WORST MOM Gets REVENGE on Best FRIENDS | Rebecca Zamolo

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all right minnie rebecca this one's for instagram pose yes yes no puck your lips now arch your back yes yes little rebecca now show me some skin oh yeah look at those shoulders ooh yes what what is minnie rebecca wearing i think we got it that was great oh my gosh thanks mom this is gonna be the best outfit for the mall today um what is going on why is minnie rebecca dressed like that we were doing an instagram photo shoot and now she's going to the mall looking really good by the way no she looks like she's 21. did you do her makeup of course i did and i think she looks amazing she has to look cute for the boys well i think it's completely inappropriate whatever are you gonna dress her daughter like this maybe i am a great mom oh i'm like the worst mom something's at the door come on what is that oh come on in a kissing booth no no no kissing boots are you kidding me rebecca you are married and kind of chubby pregnant right now too okay the kissing booth is not for me it's for little rebecca you know what go ahead and put that in the backyard don't listen to her please her crush won't be here until later wait a crush is coming over are you kidding me mom when's my uber gonna be here you are right your uber should be arriving here shortly uber to the mall she's a child she's eight years old she's taking an uber to the mall alone no no wait that's not gonna happen it's definitely happening mom where's my money oh i am so sorry i almost forgot what you're zipping this up little buttercup no i'm gonna zip it down your stinky clown a stinky clown your zipper doesn't even work all right well here is your fat sack of cash cause you know i'm like the cool mom that's like 2 000 uh yeah i need more money you're actually right today is a big day here you go what is going on i'm taking crazy pills right now you are welcome your uber is arriving daughter so get on out of here bye remember don't spend it all in one place unless there's a sale or a really cute outfit what's this bag of stuff can i say oh i ordered food i'm kind of hungry still awesome guys how's it going hey food we eating oh no i was just like you know craving some sushi rebecca you can't eat sushi you're pregnant what is happening what are you doing you guys i read an article you can have at least 10 pieces of sushi if you're pregnant a day does that make sense you read the wrong raw fish i'm saving the rest for later putting it in the kitchen um i think i got a tail no don't eat the tail oh my gosh what is she doing guys i need your help today no i'm yeah i came here to meet up with maddie we're going to the warehouse to search for keith no i think us saying that she's a bad mom really got to her head she's acting crazy you mean mostly you but maddie you were there i heard you screaming and stuff but no i need you guys to stay here you know what i have a super important zoom appointment upstairs that i cannot miss can you guys watch rebecca make sure she doesn't do anything crazy or hurt the baby no i have a school project that i have to do do you know can you check on her first fine i'll just head to the kitchen and keep an eye on her okay i am counting on you guys that she does not become a bad mom okay she could not ruin today or anything to do with the baby i'll meet you guys after my zoom okay thank you let me check in on your back wait remember are you drinking coffee what yeah i don't know you can't have that what are you doing i need that caffeine pregnant people cannot drink coffee they can't have the caffeine right now you can't have caffeine you cannot be fine i'll just have a monster energy drink the worst dude that's fine because i wanted some bang energy oh oh thanks we're good we're getting a bang there's so much caffeine there's so much sugar that's so bad for the baby good for me just gonna have to do a red bull no i'm done you get it daniel you're jumping out my red bull yeah hit me real fast that is not cool at all pregnant women can have as much caffeine as they want i can't where'd you read that no give that baby more energy i'm out of here caffeine all at once how setting going maddie good ah rebecca what are you doing i just bought some really heavy items for the living room because i wanted to make it more baby pregnant people are not supposed to lift heavy objects what of course they are i mean it makes the baby stronger you know the heavier items you lift okay well i can take care of this where do you want this to go i'm not really sure you study i'm just gonna move the few things here it's me and the baby i will lift this where do you want this to go okay well i haven't exactly decided you haven't decided well i want like a feng shui type thing so um you know what maybe i'll get no no no no no okay i got it i got it i'll move almost you just direct yeah you know what can i see it over there yep just over there okay okay okay now you know what maybe i can just move this chair just like a little bit myself i'll move okay where do you want it just right there it's great okay okay no no no no okay i don't know if you're quite getting it on the carpet you know i got two of us so it's a lot easier no no no no pregnant people are not moving furniture in this household that's good there it could be better if that chair's over there i think it would be perfect unless you want me to do it i can totally do it more from sway you know with the baby coming i need things to be like calm and peaceful and i need this living room to be perfect right there and except you know what is it just me or should that table be moved like why is it going this way why don't we just like move it that way just a little bit you know the baby's getting stressed oh no i don't want the big picture okay okay i'm gonna move the couch okay where did this stuff go not really sure you know what you can put it all back just put the couch that way i'll be right back okay she was gonna do this pregnant okay zamfam you probably think that i am a terrible mom and you guys are right because today i'm getting revenge on my best friends for calling me the worst mom that's right they kept saying things like i'm the worst mom i'm a terrible mom and today i'm going to get them back but not only that i have a big surprise at the warehouse they are not allowed to see until it's done and it's not finished yet now i probably do look like the worst mom but that's part of the plan you know when i ordered the sushi it wasn't all sushi i strategically ordered one veggie roll which is the one i ate and i knew daniel would never let me drink the coffee and those boxes that maddy saw me carry those were empty i lied to trick them i mean if i'm getting revenge on my best friends i have to have a little bit of fun right and regarding the surprise at the warehouse that will be revealed later today but it's not ready yet which is why i had melcher hide in daniel's phone because if daniel saw all of the notifications that someone was at the warehouse he would definitely go over and everything would be ruined i'm not a bad mob but today i'm going to be matt what are you doing and what are you is that tape no it's not there's a tape going all the way up and down rebecca this is not a good time so i'm getting ready for my zoom appointment your zoom appointment yes i get out of here okay fine well if you eat me i'm just gonna be in the bathroom you know relaxing okay yeah i'm on a zoom right now i don't need to go and see you in the bathroom okay great he has no idea oh man guys i need five minutes five minutes zamfam i love why can't i take a hot bath are you calling me a bad mom no i'm not i'm not we just had somebody come and paint inside the tub and we can't get it wet is there something you might then want to say to me just don't interrupt me in my zoom meeting okay i have my zoom meeting and super important don't interrupt me don't go inside okay zamfam that obviously did not work i did not get an apology from matt and the warehouse still isn't finished so you know what i'm gonna step up these pranks and take it to a whole another level by the end of this i need an apology from that and i'm gonna have a little fun doing it why is she doing this i mean she's messing with my online zoom class hey maddie how are you what's going on in here i'm rearranging all the furniture for rebecca i'm only doing this because matt said to make sure that rebecca doesn't hurt the baby okay so we wait we got to move around with furniture why are we doing that why are you talking so fast oh i just had a cup of coffee in like 300 drinks rebecca's trying to drink all this caffeine i had to drink it all and take it away from her she's doing caffeine too that's so bad for the baby but you have energy can you help me move yeah do it go let's go guys one two three go yeah goes like that yeah is that good is that good who's that oh no i hope rebecca didn't hurt herself or the baby i'm gonna go check on her okay you go check out i'll keep moving around i got so much idea i'll just keep moving everything around okay cause it's good right here it looks good yeah folks right good boxes these look like heavy boxes oh i'm so strong i have so much energy what's that not what's wrong i hear you screaming what are you doing in here manny what's wrong you just screamed okay well rebecca was trying to take a bath okay and i'd go in there and stop her you know what can you keep an eye on her to make sure that she doesn't do anything to hurt the baby yeah yeah i can do that why are you sweating so much well rome wasn't building the day just go do it maddie okay i gotta get back in here okay let me go check on rebecca rebecca where are you going uh i'm just going to the 110 degree hot dog to take a little dip pregnant women can't go in hot tubs i'm drinking every bit of caffeine in this house because rebecca is not going to drink any more caffeine hey daniel hey record have you seen my phone i cannot find my phone i don't know where i put it down come here everywhere it's on silent i don't know where's that dude have you seen my phone no have you ever seen my phone what do you want have you seen her yes i did still i saw her where is she oh she went past me she went into the backyard why didn't you stop her she can't go in the hot tub i didn't know she was going in there but she can't have all this caffeine because i gotta drink it on where's my phone oh rebecca get out of the hot tub what you can't be in a hot tub come on get out i'm not getting out of marion it's not even a hot hot tub why would you make me think this was a hot tub because i am pranking you guys and getting revenge because you guys all called me a bad moth sorry about that thank you for the apology but really the apology i want the most is from matt and i might have a surprise for you guys we need to stall for a little bit more maybe you can help me okay okay i needed that that was awesome come on hi i i honestly didn't think you're gonna call you want to meet in person tomorrow you're in town yeah yeah we can we can meet it in my house okay okay i just promise not to tell anybody nobody can know okay see you tomorrow yeah i'm looking forward to it too oh man tomorrow is going to be awesome yes dean what are you doing okay i'm just rearranging some furniture it's what rebecca wanted and i cannot find my phone have you seen my phone i haven't seen your phone let me call it or something like yeah just call my friend whatever you want yeah i can do that where are the girls at i don't know why are you dressed like that don't worry about it daniel where are the girls i think i saw him outside what are they doing out there are you sure this is a good idea yes just pretend to punch me and i'll go down there watching here do it now no those are boxing gloves rebecca cannot do this she's pregnant this would be bad for the baby oh my gosh exactly i told you not to do maddie we gotta get out of here hit me harder maddie harder [Applause] what no i need to make the baby stronger that's not how it works i think it's time for us to go inside got a little hungry where am i well super cold right now why is it so cold sorry are you guys okay what are you doing why are you boxing with her you just punched me in the face okay well i had to go along with it rebecca begged me she wanted to box get some exercise wait maddie you said she's going inside what's she doing now it looks like she's eating a ton of food that pregnant people can't be eating you guys need to get inside and stop her do whatever it takes daniel uh dry off and change your clothes i'm gonna go stop my wife from eating something she should not be eating all right damn fam this revenge is going exactly as planned except for the fact that i still have not gotten an apology from that and the warehouse isn't done yet so i need to start a little longer okay grab daniel's phone what are you and raw meat even hot dogs i mean ice cream and pickles that's not so bad right you know what daniel i'm i'm really hungry remember i'm so sorry what we're gonna take over this meal i'm sorry you're gonna eat all this thank you for doing this you should go you're the worst that's not fair just get this raw meat here i'll just go eat something else daniel i think these foods are weird pregnancy food cravings that people love but pregnant people should not be eating most of these foods no so we gotta eat them all yeah oh man this sushi is gone bad but i'm gonna eat it i don't really feel so good right now okay maddie did you get daniel's phone yes and there are so many notifications okay thank god he does not have his phone because that definitely would have ruined the surprise did matt apologize to you no not yet but you know what when little rebecca gets back it's going to push him over the edge and he will have to apologize looks like she's here she's back from shopping let me know what you need me to do now yes i will all right let's do this oh my gosh honey how did shopping go good oh so what did you get i got a bunch of stuff ooh anything special what's your favorite item i even got a backpack and it matches yours oh my gosh mother daughter glows right here sam bam look at that oh yeah minnie rebecca mommy oh hey minnie mac oh my gosh thank you so much for coming honey why don't you put all of those shopping gifts down i can't believe you spent twenty thousand dollars well i am so glad you're here mini mac mini rebecca are you two ready for your first date in the movie theater yeah maybe a little first kissy kid we'll get to that all right well come on right this way oh yeah look at this cute little couple no the mushroom got his cheese that is cooked let matt and daniel know that they're having a first date in the movie theater and there might be a first kiss got it oh my god you guys i'm really worried about rebecca oh whoa okay stay calm what's going on she's being a really bad mom she just set up minnie rebecca and minnie matt on a date in the movie theater what three of us right now movie theater we're gonna stop this let's go i have a good study well you can you just drop the ball i wanna sit here okay we have to pick up the pieces you have to stay calm we told us not to freak out so let's just go in there and we can spy on them okay i'm going first okay but don't run in there all right you guys i've got some popcorn for you here you go here you go i have some candy any of it take it all you know i mean this is a first date and then i've got one red vine you know what that means i'll save this for later red vine you know what that's for daniel no not the lady in the no no they cannot kiss today oh no all right well you guys seem a little far apart maybe you guys want to like sneak in to get oh yeah moving closer i cannot believe that they're on a first date six feet apart you guys way further than that daniel all right well maybe minnie matt wants to share some popcorn with minnie rebecca oh just the start of a very romantic first date penny rebecca just kind of like smile at them and wink yep why don't you get to know each other a little better ask each other some questions what's your favorite movie mary poppins oh yeah i was once watching mary poppins i got a lot of popcorn and my mom said not to eat it all but i ate it all and i threw up that night oh okay yeah maybe we ask other questions like other things that don't have to do with throwing up on a first date minnie mad what's your favorite color oh it's green kind of like mini rebecca's eyes not really but you know sometimes we could put you in some green eye shadow minnie rebecca does have a lot of makeup on i know and this is all my fault yes but daniel you can see stuff too yeah yeah we all did come on bro i think it's time that we move on to the red vine i call this like the lady and the triumph you probably don't know what this is but you each just take a side and you just start slowly eating it together fastest one wins or both of you do here you go fastest one wins wins what daniel okay remember what you said we have to act like this doesn't bother us so that rebecca turns normal and she doesn't become the worst mother right so let's just get out of here come on it's bothering you let's just go no come on you gotta go you gotta go don't be shy that red vine's not gonna eat itself this is great this is great oh yeah oh my gosh could this be a first kiss keep going keep going oh all right you guys we're good with this but minnie rebecca you got a lot of clothes shopping right hey uh minnie matt you want to rate some outfits with me sure all right come on you guys let's go all right sam fam now we are rating minnie rebecca's outfits that she got when she was shopping this is mom versus crush and we're gonna see how we rate them mini rebecca come on in all right that's outfit number one oh yeah work it daughter okay thank you now we are each gonna rate her outfit and say why we voted that now it's time for us to reveal our rating ready crush versus mom i gave her a seven four why'd you give her a four i don't like the color yellow i love the color okay okay okay a little disagreement is totally fine well i would say i gave you a seven i obviously would have given you a ten but i feel like it could be a little more scandalous i'm gonna say that again scandalous and i feel like your shorts could have been shorter it could have been a little more revealing i expect more from my daughter you know since i am the best mom okay matt just calm down remember you think that we made rebecca feel bad and think that she's a bad mom but we need to make her think that she's a good mom right just calm down and let's focus okay you're right you're right daniel we need to convince her that it's not her fault exactly it's not her fault at all they moved from the theater and now they're rating minnie rebecca's outfit and i think they're worse than the one she was wearing before no no no no no no they're doing it in the living room kidding me right now we got to stop going calm focus remember let's just go spy and see what's going on come on let's get out of here now it is time for us to rate outfit number two for minnie rebecca all right minnie rebecca come on in show us that outfit oh yeah work it wait what is she wearing that's like a leopard thing it's so small for an eight-year-old that looks more like for a 27 year old wow you're like a leopard shoes and now it's time for her crush and her mom to rate her outfit wow i am so proud of you daughter i mean you picked out the perfect outfit for today okay are you ready crush to reveal your answer three two one nine oh eight why did you rate her outfit in eight well i like swimming and uh it kind of reminds me of swimming swimming outfit well that is not an outfit you'd wear swimming but you would definitely wanna wear that to the mall you know outside somewhere in public so everyone can see it and that is why i gave minnie rebecca a nine because i mean who wouldn't wear this in public this is clearly screaming i am an eight-year-old yep i'll tell you one thing my daughter will never be wearing anything like that this is going perfectly you guys let's change into the next outfit mini rebecca and why are we doing this again remember what i told you don't say anything just go along with it this is the third and final outfit that we are rating for minnie rebecca let's see it work it oh oh okay okay all right do you want to go mini mac not gonna lie i'm a little little disappointed go ahead uh 10 how could you give her a 10. well i like the color black also i honestly was disappointed i had to give it to i mean that outfit is not revealing enough it is way too conservative too conservative you know what i see a jacket right over there i'm gonna fix this right now wait where are you going no no no no no i would never let my daughter wear that are you kidding me is something wrong matt no it just looks like minnie rebecca is a little cold oh sorry i brought her a jacket to cover up i don't think she's cold it's cold it's super cold in here honestly it's too conservative of an outfit to be honest when's the kissing booth the kissing booth oh my gosh i almost forgot you know what we can do the kissing booth right now why don't you you two headed to the backyard practice that puckering up oh yeah oh yeah kissing boot time kissing booth time they're gonna be kissing all over are you kidding me right now i know that i'm supposed to be holding myself back right now but i don't think i can do it that much longer i just got a text the surprise at the warehouse is finally finished which means all i need is an apology from that and i will reveal to them the big surprise do you think this kissing booth is gonna do it okay minnie rebecca now pucker up it's okay you just glued this and now oh oh oh oh okay you know what though blackjack was just practice because now it is time for you to kiss your crush minnie mac come on in i'm nervous too just trust me you guys everything will go as planned just going for it slowly okay three two one [Music] are you kidding me right now what is going on this is terrible right now first you had your daughter go on a date put makeup on her and now a kissing booth you know what you are the worst mom ever mad what's so funny what's so funny i just found out that my wife is the worst mom ever we're having a child i'm freaking out right now you know what you guys thank you so much for your help today you can head home i know your parents are waiting out there for you thank you change your clothes i got some makeup too okay no kissing on the way out okay matt yeah you are i know it make it fine i'm sorry i'm sorry that i said that you're the worst mom okay wait did you just say you are sorry yeah i'm sorry that i said that you know i know that's what caused all of this what if i told you the minis were in on this and this was all a prank because you called me a worse mom and i just wanted an apology rebecca this was a prank this whole day was a prank yes i mean i had to get revenge on you guys for calling me a bad mom and besides all i wanted was an apology which i got from that i did i did i apologized you did this whole elaborate prank just to get an apology for matt actually daniel maddy can you show him his phone here you go what i've been looking for this all day why don't you check that out daniel oh my gosh there is so much movement at the warehouse we gotta get over there right now no no no no that is part of the surprise that i have been planning all day today which is why i needed to keep you guys at the house i have a surprise for you at the warehouse but it's not ready until now so let's head over to the warehouse you guys are gonna be really excited about what you're about to see this better not be like a kid's party or something no okay no one's opening their eyes right no okay just stay right here stop okay matt come right here it's a prank no it's not a prank you guys you're right here okay now on the count of three i want everyone to open your eyes one two three this artist is sasha hey i'm not quite finished so what do you guys think this looks amazing it's incredible in case any of you guys ever come to this warehouse i thought we had to make it official and have a damn fam instagram wall so here it is as you can tell it kind of matches the shirt for zam sam i think she did an amazing job you guys comment below sasha did an amazing job if you are excited and you want to come to this warehouse and take a photo here sasha this looks amazing how many hours did this take uh it's taking quite a long time and i hope you guys don't mind i did move some of your stuff oh no that is totally fine i mean this is worth it so this is the big surprise you guys i have been waiting what okay right now we need to hear from you who is that and he said good to hear from you okay zam fam so make sure you're subscribed to the mat and rebecca who is he talking no but he got really excited he was like laughing a lot okay you guys we'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 14,218,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Worst, mom, get, revenge, best, friends, Rebecca Zamolo, rebecca, matt and Rebecca, rebecca zamolo, matt and rebecca, ZamFam, Daniel, maddie, preston, unspeakable, Ben Azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, andrew davila, dom brack, sofie dossi, kat hixson, amp, Logan Wodzynski, MyLifeAsEva, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Lizzy Capri, Carter Sharer
Id: tR8XidkuxBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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