of gold blocks and like always the first thing you need to do is find a place to build it and I'm slowly running out of space I decided to build the gold Factory over here on top of this hill because my plan is to redesign this Factory so it sort of looks like a bank that is full of gold and the gold Factory will go right there in the middle somewhere you might be wondering how am I supposed to make a gold Factory in the Overworld well I have an awesome plan so we all know that gold Farms need to be built inside the Nether and one slight problem we're building the factory in the Overworld so how am I gonna fix this well I was supposed to land on top of that the first step to fix this problem is to take my overboard coordinates and convert it into the nether coordinates you guys know I'm too stupid to do that in my head so I'm gonna use a random website online to convert my coordinates and now that we have the coordinates we just gotta fly over there which is gonna be very painful no I'm just kidding it's only like 300 blocks away so let's head on top of the nether Dimension and um don't worry about this thing I made is totally not a gold Farm it's a rotten flesh Farm because I love eating rotten flesh yeah this dinky thing just isn't good enough we got a cookie fight and turn it into a factory and this is exactly where I need to build this gold Farm to make this gold factory work um at least I hope it is this could go very very badly so now that we have found the exact spot to build this gold farm for it to work we now have to collect a whole bunch of resources like a whole bunch of obsidian which I luckily have a lot of a ton of trapdoor oh that is exactly why I have a wood factory 15 stacks of glass what the and uh 17 turtle eggs yeah you guys are gonna be working overtime and there's a few more smaller items that I need to collect there's one last block I need to collect and I need to collect a lot of it and that is magma blocks yeah I need 14 000 pieces of these which is 223 Stacks or only four double chests which isn't that much you know like it'll only take me 23 years to collect all of that and by that time I might have kids going to college already so um yeah I'm not worried at all wish me luck [Music] [Music] oh what the heck found some ancient debris just chilling right on the surface wow that's that's crazy oh it doesn't even burn well I only managed to get three double chests of magma blocks which will still produce me like 200 Gold Blocks an hour so uh that thing is good now let's start building the gold farm for the gold Factory let's start by building a 5x5 area what the this is in five by five wow I cannot count to save my life good thing I'm a Minecraft YouTuber oh man okay I fixed it now let's build six block top pillars on each corner and let's connect these up and at the very end I'm gonna light up all of these portals and that is where the pigments will go into and all of the pigment will be teleported into the gold Factory in the Overworld it's gonna be pretty insane now I need to build each pillar 96 blocks taller yeah this is gonna be a lot of Nether Portals well let's start the pain and build 100 block tall nether portals [Applause] [Music] and there we go that is a lot of portals I think that's 17 in total yeah that looks pretty insane holy I'm literally gonna be the richest Minecraft YouTuber alive after this is done being built if I don't die now you guys might be wondering how are the pigments gonna enter these portals well they are a fan of turtle eggs and they want to destroy them kind of like me when I see a creeper so now if we go from the middle and put a turtle egg right there all the pigments from the spawning platform will run towards it trying to break it and then enter the portal and die and now I just need to repeat the same exact thing on every single portal level like this and go all the way up placing turtle eggs in the middle and now to make sure that the pigments really don't break the turtle egg and destroy this entire build I'm gonna have to line all of these turtle eggs on every single side with trap doors and flip them open like this so there's no chance for the pigments to break all of them eggs so let's quickly do that [Music] now let's open all the trap doors look at this guy he's already using the farm before the farm is done what is happening right now they're actually farming themselves what is going on these guys have two IQ like how could you be so stupid [Music] all right but now that we have a giant pillar of trap doors with turtle eggs inside of them the next step is to grab all of my magma blocks and start building out the spawning platforms for all of these pigments let's build nine blocks out from the middle right here and then five blocks on either side just like this now that we have this let's just connect every single side with a zigzag diagonal oh I didn't build this right um what a surprise there we go and now let's fill in the entire platform with Magma blocks and that makes only one spawning platform complete for the pigments now imagine 34 more that goes all the way up this pillar yeah this is gonna be crazy but for the next level I need to go two blocks up and then build the next platform right here which will give one nether portal two spawning platforms because each nether port is six bucks tall so that's double the efficiency which is insane well uh let's begin the pain and start building I am literally gonna suffer [Music] wow this is getting really annoying I'm just standing here getting burnt alive I'm gonna be a burnt Cookie by the end of this oh my God okay we're we're doing something about this so let's craft some diamond boots let's turn them into nether right and I'm gonna try to get the enchantment Frost Walker because it'll prevent me from getting burned from the magma blocks and no okay yeah uh no luck how to get Frost Walker in Minecraft it can be only obtained from jungle temples strongholds fishing raid drops or trading with a librarian let's first try the uh the villager trading let's grab a bunch of emeralds and probably some books all right let's see if there's any Frost Walker enchantments please yes yes hey that's Frost Walker one I'm not sure what Frost Walker two or three or four does there even is any but let's just grab a bunch crosswalker too and frostwalker three doesn't exist okay now let's combine my boots what why can't I oh it's probably because I have depth Strider huh well looks like I'm making a new pair of boots called the frost Walker yup that's a very unique name and let's give it a test yes yes I can just walk and not get hurt but now that we have this awesome enchantment that prevents me from getting burnt from the magma blocks it will make this process a lot easier and faster foreign okay we're only about a third way done maybe not even maybe 20 and this is taking me a very long time I still got a long way to go but now let's uh speed it up [Music] [Music] I just ran out of magma blocks um I'm so close what what do I do oh don't mind if I do nobody's gonna notice a thing right and we are done all 34 layers that took me so so long and just a reminder this is the first gold Farm in the series and this is the brand new gold Factory but it seems like the gold Farm is working very well I can't even imagine how much gold this will produce me now for the next step I need to grab some carpets and place them over this obsidian also some glass over the magma blocks that would be space though by two blocks there we go now let's start building the AFK area which will be all the way up here let's destroy that and the gold Farm in the nether is basically all done and the very last thing I need to do is take my flint and steel and actually light up all of these portals now if I take those coordinates and times it by eight it should take me right over here somewhere and it should be this exact block right there which is a little further down than I wanted it I wanted it over here somewhere but at least it's in the the right area so right here is where the portal will be built in where all the pigments will be flooding out of and dying I want it to be pretty visible when you're in the factory so I think I'm gonna build it like right here and Bam our pigment is gonna rush out of this oh God oh God okay probably not because I'm not there I got a little worried there now right underneath the portal let's build a 9x6 area kind of like this and this glass box will contain all of the pigments that will be FBI busting through the door out of here and for pigments to die they need to fall 23 blocks and it would be pretty boring if they just fell straight down into the ground and this is a factory video so it needs to be super cool what the like a Crouch while flying well so let's redesign this killing system for the pigment and make it super cool all the pigments will fall from this portal down into this box right here and right underneath the portal we're gonna use some water to split all the pigments up into two different areas so let's start digging out a big hole underground where all the pigments will move and let's fancy up the walls and the floor because the pigment should have a piece of death leading up to their painful death so yeah let's get building [Music] now let's build 23 blocks up and from this height the pigment should die so let's build up all the glass walls [Music] this whole thing probably doesn't make a lot of sense to you guys right now but trust me it's gonna work honestly no promises because I don't even know myself if it's gonna work or not I haven't even tested out the gold Farm yet but we'll do that soon now let's start working on a water elevator let's go grab some kelp and some Soul Sand and now let's start building it [Music] oh God I made a giant mess right here I gotta put a lot more signs to block off all of this water and hopefully this water stream elevator works and yes it does and now let's build this side before we give the gold Farm a quick test let's fill in the glass like this now it's finally time to give it a test so I guess I'll just stand here for like 20 minutes and see what happens [Music] and I don't see anything yet which isn't a good sign at all so um oh my God I lied I got Pikmin guts all over the floor hold up hold up let's see how many stacks are in here let's come down and oh my god I didn't even if for 20 minutes it was like 40 minutes I was just super impatient man I wish I could see all the pigments just pouring out of this I have a plan right now I'm on a back hill world and I brought myself a friend say hello to famous YouTuber a cookie goddess yeah what's up man give me a second let me switch let me switch my browsers actually I can't even use two browsers uh yeah he he doesn't know how to speak um mainly because he's just another Minecraft running on my computer that's me I could punch him what's up boy I'm so hyper I'm gonna move him over to the nether so he can AFK the gold farm and I'll stand here and watch so and he's oh my God oh my God that is fake the amount of pigments oh [Music] it doesn't stop it literally doesn't stop they're just pouring out of that nether portal I'm speechless this is crazy crazy I'm lagging out okay this isn't good this is not good I need to stop this is gonna lag me up okay I stopped it and I'm lagging I'm literally lagging well there's only one right thing to do with all these pigments that's just uh oh my god listen this was a bad idea let's just uh kill off all of these pigmen look at them just fly look at them that's so funny that's so funny I guess you can say the gold Farm sorta works just a little bit we just gotta fix this height problem because they're not dying I moved it two blocks up and now let's go back to the backup world and let's let the chaos begin okay they're all the way up at the top and they should die from this fall damage please okay they're dying this is crazy it's literally a pigment waterfall just generations and generations of pigment are just dying just so I can collect their sweet sweet gold but now since the main piece of the gold Factory Works let's actually start working on the real factory so this is going to be the outline for the factory there will be some cool gadgets on the sides over here with the conveyor belt of gold blocks ingots and Nuggets gold golems being crafted and even a secure bank full of gold blocks and the bank will have a secret code to get inside so nobody steals all of our gold I want this Factory to look kind of grand so let's craft some Sandstone slabs and build a little staircase up to the factory and now if I add some water on both of these sides it's gonna look super fancy oh yeah now let's expand the Sandstone floor and right on the edge here I want to build a nice pillar from the bottom going to the top of the roof so I'm not going through different designs here I just can't choose which one to go with I am so indecisive it's either go with wood with brick or with quartz what do you guys think it's it's a heart it's a toss-up but me personally I think I'm gonna go with brick yeah I use too much wood and quartz is just a little bit too stale for me and there's something about brick that just gives off a factory Vibe all right but now let's build this on that side wasn't that a cool transition uh looking at the size of it it's a lot bigger than my other factories and it's gonna be a lot taller and it's gonna be a lot fancier so I'm really excited but now let's start working on the actual Factory design [Music] and now let's build a giant blank area right on top of the door and this is where the gold ingot will go signify that it's a gold Factory so let's start building out the roof and it needs to extend all the way out here because these pillars needs to go underneath them as like support beams bruh how how do I mess up this bad every time I didn't even build this right and I don't even need this anymore oh I'm actually struggling this is going terribly this is going this is going bad and I already ran out of honestly nice this okay [Music] so yeah that is the design I'm going with it's basically the same shape as these ones this one's cooler because uh there's pillars that makes it cooler right like having these brick pillars somebody say yes please please please all right let's continue building up this Factory so we can fill it up with some cool features foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] so far is looking pretty good construction is going pretty swimmingly uh why why did I just say that that's so that's so cringe dude all right let's speed this up here [Music] and I have finally completed the entire exterior of this gold Factory the backside was very hard to do I didn't really know what to do on this little curve here so I just filled it in with sandstone and I left these big glass walls here because um it looks cool I guess the last thing I need to do for the exterior is the windows and instead of using the normal blue stained glass do you guys know what color I'm gonna use all right I feel like this is gonna be enough so let's start filling in yeah let's do that while my English sucks [Music] I'm gonna try to be as brutally honest as I can these windows look like straight piss it looks like some dude never drank any water for the past three weeks and just uh couldn't find a toilet I guess but I'm gonna stick with it because this is a gold Factory and it only makes sense and the next step for this gold Factory is to finish the inside of this place I'm sure you guys don't want to watch me place down a billion blocks of wood so bam yeah that that was hours and hours of my life wasted so now let's start working on the gadgets on this side there's gonna be a really cool conveyor belt that will work as a factory line it'll go from gold nuggets to ingots to blocks to gold golems I know they don't exist but uh just believe and over on this side there will be a gold Bank bruh where'd you come oh my I hate mobs who whose idea was to add these guys to the game ah so there'll be two gold golems being crafted right here and this will be a nice little gold conveyor belt thingy so let's put some sticky pistons here and this is where one gold block will go it'll come from out of the ground like this let's put one here for the arms Bam Bam and I'm gonna need one over here for the middle torso so now let's go grab some pumpkin what is going on here they made themselves a water slide these sheep's IQs are getting a little out of hand but let's grab some pumpkins please don't have pumpkins nice and the Beautiful pumpkin head will sit right here where's where's the face that's a broken block am I cheating wait oh you gotta hear him I knew that I literally grabbed shears earlier my brain is fried now we're just gonna hook all this up with some Redstone and it's actually working really nicely look at those gold Goins being built they don't exactly exist but uh we just gotta imagine Minecraft at them eventually right and now let's take some iron blocks and just fill in the Gap so it looks super rich yo look at that that that's so sick I love that so much so now that the Gold Golem part is complete right above it let's start working on the gold block conveyor belt so let's take some pistons and put them right here and here and I want the gold box to be pushed inwards into the middle so let's start working on the Redstone [Music] okay this looks like the messiest thing ever the Redstone is everywhere it doesn't make any sense to me but I'm pretty sure it will work I I hope I don't have enough gold block to test it with so let's turn on the gold farm for like 10 minutes and see how much gold we get let's start collecting all the gold nuggets and what are your guesses guys total I got only five stacks of gold nuggets that's not a lot I I swear there are more pigments coming ah just kidding yeah I still got this double chest and this double chest full of gold nuggets so if you turn all of that into gold ingots and then into blocks which made us a stack and 12 gold blocks that is pretty insane anyway since I have unlimited supply of gold blocks now let's actually put a blocked into the conveyor belt and test to see if it actually works okay we made it fully around and oh yep it's working let's go let's fill up this side now and there we go and now start working on the next level the gold ingot water stream [Music] I it's not even centered what am I doing look at The Hoppers oh my do I even have a brain in my head but now on top of the gold ingot stream let's make the gold nugget stream [Music] is complete it's kind of hard to see but if you look closely you can see the gold nuggets coming down that will turn into gold ingots into some gold blocks and right into the gold golems so that makes a super cool trickle-down effect of gold going through its various stages and now let's start working on the gold Bank over on this side let's first start off with the design [Music] okay this is where all the buttons will go we'll go and this is where the 3X3 Bank door will be I tried to even it out a little bit I think it might have worked it's kind of I don't know let's just start with the Redstone part [Music] and hopefully this works it's pretty simple and if it works the Redstone should turn on it doesn't turn on and but if I do this oh yeah it works okay that's good and if I do it again it should turn off now we're just gonna hook up this Redstone current into this door right here since this is gonna be a 3X3 piston door we're gonna have to make a double piston extender to get rid of this block so I can actually walk through it you know what I mean so let's break this let's put two Pistons like that and that should be able to reach this block let's start building the 3X3 piston door and now let's give it a test let's put a gold block here and if this gets activated it should go oh wow a redstone is pretty cool all right let's build the rest of it now foreign is done let's give it a try let's flip this lever and it should all close oh that is that's pretty cool let's flick this again and wow that is sick and now if I put in my secret code that you guys will never know it should hello why isn't it oh I'm so dumb I didn't even connect it to the door yet so if I've removed this lever and replace it with this that connects it to the door and I put in my secret password it should well it doesn't open um maybe I need to put a redstone repeater there so the signal could be carried out now if I put it in will it that's so sick was that even the right password I swear it was what the yeah I guess any code works all right we'll take it oh it's so broken now let's open it up and this will lead us into the gold vault Bank thingy so let's fill this up with a gold block path let's replace this with a gold block 2 just like that and honestly there's not a lot of space to work with here so um I don't really know where to put this Bank oh my God where where did they come from at least at least he's in gold armor I mean respect to you but you're gonna have to give me a piece of that okay fine be greedy I have an idea let's bring this up like this take some stairs and let's just make a upstairs bank I guess you never see that ever but I think that'd be pretty cool if all the gold is upstairs right here and now let's build out the floor foreign we have the secret bank that's all protected by this giant gold vault door there's only a slight problem which is I don't have any more gold blocks left we'll fill it up later and let's put a giant dollar sign right on this wall and the gold bank is finally complete I also spent some time AFK in the gold Farm against the more gold blocks to fill in the bank [Music] and this entire thing is pretty cool I'd say it makes me feel uh Super Rich they're just one last thing I want to add and I think this is gonna be the coolest feature it's gonna go right on top of the portal here the first thing I need to do is collect two pigments so let's turn on the gold Farm there we go and I just need two to be alive so um what what do I do here I should probably just turn it off now that we have pigment wait where's the where's the other pigment no no bruh okay let's turn on the gold Farm again and this is gonna be chaos I just want to turn it on for just a second oh my god um that's more than two that I would like I don't really know what to do with the other guys okay let's uh I only need two up here so let's break this so no no no no don't come up don't come up and now let's just get rid of a few more until we have two left and there we go let's block that off and okay we have two guys up here that's good let's name these two dinner bone now if we named these guys they should flip upside down I hope you guys don't get a headache oh I'm I'm bad at these jokes let's fly back home and grab some materials for this I want these guys to hang upside down under these chains so I need to separate you guys please go there thank you so I guess I got trapped them like this I don't have barrier blocks to make it look like they're just floating so I guess this is the only way I can do it now it looks like they're just hanging upside down like Lab Rats so now I actually want to bring in some villagers over here so they could be like the scientists testing and studying these pigments let's go ahead and steal one of these Librarians and we're going on a journey hang on tight we [Music] okay we made it let's build this up oh the transition look at me look at me go look at bingo arms speed I am speed [Music] hello sir I am back for you let's go buddy whoa what the I just I just bounced off that wall into the gold Factory welcome look at this Villa just following me he's like no don't take my wife don't take her look at them follow oh it's time to say goodbye I'm stealing your wife and she will be my wife now oh okay he just forgot about her all right he moved on uh hello bro just this hello bro just disappeared on me oh wait he's over there you thought you could run there we go and welcome home yeah we got our two research villagers now let's just put some luck turns down which would be their studying table let's put some bookshelves and that makes the pigment Research Center all complete bro oh my God are you kidding me I was trying to do a voiceover ah now the very last thing I need to do for this gold Farm is to build the golden ingot right in the front of the factory so let's go ahead and Advocate this gold farm for about like 30 more minutes and while I was AFK in the gold Farm I realized I didn't even build an auto sworder yet so let's build a gold chest room right in the middle here now it's below the area for the chest room now let's place down some chests to store all of the gold and now for all of The Hoppers and to build these Auto sorters Behind These Hoppers I'm gonna need to get rid of all this stuff and without haste this takes a very long time so lazy hurry up can't can't all the stone just like disappear oh well I guess you can editing is so cool and that was all this area cleared out let's start building the auto sweater [Music] offers to lead to this contraption and this will just spittle all the rotten flesh if you put items in here it'll just spit all the stuff out and oh my God it's rapid firing right now that's me after eating KFC and all the rotten flesh would just go into lava because nobody wants any of that stuff around them and now the very last thing I need to do is turn these into nuggets and fill up all these Hoppers and there we go it should work now we'll test it at the end of the video let's finish decorating this Chester room and you walk down here and this is the chest room for all of the gold let's just add one more thing and that will be item frames with some gold blocks on it just to make it feel even richer and the final final thing we need to do to finish this gold Factory is to build the gold ingot right on the front of the factory so let's build that all right and just like that the gold Factory is complete that gold ingot look looks so real and so bright this took me forever to do but there's nothing like you've ever seen before the goal form inside is insanely fast with just a waterfall of Pigman we got the gold conveyor belts and the Gold Golem at the very bottom a vault leading into a gold bank and even a pigment being researched by scientists hope you guys enjoy make some memories with your friends and family and goodbye
Channel: aCookieGod
Views: 14,340,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acookiegod, a cookie god, a cookie god minecraft, cookie minecraft, minecraft cookie, minecraft cookie god, cookie god, acookiegod series, acookiegod hardcore, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, minecraft, extracookie, i built a gold factory in minecraft hardcore, i built a gold farm in minecraft hardcore
Id: QkxMMaWbnpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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