I Built a SECRET ROOM to Hide with Daughter

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ever since I was a kid I've been obsessed with secret rooms like this so today I am building a secret room to hide from the h aala family but the problem is my husband Matt doesn't think we'll be able to hide from them they are experts at finding secret rooms there is no way this is going to work so to prove him wrong I am bringing in a team of professionals to build the ultimate secret room and at the end of the day we'll find out if the anasala family can find us or not and if they find us each of them is going to win an epic mystery prize the first zadee hi get ready zie cuz we are going to build the ultimate secret room so here is the plan I want to build a bunch of fake secret rooms so that they won't be able to find the real one well where's that going to be I think we turn this room into a secret room and we put a wall in front of it and then they will not be able to find us if there's a wall how are we getting in okay well I haven't figured that part out yet they used the painting so I think that might be too obvious that's a great plan but how are we going to Build That Wall glad you asked hey come on in up the stairs right at the top thank you for coming this is going to be so good okay you guys let me know if you need anything at all I don't think this is going to work what yes it will I hired the exact same team that the an aalo family used to build their secret room those guys were pretty good exactly you guys better not tell them a secret where the storees at they're not going to tell the anal family in fact I need to call him right now keep up the good work guys hey asala hi Rebecca how are you you so you guys thought you built the best secret room but I'm building the most epic one and you are not going to be able to find me girl if I could find Ben asart secret rooms and all of them I'm sure I can find yours easy peasy okay well what time are you coming over so I'm thinking 5:00 right after I pick up Mila from school how's that sound five hold on one sec can we be done by 5:00 I don't know we'll need help getting everything out of this room of course okay isala looks like I'm seeing you guys at 5:00 and you're not going to be able to find me so you might not see me at all bye hello Rebecca okay samfam it looks like I'm going to be moving some furniture yep oh this is heavier than I remember we can take it from here ma'am good because I probably need to figure out what I'm going to build to get into here as the construction team continued to build the room I left to get some inspiration from a place known for having the best secret rooms I am now at an escape room for inspiration so I can figure out how I'm going to ins my secret room this is awesome okay Matt there are two secret rooms in here you have to find them only one will lead to the Next Room Super obvious I found it already look at this right here oh wo this is so cool so no paintings because it's too obvious that was one of them map but you still have to find the second one no the painting no down here oh here here we go no that's not the secet SEC room that's not the secret room hold on a second who puts a curtain in front of a fireplace oh oh this big brick wo the fireplace is cool but I will note it cannot look fake let's head to the next secret room this next room has two more secret rooms but only one will lead to the final room and you have 1 minute to find it 1 minute get out okay uh solid wall back there okay oh I love secret rooms okay door boom already got it here we go okay a door is too easy yes there's nothing in there though okay y there's one more found it found it what that's not a secret room that would be a small space to crawl through if it was oh okay Matt you can't fight a dragon you have less than 10 seconds left hurry okay oh oh a mirror let's find out okay Zam fam a mirror could be a cool way to hide my secret room but the onol family did have a d double-sided one when they hit a candy store in their house you got to see this other room I never thought we'd be on a boat let's go okay this is the last room and you have 30 seconds to find the one secret room what 30 seconds okay yeah and we're not even going to address your outfit just come on it's amazing time started okay you're not a pirate of a captain ship got a slingshot though you're looking for a secret room okay oh what do we go is it on the bricks that under the table I don't know maybe it's on top of the table you have to lift it up okay Ben asler the couch I'm pretty sure this is not that it's behind the dead mannequin no I can't give anything away hold on hold on looks like Matt you might not make it in time I got it I got it 3 2 1 no no it's not in there wait a second secret room yes I found it oh my gosh no way a cabinet is a pretty good secret room but what if you could open it up and walk through I think I know what I'm going to do with my secret SEC room Matt what are you doing now that I know how we're going to hide the secret room I ordered a ton of spy equipment so we can keep an eye on the anaala family while we're in the secret room and this is the most expensive spy gadget but we're going to open that at the end I guess we'll start with this one and voila a plant but you guys this is a spy gadget plant it looks normal but if you look closely it's actually a camera and look and I think I need to spy on someone right now I have been dying to spy on our Chef meler I always wonder what he does when we are gone from the kitchen I think he listens to music and dances so I'm going to spy on him with this plant hello now it's time to put this spy plant to work hey mure ohello what's for lunch inchas oh okay well I got a new plant but I can't figure out where to put it so I'm just going to put it right here for now can't wait for the enchiladas okay Sam Fam I'm out of the kitchen melter is cutting avocados but pretty soon I bet we're going to see him dance let's see he's actually just cutting I know he listens to music and dances oh this isn't fun I wanted to spy on him and have him do something funny oh oh no that's loose loose works with us and she just broke all my teacups okay I'm going in I want to see what melter says oh no hey what happened oh I just dropped this I'm sorry you dropped this yeah I'm sorry sorry it's okay you're good samam did you see that melter just totally took the blame for breaking the teacups he really is the sweetest guy ever that was actually really sweet but I'm more excited that that camera actually works in that PL okay let's see the next one this is a picture frame and the camera that you guys cannot see if you look closely it's actually right here no one would know that they are being watched with this picture frame and I'm going to test it on my assistant to see what happens when I drop $100 do you think she's going to take it okay so I'm just going to like put it there hiy so now I'm going to see if my assistant will take the $100 I dropped and admit that she took it hello how's it going Rebeca good just working look do you like it that's such a cute picture you and Ma I know right I'm going to put it right here great cute oh and can you switch those two shirts on Rebecca's m.com the watermelon and the ice cream yeah for sure all right I'm just going to go to the bathroom okay I'll be right by sounds good okay Zam is recording right now she's on the [Music] phone she took the $100 stop oh my gosh she took the $100 do I confront her Sam fam I think I have to hey hey I did it you got it what do you think it looks good so you good yeah why wouldn't I be I don't know is there anything exciting that happened while I was in the back bathroom nope you were gone for like 2 seconds I'm good okay oh wait I did find this on the floor $100 oh thank you y you're welcome you know what you can keep it why do you want the 100 or not this is called a nanny cam it has a camera in its eye and it's used to spy on your nanny or your babysitter when they're taking care of your kids now I don't know if this thing actually works but I have an idea how I'm going to t it out okay samam fam so here is the teddy cam let's see if this works I can see it on the iPad right now so I have these raisins I'm going to have Zade play right here I'm going to tell her not to eat the raisins and then I'm going to spy on her and see if she does it the camera's ready let's see if zadee takes the raisins or listens to her mouth okay zie I want you to play with these for a second now look these raisins right here you can't eat them till I get back okay so just play with your dolls and when I get back you can have them okay okay I'll be right back bye Zade okay Zam fam I can watch zie right now she's playing with the dolls she's not eating the raisin okay she might be good in the secret room after all she's actually listening to instructions what's happening she sees the camera she took the camera oh no she took the teddy bear hey Z what are you doing thank you so much for waiting do you like a raisin now all right Z I think you're big enough to go in the secret room with Mom and finally the most expensive spy gadget I'm so excited for this got a little Carri away and voila a listening device that can listen from a football field away now Matt has been acting sus so I'm going to use this listening device to spy on its conversation Matt is taking a call outside and with this spy gadget I'm now going to get to hear what he's saying yeah yeah all good um hey I spoke with Rebecca and I I know I told her that not ready to get a new dog yet but looking at Blackjack I really think he needs a friend so is there any way we can start searching for a dog yeah don't tell Rebecca okay all right thanks did you hear that you guys know we lost peanut in July and Matt has not wanted a dog he just said he wants one do you guys think we should get a new puppy do you think Blackjack needs a friend I've been wanting to get one but we might actually be doing it comment below if you think we should get a new puppy do you think Blackjack will like the dog what about zie wow it looks like a real wall yeah it's going great but uh if you guys want to bring anything in you should probably do it now before we get too far in the process that means I need to go shopping I'll be back before we test the secret room we need to figure out what's going inside of it now I'm at Target and I have a list of items to get to put in the secret room zie are you ready let's go mommy's favorite put it in the cart not for zie just for Mom Z won't get these but Mom will oo Zade loves blueberries strawberry yogurts for Zade oh zie this is a good aisle double stuff raisins that's a definite yes we've got snacks we need to head to another aisle are you excited about the secret room this is going to be so good okay zie there's already a TV in the room but we need to get the right equipment so we can set up surveillance cameras and watch them those two might help we just got to ask for some assistance pillows boom okay over here and then this one so soft now there's one area we definitely need to go for you you're going to have to keep quiet in the secret room so you can pick out one toy this one you're going to be quiet right zie we have all our items for the secret room now it's time to get back and check on it so I'm back from Target but if I want to finish this secret room in time I'm going to need some help uh hey girls do you guys want to help me with something um maybe sure what it's a yes come on up here okay so we have to finish decorating in the secret room before the Anala family comes when are they coming at 5:00 Rebecca that's like in 2 hours exactly we we can do this I'll start with the sound panels so I'm going to be soundproofing this room to make sure that they cannot hear when we're inside especially if we have baby cuz that girl's hard to keep quiet I think these are going to work but just to make sure once it's done we're going to have to do a test as we finished setting up the room we ran into a huge problem zamfam I didn't get enough sound panels to cover the entire wall and I need to make sure that this room is soundproof so I am going to be doing a sound test you called for me I need you to go outside and I need you to guess what happens in here I'm testing to make sure this is enough sound panels okay easy yeah got okay so just go out I am definitely going to be able to hear what's inside of there you guys saw that the sound panels are not complete now that mat's outside it's time to bring out the sound come on out you guys I honestly can't hear what they're doing in there they're doing silent gymnastics just to troll me right now can you go back and hide in the bathroom Okay Zam famam do you think Matt is going to figure it out Matt Matt oh you can't hear me hold on okay I'm all done time to come in you have three guesses to figure out what I was doing in the secret room okay I couldn't hear that much but I'm going to guess you were watching TV Netflix no playing piano wrong come on Matt you were doing gymnastics with the elephant nailed it instead of telling you I'm just going to show you come on out come on out what yes yes yes [Music] yes that was amazing oh my gosh I had no idea that there were in here I couldn't hear it outside see so this secret room is still sound proof even though we didn't get it on the entire wall thank you guys so much you guys were amazing can they stay in the bathroom no they're not staying in the bathroom checking in on the secret room this looks so good oh my gosh you really made it look realistic it looks just like our cabinet just about done here just catching all the holes there is no way that the AOS solo family is going to be able to find this Zam I am giving away a brand new iPhone to one of my subscribers just like them who won in the last video so make sure you are subscribed with notifications on thanks thank you Matt and Rebecca okay Matt what do you think this is pretty good I would never know that this was here well now it's time to see our secret room fully transformed no way voila our secret room Mt what do you think this is incredible isn't it I have live camera set up so we can watch them while they go through our house trying to find this but they are not going to find it fully de out to be the best zamfam room ever if we play tic tac toe can I be X Matt we're focusing on making sure that they do not come into the secret room okay so you're going to be filming them but you cannot give them any hints to where Z and I are you know what this is a really good room I'm just worried they're still going to find it what no way they're not going to find it at all they're really good okay well we are about to find out I got to get sad up and after building the room from scratch and turning it into the most epic game room it was time for the Moment of Truth hello you guys so you guys built this secret room to hide from me and now we are going to be hiding from you guys and if you can find us in 10 minutes we have a mystery prize for each of you oh easy peasy even including Noah listen we we only brought our brightest Minds today give us 2 minutes to get in place okay good luck and then Matt's going to come out to get you guys oh my God this is going to be the easiest thing ever okay zie it's time for us to go hype Z this this is where we're going to hide walk Us in okay good luck K Sam fam we've got this make sure you're subscribed and smash that Thumbs Up Button okay timer's on are you guys ready we are ready timer Starts Now 10 minutes go go go go oh my God I'm so nervous right now my heart is pounding do you think they're going to find us yes no we don't want M to find us it's a secret okay here we go here we go it's a decoin what this here before you watch yes I watch the video is it here mil thinks that's the secret room because it's from my video [Applause] wow okay maybe P they're looking at the painting always check the painting wow that good they thought the painting was a secret room but that was a decoy honey we have less than 10 minutes we going to lose I swear they're heading towards the movie theater they are not going to be expecting what's in there not oh my God okay okay okay okay okay okay we lost left there's candy in there [Applause] [Music] they found the surprise in the movie theater honey we don't have time to quickly we're not going to get the mystery prize bro come on you going take one for the team there's nothing e you made a mess that was the point of it bu I think there's nothing but I'm not sure that's so okay do you want to take the risk or no oh no I just my hair is really nice okay next they're heading towards the pantry zie that's the secret refrigerator little have time we're going to lose the mystery price quickly oh there's a fridge oh yeah this was never here before right look look look look look oh my God secret room there is something in the pantry that they will not be expecting go go go go you I'll stay out here just in case you know you never know there's no one here that was a decoy look at this bonus round oh my God everybody's on here except me oh my godone los time they have found most of the decoys I'm nervous that they're actually going to find us honey remember she found our secret room so easy if we don't find it it's going to be so bad hold on you're stressing me out let me think okay what if is in there okay there's no one here there's no one here I just wanted to let you know that you only have 5 minutes left oh Cam we have to go upstairs quickly oh look who's here Noah oh my God Noah was the perfect decoy to get him away from the secret room scors sck to area scissors look at this hi Dad better not be telling them where we are they distracting Us by they are distracting us what are you doing how much time do we have M how much time how much time less than 4 minutes right now that's 4 minutes here my oh oh my god I've never been oh my God what's [Applause] [Music] happening oh wow that was a trick they're really pretty oh my gosh she has nice clothes there's something here honey I swear to God I think it's here I swear to God I think it's here oh oh oh that's what the thing was okay there is a secret room in my closet but they're not going to want to pull that down oh I got I got it bing balls just went all over the upstairs upstairs hey you guys we're not up in the attic but a good try 2 minutes where would it be okay easy easy where would it be where would think I think it'll be in the room that said don't enter every time we go in a room that says do not enter it ends up not being anything well we just try wow what's wrong saying no no no you're wasting time we got 2 minutes less than one minute now there's a door here that's not a door it's not even a door okay I'm going to push it I got it I got to get what if something jumps out one 2 3 go luckily that's not the door we're hiding behind okay honey it's not here we have less than 1 minute let's go it here okay wait oh my God what's here okay okay wait wait this one okay this one maybe this one this one Tedy what's need I don't think they're going to going to be here guys I think maybe it's somewhere downstairs dad what are you doing you're wasting your time okay there's one more spot that's different no it's the same no it's different I am 100% sure I don't think this is the room I think it's somewhere over wait wait how many seconds do I have left 3 2 one this so cool yeah the entire game room inspired by you guys you still found this I can't believe you did since you did you all get's going to open the one for Noah okay open it up so did that do okay you did amazing you are secret room approved 3 2 1 open it since you guys are family oh wow we thought you'd get all matching oh look at this yeah wo that's a big one thank you so much you guys are going to have to take a picture and all your matching gear oh trust me check it out on Instagram Z if you haven't yet make sure you're subscribed to the Anna zaa family who definitely inspired this video and watch their video right here let's go Rea subscribe to Rebecca's channel to let's go subscribe
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 2,301,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: built, secret, room, hide, from, mom, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, royalty family, lankybox, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Id: CY56baIEclc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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