*trying* to renovate an impossible house in the sims

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today we're taking on what might be our most ambitious renovation in the sims yet i realize that is a bold statement but um look at this i'm gonna try to renovate this emphasis on try okay because where do you even begin with this kind of thing there is a backstory to this house though it was built by dr gluon and i will link the video he made on that down below and also his twitch channel and youtube channel and stuff because i know he spent a very long time on this in the new dream home decorator pack there's a tv channel they added that your sims can watch and this is the house from that tv channel so it's kind of meta it was a house built by someone to put in the game that then gluon recreated in the game okay katarina calm down does she not have a tv oh she does okay we're gonna watch it on this little tiny box tv i think i should get her a fancier one if we're gonna try and watch the show so i can tell you what they're talking about we gotta get a nicer tv there we go that's what i'm talking about but there's a new dream home decorator network and they make actual tv shows in the game for these tv shows in the game so you can watch them and you can see what they do just you wait wait the cats are watching too that's really cute so as you can see originally there was like a prison some of these weird interior rooms and gluon tried to recreate all of this exactly in his build so you'll see all of these weird little parts they're actually in the game now gluon rebuilt them and that my friends is the house rebuilt by poor dr gluon in like painstaking detail and i'm just gonna come through and destroy it all and turn it into something much less exciting but you can see he recreated everything about this they're crying about it anyway you can see all of it here again the three faces on the front of the house this weird pool even the grave under the tree the water slide this spill that's happening the prison from the inside they showed that off in the video this part was in it this room was in it i mean all of this was actually in the show so this build is genuinely really impressive like i cannot even imagine how much time it took to make this and gluon challenged me to try to renovate it and so that is what we're gonna do today keep in mind if you wanna watch the video that he made about this i'll link it down below for you honestly well worth the watch but i think with that being said let's go ahead and jump into the renovation okay so step one i went in and i deleted every single little piece of hard work that gluon put into this i just went in and i deleted all the landscaping all that stuff i had to eliminate it all so that we could get started i also did a couple things that i probably shouldn't have like i moved the house a little bit on the lot and i also deleted at the end of the day you'll see a couple things i did not keep the house as big as it was i think my goal with this was that i wanted to keep that original shape so you remember what the house looked like maybe you don't there was like a little snippet of the actual exterior of the house before the design show came in and destroyed it and you can kind of see that from that main blue like shingles building in the center i kind of wanted to keep that sort of vibe it kind of reminds me of these like cape cod houses a lot of the things that we have in bridleton bay look like that so i tried to channel that and bring it back i also kept the house on the side there was like a prison on the left side of the building i kept that and i turned into a guest house and i also kept that like weird bridge room and i made like a walkway over it and kind of turned into a carport at the end of the day so i tried to keep some of the like little snippets of the shape from before but i did get rid of the third story because it was just too much i did not know how to roof it i tried i couldn't make it work so i i eliminated it i also like there was a little bay window sort of bump out i put that on the other side of the house i kept the fountain in the back and made that the same shape of the new pool so i tried to like have some odes to the original while also um making it more playable and i'm gonna be honest i think this house might be one of my favorite things i have ever built in the sims i mean i guess you could say i didn't build it but it looks really different at the end of the day so maybe i did but it's really beautiful it has like a nice like the backyard garden space is probably one of the best outdoor areas i've ever done and i'm gonna be honest um i think i may have disappointed poor doctor gluon because i didn't keep any of the weird stuff he did he even had a cow plant and i deleted it like i deleted everything but my backyard was just too fancy i couldn't fit anything in it i also tried to keep a few of like the original styles of this main building like i kept the shingles on the outside i kept the white wood flooring which i must admit i really don't like i like to have like fancier wood flooring like richer oak sort of colors i don't know but i'd never use just white wood floors in my sims builds but because gluon did i chose to keep it so you're welcome that really directed the the color scheme of the inside though like once we kept that flooring it kind of gave us a direction for the inside it's got a bunch of bedrooms it has three bedrooms upstairs it has like a guest house like sort of apartment thing to the left of the building so you can see that like weird thing on the left there's a second floor and then there's like a big downstairs the downstairs is the guest house apartment like pool house almost it has a separate entrance like you can only get into it from the back of the house like from the pool there's a front door for the guest house and then the upstairs was going to be an art studio so you can only access the upstairs from the like little bridge thingy so it has a separate entrance as well they're not attached on the ins there's like stairs or anything you can just get to it from the inside of the main house or from the outside to get into the guesthouse does that make sense um but yeah it was gonna be an art studio and then i decided to make it a cupcake room because i i was trying to think you know like what what is the necessity for this house what are we missing that's important and the only thing i could think of was a cupcake machine so uh i put a cupcake machine upstairs in that room i think it turned out pretty nice i mean where else can you put a cupcake machine besides the second floor of your guest house right do you know what all things considered this house really is not as like grand as it seems from the outside like there's three bedrooms upstairs none of them have an ensuite there's not like a really fancy primary bedroom in this house like i think you kind of look at it from the outside and think wow there must be like a really nice parent's bedroom upstairs somewhere you know there's not there's not in fact the parents bedroom barely fits a double bed like they don't even have two nightstands because it doesn't fit like there's not a really fancy bedroom in this house but i guess it kind of gives off the vibe that it's maybe an older smaller house you know like that kind of thing happens a lot in older houses so maybe it's an older house that got renovated for a tv show absolutely destroyed and then renovated again for a youtube video yeah now i'm wondering if the people who built the original house like the video team that works for the sims who built this original monstrosity to make that video to play on the tv screen i wonder if they still have the build i feel like they must can we get the original on the gallery so we can compare it to gluons like that's what i'd like to see do you know what i think that like being the people who make the official sims trailers and like make the tv shows for in-game like it must have taken so much work for such a small thing like i love the attention to detail in that i think it's so cool that they've made this like really impressive thing this like little tiny 30 second video that plays on your sims tv screens like i bet many of you didn't even realize that there was like actual tv shows that you could watch i mean same thing with movie hangout stuff that pack has like actual movies like little mini shows that you can watch on your sims tv and they're actually really good and really funny i love that kind of detail in the sims like it's almost like lore but barely it's just like these little things like i love the radio stations the tv channels like i love those little tiny details because there are a lot of things in the sims that i think the average player just will never notice or realize they have you know like there's so many little tiny things that just the average person who picks up the sims 4 is never going to bother with but then there's people like us who are like oh my god let's recreate the tv show from dream home decorator and my friend miss griffey tanya built a house there's like an item in the game that comes with a new pack that has a floor plan of a house like a picture of a floor plan of a house on this like item that came with dream home decorator and tanya rebuilt the house from that floor plan like i just love that kind of thing like we just get a little snippet and the simmers are like let's make it let's recreate it let's rebuild it i just i love that i'll link miss griffy's channel too for you because i think you should check her out she's so cool all right while i'm giving shout outs and talking about things you should not miss i want to promote really quickly that today on twitch i'm doing a charity stream i'm already live when this video is going up so if you want to come drop by we're raising money for the transgender law center today and i'm going to be playing sims like all day so if you want to come in and hang out with us and support the fundraiser i will link it down below for you both my stream and also the charity page so you can donate if you'd like to please don't feel like you have to but if you want to drop by we're going to hang out and play some games and raise some money for a good cause so with that being said i will stop talking your ear off about like plugging things but i just think it's important to like drop in and mention the charity streams when i'm doing them so if you didn't know we do charity events on my twitch channel like every month to date we've raised 790 000 total for charity various charities um but i'm i'm pretty proud of that i i think it's really cool that my community comes together and we can do all these things to help a lot of people so i just wanted to mention that but with that being said i'll stop the build though so you can see i i spent a lot of time figuring out the floor plan and figuring out like all of the the room sizes and like the layout of the exterior and i really was putting off figuring out what color i wanted to paint the exterior of the house because i so badly didn't want to make a blue suburban again like i know that i paint everything in the sims blue but it's just because everything has a good blue swatch like there there's so many good things that are blue in the sims we are lacking other swatches we we just have so many blue things so i keep using blue because there's so much of it that's blue and good i don't know give me some more like greens or something sam's team please i really didn't want to make it blue because i know i make everything blue so i was putting it off but i ended up making it gray which is it's kind of a bluish toned gray but it's gray not blue and the original house was blue so it wouldn't be bad if i made it blue okay because it was blue to start off with but i made it gray and i made sort of a combo of of this stone foundation that matches the fence and then we had a gray paneling a gray shingle and then we kind of combined it to get some interesting like more dynamic looking exteriors to this building and i think at the end of the day it turned out really really really nicely and now that we've kind of come a little bit further you can you can really see what our goal was with the exterior of this house i think from the beginning you're probably like what is she trying to do here this is ridiculous but i think now that it's getting closer to being done on the outside you can kind of see what we were aiming for so i kept the original shape of that pool that gluon made but i flipped it a little bit and then i put a gazebo next to it because it totally fit perfectly i ended up putting a hot tub on the gazebo and then we have like an outdoor kitchen outside there's a bar like the backyard is really nice it's really fancy the inside is a lot less fancy like i was saying before i think you look at this and expect it to be like absolutely massive and really fancy on the inside because the exterior kind of gives off that vibe but the inside's not so big you walk into the tv room they've got a little kitchen breakfast nook off of that there's a formal dining room there's like a little smaller den type sitting room that has a cat tree in the window so there's like kind of two living rooms but they both have tvs in them i think i see that kind of thing a lot in real life where they'll have like a the formal like fancier maine family room and then like the smaller tv when the kids have like their video game consoles and stuff so like we have one of those in this house too and then we have an office downstairs that believe it or not has a bookcase door leading into it i don't usually do that but my chat demands a bookcase store in every single build i do literally every day on twitch i have hundreds of children say put a bookcase door put a bookcase door no matter what i'm doing i'd be making like a bar or making like i'm trying to think of the the last place it respects this fancy secret door but like i could be making a park and they'll be like put a bookcase door every time it's become kind of a meme now so i i did put a bookcase door and a cupcake machine my two greatest most requested demands are three people ask for a cat cafe a glass roof a bookcase door and a cupcake machine literally constantly and now that i joke about it in a video like i'm gonna get asked about it more obviously because people are gonna like joke about it now that i've said it but they're not kidding i get asked this every time which i respect though i mean you need a cupcake machine it's not a sims build without a cupcake machine right that cupcake machine is honestly bigger than a lot of the builds that i do like i make a lot of smaller like little family homes that cupcake machine is bigger than them it's bigger than the bedrooms in those houses it's terrible okay i have a story unrelated completely but i did something a bit scary this week i did a photo shoot i am not a model i'm not good at taking photos there's a reason i barely ever post on instagram like i feel very awkward trying to take photos but i have new merch coming out very soon very very very soon stay tuned um and so the merch company wanted to like take photos for the website like of me wearing the merch you know to put on the website and so they hired like a model they had me there to take the photos they had a photographer and we were taking pictures in the merch i have never done anything like this before but i did that on monday and it was really scary i think i did a bad job like i think it was kind of awkward but it's okay because like the rest of the people there were not awkward so they did a good job so there are some good photos but and then it rained like we were out taking photos outside and then it started storming because it's florida so of course it did and so we had to like go inside and try and like make it work so you know at the end of the day it could have gone better um it feels like lots of things went wrong with the storm and stuff and i'm just awkward like i'm not good at posing and stuff i just don't know how so i'm kind of scared the photos are awkward but again it's supposed to be photos of the merch right so if my face is stupid then it's fine right right but anyway i was really nervous about it but i think it went well i'm i'm being dramatic i'm i'm being like too self-deprecating right now i probably shouldn't be because it was okay i was just really nervous about it but i'm excited for you to see everything i can't wait to tell you about it oh okay soon very very very soon i've never had like real merch before i've made like merch myself and like had it on teespring before but never had like real merch you know so this stuff i'm really excited about and i think it's really cute so okay i'll stop talking about it oh one more thing i brought my mom to the photo shoot because i was scared to i'm really scared of driving we know this but like i was more just scared of like the photo shoot and so i didn't want to go there myself and i knew it was gonna storm that night and i was like mom what if i get like trapped in sanford in a storm please can you come with me so my mom came she was there for moral support honestly it was good because she had umbrellas she had two umbrellas so she was like walking us to our cars like she was like helping walk the photographer to her car with the umbrella and stuff so i mean it worked out you always need a mom places you know because she's gotta do mom things like have an umbrella so two umbrellas it was worth it i'm glad that she was there but it also was good for my um moral support that i needed so desperately because i'm a little weenie baby who is afraid of everything but again i think it went okay i think it turned out pretty cool no as far as the rest of the house goes we've kind of finished the majority of the house now so we're just kind of working on the interior here a little bit um just the last couple bedrooms now remember the original house that dr gluon built was a lot like there was really bright colors and lots of weird things in there so i tried to channel those weird things in the bedrooms but in like a tasteful way so i picked some pretty bright colors in both of the kids rooms in my head there's like one kid's room in one teens room and so the kids room is like really bright colors really bright pinks and blues i was basing it off the rug that i picked but i think like it turned out really cute i think it makes sense to have really bright things like that in a kid's bedroom and the other bedroom is very much black and white like i used this tree black and white wallpaper that i've never used before and then i based the whole thing off of that so i was trying to pick some things that i don't usually use in my sims builds for the interior of this house at least for the bedrooms i think it's kind of fun to try and branch out and pick like goofier looking bedrooms you know and by the way usually with fixer-uppers we give ourselves more of a budget like we'll have we'll say okay we have 30 000 simoleons to renovate this house with this build i did not bother with a budget because the house was already worth like 300 000 simoleons because there were so many wacky things on the inside so like there was no point in having a budget because just by deleting the furniture we got all the money back so like i didn't bother with a budget for this renovation because the original house was so expensive there was no point um but i think at the end of it and it costs like 230 thousands of millions i don't remember we'll check in a minute it's almost done now but the house is a uh is expensive the house is expensive it's really expensive but like i said it's less expensive than it was before so it's fine right as long as it costs less than the original then it's fine right and one more cool thing about this house so there are three bedrooms upstairs they all have balconies every single one of them the parents room actually has the worst balcony believe it or not the smallest one um but this is the most private i guess because it's on the side of the house and not the front or back so there's less people that will see you sort of walking by which i feel like is a bit backwards compared to normal life but there's no house next door to this one so the side of the house to me feels like the most private nicest one but it is the smallest so you win some you lose some but their room is pretty cute uh it doesn't fit two nightstands cause it's so small so i didn't really think about that like the upstairs of this house could have been laid out better i probably could have had instead of the office downstairs i probably could have had like a fancier primary suite with like instead of the office and den we could have had a fancier parent's bedroom and an ensuite bathroom but instead we have one bathroom upstairs a laundry room upstairs and then another bathroom downstairs so it isn't like the biggest fanciest interior i keep saying that but it just looks so grand from the outside you'd expect it to be better than this but it's not it's just not i think though we're kind of wrapping up the end of the build here it's pretty much done so let's jump back into the game real time and i'll give you a tour of the update in case you forgot this is what we started with it looks nothing like what we've done now but keep this original building and this part in mind okay just just think about these vibes over here ignore this part i pretend i do not see it think about this part right okay and also one last quick uh look at some of these things on the interior we have this teddy bear room um there's many levels to this prison just look at this just look at it look at the detail what is this okay now i'm gonna replace it with a house that costs 174 000 simoleons oh my god okay it's not i thought it was 230 so it's it's cheap our house is very cheap um but this is the finished product i'm so happy with this i love the front like i think the landscaping and the layout turned out really nicely so you can see i turned this like middle part that was already there with the bridge i turned into a pretend carport and driveway obviously these aren't real cars they're just debug cars they cost zero simoleons and they're decorative you can't even click on them but it has the right vibes we also have like a little swing set in the front yard there's like two balconies and then when you go through the back you can get to the back of the house from here we've got the trash cans kind of hidden in the carport at the back of the house we have this like outdoor kitchen area we have a nice big table giant pool a gazebo with the hot tub and a fan and then to get to the other side you have to walk across the balcony but i think that kind of makes sense to walk across the patio to get to the other side and then there's like some cute lounge chairs over here i mean i am really really happy with the backyard of this house i think it's really nice the only way to get into the guest house is through this door so there's like a separate entrance into the guesthouse which to me makes sense maybe like grandma lives here she has her own kitchen and living room and bedroom and bathroom so she's kind of got all the bases covered and then above that is the cupcake room with the cupcakes on the walls i'm picturing like a little tea party sort of set up here you know you can come hang out eat your cupcakes but the only way to get into this place is across this bridge so you have to access it from the main house it just happens to be on top of grandma's house there's not like a staircase or anything it's not for grandma the guests are not invited to the cupcake room okay but then in the main house the first room you walk into is the living room the like main big family room then to the right we have a little kitchen and sort of breakfast nook area there's the main big downstairs bathroom it's got two doors i feel like that makes sense to have it easily accessible from lots of areas of the house also the cat's litter box you know jerry as an ode to dr gluon the dining room off that space we have the bookcase door into the office and then this is that den i was talking about like the like cozier hangout space for the kids maybe and then obviously the cat tree upstairs we've got a really big hallway dog bed fish tank secret desk nook i don't actually know if this functions or not but i'm gonna i'm just gonna hope that it does so that's there the laundry room we've got a bathroom upstairs that like the whole family shares and then we have this kid's bedroom with like the fanciest deck i made the outside before i decorated the bedroom so now they kind of feel like they don't fit but it's okay this like teens room with the posters and stuff on the walls i love this one and then we have the the little siblings bedroom too with also posters but more brightly colored stuff and then the parents have the smallest bedroom but it's still really nice in there don't worry we have laundry hampers for the laundry room and that's the whole house it is on my gallery if you want to download it it is unrecognizable from the original but that's almost kind of fun like it kind of is exciting that it's so different or maybe it's a bad thing i don't know i will link dr gluon's channel down below if you want to go check out his stuff he is so creative and talented and just the best and again we do have that charity stream going on today for the transgender law center so i'll link that down below as well and on that note i will see you all tomorrow bye everybody if you want to make a house for fixer-upper i do renovate your houses a lot this dr gluon one is a bit of an exception hashtag fix me lil simsy on the gallery build a rundown kinda wacky house i might renovate it for a video
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 576,373
Rating: 4.9563942 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: TYNrgn2in4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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