MASSIVE Water Reservoir Factory Overhaul! - Automation Empire Let’s Play Ep 7

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what do you think we're out here making a super factory wrong we're building ourselves a water part today baby hello everyone I'm kibbutz and welcome back to automation Empire where last time things went absolutely insane and we just went crazy with the trains adding in as many as we could to try and sell all of our resources but still everything's still plowing up it it's just you think it's crazy enough and then it gets crazier we're rich beyond our wildest dreams we have 1.6 million dollars we're getting so much money that I don't even know what to do with it and with this new mega facility we built in the last video we have pretty much no more resources on the map except for that tasty tasty oil so we're gonna be focusing on that today and if you enjoy remember to leave a like oh if it hold up hold up we won I can't believe it actually I can totally believe it like look at this this is insane there's one two three four five six seven train tracks all overloaded like come on if this isn't what an empire looks like I don't know what does well I guess since we have the goal we're done so goodbye I'm kidding of course there is the medallion goal a secondary objective where we have to get forty five thousand kilograms output so huh yeah that's a little tough it's an extra fifteen thousand kilograms but we do have extra tech that can help us get there there's the rocket we haven't unlocked oil stuff that we haven't even started dealing with yet there's Water Works which upgrades like the speed of machines and stuff and farming so still tons to do tons of unlocks and a ton more to automate so let's start today with the oil which is pretty straightforward like according to the recipe list here over here oh it's pretty much acts as the same as all the other materials we refine the crude oil into oil and then we combine it with something else that's something else seems to be red so oil red green equals ethanol that's kind of our top of a list to do thing right now yeah the only spicy issue is for the ethanol the red green is needs red grass and we don't really have the tech for that right now so we're gonna have to wait on that a little bit anyway but only a little bit wheat yeah oh we just have to export some oil then we got it oh and then just the green meal for the green house oh my goodness we're like pretty much right there okay this shouldn't be hard at all so number one then let's go and make ourselves a new warehouse where we'll refine the oil I presume yeah we're just gonna make the same one we've been building the entire game here which is a pretty simple nine by nine cube that will end up looking exactly it like this and now this should just make a refined oil I believe empty boxes beautiful gotten slop in there cool maybe you should take it out of there also a good idea every single time I make one of these I always forget adding this in there we go old pudding into the refiner I don't think heating up oil like that is a good idea but I guess it works right sure sure that's exactly how it works and then we have the very nice actual oil looking oil good and yeah we just need to sell that off so we can get the new science thing and I guess we'll set up a temporary truck station for that and a couple of the drones I thought we're done with that but here we go again but at least since we don't have any others we can just set these up wherever we want so boom map and I was about to say please print money but actually wait a second I forgot the oil needs to go into research phase nothing - oh gosh we don't need to sell it well I guess like we could but no we just need it for research holed up then skirt goodbye trucks is nice seeing you again for one whole minute but actually we need to grab at you guys and scoot you over this way and now with a system like this we'll get all the oil tech we need right quick double-check in here this is all actually working now yes it is didn't forget anything good job Gibbs oils moving and grooving excellent yes get that black gold and labs discover its secrets find out too what do we do and actually while the labs are taking their sweetmary time processing all of that oil we also need a research capacitors because we're gonna need those for the rocket ship lease later on so let's go ahead and redirect a couple of them over in that direction so you skirt back in the factory if you would and I'll just run those minecarts over to the science things and we'll double our science that's how that works right pretty much oh man and that's a thick boy cart too yeah we're gonna get lots of science from this because since the capacitors are so valuable we'll get more research points quicker and we'll actually be able to unlock some of this stuff like 600 research points that's a lot brother it's gonna take a minute in fact so our taxes don't catch up with us any time soon we're also gonna steal a little bit of gold just a tiny bit and we're gonna research that too yeah cuz the only place the gold is going to is over to the capacitor Factory and it's been stacking up on gold for quite some time having some go into science is good investment I'd say but with that we kind of have to chill for a sec oh but wait a second wait a second I made this mistake earlier on in the series the second you chill for a second the taxes starts sneaking up already in a million dollars in taxes hmm not good and we have three million dollars just in the bank yeah no we can we can do something with that yeah like we can start setting up all the other oil refineries throughout the map yes good call good call indeed and let's continue using a little nine by nine factory and we'll be happy happy happy and by the time all the research is done all the oil Robi pros test and we can just move on to the next step okay cool so guess what there's only six other oil nodes here so Wow we're done with oil or at least processing it or are we gosh every time every time wasn't even a joke statement of fact there we go oh my gosh I almost miss this one nope I got that one white I don't even know anyway oil is all dealt with now so hooray for that I also expanded the Train Network even more because we just we just keep needing more the gold is kind of piling up quite a bit so I added in another gold train and I think I want to continue doing that like just piling on more and more trains so even if they don't get fully loaded that's actually fine so long as stuff is moving out the door but we'll revisit that in a second here let's go over to that tack and it's looking like things are good so there's all her oil boom boom hopefully this completes everything probably not okay we're close though that's alright totally fine we got a bunch of capacitor tech to so clean that all nice and quick like look at all the capacitors we're making it's crazy all right there we go there and now I guess well we have to wait some more well muck water and with waterworks we could connect water to all of our systems and make them run faster okay so let's just do a bit of a test here how do the pipes work do we actually just have to connect them up to these it looks like it and then back into the side of these okay yes no yes and now that just works I guess this is gonna say waters connected oh my gosh oh no no no that is insane hmm so we could technically connect water up to literally every single thing in the entire world so we could go into factories and connect water up in here well how would we go about that do we actually sneak the pipes in like we make a big thing of this and I was gonna say make a hole in the wall and connect the water up but all the machines in here don't have water connections the only thing would actually be the box makers but they're kind of just making boxes what if we just did this we literally connected to the side of the factory okay that happens to work so now everything just runs faster now I guess so well if it's that easy then let's like try and set this up in a proper way so you get out of here instead now we'll set this up over here so you can connect up the capacitor factory and then this factory as well and then the rest of the water will hook up to this iron over here cool now we have water connected to everything so how much faster does that make things run air conditioning lowers the monthly power costs okay oh so we connect the water to the factories and that reduces the power cost of things so it's not gonna increase speed wait so this one's a one iron or every eight seconds let's check another one like over here where it's one every 11 seconds okay so it does speed it up to not a lot but it does okay that's good to see because grand scheme here if we can upgrade the iron production in this factory that means the iron will build up over in the capacitor factory balanced out with our gold supply and then boom pop more capacitors and you know in fact we might be able to balance out everything cuz we kind of have the same problem over here to where we don't have enough iron to supply the steel over in this Factory so yeah we can put down one of these we can have this run right up into there good so power costs are now down there and then the rest of the extra sockets will go into the miners yeah this is a good plan I like this water work stuff super cool and not just like mechanically but visually to really adds that extra bit of spice to the world you know like look at that looks amazing oh my gosh better than amazing so satisfactory mmm that is cool man and obviously this is also a really good way to kind of dump our money right now like adding in more trains kind of will help but lowering costs will help a heck of a lot more brother right on right on so now there's water all over the place may as well call us a waterpark now and all the oil and stuff still be moving and grooving I've had it on more science labs because just trying to push out as much science as possible here a little bit of gold there too and did we get anything oh my gosh 169 brother please please oh I'm suddenly realizing we could have actually connected water to this I guess we still can we'll just took it up over to these guys back here so I expanded our oil system so the carts go all the way around here and then out this way just you know so we could speed up the process and this will help just a little tiny bit more which is better than nothing how much do these things cost capacity wait a second hold up well that's the capacity 40 that seems odd can we actually link buildings together with the water pipes okay well there's the you Oh oh my gosh whoa whoa whoa why did I just discover this rate when we're done here huit what about these kind of pipes can we just like cook no y-you can't hook those together I don't understand wait wait oh my gosh now I do we don't need a hookup every machine directly to the pipe we just hook up one thing and then to the next thing and we kind of daisy chain it oh that makes so much more sense so yeah now waters connected to you oh hey the mystery is solved cuz the big thing I was wondering it's like this tech comes kind of late in the game like you have to have oil already right and oil requires that gold fuel and all that and it's so expensive and then it's like you really have to make this many reservoirs for your map it seemed a little ridiculous because it was Oh dudes then yeah we're hooking up everything every last thing it's only a shame that I found this out after I hooked up everything for the first time well I guess we're in for round two then just gonna be a little difficult trying to like sneak everything in through where it's supposed to be I've been trying to be like really compact with the minecarts in like these minor areas so this is gonna look a little messy at the end of the day you better believe it's gonna help out a lot see you come down over to here now my friend you'll go back down this way and hook create up good now I wonder if we can kind of daisy chain the factories too so the water comes out oh oh yeah and the water goes in oh my goodness yeah you can dude so that just turns the factories into like super water reservoirs themselves oh my gosh that makes life so easy then we could just connect everything up to you oh my dude my dude see I guess things really work out well if you just build your factories closed to your miners cuz then you just hook this guy up hooks into the factory you could just hook that up whole to the miners and yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yes it's just like such a neat little bit of complexity so the minecarts are one thing but then adding in the waters another and now things look so much more cool up and you know I'll be honest I kind of just like how things look cooler now like the incredible minecart system we have already neat but the waterworks are gonna look even more nifty eventually anyway on also if we reach capacity with one of these so we can easily keep like our combos going can we just link them together you better believe it it's as easy as the power plants and then all of our water and pipes kind of continues like a virus throughout the rest of our world making everything more efficient hahaha all right there we go making maximum use efficiency of all that pipes spreading throughout the land I and you know I got to admit this is probably what like the most well done part of this game I love this pipe mechanic it's great it's simple it's fun yeah makes things look cool it's all good so now we really got pipes going everywhere I'm pretty sure I have connected pipes up to every single factory in miner and yeah after a quick look around I am quite certain to this yeah like it's great pretty much all you really need to do is you just need to make a giant loop out of all of the water reservoirs and your capacities gonna be fine for like the entire game yeah you just have it go from the reservoir to the factories factory spread the water everywhere and now we should be producing an insane amount more materials let's check our output so 30,000 yeah already done and 31,000 408 okay a little higher just a little higher I'm not sure how much like percentage-wise these things like help out but I thought I'd be more well maybe after a little bit that number will update and we'll actually see what's going on but for now we wait and see at least for now we save on the power but man that water thing was quite the tangent have we finally gotten our oil tech yet please please are you for real we still need more oh my gosh wait it's still 169 dude dude I play this game pause too much I'm just so free to taxes ah but now we still have to wait like we piped up our entire world in the time we've been researching this tech that blows my mind and now we're actually stuck waiting to oh but thank goodness that least we weren't waiting long so let's finally claim all of the oil please that was so much so much give this oh my goodness we did it finally we can farm and then it's kinda ironic but we can harvest oil and make an oil refinery plan before we can even grow plants like really farming should be one of the first things you unlock makes more sense to me right but hey maybe once we dive into it we'll find out why it's such a late-game kind of thing however though the waterworks took up quite a bit of time today so I think we're gonna call it here so if you guys enjoyed remember to leave a like and I hope to see you in the next video but have a fantastic rest of your day and buh-bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 135,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: automation empire, automation empire gameplay, automation empire gameplay pc, automation empire ep 1, automation empire episode 1, automation empire let's play, automation empire tips, automation empire tutorial, automation empire trains, automation empire minecarts, automation empire train, automation empire game, automation empire water, automation empire water reservoir, effecient, automation, kibitz, imkibitz
Id: XCRkalaFDyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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