AUTOMATE IT ALL; Factory Revamp for 100% Efficiency! | Satisfactory Early Access Gameplay Ep 7

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well guys now that we have unlimited power we can have unlimited everything so today we're gonna be completely revamping the factory to make it one a hundred percent efficient and finally unlock our factories true potential hello everyone I'm kibbutz and welcome back to satisfactory where last time we got Kol online in a big way and built a dozen that Kol of power plants solving our power problems for the next long long time and we also developed an automatic highway system with self-driving tractors that picks up and delivers cold to our factory here check this out such a cool system but I still haven't redrawn the passport and then after dealing with all of this we kind of dabbled in steel production essentially we built our first boundary we got it automated and it's working nay it works not efficient at all though and that's kind of gonna be the theme of today is optimizing efficiency because I want things to be running a thousand times better because we are gonna go and overclock the world baby and optimize all of our production lines as well as that new ones so if you say for this remember to leave a like subscribe and hit the notification bell already though with the efficiency of our factory here we got a start at the ground and go up because every inefficiency at every level is going to stack in stack in stack so by the time we're like producing late-game items it's gonna be very very slow we need the first stage to be as optimized as possible and the furnace design we have right now it is it's good but it's not very fast because with a hundred and twenty a copper or over there that we're producing that could run for smelters constantly at once whereas this one it's only like the first two that are running and then they kind of back up and sometimes the third is so although it is modular and if we kept upgrading our conveyor belts and our minor it could expand it it's not very fast rating now so instead I switched some things up and so here is the up created model here this is the iron side which is all complete and this is how it works essentially rate at the miners I split up the belt so that each belt you see here will have the full 60 iron ore and then when they enter will essentially go to another splitter split thirty into one smelter and thirty into the other so these will both be running at full speed then the next one comes in same thing and same over here so essentially we're gonna have four smelters notes sorry each smelters running at maximum efficiency yeah so that is up from the four in a bit yeah it's a lot like doubles our iron production using the same amount of power in the seam and miners so it's pretty good it's pretty good but what's even better guys oh my god what's even better are these oh my goodness we unlocked them the other day they are the conveyer pull stackers dude these are like a godsend I did not realize the potential but oh brother we can do some Wilding crazy things with these so I have been reorganizing all of the lines and so nice it's so nice we're able to fit in so many more into such a condensed piece it's beautiful and the best thing of all actually is I got to show you this really quick so with these guys you can make super condensed item elevators essentially get put one down go one two three four four another go over a little bit bada boom bada bang and you can stack them super easily so about a boom bada bang about a power pod up I don't know insert weird noise so you can have them sent essentially like this and look at this look at this Oh turns around and then you keep going up pretty neat eh and then of course you can keep on looping it however how you want and you can even put in two belts here so you could have one running rate underneath so that's pretty compact pretty convenient and oh my god I kind of switched up all of our conveyor belts in the base be using them so now we have lines on lines on lines moving on up what is this few four six six lines coming up from downstairs using the same space that the old four lines used it's pretty good it's a little bit more efficient I'd say so now that we're efficiently making iron it's time to optimize so how our factory was working once we brought the iron ingots directly to the start of these production lines it would go in through a variety of assemblers and mesh constructors and machines and out the other end would come the final product so what is again kind of like the smelter array it works but it's not not good because the timings for making all the parts are all different so it's like one iron plate for 15 minutes and then with screws it's like different iron rods it's the same screws it's all weird like six screws in ninety minutes bla bla bla bla bla all the times are super super weird so by the end of the day it when it gets to the assemblers it's never matched like you can see we have like a billion plates here not enough screws so there's a lot of weird things like that a lot of weird things like that and it makes for a lot of idle machines and I want to completely get rid of that by changing things up so the new plan instead of decisive there whoops back up here at the new plan make things out look a bit better is I want to optimize every single thing so every tier one thing will be optimized every tier two thing optimized etc etc so that we don't have to worry about having a production line that's long and inefficient we'll have all of our Tier one stuff made here as fast as possible and then all of our tier two stuff made on the next floor as fast as possible here 3 4 5 etc etc etc off into space in this system is almost necessary too because a lot of these late-game things like heavy modular frames require of course the monitor frame and some like here one crafting stuff as well and some tier 2 crafting stuff so by having every part of this optimized and bring it together there'll be no bottlenecks and we can produce things like that like super super super quick at least that's the new idea but I think we should probably test out the new smelter before we move on here so just have to put on a couple new belts no no no these ladders now though all we have to do is add on the belts and the thing should be it fired up and ready to go that's rollin excellent two belts are moving let's get this one on line what hello ok it's too close big whoops that's fine we'll get this one online we'll move with this a little bit about a boom bada bing bada pal and then this will all be ready to go up there we go and our iron is blowing and brother it's blowing in gorgeous also aside from leaves lines I added on to more iron notes that are just over here we'll get them online - how to find out where my powers at unfortunately with these two nodes over here they're impure so they're really really slow and I have to use the tier 2 miners to eat them keep pace let's just bring over the power I end up haphazardly don't really care how things are out in nature here like they can be a little messy that's fine then really speaking I just want the factories to be organized up there let's bring these back up get up and they're all getting rolling yeah so the impure will take a little bed time though it's 60 per minute which is the same as our normal nodes down there rerunning or oh it's just like a super super slow startup time okay I got you then that's 60 this is 60 we rockin and rollin brother we're rockin and rollin let's see how our furnaces are doing alright so looks good this is running full throttle yep not really even stacking up this one same deal so these are both 60 lines and then it merges together on to a 120 line like this one's going this one's going up with that though it's a little slow I guess the irons still kind of stacking up here that's fine and then it's all rolling together go to the next floor so yeah up here it's flowing it's looking beautiful look at those mark two belts oh good so good and we're making some iron plates I I'm actually doing this I ran out of all of my iron plates so I've used thousands in optimizing this factory so really really nice to have some automation back and going but yep both of this working guess it's time to start on the level 1 factory stuff well organize it a bit better and we'll go from here so there it is right there that is perfection the number never goes higher it never goes lower that's it that is perfect alright so this is the first line just four plates essentially a hundred and twenty in can run four instructors all making the pleats so a hundred and twenty ingots are turning into 120 pleats at a one-to-one ratio perfect absolutely perfect and I just have to do that now with iron rods copper wires concrete steel beams and pipes so lots to still do lots to still do but with this system things are gonna be a million times easier later on oh my god guys it is a night and day difference how much better my factory is gonna be here so I have unlocked the potential in the nodes around me and we are producing it all man okay so all tier one stuff is dealt with except for the steel stuff but pretty much what I showed you before was just a pleat little factory I doubled that we have two lines coming from downstairs into this to make pleats and then we have a one line going upstairs to go and make the iron rods and oh my god it's crazy I had no idea the amount of iron I was pumping in here could produce so much we have four constructors making pipes and we have eight constructors making plates because the plates just take so long want to have a lot and they're usually a bottleneck then over on the copper side like the shop the shop I can't even use all the copper I'm getting so essentially I have one copper note I switched it out to an MK an MK 2 version switched over the smelters downstairs to the new design I've made up and yeah we're producing so much but I cannot I cannot even use it all I have four constructors already making the wire and that soon will be making the cables which are just a step up the production chain and that's only using half the copper like I still have a whole extra thing here to set up I think I'm just gonna leave it because honestly this is enough copper cable for a long time so now big thing is going to be steel steel steel steel so I expanded our system over down here to the highway adding in some more iron ingots smelters just to supply upstairs I think these ones go to the iron rods and then over here ah ha ha we have our foundries so what I got set up here is I have three so with the numbers with them they're really strange like 45 and 45 coal and I got a decent system it's like the overflow system that we had before for the iron because I don't think I'm gonna have enough cool anyway though we have this 120 no it's 60 60 there should be a hundred and twenty what am i doing I don't know well for now it's sixty being split up between the three so that's 20 each um but the coal is split up as well from the one note so 20 e it's not a hundred percent efficient but for now it will do will expand it a little later on and then from here we need to turn this into pipes and steel beam steel pipes and steel beams so let's connect this line I'm gonna bring it all the way it down here I think very good very good then we're gonna connect it up to here I have no idea where that line goes to be perfectly honest I've been at this all freakin day man so everything just goes everywhere we'll find out where it goes in a moment but for now let's get it movin get it groovin and see where this takes us oh and this is a little awkward it's right in the middle of everything hmm okay um actually I think we can make this work I'll have to actually bring this tower and make it higher because I have this line already going to the next floor so making this line go a little bit higher - it kind of makes sense and then maybe maybe this line out the end that's unused right now we'll go all the way up to like fifth floor or something I'm not sure but for now we gotta raise the roof or the twirly belt system all right yeah that should work out a bit better here oh my god this is so tall I love it absolutely love it let's do some parkour so the iron's gonna come through here and go into the pipe facility then the row don't get hurt thank you and then the steel is gonna head we-we-we up to the top floor so let's let er rip let things move in smooth badda-boom and off it goes and I have to set up a quick buffer just so we don't waste any of the iron we're producing and we go from there oh and check this out guys check this out oh dang oh I don't have a thing here okay one more time one more time ah and oh dang it one more time there we go you can get like some crazy cool angles with the bounce pad there and sometimes I can even get like all the way to the other side of the floor it's sick and oh my god dang these belts are so fast brother and even keep up so let's add in just a quick buffer here there we go throw that in and bada-boom so now what we need to make our few couple things so this is bringing in a hundred and twenty a minute let's run some numbers here or let's check the numbers at the very least so power for that just for a moment let's check her out the pipes one steel ingot and every and 15 per minute makes one steel pipe at fifteen per minute okay so that's the exact same ratio as the copper cables so but what that means is I can make four of these or constructors for steel pipes with half of our production here well that is so cool man sorry and then with the other half we'll use it for the other thing the steel beams which are three steel ingots or one gonna have to figure out the ratio they're a little bit of testing but for now I'll just get the pipes online because that's gonna take like literally two seconds here okay yeah it was pre straightforward I'm gonna have to relook into the production but once we get that to 120 this should work out so these four machines will be making the pipes and they'll make them super super quick I think they will bottleneck on this like Verger here so I have them all going in and then merging together onto one lane and I can only handle 120 and I think we're gonna make like 240 in this so yeah I don't know how well this is gonna do for now and then as for the what are they I cannot remember the name for the life of me man there are so many items I'd be messing with today they are the steel beams the steel beams I think will go 60 into one machine and we're just gonna see how the timing is for now I think it won't work out like maybe not perfectly but pretty well just because it takes three steel to make one so I I'm not sure we're gonna see right now cuz I'm gonna plug it in and letter ID sir we built up a decent chunk of steel years for a good task - yep even have some extras in my inventory so I think it's uh hold ctrl and drag that rigs all the same type good and let's let her rip there we go so half bit splitting off into these half of it splitting down to the beam area now we doing it's not a it to belt that isn't that doesn't need to be yeah yeah hold up hold up there we go I was wondering it it seems so slow like I just got the mark two belts but man I've already justed to them now it seemed only mediocre I gotta get the next to your belt soon looking at things are we all running know what yellow flashy flashy is okay come on all green all right next one hmm wait and why is that it's still in there I not connect a line no that makes sense got a couple lines back here but most of them are moving out I think the timing problem now is just that the lines are physically too long least to this area if we upgrade them just for the movement speed should even out and work out a bit better here do that least I think I hope I don't I'm not sure might be a problem back here I swear this is moving slower I must be crazy I gotta be crazy hmm and yeah because our production isn't like perfect right now run in a hundred percent but this seems to be working well enough they're all green right now some are turning yellow once in a while something I'm gonna have to monitor yeah but we do have automated steel pipes now so hey there's that and now for the mess how's this doing breathe four five six okay that's kind of good and kind of bad though this is running full throttle then but it's it's still kind of slow and I think we need these as another crafting material in further projects so that might become an issue might become an issue see we'll see definitely gonna have to take another look at the foundry layout I have going you know and prove that somehow okay so I've been checking on this and I have some ideas number one I thought I had to upgrade this line I don't actually because the miner it's attached to is only producing 60 or at a time so that's fine then over here the cool who is kind of being our bottleneck and just distributing stuff as well like this one's overloaded exactly right I don't have to which slot up a little bit here and my idea here is to make a bunch of UB deuce containers so the containers will even out everything so every single machine will be getting the same amount of stuff at the same piece at least that's the hope in to give it a shot here have plenty of room to work with so I'm sure I'll figure out at least something better okay guys guys guys I'm gonna forewarn you just keep calm here and relax because I might just blow your mind okay okay so check this out it's incredible it's a meze but wouldn't you know it got these splitters split things three ways that's just how they're built it's like it's like it's incredible it's amazing it's wild so now oh my goodness we can split coal three ways evenly it's a miracle I can't believe it I know I know I'm just as shocked as you are and I did the same thing for the iron ore - look at that look at that the whole system is perfect isn't that absolutely insane but there's more but there's more I have doubled the amount of coal I have let me show you let me show you oh my sweet goodness check out this wild crazy idea so when the coal gets dropped off here by the truck it now enters a storage container okay okay again relax don't freak out but then oh my gosh I split up the coal into two separate lines so I can actually use it all instead of letting it back up constantly I'm not gonna lie I had to take a aspirin after I after I did that I I was freaking out man I could not believe it would not believe it only small thing is that's not it perfectly even so let's just these guys in nice and close take that absolutely perfect and encroaching clearance what do you mean I don't know what clearance is game don't even front don't even front it's right there oh my god okay anyway that's not the only big thing because guess what guess what I found out how to get iron in the perfect amounts over to this boundaries as well and I don't just mean by like having it go through the splitter oh no no no I mean how to get exactly 180 iron ore through that splitter okay there we go that's better anyway though we got to grab the truck there's my truck at weight it's literally rape aside meat I planned this out okay so how are we gonna bring exactly a hundred and eighty iron ore to the smelter no foundry area back it out it can come directly from our miner because guess what it's an impure node meaning instead of doing 120 or a minute it does 60 and you know what that means if we can overclock it twice ba boom ba da Peng that's a hundred and eighty brother and that's exactly what we need it's like oh that actually believe my mind I was like no way I didn't even plan that had no idea I was like oh and your note oh it can't make as much that's so bad whoo-hoo no it's actually the best thing literally ever because now we can have a perfectly efficient boundary area so the only thing right now is we need better conveyer belts something that can go up to a hundred and eighty s so come with me trucker Reno and I think and no I'm I'm sure there's a mark three I'm just hoping it does at least a hundred need look at all this iron ore now II absolutely insane absolutely insane so where is next thing purple shards I think we need those too but mainly aha so two hundred and seventy oh it's a little overkill but that's fine because guess what it can handle the 180 and that's all we need so it works game to get better storage containers that's okay no big deal but yep that's all we need right there it looks like I need a couple engines for that and then we need our shards I don't even think I have these research that me let me check how do you make a power shard I haven't even made one yet Ede a green power slug I have a trillion of those right trillion as in four okay got the green one and then I don't make the next one we have to eat the purple one I need a little bit more stuff okay there we go easy peasy purple power shards and away very cool very cool in a long time since I saw this rocket go up man I mean our stuff I spent on this forty hours now yeah I've been working on the factory for a while these upgrades have literally taken the last 12 hours or more a mate that's fantastic how do you make the purple chard please not a purple slug purple Parris look of course it takes a purple power slug my god I can't handle this man I'm freaking out I'm freaking out oh my god oh my god the luck Oh actually freaking out okay okay calm down calm down okay now we need this larger there frames we got them how do you make it a motor let me guess that's a bunch of Steel that's it rotors and stackers okay well I can crap these things you know what we're gonna craft it I'm not gonna automate it today but we're gonna craft it and we're gonna get her get her going all righty finally got everything here so we can get the new conveyor belt and have everything optimized oh yeah and that where'd I get these from the Oh was it the purple power slug it didn't make like a special power short or anything it just made five so that's cool I guess oh yeah there we go now we just need to launch the pod bada-boom logistics m'kay trees don't reached logistics have improved by the means of a container with increased storage capacity and enhanced conveyor belt efficiency ray okay now the scary part what does it take to make these oh my gosh a thing I literally just automated those steel beams dude well we're gonna put those on number eight we're gonna gather up all of our steel beams and upgrade that one line then have a perfect steel production but how many we have so far couple stacks I'll absolutely do this can scoot out of there please and thank you and I just have to get over to our minor alrighty so let's check this out we put in just one by one okay and now we can go nap now are making ninetieth Slynt yeah it stopped why ah there we go 120 wait no I can't do math 30 we need a 90 hold up we only needed one power shirt Oh oh well then we're fine now I have five extra power shards I guess we use them a little later on take you out Julio why are you slowing down so much oh because the line isn't replaced yet already so conveyor belt mark three holy snap that's a freaking speed brother Oh oh my god this is the best this is what I'm talking about fun it even makes upgrading fun oh thank you that should be my personal transport holy we can cross the map in like two seconds flat that's faster than my tractor what the heck man oh my god that is just too much fun it's games one of my favorites man it's just so good it's so good so now we just upgrade you you you and we're pretty much done here oh my gosh Ruby's so cool to see this thing running like at 100% we're gonna have so much steel stuff no I can't believe this uses steel beams to like the odds are actually insane alright it oh whoa that thing is dangerous brother launches yeah okay what's that done all we got to do is upgrade it you do number four what there we go our three there we go there we go and the Potter boom so I'll split sixty sixty sixty it that's 180 and last of all we just have to upgrade this last line over here no hopefully the coal can keep up like the trucking we might have to upgrade some of the cool plant stuff but you know honestly I think we'll be fine this will find out if the power all goes out [Laughter] thought I just escaped from that problem I'd hate to have to go back to it come on come on no easy way up there all right well I'm actually just having too much fun the steam I can't believe it okay do that we do this that gonna be fine I think so holy snap is that rocking and rolling how's the stalk in here it's going down fine trucks coming up would not be better timing truck and that completely refills it so we're we're still fine on pole okay it's not enough now we need that new line we just put in removing a hundred and eighty cool at least know if it has 280 new 80 is 160 we're just thinking here way back over there it splits between 120 and wait yeah how much just this new again you seventy 120 and 270 yeah it should be about right it should be about right at least when the power plants aren't all running it should be fine yeah we're doing fine on power all right so that means this is like oh my god it's like pretty much backed up it's backing up I can't add even on even more oh my god I am so happy I'm so happy we can have all this steel in the world all of our lines are fully upgraded dude ah what a good time this has been oh and yo guys I spotted it don't you worry I spotted the problem so you can delete that comment you're typing right now like I said this needs to do 180 not just 90 so I think I can just add in more powers our cuts they get 200% and then one more there we go to make it to a hundred and eighty what is that - 250 150 Queen what it's not right you come with me again 3:20 let's put it back down to 90 oh is that a glitch let's be a glitch there you go okay that's fine so that's why I'm still because guess what we have two impure nodes then guess want this baby can just have one of these two so what 90 and 90 equals 180 oh my god I do is cute these two together so come with me stop stop you stop - I guess this entire line is useless now and guess I'll figure out something to do with it later on but right now we just have to merge Lee's so splitter no merger yes but it rate off in front of you there we go if it's producing 120 we just needed to your Q line no it's producing 9999 the numbers Mase so many numbers so much math and then you come over there it's straight so when I see this in the distance I'm not my OCD doesn't freak me out ah there we go that's pretty decent now all we have to do is add on that last line here so that's gonna connect up to here is this the upgraded line no this one is yeah that's why it's empty because it's actually using stuff very cool very cool very cool that means Oh No okay there we go I mean if we have an extra line here I don't know what we're gonna do with it no no maybe there's another coal node or iron node around that'd be neat I don't know we'll figure it out next time right now I know with that we're gonna have perfect steel production all of our other tier 1 stuff is fully and perfectly optimized as well so I'm happy I'm happy happy happy look at all this steel all those gaps can be filled in once our new line comes in and actually you know provides the iron these are working well right absolutely wheat wait it was over it had too much stuff in it why is it stopping why are you stopping stop stop stopping that started here too that's why there we go now it should be perfectly steady now right yeah just need the next batch of iron coming in oh my god whoa whoa Denmark threes boy so fast so fast let's check here yeah it's filling up seems actually really slow yeah we might be able to even like double our production here I'm not sure off to double-check the numbers but for now it should be perfect right yeah why isn't it perfect guess it's three it needs to be four and I'll fill in the last gap that's why okay so it's no fault of my own it's actually fine for how it is right now however I think since it's already backing up maybe I did some math wrong however I'm gonna flip this around so all the machines are facing the other direction so essentially we'll be facing like this and the coal and the iron will come down the middle and then you steel it will pop out the end and then we'll send it up to like the top floor for production purposes and then we're all good and next time yeah everything else can be automated super efficiently and extremely easily like this is the hard part all we have to do is set up some assemblers now put down a few more floors up a little higher and it's gonna be a 1/2 but not blap blap easy easy easy and then maybe also we can decorate a bit last next time as well because tearing apart my bees has made it a little weird looking anyway though I think that is gonna be all for today so hope you guys enjoyed I know we didn't like really a head in the game all that much like we didn't unlock much or play around with new things just optimizing and increasing and fishin C today but you know what that's gonna help us later because I'm sure we're gonna need to send a ton more stuff to space so again that's gonna be all here so if you guys enjoyed remember to leave a like subscribe and hit the notification bell and I hope to see you in the next one so have a fantastic rest of your day and ba bye [Music] you
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 172,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ImKibitz, Kibitz, satisfactory, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory game, satisfactory gameplay ep 1, satisfactory automation, satisfactory automating, strategy games 2019, strategy games pc, satisfactory tutorial, factory game, factory games, satisfactory early access, satisfactory early access gameplay, satisfactory efficiency, satisfactory optimisation, satisfactory optimization, satisfactory automated, satisfactory game efficiency, satisfactory automate
Id: F-B4rPKkR8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 18sec (2658 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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