💥Text To Speech🍉ASMR Cake Storytime @Brianna Mizura @Brianna Guidryy POVs Tiktok Compilations 204

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time to finally find out my soulmate status he's engaged hey did you find out your soulmate status yeah I did girl me too mine is single oh my gosh you guys this is so embarrassing but mine literally has a girlfriend are you okay with that yeah I mean it's not like he's engaged or something oh my gosh imagine what are you doing I was just cleaning my closet uh-huh I just got a call from your school today saying that you failed a test yeah it's cuz I was a little bit distracted today I'm sorry I go do your homework right now this is ridiculous I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I went on to YouTube for like 1 minute Royal Prince speaks out about being forced into arranged marriage how shall I marry this woman when my soulmate is still out there damn arranged marriages really suck hey I can't really talk right now my stepdad's going to forget about him haven't you heard the news the prince left his kingdom he's looking for his soulmate rumor has it the prince's head headed this way listen if I tell you something do you promise not to tell anyone else yeah of course okay my soulmate status says engaged it does wait the prince is engaged I know so do you think him and I might be soulmates come on get real you and the prince yeah right hey I heard a prince is coming into our town yeah I heard that too you stay clear of him understood wait why because I said so now get to school I don't want you being late what is going on why is everyone in the hallway oh my God shut up the prince is here look hello everyone I have been informed that my soulmate might be at this very school that is why I'm breaking off my engagement in hopes to find her can you believe the prince is single now yeah that's really crazy are you okay excuse me for a second hey did you leave school early yesterday yeah I kind of got overwhelmed the prince was there what he was yeah did you talk to him why do you care if I talk to him you don't even know who he is I know more than you understand the prince is interviewing girls today he is yeah he's trying to find out which girl is his soulmate but how is he going to know which one's the right girl he said he'll just know isn't that so romantic mhm I've interviewed at least 60 girls today and not one of them was my soulmate are you sure sa yes trust me when I find the right girl I'll know excuse me your is the prince is done with interviews for today you can come back again tomorrow no no wait just a moment I think I want to make time for this girl what's your name love my name is heaven that's a beautiful name my name is Henry Prince Henry of aington thank you Mildred you may leave us now I can't believe we have so much in common tell me heaven are you close with your parents actually both of my biological parents passed away I'm so sorry it's all right I live with my stepdad now oh I see listen Henry the reason why I think you and I are soulmates is because when you said you were ending your engagement your highness I must talk to you in private weisa you talking to the prince yeah he had to go but he said he's going to meet me again tomorrow really how exciting I can't wait to see him today what why are you looking so sad Heaven no reason come on she's obviously upset about the prince you heard about his engagement being back on huh yeah aw she really liked him didn't she sorry to crush your dreams but I heard his father locked him in his castle not like he had a chance with him anyways Heaven over here don't cry love Henry hey I don't have much time I escaped the castle the gods are looking for me I don't know maybe you should go back after all you are engaged Heaven it's not my choice my father is blackmailing me wait what why would he do that I don't have much time here meet me back here tomorrow at 5: Henry I please love we have more we need to discuss all right fine I'll be here you think you can get away with lying I told you not to talk to the prince how do you your friend sent me some photos of you talking to him do you think that just because I'm your stepfather you don't have to listen to me that's not it at all it's just that I know he's my soulmate oh really yes and I'm meeting him tonight absolutely Ely not what do you have against the prince you know what Ben I'm going and you can't stop me I said No Heaven you're not going Ben let me out it's for your own good heaven this just in the search for Prince Henry continues I'm sorry for standing you up Henry Ben I'm hungry can I please have something to eat hello heaven heaven are you there Henry Henry up here Heaven There You Are how did you find me I asked some of your classmates where you lived hang on I'm coming up okay so your stepfather locked you in here he's trying to keep me away from you but I don't know why wait is this a picture of him yeah uh-oh what heaven he's one of my father's biggest enemies he hates my whole family we have to get out of here where is your stepfather now I don't know I'm right here come on we're leaving heaven get back here no oh my gosh Henry why has Ben don't worry I took care of him I'm going to get you help okay please tell me he's going to be okay yes the doctor said he expects him to make a full recovery can I see him his fiance is already on her way so I think it's best if you just wait out here absolutely not your your majesty my son's engagement to that woman is over I'm no longer in forc it I had no idea his true soulmate was so brave I'm so sorry about all of this it is a pleasure to meet you my dear I can't thank you enough for saving my son oh really he was the one saving me well I can assure you your stepfather won't be bothering you again now come dear let's go see Henry I Now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride white love check his status finally this week is important kids because our scales appeared yes since this is you and your brother's 18th birthday week we'll finally get to find out how evil you two are I already know mine's going straight to villain of course it is darling your last name isn't Menace for nothing oh I can just see the headlines now Mindy Menace world's greatest super villain we got you suits yes sweet I know but you can't wear them until your birthday huh why not you're not a True Villain until the scale says so my suit better be flame proof yeah and mine better handle ice Mindy Max don't worry they do can I get a cape no no cape hey how'd your scale go up oh I took your credit card when you weren't looking I hope you don't mind I got a couple things oh ow huh that's what you get whoa chill I've got a plan and you're going to want to hear about it I know a way we can move our scales a lot I'm listening see that bank yeah well you and I are going to rob oh all right sounds good to me and look what I got our suits but Mom and Dad said we're not wear them until our birthdays I know but we got to prove to them that we can be real villains you know what you're right wait Max what should our villain names be huh how about I'm Frost and you're Blaze okay not bad Max let's do this everybody freaks do what he says or else you're going to get barbecued fry the safe on it money here we come whoa look at all that cash not so fast careful he's a super what's your name I'm weer storm nice why did they call you that allow me to demonstrate looks like weather boy can control Mother Nature Blaze get him with pleasure I don't think so crap my Powers don't work in this rain he's all yours Frost don't worry Blaze I got him I suggest you both surrender now before the cops show up giving up's not our style I can't believe we escaped with so much cash I know right Max how did your scale move I did something what did you do I'll show you follow me to the layer Tada you brought the superhero to our house yeah I had my buddies bring him over and when he wakes up I'm going to find out his secret identity I'm going to use Dad's gadgets to in interrogate him Max dad's gadgets are really dangerous I don't know if you should use them on him what of course they're dangerous that's the whole point hey your scale move towards hero oh don't tell me you like him you like him I do not uh-uh you think he's cute don't you no as your twin I can tell you're lying are you guys going to argue this whole time what the hell is this place your worst nightmare Max so your real name's Max huh what that must be my new Gadget be right back why can't I use my Powers sorry but that bracelet on your wrist it's a power dampener I need you to set me free and why is that there's a tornado headed towards my family's house and I'm the only one with the powers to stop it yeah right you really think I'm that stupid I'm serious come on I can see good in you please you have to release me where is he he he escaped your scale you let him free I'm telling Mom and Dad no Max wait stay there wait mom dad our lie detector arrived in the mail now tell us did you set the hero free no scanning lie detected Mindy I told you look I'm sorry it was only so he could protect his family plus he promised he would owe me a favor in return Mindy that's enough you are turning into a superhero she sure has a crush on one I do not listen very carefully we don't date superheroes in this family you're going to get rid of him understand now remember if you don't complete the mission don't come home I saw you from down the street you're not here to cause any trouble are you I'm sorry Sam how do you know my real name my parents did some digging on you enough talk you brought brought your brother with you we're kind of a team stop you're better than this shut up my sister is a villain okay Max that's enough why aren't you fighting back because I I don't want to hurt you huh how pathetic finish him no I won't you were right Max I I do care about him what I knew it you've gone soft you're almost a superhero and you're in love with one well who says heroes and villains can't like each other no you have to make a choice our family or him Max I'm serious Mindy pick one fine then I choose him how dare you knock it off n you're about to become a hero which makes you my enemy you want to know why I chose him over this family yeah why because he's the only one that's ever been nice to me nice we're a family of villains we're not nice you always were the weaker twin h you leave her alone right now oh look who's up what are you going to do huh simple I'm going to create your biggest weakness extreme heat no stop hero I knew you were a hero Mindy remember when you said you would owe me a favor do you think I could stay at your house my parents will never let me come home now of course my family is going to love you you've been adopted I have by who a nice family come I'll show you hi I'm Rachel and that's Tim but if you like you can call us Mom and Dad okay I can't believe it I'm pregnant I'm going to have a baby sister I mean she won't be your real sister but yeah can we have those plushes for the new baby but these are kind of special to me no you're too old for them now don't be selfish hand them over she's here oh can I hold her no oh my gosh no don't touch her hey mom the baby's crying I think she's in the shower it's okay it's okay peekaboo hush little baby don't say a word Mom oh my gosh I was just I told you not to touch her you were in so much trouble I'm sorry Mom she was crying and you were in the shower so I just picked her up and she fell as sleep I think she kind of likes me likes you you could have dropped her give her to me how dare you disobey me I was just singing her a song don't ever pick her up again go to your [Music] room did you steal that from our baby no I'm sorry I just I was feeling sad and I usually have these stuffed animals when I'm sad I told you to give that to the baby you don't need that anymore let me see it no my real parents gave this to me oh I see how it is we don't allow rudeness in this house no I think we should give her back to the adoption center no please I'll do anything I mean we do need someone to help around the house with this new baby will you help us clean if if I do that then can I stay huh okay as long as you're obedient and you clean well you can stay did you finish the laundry yes good because there's crumbs all over the floor get to it what is there any way that I can have some dinner she needs to be fed first listen we both have to leave and we need you to watch the baby you're going to let me watch her yes because we have to but if anything happens to her I'm bringing you back to that adoption center understand we'll be home by 10:00 her bottles are in the fridge hey it's okay where are they hi it's me again I'm just wondering where you guys are at cuz it's already midnight breaking news a fatal accident has taken place on the freeway tonight that's their car breaking news a fatal accident has taken place on the freeway tonight that's their car officer are they well kid it uh looks like your mother is in critical condition and your father he he didn't make it kid I'm sorry your mom wants to see you I'll hold her for you honey I'll watch over her too be careful with her we will kid mom I come here I am so sorry that my real daughter is going to be stuck with you ow I should have never adopted you Doctor we lost her I believe these belong to you I'm so sorry kid thank you you and your sister are adorable you didn't deserve to be treated like that you know my wife and I are actually looking to adopt really yeah we've always wanted daughters I can talk to my wife would you like that a kid come here Prince Daniel will you be my Valentine sorry princess I can't why not my mom says I have't arranged marriage to another Princess Prince William are you ready for our Valentine's Day princess Elizabeth date it's not what it looks like give me back my heart I'm sorry I didn't realize he was with you princess I'm just going to go Elizabeth you only have one heart left and if it breaks something horrible will happen to you no more dating what I'm sorry but you don't have a good taste in men I will be picking a husband for you Elizabeth meets your husband to be Prince Darren hello she's beautiful give him your heart I promise to take good care of it give him your heart I promise to take good care of it mother may I speak to you in private please of course I'm not giving him my heart Elizabeth why not because I was getting a really creepy vibe from him didn't you see the way that he was smirking at me that's what men do when they like you Mom no they don't you need someone to protect your heart and that's what he's going to do this is my last heart and I'm not trusting that Prince with it if she doesn't believe me then I have no choice but to run away excuse me I'm sorry I didn't mean to frighten you I'm just a commoner and you you're the princess I'm realizing now I probably shouldn't have left the palace with my crown on I see her she's down there they found me what's wrong I need you to keep my heart safe princess I couldn't please get her please take it this is my last heart and if it breaks something bad will happen to you someone's trying trying to break it I will do my best to protect your heart princess get her run but what about run running away from the castle are we come here I found her your majesty let go of me Elizabeth where is your heart I don't know what do you mean you don't know I mean I don't know because I gave it to another man what what was his name I'm not sure mother I didn't ask could I have a moment with my fiance alone of course your highness you can play all the games you want princess I will marry you and I will find the man who took your heart look all you want you're not going to find him we shall see Prince Darren we have found him they were too fast princess I'm sorry where is the princess's heart well that's the thing Prince Darren you may have caught me but she'll never find where I hid the princess's heart how dare you hide my daughter's heart my queen I say we send him to the torture chamber no it's the only way to get him to talk talk mother please Elizabeth Prince Darren is right he still won't talk we only got his name William mother let me speak to him please he will tell me where my heart is oh my goodness what have they done to you I promise to keep your heart safe and I don't break my promises I can't let you suffer for me but the prince that you're supposed to marry I can tell he is evil I know William but that's my problem not yours where's my heart finally her heart is where it belongs great mother Prince Darren has my heart now let William go no dear I'm afraid I can't do that William is going to be killed William is going to be killed for stealing your heart and hiding it it must be done I told him to do it oh Elizabeth you're just trying to protect him I know it was such a tough decision princess may I speak to her alone of course Darren don't be so sad get away from me we shall be married tomorrow I will never marry you oh but you will that is if you want William to live marry me tomorrow and I'll convince your mother to let him live and if you try anything I will break your last heart do you understand do you accept Prince Darren as your husband I do excellent now may I kiss the bride stop that Prince is evil William he escaped and he's lying it's true mother he's been threatening me what I warned you not to speak against me her heart why is nothing happening because it was my last heart not yours William stop stop the wedding that Prince is evil William he escaped and he's lying no it's true mother Prince Darren has been threatening me I warned you not to speak against me no her heart why is nothing happening because that was my last heart not yours William his last heart it's broken what happens when your last heart breaks I'm pretty sure you you die how could you Mom there has to be something that we can do for him Elizabeth I'm so sorry this is all my fault just be happy that wasn't your heart arrest him get off of me you should be arresting him he took her real heart my heart I can give him my heart William where did you put my real heart I William Elizabeth don't speak to me darling they found it the gods found your heart my heart do you think it'll work if I give it him I'm not sure dear but it's worth a try William I want to give you my last heart please wake up hard shared William Elizabeth your total's 20 even babe I'm so sorry I don't think I have enough hey it's okay I got it sorry if I embarrassed you back there no you're fine I understand you're going through a tough time with your job tomorrow when the amount in my bank account appears it might come as a bit of a shock to you listen I don't care how low that number is I'm going to love you just the same poor thing it's time to see how little he has what my boyfriend is a billionaire no there has to be some sort of mistake I uh take it you saw my account yeah and you've got a lot to explain whose Ferrari is in our driveway that's mine well actually it's going to be yours now what no I am still mad at you come with me and I'll explain everything there was a good reason for me lying oh yeah was there a good reason for you having me buy your meals for the past year heck I even paid your rent one time I know I know and I'll be paying you back for all of it why didn't you just tell me because every girl I've ever ever dated has used me for my money I was tired of dating gold diggers and I wanted to find a girl who liked me for me I promise I will make it all up to you and I'm going to start by showing you where I really live wo now hold up you have a chickfila in your kitchen yep and there's a McDonald's upstairs babe who are you richy rich excuse me for just a moment this is crazy what have my stuff just went up a lot yeah actually I can see that why don't you look happy I'm worried about your safety you can't tell anyone that you're dating a billionaire why can't people know I'm dating a billionaire because I'm now one of the youngest billionaires alive and is that a bad thing I know a lot of people that would die to get their hands on my money and you think they'll come after me I know they will promise me you won't tell anyone about my money okay I promise but you do owe me quite a bit of cash so what do you say you take me on a little shopping spree well I can't be seen buying you a bunch of stuff but I can give you this babe this is like 10K you didn't owe me this much I know consider a thank you for being so kind to me I want you to spoil yourself oh hey Lizzy where's your boyfriend he's at his house why oh nothing I just think it's kind of sad how he never buys you anything I mean look at all the stuff you had to buy yourself it must be hard to date someone poor actually he's not poor he's one of the richest people alive what did you enjoy your shopping spree uh yeah sure did good I also bought you this necklace babe it's beautiful thank you delivery for Elizabeth yes how much do I owe you oh it's not you who's going to owe me money it's your boyfriend Lizzy it's 1:00 a.m. why are you up this isn't Lizzy but if you want to see her again you're going to do exactly as I say you want me to wire you one billion doll yeah do it now or she's gone no I'll send it it's done now let me speak to her okay talk Liam I'm so sorry this is all my fault I accidentally told someone that you were it's okay I planned for this remember that necklace I gave you yeah it's a Tracker babe no please freeze thank you Liam I'm glad you were able to get your money back I don't care about the money I'm just happy you're okay your test scores are in your intelligence level will now appear above your head what is mine say you got a six yes wait what does mine say you got a two what I have been refreshing Instagram for the past 5 minutes why will nothing load that's cuz I unplugged the internet you need to read more mom reading isn't going to make my number go up you listen to me you're an embarrassment to this whole family so you get that number up by the end of the the month or you're out of here Crystal what is up with you here take this okay what is this it stimulates the neurons in your brain which causes a chemical reaction which allows you to process information at a okay hold on English please look basically it makes you super smart this is a prank isn't it look I know I'm not that smart but I'm also not that dumb either so Crystal I made my intelligence level go up see wait how did you do that I'm telling tell you it's the pill look I'm not supposed to be doing this but just take it Jamie wait I have to go hey they're handing out graduation gowns right now I don't think she's going to need one of those if you know what I mean yeah we'll see about that I swear this pill better freaking work Crystal Crystal are you still with us what's the answer to number two well it's simple math really you take the numerator divide it by the denominator multiply that times 2 which will give you 81 of course and then you take the square root which will give you n how'd she do that what the hell correct but Crystal your number went up how'd you solve that equation so fast that was a warm-up question any fifth grader could have solved it really cuz you seem pretty impressed by it yeah only because you were so dumb before how did you make your intelligence level up though you don't like me do you uh yeah no Sherlock yeah but why is that I mean we were such good friends until high school it's because of Jamie isn't it she intimidates you she does not she does which explains why you never make direct eye contact with her you feel like she replaced you as my best friend you a psychologist all of a sudden come on Viv let's go and you two are dating now aren't you what how do you know the way that he's protective over you it indicates that he cares about your feelings and you two also smell very very similar which tells me that you're probably watch it Crystal mind your own business how the hell did I know all that guess who got an A on every test today mom guess she's not home yet ow hello hey there's something I have to tell you about the pills is it that they have side effects because I think I'm feeling them right now oh no um just just hang on I'll be right there okay help oh my gosh Crystal here you have to take this are you feeling all right now yeah much better good but about the pills if you stop taking them you you what you you die Jamie are you kidding me right now how could you not tell me about this I I didn't find out until yesterday where are those pills from I'm going to be in so much trouble they're from a lab that my sister works at I sort of stole them this is 30 days worth so about a month Jamie what happens when these run out uh okay what'd you get a mermaid what I mean that would explain the pink in her hair honey she's lying no it really says that sh that is enough of your nonsense hi pretend mermaid we know that's not your hair it is okay let's see ow you probably glued it don't lie about your future I'm not it really does say that mermaids don't exist stop trying to get attention hey how was your day Horrible No One Believes Me honey there's something I need to tell you what are you talking about your mom and I aren't your real parents what we found you as a baby by the beach and that was in your hands so let me get this straight you found me on the beach as a baby holding this necklace yeah honey I know this is a lot to take in well I mean didn't you look for my parents they they could have been around somewhere we did we were the only ones at that beach it was a private beach but you know I really do believe your future and I think your real parents are still out there do you really think so yeah I do I think you should wear the necklace what is going on dad told me the truth about everything what we agreed to wait until she was is 18 no look I know now that my future is true and I think this might be the key to me finding my real parents give me that no more nonsense but that's mine as your mother it belongs to me he told her everything I know her transformation is coming that's why I need you to get over here to help me with her get in the car we're leaving wait what Hello nice to meet you Marina what is going on what is this place this is my laboratory I study your kind my kind yes mermaids of course but I thought mermaids didn't exist right Mom I actually believe your future honey you made me feel like I was crazy I was just trying to protect you no I want to go home but Merina look what I have we just want to help you transform and you can find your real parents do you promise yes we just want to help so what do you need me to do okay now repeat after me I wish I was a mermaid I wish I was a mermaid it's working the necklace is Magic her future is changing oh no you can't breathe you were right she is the princess I can't believe she's a princess this is amazing mom you're awake how do you know my future shh just rest I don't feel good I know honey it's because you're still in your mermaid form it's okay we got you a tank tank yes but in the meantime we have you hooked up to two IV machines we just need a few more blood samples can you believe mermaids have blue blood honey can you hear me Dad yeah it's going to be okay this has got to come off hey you feel better right yes how did you know that would turn me back human because your real mother had one just like it you see one day I was out fishing and I noticed a woman asking for help on the shore she was a mermaid and after I saved her we fell in love she got this magic necklace from her father that she said helped her stay human but the day I proposed she left me why wait so does that mean you're my real dad yeah I think I am for many years I didn't believe it because when Sylvia left left me she didn't say why she was a queen wait what why do you say that my future it changed a princess after I put on that necklace oh my gosh so your mom was a queen she must have left me to go back to her people but I don't understand if mom left you then how was I born well I realized something I think your mom was pregnant when she left me because 9 months later I found this on the beach this was me yep I think your mom left you there for me so you could have a normal life but that really wasn't the case as soon as you learned how to crawl all you wanted to do was go in the water you loved anything that had to do with the ocean and my new wife started to catch on that's not normal where did she get that pink streak she became obsessed with researching things about you but she never wanted you to know that's right I didn't I'm not letting you ruin my research you have water powers use them what are you doing making sure you don't bother me ever again Merina that was amazing we have to go come on all right you got the necklace on now wish to be a mermaid but Dad I'm sorry but that scientist told too many people about you you're not safe here anymore you belong under the sea with your real mom that's the police you got to make the wish now when you find your mom tell her I love her I will never forget you I'll find a way to see you again I love you I wish to be a [Music] mermaid mom no it can't be darling it's you my baby I knew you'd find me my lost daughter has returned this has been waiting for you you are now princess Merina all hail your new mermaid [Music] princess $2 million or a pencil who in their right mind would ever pick T your it pencil selected sorry you're done you're done I could have been rich I could have been buying myself a new Tesla right now but instead I'm stuck with this freaking mechanical pencil today I want you all to write about something you wish would happen to you might as well put this to some use I wish that I was famous and everyone wanted my autograph I'm all done Mr Peters Bri is it is it really you um yeah it's really me guys she's over here so I'm pretty sure this thing is Magic and I just made all of you guys think that I'm famous can I please get your autograph no I was here first K time to fix this can I have that paper back I'm just going to erase everything wao it actually worked oh this is going to be so much fun can I please borrow your pencil so can I borrow it you know what it's actually broken I just saw you using it well my answer is no whatever this is why no one likes you let's see how popular she is after this Jessica trips in front of her Crush hey Joshua dude she just tripped on air I'm so thirsty wait what if I just a water bottle appeared in my hand no way so basically I can have whatever I want I just have to write it down I don't feel like walking home today so what if Tom Holland picked me up from school today hey what's up guys I'm Tom Holland bye I better put this in my pocket oh my gosh mom I think my pocket had a hole in it please tell me you saw my pencil I think your sister got it honey she's upstairs drawing with it what Lily do you have my pencil yeah but I'm just borrowing it so I can write you a birthday card give it back wait I'm drawing you as a princess with a really cute pink rose in your hand see that's just how I imagined it Lily listen I'm going to need that back now is this pencil magic of course not hm let me see about that Lily don't you my sister couldn't speak no way this is so cool okay she can speak again Lily that pencil isn't a toy you never share anything with me I'm telling Mom why are you being mean to Lily I am not being mean to her she literally stole my birthday gift you wouldn't have even gotten the pencil if it wasn't for me oh yeah well watch what I'm going to do nowart mouth wait what are you writing my sister disappeared what no Lily where did she just go is that pencil magic no make her reappear do I have to she is your sister you bring her back right now or you're grounded or I could just make you forget this ever happened that is it hey this thing's power has gone to your head I'm taking it away from you no Mom please I'll bring her back I'll do it myself Lily reappeared don't talk to me ever again pencil's magic expires in 1 hour 1 hour but I haven't even done anything fun yet that's it I have to steal that pencil back she really needs to stop hiding stuff in her makeup bag hey go away lily look I'm sorry I made you disappear where did you even go when it happened yeah like you care listen this pencil is about to run out of magic so what do you say you and I make a list of things that we want and I'll write down whatever you say you do that can I write down stuff too all right fine but we got to hurry cuz we only have like 5 minutes left your test scores are in your intelligence level will now appear above your head what does mine say you got a six yes wait what does mine say you got a two what I have been refreshing Instagram for the past 5 minutes why will nothing load that's cuz I unplugged the internet you need to read more mom reading isn't going to make my number go up you listen to me you're an embarrassment to this whole family so you get that number up by the end of the month or you're out of here Crystal what is up with you here take this okay what is this it stimulates the neurons in your brain which causes a chemical reaction which allows you to process information at a okay hold on English please look basically it makes you super smart this is a prank isn't it look I know I'm not that smart but I'm also not that dumb either so Crystal I made my intelligence level go up see wait how did you do that I'm telling you it's the pill look I'm not supposed to be doing this but just take it Jamie wait I have to go hey they're handing out graduation gowns right now I don't think she's going to need one of those if you know what I mean yeah we'll see about that I swear this pill better freaking work Crystal Crystal are you still with us what's the answer to number two well it's simple math really you take the numerator divide it by the denominator multiply that times 2 which will give you 81 of course and then you take the square root which will give you nine how'd she do that what the hell correct but Crystal your number went up how'd you solve that equation so fast that was a warm-up question any fifth grader could have solved it really cuz you seem pretty impressed by it yeah only because you were so dumb before how did you make your intelligence level go up though you don't like me do you uh yeah no Sherlock yeah but why is that I mean we were such good friends until high school it's because of Jamie isn't it she intimidates you she does not she does which explains why you never make direct eye contact with her you feel like she replaced you as my best friend you a psychologist all of a sudden come on Viv let's go and you two are dating now aren't you you what how do you know the way that he's protective over you it indicates that he cares about your feelings and you two also smell very similar which tells me that you're probably watch it Crystal mind your own business how the hell did I know all that guess who got an A on every test today mom guess she's not home yet ow hello hey there's something I have to tell you about the pills is it that they have side effects because I think I'm feeling them right now oh no um just just hang on I'll be right there okay help oh my gosh Crystal here you have to take this are you feeling all right now yeah much better good but about the pills if you stop taking them you you what you you die Jamie are you kidding me right now how could you not tell me about this I I didn't find out until yesterday where are those pills from I'm going to be in so much trouble they're from a lab that my sister works at I sort of stole them this is 30 days worth so about a month Jamie what happens when these run out uh time to see how much money my boyfriend has in his bank account not that that's important I knew he had money but not that much money I'm gonna pay him a little visit hey hey handsome I shouldn't tell him I know what's in his bank account so baby what do you want for Christmas well there is this Gucci bag that I really like but you know what what am I saying you don't have to get me anything come on of course I'm getting you something in fact you might get that Gucci bag as long as you're not too naughty I'll try right now why don't you go out and buy yourself whatever you need okay bad news what Fluffy's sick the vet say she needs surgery well how much is it it's about $2,000 we can't afford it you know what I think I got it covered you sure yeah I'm sure good babe I back listen it's not what it looks like we can't break up I need his money I can't break up with him I need his money uh her and I are just friends yeah I'm going to go now bye babe I made a mistake I'm sorry it's okay we all make mistakes and it was my bad really I should have knocked before coming in thanks for understanding she kind of made a mess do you think you can clean up I got to go to work of course honey I'll clean and you just go make the money thanks babe love you bye he is so dead I'm so happy Fluffy's okay but how did you get the money to pay for her surgery mom about that there's something that I need to tell you I can't believe he cheated on you I know but now that Fluffy's okay I think I'm going to go break up with him what looks like he just got another paycheck and you still have his credit card don't break up just yet I have a plan for how you can get revenge hey sweetie Merry Christmas who is she you know I was about to ask you the same thing but you look really familiar are you a model or something uh actually yes figures I'm sorry babe this girl was just leaving but you said no stay I think you're going to want to see this I actually got him a little something here you go sweetheart thanks oh wait but first before you open that I believe this is mine right uh-huh that's your Gucci bag that's the one you wanted right yes it is thank you okay go ahead and open yours all right what's this receipts of things that I bought this week baby 10K worth of stuff oh baby you and I both know that you can afford it oh and there's a card in there too go ahead and read that roses are red VI are blue you're a dirty rotten cheater I'm breaking up with you Merry Christmas girl let's get out of here I'm right behind you wait ladies I'll buy you anything no amount of money is worth being with him goodbye hey Mr Toad sorry I'm late better be the last time red hey goldilux hey Jill where's Jack who oh Jack in the beant stock no your brother Jack yeah like Jack and Jill went up the hill huh that's not my story you don't remember your own brother Goldie red no talking that was weird even for Jill right how does she not remember her own brother hey Humpty Dumpty have you seen Jack Jack in the beanock no like Jack and jail he's your best friend huh I'm not friends with anyone named Jack that's really weird how no one else remembers Jack hey is that b peep I've never seen her without her sheep hey B peep where are your sheep sheep you guys are silly I don't have any sheep I'm starting to think it's not just Jack who went missing Mr Toad's story book characters are missing and no one seems to remember them but us like who like B Peep and Jack and Hansel doesn't even remember his sister gredle who's gredle it's no use Goldilocks we're the only ones that remember meet me at the Storybrook Library we need to investigate Goldie look at this just as I thought someone's blacking out the storybook characters and they're completely disappearing from their stories this has one person written all over it Corella Cella we know you're here well well it looks like we have visitors down boy can I get you to anything how about an ice War fur coat I'm vegan even after the wolf incident all right well then what do you two want to know why you're making storybook characters disappear it's not funny you're erasing their stories I would never how dare you accuse me of such a thing and you're not supposed to take books from the library get the hell out of here do you believe her no not for a second maybe your granny can help us get the book back I don't have a grandma no red not you two come with me we're fixing this right now you two are back yes we brought you some porridge to apologize to you I made sure the Bears made it just right are those ink stains on your fingers all right you caught me but there's nothing you can do soon Darlings only the villain character will remain you underestimated the girls who fought wild animals and one what what was in this porridge there all the ink has been erased red granny oh red is it really you Hey look it's Jack and little B Peep and her sheep all the story book characters are reappearing we did it I think we should take this book to the Blue Fairy so she can put a protection spell on it so this will never happen again good idea 4 mil or a hair clip come on come on who in their right mind would choose the no at least it's kind of cute I can't come to your party but you promised I know I'm so sorry come on girl you're like the mutual friend if you don't come then no one else is going to want to come look my parents said no she doesn't want to come to your party because she doesn't like you are you sure that's the reason yes I wouldn't lie okay goodbye mom says you have to take me to the mall she's lying your mom just grounded her mom just grounded you how did you know that you weren't even home when it happened I don't know I just did okay now get out whatever does this hair clip tell me the truth about people hey babe I'm sorry I'm not going to be able to make it to our date tonight what why not something came up at work it's urgent babe you work at Walmart like how urgent can it really be sorry babe I got to go he doesn't work for Walmart hey babe I'm sorry I'm not going to be able to make it to our date tonight what why not something came up at work it's urgent babe you work at Walmart like how urgent can it really be sorry babe I got to go he doesn't work for Walmart if he doesn't work for Walmart then where does he I'm following him what is he doing here this place looks super sketchy what do you think you're doing huh come here hey boss look who I found snooping around here babe what what is going on babe you know this girl I've never seen her before in my life I'm sorry did our two years together just mean nothing to you 2 years have you been keeping secrets from me I told you you know what the rules are he's trying to protect you by lying he works for very dangerous men you know what my bad actually I thought that he was my boyfriend but be quiet what did I tell you no attachments which means no girlfriends like I said I don't know her okay good then you should have no problem killing her he's lying to protect you you know what my bad actually actually I thought that he was my boyfriend but be quiet what did I tell you no attachments which means no girlfriends like I said I don't know her okay good then you should have no problem killing her you see sir I would kill her but you know I don't want to mess up this new shirt so either you kill her or him and I will do it ourselves no please look let's just all settle down you just I think I'm going to need a change of clothes really babe the mafia you're lucky I find that kind of attractive well I know a place we can lay low all right bet but we got to be careful who we trust I have something that can help with that okay what'd you get a mermaid what I mean that would explain the pink in her hair honey she's lying no it really says that sh that is enough of your nonsense hi pretend mermaid we know that's not your hair it is okay let's see ow you probably glued it don't lie about your future I'm not it really does say that mermaids don't exist stop trying to get attention hey how was your day Horrible No One Believes Me honey there's something I need to tell you what are you talking about your mom and I aren't your real parents what we found you as a baby by the beach and that was in your hands so let me get this straight you found me on the beach as a baby holding this necklace yeah honey I know this is a lot to take in well I mean didn't you look for my parents they they could have been around somewhere we did we were the only ones at that beach it was a private beach but you know I really do believe your future and I think your real parents are still out there do you really think so yeah I do I think you should wear the necklace what is going on dad told me the truth about everything what we agreed to wait until she was 18 no look I know now that my future is true and I think this might be the key to me finding my real parents give me that no more nonsense but that's mine as your mother it belongs to me he told her everything I know her transformation is coming that's why I need you to get over here to help me with her get in the car we're leaving wait what Hello nice to meet you Marina what is going on what is this place this is my laboratory I study your kind my kind yes mermaids of course but I thought mermaids didn't exist right Mom I actually believe your future honey you made me feel like I was crazy I was just trying to protect you no I want to go home but Merina look what I have we just want to help you transform and you can find your real parents do you promise yes we just want to help so what do you need me to do okay now repeat after me I wish I was a mermaid I wish I was a mermaid it's working the necklace is Magic our future is changing oh no you can't breathe you were right she is the princess I can't believe she's a princess this is amazing mom you're awake how do you know my future sh just rest I don't feel good I know honey it's because you're still in your mermaid form it's okay we got you a tank tank yes but in the meantime we have you hooked up to two IV machines we just need a few more blood samples can you believe mermaids have blue blood honey can you hear me Dad yeah it's going to be okay this has got to come off hey you feel better right yes how did you know that would turn me back human because your real mother had one just like it you see one day I was out fishing and I noticed a woman asking for help on the shore she was a mermaid and after I saved her we fell in love she got this magic necklace from her father that she said helped her stay human but the day I proposed she left me why wait so does that mean you're my real dad yeah I think I am for many years I didn't believe it because when Sylvia left me she didn't say why she was a queen wait what why why do you say that my future it changed a princess after I put on that necklace oh my gosh so your mom was a queen she must have left me to go back to her people but I don't understand if mom left you then how was I born well I realized something I think your mom was pregnant when she left me because 9 months later I found this on the beach this was me yep I think your mom left you there for me so you could have a normal life but that really wasn't the case as soon as you learned how to crawl all you wanted to do was go in the water you loved anything that had to do with the ocean and my new wife started to catch on that's not normal where did she get that pink streak she became obsessed with researching things about you but she never wanted you to know that's right I didn't I'm not letting you ruin my research you have water powers use them what are you doing making sure you don't bother me ever again Merina that was amazinger we have to go come on all right you got the necklace on now wish to be a mermaid but Dad I'm sorry but that scientist told too many people about you you're not safe here anymore you belong under the sea with your real mom that's the police you got to make the wish now when you find your mom tell her I love her I will never forget you I'll find a way to see you again I love you I wish to be a [Music] mermaid mom no it can't be darling it's you my baby I knew you'd find me my lost daughter has returned this has been waiting for you you are now princess merlina all hail your new mermaid [Music] princess share the same hair or share the same clothes as my soulmate I didn't spend 2 years growing this hair out for it to get ruined we'll share clothes let's hope this Prince soulmate of mine has some Style soulmate's clothes on a prince would never wear this is my soulmate some sort of a lumberjack or Worse what if he's a peasant what are you wearing I hate to inform you of this mother but these are my soulmate's clothes is your soulmate a peasant possibly absolutely not you are forbidden to meet this boy yes mother I need to go out I can't be seen in this why isn't it coming off you may not remove his outfit great mother said never to go anywhere without my crown but today I can't let anyone know I'm a princess I really hope I don't get recognized oh I'm so sorry I swear I didn't mean to you have the same outfit as me you're wearing my same clothes so we must be smoth someone could hear you I can't have people knowing my soulmate is a peasant who do you think you are look at me yeah I'm looking at you really look at me uh okay ow I am the princess you idiot wait you are yes and I have a ball to go to tonight and I am stuck in your dumb clothes I need you to do me a favor okay I'm back and I need you to wear this you want me to wear a dress that's not happening but you have to I can only wear what you wear please it's not my fault you picked hey come on don't cry all right fine princess I'll do it okay thank you soulmates clothes changing peasant it worked my name is Nick and I can't zip this up has anyone seen my daughter my mom's coming my mom's coming go hide in that Alleyway hello Mother I've been looking for you how are you wearing that dress what are you talking about you can only wear what your soulmate wears did you disobey me and speak to him mother I would never directly disobey you the system just had a glitch and now it looks like I don't have to wear my soulmate's clothes anymore okay then you better be at the ball tonight and stand up straight of course mother she seems nice yeah she's uh she's something listen princess I can barely breathe in this dress I just need 30 minutes to make an appearance then I'll tell my mom that I feel sick and I'll be out of there there's a lot of princes at the ball I can see that since you're forbidden to talk to your soulmate why don't you talk to one of them honey just because you and Dad didn't work out doesn't mean that me and my soulmate won't excuse me go to your room fine perfect timing actually what was that nothing I have to get back to him before he starts ripping this Soul's clothes coming there's something about me you need to know wait before you tell me I just want to say I really appreciate you wearing my clothes for me and I don't care if you're a commoner I I want to be with you princess the queen has been looking for you I was just enough you're coming with us good morning mother about last night don't worry about it honey I've taken care of everything you no longer need to wear your soulmate's clothes look what did you do well since the king is in charge of the system I made a deal with him for you to marry his son well that's ridiculous and I'm not agreeing to that honey the deal has already been made the prince is on his way what it had to be done no yes you certainly won't be marrying your peasant soulmate I present to you your fiance hello princess but I thought that I was a peasant I only dress like that because I don't like to get recognized I'm sorry it's all right I wanted to tell you but I'm glad to see that you love me for me and I love you this week is important kids because our scales appeared yes since this is you and your brother's 18th birthday week we'll finally get to find out how evil you two are I already know mine's going straight to villain of course it is darling your last name isn't Menace for nothing oh I can just see the headlines now Mindy Menace world's greatest super villain we got you suit yes sweet I know but you can't wear them until your birthday huh why not you're not a True Villain until the scale says so my suit better be flame prooof yeah and mine better handle ice Mindy Max don't worry they do can I get a cape no no capes hey how'd your scale go up oh I took your credit card when you weren't looking I hope you don't mind I got a couple things oh ow huh that's what you get whoa chill I've got a plan and you're going to want to hear about it I know a way we can move our scales a lot I'm listening see that bank yeah well you and I are going to rob it oh all right sounds good to me and look what I got our suits but Mom and Dad said we're not wear them until our birthdays I know but we got to prove to them that we can be real villains you know what you're right wait Max what should our villain names be huh how about I'm Frost and you're Blaze okay not bad Max let's do this everybody freeze do what he says or else you're going to get barbecued by the sayfe on it money here we come whoa look at all that cash not so fast careful he's a super what's your name I'm wether storm nice why do they call you that allow me to demonstrate looks like weather boy can control Mother Nature Blaze get him with pleasure I don't think so crap my Powers don't work in this rain he's all yours Frost don't worry Blaze I got him I suggest you both surrender now before the cops show up giving up's not our style I can't believe we escaped with so much cash I know right Max how did your scale move I did something what did you do I'll show you follow me to the layer Tada you brought the superhero to our house yeah I had my buddies bring him over and when he wakes up I'm going to find out his secret identity I'm going to use Dad's gadgets to interrogate him Max dad's gadgets are really dangerous I don't know if you should use them on him what of course they're dangerous that's the whole point hey your scale move towards hero oh don't tell me you like him you like him I do not uh-uh you think he's cute don't you no as your twin I can tell you're lying are you guys going to argue this whole time what the hell is this place your worst nightmare Max so your real name's Max huh what that must be my new Gadget be right back why can't I use my Powers sorry but that bracelet on your wrist it's a power dampener I need you to set me free and why is that there's a tornado headed towards my family's house and I'm the only one with the powers to stop it yeah right you really think I'm that stupid I'm serious come on I can see good in you please you have to release me where is he he he escaped your scale you let him free I'm telling Mom and Dad no Max wait stay there wait mom dad our lie detector arrived in the mail now tell us did you set the hero free no scanning lie detected Mindy I told you look I'm sorry it was only so he could protect his family plus he promised he would owe me a favor in return Mindy that's enough you are turning into a superhero she sure has a crush on one I do not listen very carefully we don't date superheroes in this family you're going to get rid of him understand now remember if you don't complete the mission don't come home I saw you from down the street you're not here to cause any trouble are you I'm sorry Sam how how do you know my real name my parents did some digging on you enough talk you brought your brother with you we're kind of a team stop you're better than this shut up my sister is a villain okay Max that's enough why aren't you fighting back because I I don't want to hurt you huh how pathetic finish him no I won't you you were right Max I I do care about him what I knew it you've gone soft you're almost a superhero and you're in love with one well who says heroes and villains can't like each other no you have to make a choice our family or him Max I'm serious Mindy pick one fine then I choose him how dare you knock it off n you're about to become a hero which makes you my enemy you want to know why I chose him over this family yeah why because he's only one that's ever been nice to me nice we're a family of villains we're not nice you always were the weaker twin you leave her alone right now a look who's up what are you going to do huh simple I'm going to create your biggest weakness extreme heat no stop hero I knew you were a hero Mindy remember when you said you would owe me a favor do you think I could stay at your house my parents will never let me come home now of course my family is going to love you you've been adopted I have by who a nice family come I'll show you hi I'm Rachel and that's Tim but if you like you can call us Mom and Dad okay I can't believe it I'm pregnant I'm going to have a baby sister I mean she won't be your real sister but yeah can we have those plushes for the new baby but these are kind of special to me no you're too old for them now don't be selfish hand them over she's here oh can I hold her no oh my gosh no don't touch her mom the baby's crying I think she's in the shower it's okay it's okay peekaboo hush little baby don't say a word Mom oh my gosh I was just I told you not to touch her you were in so much trouble I'm sorry Mom she was crying and you were in the shower so I just picked her up and she fell asleep I think she kind of likes me likes you you could have dropped her give her to me how dare you disobey me I was just singing her a song don't ever pick her up again go to your [Music] room did you steal that from our baby no I'm sorry I just I was feeling sad and I usually have these stuffed animals when I'm sad I told you to give that to the baby you don't need that anymore let me see it no my real parents gave this to me oh I see how it is we don't allow rudeness in this house no I think we should give her back to the adoption center no please I'll do anything I mean we do need someone to help around the house with this new baby will you help us clean if if I do that then can I stay huh okay as long as you're obedient and you clean well you can stay did you finish the laundry yes good because there's crumbs all over the floor get to it what is there any way that I can have some dinner she needs to be fed first listen we both have to leave and we need you to watch the baby you're going to let me watch her yes because we have to but if anything happens to her I'm bringing you back to that adoption center understand we'll be home by 10: her bottles are in the fridge hey it's okay where are they hi it's me again I'm just wondering where you guys are at cuz it's already midnight breaking news a fatal accident has taken place on the freeway tonight that's their car breaking news a fatal accident has taken place on the freeway tonight that's their car officer are they well kid it uh looks like your mother is in critical condition and your father he he didn't make it kid I'm sorry your mom wants to see you I'll hold her for you honey I'll watch over her too be careful with her we will kid mom I come here I'm so sorry that my real daughter is going to be stuck with you ow I should have never adopted you Doctor we lost her I believe these belong to you I'm s so sorry kid thank you you and your sister are adorable you didn't deserve to be treated like that you know my wife and I are actually looking to adopt really yeah we've always wanted daughters I can talk to my wife would you like that ah kid come here your total's 20 even babe I'm so sorry I don't think I have enough hey it's okay I got it sorry if I embarrassed you back there no you're fine I understand you're going through a tough time with your job tomorrow when the amount in my bank account appears it might come as a bit of a shock to you listen I don't care how low that number is I'm going to love you just the same poor thing it's time to see how little he has what my boyfriend is a billionaire no there has to be some sort of mistake I uh take it you saw my account yeah and you've got a lot to explain whose Ferrari is in our driveway that's mine well actually it's going to be yours now what no I am still mad at you come with me and I'll explain everything there was a good reason for me lying oh yeah was there a good reason for you having me buy your meals for the past year heck I even paid your rent one time I know I know and I'll be paying you back for all of it why didn't you just tell me because every girl I've ever dated has used me for my money I was tired of dating gold diggers and I wanted to find a girl who who liked me for me I promise I will make it all up to you and I'm going to start by showing you where I really live wo now hold up you have a Chick-fil-A in your kitchen yep and there's a McDonald's upstairs babe who are you richy bridge excuse me for just a moment this is crazy one of my stocks just went up a lot yeah actually I can see that why don't you look at happy I'm worried about your safety you can't tell anyone that you're dating a billionaire why can't people know I'm dating a billionaire because I'm now one of the youngest billionaires alive and is that a bad thing I know a lot of people that would die to get their hands on my money and you think they'll come after me I know they will promise me you won't tell anyone about my money okay I promise but you do owe me quite a bit of cash so what do you say you take me on a little shopping spree well I can't be seen buying you a bunch of stuff but I can give you this babe this is like 10K you didn't owe me this much I know consider to thank you for being so kind to me I want you to spoil yourself oh hey Lizzy where's your boyfriend he's at his house why oh nothing I just think it's kind of sad how he never buys you anything I mean look at all the stuff you had to buy yourself it must be hard to date someone poor actually he's not poor he's one of the richest people alive what did you enjoy your shopping spree uh yeah sure did good I also bought you this necklace babe it's beautiful thank you delivery for Elizabeth yes how much do I owe you oh it's not you who's going to owe me money it's your boyfriend Lizzy it's 1:00 a.m. why are you up this isn't Lizzy but if you want to see her again you're going to do exactly as I say you want me to Wi you billion doll yeah do it now or she's gone no I'll send it it's done now let me speak to her okay talk Liam I'm so sorry this is all my fault I accidentally told someone that you were it's okay I planned for this remember that necklace I gave you yeah it's a Tracker babe no please freeze thank you Liam I'm glad you were able to get your money back I don't care about the money I'm just happy you're okay
Channel: Kaylili
Views: 1,088,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cake Storytime, Text To Speech, storytime, asmr, text to speech, cakestorytime, asmr cake, cake storytime tiktokCake Storytime, slime storytime, ASMR, Cake, Storytime, ASMR Cake Storytime, POVs, Brianna Mizura tiktok, Newest, Tiktok, Compilations, Newest Tiktok, Newest Tiktok Compilations, Mizura, Brianna Mizura pov, Brianna Mizura tiktok pov, Guidryy, Brianna, Brianna Guidryy tiktok, Brianna Guidryy pov, Brianna Guidryy tiktok pov, Brianna Guidryy
Id: XR9vlDILC2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 22sec (4402 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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