I Survived 100 Days in ANTARCTICA in Hardcore Minecraft... Here's What Happened

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a cold chilly wasteland that nobody wants to be in i'll be trying to survive 100 days in the freezing antarctica and my main goal is to try to escape and make it home safe and to defeat the ice boss and before my snowy adventure begins if you guys haven't seen my brand new hardcore series yet please go check it out after watching this video also a friendly reminder to hit the subscribe button anyways i hope you guys have your blankies and hot chocolate because this is my 100 days surviving antarctica on day one i woke up right on top of a mountain with the wind blowing hard and heavy snow i couldn't even see where i was going i had no food no water and no clothes it was pretty dang cold so i ran around as quickly as i could to find some shelter before i freeze i couldn't find anything however i did run into a giant spruce tree and that was enough to cover me from the blizzard talking about blizzards i'm kind of thinking about dq blizzard ice cream right now making me kind of hungry i'm sorry back to the story being under the tree helped a little bit but i was still really cold so i dug myself underground hoping it'll be warmer and hopefully by the next day the blizzard will be gone yes i slept underground okay i know i'm a caveman on day two i dug myself out and the good news is that the blizzard has blown away the bad news however i was starving not a surprise there i mean and i was pretty cold as well so i crafted up a wooden pickaxe slurped up some cobblestone off of the ground and then made a stone axe to my more wood i also crafted a store just in case i have no idea what's out there anything can attack me at this point as i was running around i thought this was a wasteland i didn't see any animals or any villages anywhere until i finally ran into a rabbit and i chased this guy around i needed his meat after eating the rabbit i just killed i finally ran right into a village all i had left was a rabbit's foot so i was praying for some food in this village luckily however there were some wild berries and there was a whole bunch of campfires everywhere so i spent some time to sit beside it and warm up because i was freezing my nuts off i then started raining some of the homes and there was literally nothing inside them but this one house had a chest and i was hoping there'd be food in it but they were just books and paper oh what a bummer but the next house i raided i have three pieces of iron and three pieces of wheat in it hey man i'm not complaining one piece of bread will feed me in this entire village though i haven't seen one single villager they must have been saved or something i'm not sure where they went i did find a lectern with a book and quillin i took a read and it said ooga are you serious the villagers finally learned how to read and write and the first thing they wrote was ooga booga with a question mark that is so impressive i'm proud of them let's go because i would have wrote the same thing after raiding another house of its wheat it was getting nighttime and it heard mobs running towards me this one zombie had an iron sword on him so i slammed the door barricaded myself in because i was scared they were gonna break the doors down and went right to bed it was so nice being able to sleep in a nice warm and cozy bed in a nice cozy home but that didn't stop me from exploring i was determined to find my way out of antarctica i have no idea how i got here but i'm gonna find my way out while running around i ran into a polar bear i'm surprised he didn't want to eat me he must have had a nice dinner before and you know what that tells me some food is around here after scrolling around a little bit i found myself another rabbit and wow these things are hard to hit and instead of eating it raw i ran back to the village to heat it up on the campfire let's go popeye's chicken oh wait i'm eating a rabbit dang it hey at least in my mind i thought it was chicken but anyway since nobody was living in this village i decided to steal all the campfires because you know your boy is too lazy to mine for coal and it's pretty cool in antarctica once i stole off the campfires i ran to the top of this mountain to try to get a better view of the entire island maybe there was something around to save me but unfortunately there was nothing other than the igloo that i saw over here i went inside closed the door and i made myself a campfire i placed it down and used it to warm up man i wish i could make some s'mores or something or some wieners oh my god it sounds so good and it was getting so hot in the igloo that the ice started melting but hey i'm not complaining from day seven to eight once i was all warmed up and ready to go i left my igloo to go gather some resources to make myself a shed and i went chopping for some wood on day 9 i found myself a wandering moose he was pretty huge and you know what that means it means the moose has a lot of meat on him a lot of me that i can eat once i attacked him he started chasing me and his uppercut attack move was pretty deadly i didn't have a shield to block his attack so it was pretty risky he got me low a couple of times and had to run away and heal up i finally killed him though and he dropped me one piece of raw moose ribs one piece are you kidding me that pixelated moose can feed my entire real life family and it only gave me one piece of rib oh my god but there was no time to complain the sun was sending and moths were about to spawn so i picked this random spot and built myself a small little shed to protect myself throughout the night i made myself a campfire to stay warm and i didn't have enough space for a bed so i quickly expanded my shed hoping no creepers were waiting outside for me and i slapped on my bed and went to sleep waking up on day 11 i decided to go mining i needed some iron tools armor and a shield in order to protect myself from all of these mobs and creatures around antarctica after mounting a staircase down i actually landed right into a cave and got my first ever pieces of iron we're getting out of the stone age guys i'm not a caveman anymore after mining some oars i found a deeper part of the cave i was hoping it would lead me to diamonds it was pretty dark and spooky down here though i slapped down a torch and there were two zombies waiting for me you guys think you're sneaky huh well have a fun time in heaven and then the cave led me right into a dead end wow my luck is like off the charts i should go buy a lottery ticket after modding a whole bunch of iron ore i had enough to make a full set of iron armor and tools i threw them into a furnace and played the waiting game once i had all of the iron into iron ingots i made myself an entire set of iron armor and suited up let's go i'm ready to kill all those mooses and once i left to explore more of the cave i ran into another zombie and i just realized i forgot to make myself a shield every single time i forgot to make a shield am i the only one do you guys forget as well after exploring some more i found some lava pools and i was really confident i was gonna find some diamonds but i had no luck at all i then found myself another lava pool and there was nothing yeah maybe i shouldn't buy a lottery ticket this zombie i killed did drop an iron ingot though i mean that's pretty good disappointment and then i ran into the creepiest insect ever after this encounter i knew it was my time to leave it was huge and it crawled so fast it then ran up to me and it was a cockroach and once i killed it it made the nastiest noise yep that was disgusting i was out of here man i took my torches and left i even barricaded that part of the cave up i didn't want the spirit of the cockroach to haunt me god those things are so nasty please tell me you guys hate cockroaches too in the comments on day 16 i decided to explore a little bit and the first thing i saw was two mooses it's time to put my iron tools to the test that sounds so cruel but i needed something to eat and one of these mooses didn't have antlers is that the female moose or the the male moose i have no idea probably the female oh no i'm not an ambulance giallis but anyways i went in for the kill and having a shield is so nice because it blocks the moose's headbutts no i don't like headbutts i like calling it uppercuts it blocks the moose's uppercuts i then started attacking the female moose at least i think it's the female please don't hate me in the comments because i don't know my moose type species thingy but anyways it didn't really hurt that much because this moose didn't have antlers so it kind of felt like the moose wanted to be pet after killing the mooses i was running around chasing these rabbits until they led me into this creature and it was a grizzly bear oh boy as a child i was so scared of getting attacked by a grizzly bear even though i grew up in the city but now it was time to face my fears on a pixelated game um okay never mind the point is i'm gonna face my fears okay don't judge me but i slowly creeped up to him with my shield up and my axe out and once he got up close he growled at me i thought he was gonna start swinging but i had to show him who was dominant and i made the first move and asked the grizzly bear out on a date no i'm just kidding oh my god i'm so dumb but anyways i started attacking the grizzly bear and we were in a pretty intense match he hit me once and hit him back and he he died just like that how does the grizzly bear take less hits than a moose what and i was hoping for some bear meat or something juicy he dropped me his hair bruh what do you want me to do with this hair i'm gonna make a weave or something make a wig and put it on my head maybe i can camouflage or something and the bear also draws some maggots i know i'm stuck out here in the wild but like come on i'm not bear grylls i'm not gonna eat it i then did a lot of more exploring trying to find some animals to kill i then found a herd of mooses and bears and for some reason i thought it would be a good idea to take two of these grizzly bears at once i felt like floyd mayweather trying to fight logan paul and jake paul at the same time but anyways that ended up killing these bears just like what mayweather would do and then i killed all of these mooses but i knew i was gonna be in some trouble i didn't have any food and the sun was setting and i had no idea where my house was and i didn't want to waste my raw ribs and eat it and once i ran out of hunger and i couldn't run anymore i started getting attacked by mobs oh no i knew i was screwed i just tried to run for my life and then these homeless skeletons showed up and i knew it was the end of me and one of them actually nailed me with his arrow and hit me with a slowness arrow as if i wasn't already slow enough i didn't have any hunger i just ran as fast as i could i mean i kind of walked because i couldn't run anyways i then got attacked by a zombie from behind and i was panicking i was at two and a half hearts and i was dodging arrows like i was in a james bond movie i then tried crossing the river as fast as i could then one of the skeletons nailed me in the back of the head and i was at two hearts yup this is the end i'm gonna die but luckily i got away in time and finally made it back to my house and of course there were mobs waiting for me including a skeleton i blocked his arrow and ran right from my door into my shack oh my god my heart was pounding i tried to sleep my fear away but there were way too many mobs waiting for me outside of my mcdonald shack but i barricaded my door just in case with some cobblestone i stayed up all night on the night of day 17 i was having some trouble sleeping and i thought all the mobs were gone so i broke myself a little window to check outside and there was a skeleton waiting for me and the creeper was just about to blow up i panicked so hard i just barricaded myself in oh man i thought that creeper is gonna kill me once it was morning i opened my door and there's a creeper waiting outside for me is this the same creeper waiting for revenge what is this he was waiting right at the door it took me a while to kill him because i kept having to open the door hit him once and close the door before he blew up but eventually i finally killed him and there were two skeletons a baby zombie and two creepers and there was no way i'm gonna kill them all so i just let the creeper blow them all up but i was pretty sick of living in my mcdonald's shack i wanted to make myself a better home but i needed some more blocks to make the foundation so i went down to my mind and mine some cobblestone after mining out this entire area i should have enough cobblestone for everything on day 22 to 25 i started laying down some foundation for my new house and this hotel is gonna be a lot bigger and faster than my little shack and once i had the layout done and all the windows planned out i started working on the front of the house and you know me i had to make it out of spruce wood not because that's the only wood i can find in antarctica but just because it looks so nice after building up most of the walls and the window holes i started working on the ceiling i didn't want it to snow into my house because you never know when a blizzard's gonna come and this is the design i came up with just a simple triangle cobblestone little squarey thingy on the washer square but just a simple roof what am i saying how am i even a youtuber man i ask myself this every day but i appreciate all you guys are watching so much you guys are awesome all i needed was glass to finish up the house so the next day i went to find some sand and slurped it all up from the ocean after it was done smelting i turned it into glass panes because you know i'm just cheap and i like saving stuff and now my cat is sitting on my lap licking my thumb i'll put a video on the screen i can't get any work done because of these cats if you guys want cat updates go follow my twitter and my instagram in the description below guys all right i'm sorry back to the video once the chests were all placed down now it's time for the tedious part of moving all of my items into the brand new chest room once i officially moved into my new home i slapped down some beds and went to sleep on day 26 i woke up to a blizzard it was freezing in my house even with a campfire in it so i decided to make a fireplace so maybe it will retain all the heat inside the house and despite the cold i had the idea to build myself a flag my very own flag claiming antarctica as my own country as nobody else was living here and i think i'm starting to accept the fact that i'm staying here for the rest of my life so i started working on a flag and after careful design and engineering i came out with this design for my country pretty creative am i right totally not spitting random blocks onto a flag what and i'm gonna call this place the frozen cookie from day 27 to 30 i decided to go mining for some diamonds i had a really big feeling that some type of boss was going to attack me at the end of these 100 days because you know that's how every horror movie starts they're alone in a house in the middle of nowhere so i crafted myself three extra iron pickaxes because i knew it'd be a lot of shirt mining and went down under to go find some diamonds after a little bit of caving i finally found some diamonds on the edge of some lava and it was a seven vayner exactly what i was looking for and then i had no luck after that so i decided to just go strip mining i finally found diamonds and it was only four but hey i'll take it any diamonds is good diamonds i then went for like a good 20 minutes without finding anything why is mining so hard but either way by the end of the 30 days i finally got enough diamonds to make myself a full diamond armor set after spending three whole days strip mining i got a lot of cobblestone so what better way to use all the cobblestone to make a mob grinder was that right english out of it but anyways i got to work on the mob grinder and i'm sure all of you guys have seen me build these a million times so here's a quick montage of me building it now it's all finished time to wait for some mobs anna waited all night and there was literally nothing not a single mop but finally after waiting an entire night in the morning i saw one zombie i want him to go take a closer look and the zombie wasn't even in the mall grinder it was just a random zombie that spawned it really looked like it was in the mob grinder though because it was sitting behind it wow i got trolled oh my hopes are dying on the next day on day 37 i woke up to another blizzard it seems like these blizzards are becoming more frequent so while i wait for the blizzard to blow away i decided to redecorate my home a little bit i moved over my beds and my furnaces i also added these nice hanging lights around the house i even went outside to add some hanging lights i was only out there for like four seconds and my nuts were already frozen man it's cold out there i also started working on a kitchen because you know your boy got a meal prep too it's not only the hot tick tock girls that do that and i thought a cauldron would be a nice touch to be a sink with a lever being the faucet after the kitchen was done i decided to make a little heating area in the corner of my house so i can sit there surrounded by campfires and be warm from day 40 to 44 i decided to go exploring a little bit more so i made myself a diamond sword to protect myself from all of those random creatures and went on a journey i also found a fly i'm not sure why that was significant to the story all right moving on i just like to ramble man why do people watch these but as i ran around the coast of the island i did end up killing a lot of mooses for some food i swear i'm gonna wipe out the entire moose species on this antarctica island i did find something really interesting though i've ran into two igloos with two villagers living there i'm not the only one and they seem to be living pretty happily together it was really nice seeing those villagers i felt like i was all alone here and by nightfall i also ran into another village i looted some of their chests and there were wheat and iron in them and there was also frozen fish laying on the ground of the village the fish might be bad but hey i'll eat whatever i then found the first ever villager of this village and he was hiding from me under the bridge he must have heard my stomping hey but turns out i'm not the only one living here in antarctica once i got back home i threw all of my food into the campfires and unfortunately you can't have fried maggots for some reason so i just ate them raw and live my boy bear girls would be proud of me but anyways today i wanted to move that villager underneath the bridge over to my house because he seemed like he was a little bit depressed so i started constructing a fat bridge all the way over to the village so i can put them in a boat and take them safely to my house and then i forced him onto my boat and i realized it'll be much faster moving him by ice instead of the bridge and once he got the ice i was having too much fun skirt that was tokyo drifting around everything wow a boat on ice is way too much fun but back to business my villager was pretty stubborn once i got him out of the boat so i had to trap him and build a staircase up and move him into my house like that once i finally got him in i blocked off the entrance so he can never leave again i broke the boat to set him free and the first thing he did was to jump into my bed like bro i know you live in my house now but we're not that close yet but uh alright on day 51-52 i just remembered i can go to the nether it's nice and warm over there what am i doing here in antarctica while i was going down for some lava there was a planned creeper attack on me i almost died once i got 10 pieces of obsidian i went back out to my house and made the nether portal i was so ready to be warm again but once i got in i started getting attacked by this weird creature the mommy was throwing its child at me or something i have no idea what was happening so i ran back into the portal and blocked myself off geez that was kind of scary i only wanted to go to the nether to warm up and get some ancient debris so i grinded some xp to get to level 30. i then went down to the caves to my summer city for an enchantment table placed down some bookshelves and enchanted my sword and pickaxe i didn't have enough books to make a level 30 enchantment table anything we'll do i then hopped right back into the nether i was ready to fight those moms catapulting their babies at me and once i got in i was not ready there were way too many of them i just made a run for it and dug myself right into the ground i then collected some magma blocks because i know that'll be a good heat source to warm me up so i went back home and turned all of my armor into netherrite armor let's go on day 62 since i had some magma blocks from the nether i decided to make a basement dedicated to heating myself and my villager was pretty curious on what we were doing i'm gonna name this villager dream totally did not steal that name from somebody else what and standing up here on the stairs and looking down on this villager trapped in a basement with cobblestone walls it didn't look that right but anyways i built some stairs down to the basement and also added a fence gate so the villager won't come down here and accidentally die from the magma blocks i then covered the floors and the walls of magma blocks and it was getting pretty toasty in here already on day 63 i was determined to get some glowstone for a future project so i went into the nether and had an intense battle with these random monsters after some fighting i finally killed the first one and it dropped to literally nothing but eventually i finally made it up to the glowstone and mined it up and while i was heading back to my nether portal i was doing some parkour when i fell into the lava i quickly built up and ran trying to dodge these creatures i was getting worried i was gonna die here but i ran as fast as i could trying not to fall into lava and i finally made it back with two and a half hearts as i blocked myself into the nether portal geez my heart was going buck 10. but anyways i had a plan to make some solar panels that utilize the sun to make some electricity maybe that way i can make a radio and contact people to send help and get me out of here so i started constructing my first ever solar panel this took a lot of engineering not really but i made it out of black stone and it's inclined a little bit to gather as much sun as i could and on day 66 i actually made some daylight sensors to actually utilize the sun it felt like it was eight years ago when i made my first daylight sensor i thought it was game changing when minecraft came out with this and nobody even touches it now but anyways i started constructing more solar panels because i needed at least four to power a radio tower once i had all four solar panels complete i connected all of them with redstone which means quadruple the power i then needed the power to go into a generator and a battery storage so i used my old shack as that i also threw down some repeaters to extend the strength of the redstone i then made the power line go into my house and now i can finally have electricity as the day went on i realized that the solar panels wasn't providing enough electricity to keep the lights on it was flickering a little bit so from day 73 to 75 i started designing some windmills after a whole bunch of troubles building the wings this is the design that i came up with it's kind of ugly but hey it works i also spent all night building a second windmill because why not more electricity doesn't hurt on day 76 i think being alone was actually getting to me i think i was going insane so for the next four days i spent exploring the island again hoping i would see a ship passing by and i can get their attention and come pick me up i was also having a lot of fun with these bears i was having an entire boxing match with this guy but obviously i won i also ran into a herd of mooses i'm not sure if that's even the right term but they were actually fighting it was kind of cool to see but obviously i'm the good guy here and decided to break up the fight by fighting them all and i was getting pretty good with the shield i was blocking all of their hits and i left with 13 ribs if only i had barbecue sauce man and as i was trying to head home i got hit with another blizzard and this one was the strongest of them all i could not see anything past like three blocks in front of my eyes there was no way i was gonna be able to find my house but eventually i found some clues like my long cobblestone bridge and i followed it right back to my home and jumped right into my basement to warm up wow it felt so good i also grabbed the armor stand and threw my nether right armor on it for it to dry because it got kind of wet i was doing too many snow angels out there and the blizzard wasn't going away so i just went to sleep and once i woke up it was gone but i really wanted to get out of here man i was getting so sick of being alone and cold but i realized my solar panels got covered in snow so i put down some torches so it can all melt and on day 84 to 85 i started constructing the radio tower because maybe if the sos sign doesn't reach out far enough the radio tower will reach out to space i had to make the antenna super long and tall though the signal had to get through the clouds and into space once it was my desired height i then put down the redstone torches that will act as the output and input for the radio signal i then threw down some cobblestone walls to reinforce the tower so the wind doesn't blow it over after that was complete it was time to work in the satellite dish yeah i know i'm building so many things it seems like i'm trying to contact mars but i just want to get out of here man once i got the dish complete i added like this triangle metal thing that you see in all of the satellite dishes in the movies i don't know what it does but let's just say it's like a laser beam i connected the satellite dish to the power and there it is my satellite dish and my radio tower are working and trying to contact the aliens on day 86 i sat there all alone and sad sitting in all of my emotions and cold but on day 87 i decided there's no time for me to be sad i gotta get working or i'll starve to death so i started clearing the area and collecting some seeds to make a farm now that i finally have electricity i can provide enough heat to grow some wheat you hear that heat eat and wheat oh my i'm a rapper dang i'm stupid and after running around punching all of the grass i collected 60 seeds i also want to cut down the entire spruce tree because i needed a lot of materials to make this big green house i also smelted up my remaining sand for some glass and started working on the greenhouse design once i got the layout complete i started mining weight off the snow to replace it with some farming dirt i then place down the water to obviously you know hydrate the crops you know we gotta stay hydrated boys and girls and then i started hoeing the dirt once it was all hold out hold up i then slapped down some seeds and just like that we have a farm growing the seeds were probably freeze soon because i don't have any windows in or heat so i started placing in my glass once all the glass was placed down i also took some bone meal that i got and started bowl milling the wheat i just needed more seeds so i can fill the entire farm up and i got pretty close i just need a little section left once it got dark i grabbed some torches and lit up the outside so no mods will spawn i didn't light up the inside though because i was gonna put some redstone lamps to heat up the inside of the greenhouse so the crops won't freeze so i grabbed all of my redstone materials like the redstone lamps repeaters and redstone dust and started placing the redstone lamps down once all the lamps were down i then connected all of them to redstone dust so they would power and then started working on the power lines that would lead from the solar panels i connected it all up put down some repeaters to carry on the power and made some support beams for the power lines just so it looks a little bit more realistic and because i'm a little picky because i hate having things just floating around looking all weird and out of place but hey that took a pretty long time but finally i have a greenhouse where i can grow some wheat and have some bread to eat i'm not a starving caveman anymore i then spent the entire day of day 96 in my basement just warming up with the magma blocks and campfires i was pretty cool standing out there for so long but the next day i heard some weird and loud stomping noises above me i had no idea what it was but it sounded like a giant beast waiting for me so i got upstairs and looked around and then suddenly the stomping stopped i saw no signs of anything until i looked out the front window and saw this huge beast creature stomping around the front of my house he must have smelt my crops or felt the warmth of my entire base or maybe saw my radio tower or something that brought him here and he looked pretty scary and once you roared i almost peed my pants i'm not gonna lie well there's only one thing i could do and that is to try to kill it i literally had no idea what to do my arrows weren't hurting him at all and he can shoot spikes at me that will freeze me i was just about to run back in my house and cry in the corner i decided you know what no one's gonna come save me so if i die here it will be worth it so i ran up to him to get up close and personal and he was blowing some weird mist at me that wasn't affecting me but the second he shot an ice spike at me he goes right through my shield and freezes me again and this time i was so close to him so i just decided to go to bed and hopefully by tomorrow i'll have enough energy to go fight him and i was praying my house wouldn't be knocked down like legos by the time i wake up i left my house and he was still waiting for me i thought he would leave me alone i started hiding behind the satellite dish hoping he would come closer so i could run and attack him but once he shot an ice spike at me and missed it was my time i ran in for the kill i started swinging my sword at him as much as i could as he swung back at me and that boy got a strong left arm he was walking away so i ran back for more but once i got close i tried shooting my errors at him again but it wasn't working my man's got too thick of a skin but now that we're fighting on ice i was much faster than him i got him right up in his grill and start swinging my sword at him i was doing a butt ton of damage until he hulk slammed the ice and started fighting back at me i then blocked his right hook and gave him a last wing and killed him and then he gave his final defeat roar and then felon died yup i'm the king of antarctica here once he died he dropped a weird looking blue netherstar thing and it was an ice crystal i can breathe ice now i started using it on the frozen lake and it would actually freeze up all of the water and turn it back into ice it was pretty cool maybe i am meant to be the king of antarctica and maybe antarctica was my home and i wasn't supposed to leave this place but anyways thank you guys so much for watching this 100 days please drop a like if you enjoyed the video comment down below and please go check out my hardcore series episode 1 a series everybody has been asking me for the link will be in the description below i'll see you guys in the next [Music] video [Music] you
Channel: aCookieGod
Views: 3,874,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hardcore minecraft, 100 days, minecraft 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days in antarctica minecraft, 100 days in the artic, i survived 100 days in antarctica in hardcore minecraft, i survived 100 days in antarctica, minecraft hardcore, i survived 100 days in the arctic, i survived 100 days in the arctic in hardcore minecraft, 100 days in antarctica, acookiegod, a cookie god, acookiegod 100 days, minecraft acookiegod, minecraft 100 days hardcore mode
Id: MYoapd3dxnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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