I Tested 24 Summer Tik Tok Hacks Vs Myths

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- Today, I'm testing 24 summer hacks versus myths with my daughter. We're gonna be driving a car underwater, flying over water, and even making this watermelon explode using dry ice to show you the most epic summer hacks. But first, let's test the myth that 100 bath bombs will make this balloon explode. All 100 bath bombs are in this balloon, and now let's fill it up with water. Also, you guys gave me five pranks to pull on Matt, and if I complete all five of them, one of you subscribers gets a brand new iPhone. So make sure you are subscribed right now. It's starting to fill up, you guys. This is a six-foot water balloon, so if it explodes, it's gonna be huge. Is this myth true or are we busting it? There's no more space left. Where's it gonna go? Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, god. I don't think this is gonna work. This myth is... Ah! Oh my god, that myth was true. And if you thought that was epic, just wait for the other myths and hacks that we are gonna test. This summer hack is for a remote control floatie for your baby. So what you have to do is turn it on and then push it. Whoa. Look at it. It's floating. Zadie is in her car, and now dad's gonna remote control drive her. - [Matt] Let's go, Zadie. You ready? - Woo! - Whoa. - Zadie! I think Zadie is liking it. Drive, drive, drive, drive, drive. This is great training for when Zadie turns 16 and drives a car in real life. Let's give this one a thumbs up. Yep. Thumbs up like Zay. She's gonna get me! This myth says it's impossible to drive a car underwater. We're going to find out if that's true. Whoa! Oh, oh! Come on. Drive, car! Save the driver. Fine! This myth is not busted. It's true. This hack is called bouncing bubbles. You guys know Zadie loves bubbles, and these ones are supposed to bounce so you can just bounce 'em off your hands. To make these bouncing bubbles, all you need to have is water, some dish soap, and some sugar. Put the sugar directly in here. Now let's add the soap. Oh. Now we gotta fix it. You ready for bouncing bubbles? It's all mixed up. Now we're gonna pour it back into here. Let's see if these work. They're bouncing! Oh! You can't touch 'em with your hands. You have to wear... Ah! You popped it. Zadie, look. Bounce, bounce, bounce. Bounce, bounce. She likes it. But if you let your daughter touch it, she will destroy it. Bubble. Ah! You did it. You popped it. This summer hack actually works, and I'm giving it a thumbs up. This myth says that you can make a DIY hovercraft. Let's find out. Maddie, I need your help. I'm floating! Oh! It was, for a second, and then it just hurt. Attempt number two. Oh! Oh! Woo! Oh, yeah! This is so fun! Maddie! That was awesome! And now it's time to prank Matt. Matt, I made this DIY hovercraft, and it flies over anything. - So you're telling me this thing's gonna float over water? - Yep. Maddie did it to me and it works. It's so cool. You ready? - I've always wanted to do this. - Okay, so all you have to do is push and then I'm gonna push you. - Let's go. Let's go! Are you kidding me?! - Everyone knows it doesn't fly over water. - What kind of hovercraft is that? - Checking another prank off the list. This myth says that it takes five balloons to stop an arrow. We're gonna find out if that's true. - Whoa! - Whoa! - Now that I've done that, it's time for group challenge number one. We're gonna see who can pop the most balloons with the bow and arrow. Whoever wins the most group challenges gets to be the one that explodes the watermelon at the end. I hit two balloons. Maddie, you're up next. Let's go, Maddie! - Got one. - One's less than two. - And less than what I'm gonna get. Leggo my Eggo. - After all of us shooting our bows and arrow, it looks like this myth is busted. - But I just won challenge number one. - This myth says that a fan can chop off your finger, and we're about to find out if this is true with this fruit right here. This fruit salad's gonna start with some strawberries. Alright. Oh! It's slicing it. Time for some kiwis. Let's try some cantaloupe! Oh! And finally, banana. Oh! Oh. This looks like a fruit salad battle royale. This myth is definitely true. Mm. Still pretty good. This summer hack is for those people that love popsicles, because this is a giant popsicle. Now, I have tried to make a giant popsicle in the past and it has failed, but I am confident, with this hack, that it will work. Well, at least pretty confident. You guys know I'm not really good at DIY. So all you wanna do, pour your favorite soda in here. One down. I'll be recycling that. Don't worry. Ah! That could have not ended well. Soda number two. You're probably wondering, "How does the stick stay? Oh, it's gonna be tilted." No. Use the tape to hold up the stick. It needs reinforcement. Wow, look at that. There is no way that this thing is moving at all. Now it's time to take it into the freezer. We're back and about to find out if this summer hack worked. Oh, I hear something. Some of the juice is coming out, but a giant Popsicle. Oh my gosh, this is so good! So if your mom asks you if you had a popsicle, you can say, "Oh, yeah, I only had one." I'm giving this hack a big summer thumbs up. Ah, be careful. It's heavy. This next summer hack is supposed to give you abs with just using sunscreen. So I am going to take off Matt's fake abs and replace 'em with these ones. Good thing Matt is a deep sleeper. The sunscreen's also removing the Sharpie. We'll find out later if this works. This summer hack is a Jell-O watermelon, which I have seen on TikTok and it looks like a delicious treat. Zadie likes watermelon already, but she's never had it with Jell-O. What you are going to wanna do is have a ton of fruit. Cut out your watermelon, like Zadie and I already have. Zadie's eating the lid. Good thing we don't need that. And we're gonna make some Jell-O. Whoa. Mix, mix, mix. Now that the Jell-O is set, we are gonna add fruit to the watermelon. Strawberries. And your favorite, Zadie. Well, they were blueberries. I'm thinking she likes watermelon more now. Okay, you know what? We're moving faster, Zadie. Now that the fruit's to the top, I'm just gonna mix it up a little. It is about to get even better. I was gonna put the lid on, but I don't think I will anymore. Now it's time to pour in the Jell-O. Auntie Maddie's here to help. Maddie, you know I'm not good with DIYs. - Oh, I know. - Oh my gosh. Okay. Going in, going in. Look at that! This looks so good. Okay, I'm stopping there. Now that this is all set, we're gonna put it in the fridge for four hours and then we're gonna have Jell-O watermelon. Hopefully. It's been four hours and now it's time to see if the watermelon Jell-O worked. Can't believe that we are gonna be exploding one of these later in the video. Ooh, it looks good. Now it's time to cut this open, but I need some help. - Help has arrived. - I think this worked. I'm very nervous. And I am not good with knives, so I'm really glad you're doing this. Did I actually make Jell-O? - Okay, here we go. Oh. - You know what? I bet it tastes delicious, though. I'm gonna get a spoon. It might not look the best, you guys, but... Mm! Zadie, would you like to try a bite? Maybe a blueberry. This is actually very delicious, and even though it looks like it failed, I'm giving this summer hack a big thumbs up. - Zadie, can you give the thumbs up? Yeah! - Thumbs up from Zadie, too. Zadie doesn't mind that it looks a little messy. She's still proud of her mom. Oh, wow. We definitely have a fan of this hack. - We might need to keep her away from this for a while. - This is group challenge number two, where we're gonna be testing this summer hack, which is a water balloon launcher. How to make this is just with a workout band and some duct tape. Now we have the water balloons and closest to the RZ heart wins. I'm going first. Wish me luck 'cause I wanna win this challenge. Three, two, one. Can we do best out of three? This thing doesn't work. There's no way you guys are gonna hit that wall. Oh! - Oh! Looks like I might be winning 'cause I just hit the wall! - That looked a little high. - Still good. - Here we go. See how Matt does it. - Still not even close to the ZamFam wall. - Oh, direct hit! You watch out for this! Go, go, go. I'm exploding the watermelon! - Come on, Maddie. It's up to you! - Time to beat Matt! It didn't even launch. - That's not the slingshot's fault. Oh, Maddie! That was so close. - But not close enough. Go, go. Woo! - There's no way I'm letting him win another challenge. This summer hack says if you want an easier way to get a swim cap on your head, all you have to do is fill it with water and drop it. Let's see if it works. - Ow! - Let me try again. I just need to be a little bit higher. - Ow! - Left side's my stronger side. This might be the easier way. - Ah! - This hack is a fail. This next summer hack is for if you have to go to the bathroom at the beach. I would suggest using a restroom or even the ocean. But this hack is supposed to work. Take a bucket and a plastic bag. You dig a hole and you go there and people aren't gonna notice. Now, I'm not going to do that right now, but what I am gonna do is prank Matt. I have this yellow liquid, and if I can successfully pour this in the bucket without him noticing, then this hack definitely works. I'm encouraging you guys not to try this at the beach, even if it does work. If you get wet sand, it'll probably make that a lot easier. Now that this hack is set up, let's see if it works. Hey, Matt. - What are you doing? - I'm doing a summer hack. It's where you just like rub your skin 10 times and then it repels sand. - Oh, so you have to rub it? - Yep. Yeah, just keep rubbing. Keep rubbing. And, oh! - Let's try it out. It doesn't work. - No, but this hack definitely did. - Whoa! What? You peed in a bucket? - It's a summer hack and it actually worked. - That's all your pee inside of this? Oh my god! Why does it taste like lemonade? - That wasn't even one of the pranks on the list. This summer hack is if you want a candy popsicle. All you have to do is add your favorite candy and some corn syrup and put it in a fridge. Now pour the Skittles in. Now that the Skittles are all in, I'm going to add the corn syrup. Oh, look at that. Oozing. Now that it's ready, I'm gonna stick it in the freezer for a few hours. So stick around to see if this summer hack works, and if it does, we're doing a group challenge. This summer hack says that you can melt chocolate in the sun and make fondue. We're gonna see if it actually works with this Feastables Mr. Beast bar. Let's do it. Okay, ZamFam, let me know if you think this is going to actually work. Also, have you tried a Feastables bar before? Now we wait. You guys, it looks like it works. Now it is time for another group challenge. This is group challenge number three, the chocolate fondue challenge. Each of us is going to pick an item, dip it in chocolate, and eat it. The first one to get the strawberry wins. I'm going first. Please say, like, watermelon. I'll take strawberry so I can win this, or... Oh, god. A hot dog? - Gross. - Stop. - Might actually taste good. You never know. - Oh, yeah, I bet this it's gonna taste good. Do you want it? - Ow! I'll never eat a hot dog. - Okay, well, I need to win this challenge, so I'm eating it. - Is it cooked? - I don't know if it's cooked or if it's just been sitting out. Honestly, not terrible. Maddie, you're up. - Alright. - Want a dog? - No, I do not want a hot dog. I'm gonna get the strawberry. - Eat it. - Oh! - You have to be kidding me. I hate pickles. - That's what you got for making fun of my dog. Dip it good, Maddie. ZamFam, you guys know Maddie hates pickles, but maybe you'll like pickles with chocolate. Oh, all the juice. All the juice. - Do not like pickles with chocolate. - Alright, Matt, good luck. - I'm gonna show you guys how to do this. Strawberry, right here. Onion? Dip all sides the same. - If you like this, I am definitely concerned. You can just drop out, Matt. Be out of this challenge. - I'm never dropping out. - You're eating it. Are you gonna swallow it? - [Maddie] How is he making no face? - Please be the strawberry. Cheese. Okay. - I don't hate that. - [Rebecca] It's not bad, right? - No. This is your turn. - How would that taste? - Not great. Come on, Maddie, get a strawberry. You haven't won any yet. - Please be strawberry. - You can win this. - Okay, it's not a strawberry, but it's not bad. - Lame. - [Maddie] Chocolate-covered banana's good. - [Matt] That's good. - You like that one. Let's go, Matt. - I have proved I can eat anything with chocolate. - Don't get the straw... - Oh my god. Onion again? I'm gonna do whatever it takes to be the one that explodes that watermelon. - Clearly, you're doing anything. Oh, it's on your face. I can't take any more weird food combinations for the chocolate fondue, so... What? I did it! - Come on! - Oh, look who's exploding a watermelon with dry ice today! And this is the victory bite. Mm. This myth says it's impossible to balance on a beach ball, and we're about to find out. But not with this beach ball; with this giant seven-foot beach ball! Let's go, Matt. It looks like that myth is true. - Come on. I was about to have a ball. - It's been a few hours. Let's see if this summer hack works. Oh my gosh, it worked. Mm. Well, looks like we're doing a group challenge. This is group challenge number four, last to get brain freeze wins. - And if I win this one, I'm gonna be one step closer to exploding that watermelon. Woo-hoo! - There are still more group challenges, Matt. Don't get too confident. - We're gonna take turns as pulling a dare from this bowl, and you either have to do the dare or take a bite of your frozen candy popsicle. - Looks like I'll pull first. Reveal the last photo on your camera roll. Honestly, I kind of wanted to try this anyways. - Here we go. - Okay. - Mm. - It's cold, though. - Delicious, but super cold. - I'll pull the next one. Cut your hair. - No. - This is extreme. - I'll take brain freeze. No one wants to cut their hair. - I'll do it. - I'll cut my hair. - Really? You wanna win the challenge that bad? - Yeah. - You're gonna cut your hair? No. - I wanna make that watermelon explode. - Let's go! - Oh, I got a frozen one. - Cut it. - No, Maddie. Maddie. No! Just do brain freeze. Oh! - I cut my hair! - Maddie! It is not worth it for a challenge. - I'm gonna pop one of these up here. They've been bugging me for a while, too. - Oh, no, no, no. Don't, don't, don't. No, no, no, no, no, no. - I'm in it to win it. Remove two layers of clothing. - [Maddie] You told us to be barefoot, Rebecca. - Did I? - You have shoes on. - Oopsies. I could have sworn that I took mine off. - Come on, Rebecca. - I guess I'll just count my shoes as one layer and my socks as one layer. - So lame. - I don't have two layers to remove, so... - Don't get brain freeze. Don't get... Why are you shaking? - It's so cold. - Okay. That's a layer. But I counted both of my shoes as a layer. - I don't have any underwear on. - Do not remove your pants. - No. Matt. Just get brain freeze. - What happened to your stomach? - Awesome. - I'm gonna give that summer hack a thumbs up. - Summer hack? Whoa! Got a sunburn. - In the shape of abs. - They're so hard that they sunburned that way. - We're gonna keep going. Put feet in bucket of manure. - I'm doing it. - Fine. Then I'm doing it too. I have to win this challenge. I'm not letting Matt... Why are you doing push-ups? - I have my shirt off! - It's manure. - Come on! One small step for man and a second giant step for man. - Oh, god, it smells so bad. - Doesn't smell. - Okay. I'm just gonna do it. I'm doing it. - Kinda satisfying, right now. - Ah! How long do we have to do this? Maddie, go! - I can't. It smells too bad. - Oh! - Oh! Maddie, you were like shaking the last time. I don't know if you can handle cold. - I'm not putting my feet in that. - Just do it quick. - Squeeze the bottom. Squeeze the bottom. - I think I got brain freeze. - Are you getting out? Are you officially saying that you are out of this challenge? - I'm outta the challenge! - Oh, thank god. One down. One to go. Reveal last text on phone. - Do it. - Okay, fine. - "The results are positive."? Who's this from? - That's it. Okay. I did it. I don't have to have this. Matt, go. - I'm not gonna show you what's on my phone. - Are you sure? Why won't you just show what's on it? I just did. - I'm never showing. Oh, so satisfying. - Ew! Matt, that's a lot. Do you know how cold that is? - Mm. - Oh! Do you have brain freeze? - Oh! - I did it. - I don't have brain freeze. - That means that I won the challenge! Looks like Rebecca Zamolo is coming back and is about to explode a watermelon. - Ah! - This summer hack says if you get a noodle and two zip ties, you can put it together and use it to teach your daughter how to swim. I have the zip ties on the noodle, and we're gonna see if this actually works. Woo! Now put your hand through. And then can you kick? Oh, she's kicking. Good girl! Wow. Zadie! Kick, kick, kick. Zadie, can you do thumbs up? Good girl. Woo! These next two myths say that hot drinks and spicy foods will cool your body down because it makes you sweat. And we are gonna vote if we think that's true or not. Going with false. - It's working. - Not working. - Whoever's wrong has to do a punishment. Matt, get to running. What Matt doesn't know is that if he gets this wrong, his punishment is gonna be one of the pranks. - I'm gonna prove that this myth is true. - He's really getting into this right now. Okay, Maddie, take his temperature. What does it say? - [Maddie] 97.7. - Now, Matt, drink this giant cup of ZamFam hot chocolate, which you can get at RebeccaZamolo.com. Drink up! There's no way this is going to work. Ah! Matt! Okay, Maddie, take his temperature. - 98.2! - Let's see if these hot peppers work. - 98.4! - It went even hotter! It looks like this myth is busted, which means, Matt... - Oh, my whole body's super hot right now. - Maddie, take his temperature. - Are you kidding me? - 94.4. - Woo! Ice works. Heat doesn't. - I feel a little better. - This summer hack says if you want a safe place to float with your baby, you can take six of these and turn it into this. It's gonna keep us very safe. Whoa. It's floating away. It doesn't look like Zadie likes this. Zadie, looks like it wasn't fun for you, but now Mom's gonna try. Honestly, it's kind of claustrophobic in here. Feels like an echo chamber. - [Matt] Get outta there, Rebecca. I wanna try it! - What? - [Matt] Get outta there! - Oh, no. - Coming in! - You ruined it! - I improved it. - Zadie and I do not approve this hack. This myth says you can lift more weight underwater. So for this group challenge, whoever lifts the most weight underwater wins. We're gonna start on the land. I'll go first. - 105 pounds. - That's easy. Three, two, one. Oh, oh! Can't wait to be underwater. What's up? - Ah. - Oh. - That's how you do it, guys. - Ow! Ow! - Are you okay? - Ow, my foot! - I dropped the weight on your foot? - Man, you are a sucker! - Come on! - That was so easy. Another prank checked off the list. - Okay, come on, Maddie, lift it. - I'll show you how it's done. - Come on, Maddie. Oh! - Oh! - Like it's nothing. - Come on. - Wow! Looks like Matt has some competition. - Let's take it to the water. - Whoever lifts the most weight wins. I'll go first. - Oh. - Oh, yeah! I lifted it up that time. Did you see that? That means this myth is true. Maddie, you got this. - Goggles? - Goggles. Nerd alert. - I'm ready to win. - Come on, Maddie! - Oh, she's serious. - Lift it up. - Two, three, four, five. Oh! - What? - Matt. - Okay, that's easy. - Alright. You gotta beat five. - [Both] One, two, three. - Oh my gosh. - [Both] Four. - Oh! - Five! - No. That was four, which means Maddie is our winner. - Come on! - I'm on the board. I'm gonna explode that watermelon. - Nerd goggles work! This next myth says that if you have blonde hair and you go swimming in a pool with chlorine, your hair will turn green. - That is completely not true, and I'm gonna prove you wrong right now. - Good luck. What Matt doesn't know is I'm about to do another prank on him and make sure his hair turns green. - I can't believe you're doing this to Matt. - Okay, Matt. - See? Told you. I'm fine. - Okay. Well, let's dry it off and see if it is or not. We're gonna find out if this myth is true or not. - You guys are so lame. - Oh my god! It's true! - What? - Oh my gosh. Matt. - What?! Do you think Zadie's gonna recognize me? - Alright, ZamFam. It looks like this myth is confirmed. But Matt, there's a hack that can take out green hair. - My hair's not even that blond. I don't get it. - I just completed my last prank, which means one of you subscribers gets to win an iPhone. So stay tuned because we're also gonna see a watermelon explode. This summer hack says that Kool-Aid lemonade will take the chlorine out of your hair. So hopefully this works on Matt and his hair won't be green. - Yeah, come on. I need this hack. Did it work? Did it work? - I think it did. - Why is there green on my finger? - What? - Rebecca! - No. - Rebecca! I'm getting you right now. Get over here! - This summer myth says if you put dish soap on a slip-n-slide, you'll go further. So we're all gonna take turns slipping and sliding. - Let's go! Oh! - Now it's my turn. Woo! You can get this water bottle and other back to school items at RebeccaZamolo.com. Do it, just like all these people. Now it's time for dish soap. This is the last and final group challenge. Furthest to slide wins. Matt and I are both tied, so whoever wins this gets to explode that watermelon. - Let's go! - Maddie is up first. She slid up to here without dish soap and we're about to find out if dish soap will make her slide farther. Let's go, Maddie! You got this. - Whoa! That was a lot farther. - Alright, Matt, you're up. - This looks like the winner's area over here, and it looks like dish soap does actually make you go further. - This is it, ZamFam. I have to beat Matt's distance if I want to win, and I'm gonna do it. Let's go! - Rebecca, you didn't even make it to the end of the slip-n-slide. It looks like I am gonna be exploding that watermelon. - Maybe that's for the best because this watermelon experiment is extreme and not always safe. Finally, this summer myth says that if you put dry ice in a watermelon, it will explode. Since Matt won the most group challenges, he gets to be the one to put the dry ice in. But ZamFam, do not try this at home. How scared are you right now, Maddie? - Very scared. - Okay, as soon as I do this, everybody run to the back. Get my gloves on. - You cannot touch dry ice with bare hands, just so you guys know. - This is a big experiment. - Where are your glasses? Oh, no. - Maddie! - I'm running. - Pouring it in. - [Rebecca] Oh my gosh. - We have dry ice starting. Get it pre-made. - Wow. It's smoking. - You better get ready to run back. - Go! Come on. - Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. - Go, go, go. Oh my god. I'm so nervous right now. Oh, it's getting close. - Did I get the lid on all the way? Let me go check it. - No, no, no. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't. Matt. - You can hear it hit the... - Matt. Leave it. Just leave it. - We're good. We're in the clear. We're in the clear. We need a new bottle. - I don't know if this is going to explode, but if it does, it's gonna be so massive. I'm thinking this might not work, ZamFam. I don't know. What do you think? It's building up pressure right now, you guys. - Maddie, you're that scared? - Not hearing anything is actually even more terrifying. - Boom! - Matt! That's not funny right now. The anticipation is killing me. - Oh! - Oh my god. - Ooh! It works! Yes! Yeah! - It exploded through the gate onto my leg. What the heck? That was crazy, ZamFam. Make sure to click and watch this video right here. Also, make sure you are subscribed with notifications on and comment down your Instagram handle for a chance to win the iPhone. - Green hair's the best!
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 4,278,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, 24, summer hacks, diy, tik tok, myths, busted, busting, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Id: oBoCEINoHtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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