Daughter Survives New Brother *Emotional*

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I'm so excited for zie to have a sibling yeah just think this time next year she could have a little brother little brother yeah look at that brother and sister over there they look so happy that could be zadee and her younger brother what do you think zie what was that for I'm not giving you your ball back give me the ball back no give me the ball back no oh no here here it you me the ball hey hey hey hey what's going on here I hate you you're the worst brother ever I Wish I Never Had A oh that's not true okay okay W come on stop fighting that was me yesterday my husband wants our daughter to have a little brother but I think they will not get along and fight all the time so Matt had me create this program to show what it would be like if they had a boy because I think a boy would complete our family okay let's just get this program over with if you're doing this you have to give birth give birth again it's too soon for the baby to come is there a doctor here what's going on I'm having contractions but the baby's not do for another 6 weeks out okay let's get you into the delivery room right this way let's go okay let me check your pulse let me check your pulse all right your pulse Sy is a little low so I'm going to start showing off is everything okay is the baby going to be okay you got this you got this everything's going to be fine okay let's see there are some complications what do you mean we're going to do the best we can but regardless of what happens here today it is going to be dangerous for you to have another child just do whatever it takes to make sure this baby is okay Rebecca it's a healthy baby boy oh they had a boy he's so beautiful what are we going to name him what about Zachary Zach and Zade I love that baby Zachary are you ready to meet your big sister Zade are you sure this is the right time for zadee to meet Zach of course I'm sure everything's going to be just fine but it's her birthday I don't want to take anything away from her special day don't worry about anything now let me go get zadee from our babysitter zamfam I am so nervous right now zadee is meeting her little brother for the first time how do you think she's going to react oh he's bringing her in all right Zach let's do this hi zie happy birthday birthday I have someone I want you to meet come here look at the baby this is your new baby brother Zachary he's part of her family now and zadee since you're his big sister you need to protect him no matter what say hi to Zach can you please say hi to your little brother siee what see I told you she doesn't like him this is what I was worried about it's her birthday go get [Music] her she's just excited she'll like you I promise I hope so M that is so good hey you shouldn't be eating that you have a weak heart remember what the doctor said the doctor said it was stress not sweets whatever want to give it a try mhm oh she likes it Rebecca you're missing this Z loves the cupcake of course she does come on Zach hold on I'm trying to feed Zach look at your daughter hi Zach oh mommy's here I love you I love you MD what was that right there oh I added in a jealousy meter to see how jealous zie gets him Zach oh no it's going up oh yes yes hey zie kick it some on W oh oh I think Zach needs his diaper changed I I'll be right back oh no Rebecca's going to be upset she can't hang out with Z since she's taking care of Zach oh come on Maddy she'll be fine baby Zach is asleep so I can watch Z open her presents oh my gosh did what is that a Barbie well you're going to love what your mom got you you should open that big gift it's very special open the big one here Z you're going to love what mom got you oh no come on Zach's crying I'll be right back okay I'll be right back she's opening the big present from you I'm sorry I can't let him cry drink drink drink okay 1 second I'll get you your snack you just have to finish feeding him okay hi Zach just be patient a little bit zie hold on one second okay I'm so sorry listen your brother has to eat first okay okay zie happy birthday birthday to you happy birthday dear Zade happy birthday to you now BW it the candles yay d family hug [Music] oh see that was really hard maybe I can't handle having a boy and a girl you can do this okay next is a basketball game and Z will be wearing a yellow zamfam headband okay do I at least get to be the coach she's not going to be the coach I'm not the coach I'm just the mom I'm going to be the best mom out there let's go Z you got this of course they're at the championship game they have a great coach yeah but it looks like he's stressing out pass it let's go Z he's actually pretty good I'm bored can we go to the playground not right now we need to support Zach it's the finals don't you want to cheer for Zach and your dad they're working really hard D shouldn't be here the doctor said he shouldn't do anything stressful zadia is not enjoying her brother's game hey she's at the game isn't she oh foul rip come on where's the foul are we watching the same game call a foul back to your bench sir come on back to your bench Let's go Falcons come on zie it's more fun if you give it a try go Falcons Zade is acting like a brainiac that's my thought really smart can't you just cheer for him for the last few minutes no I want to go [Music] [Applause] [Music] home foul come on that was clearly a foul foul number one number nine gets two free throws yes yes hey Zach you got this good look let's go Zach if your brother makes one of these free throws they win the game IDC yep that's it Spirit IDC he's not going to make it shh this is the biggest shot of the game Let's cheer for him Zade go [Music] zap what the heck zie what was that for I just said don't miss you made it go over easy hey guys hey guys can you guys just freak it wait hey no hey I need some help Dad dad wake up out of the way EMT what happened it looks like stress caused a heart attack so is he going to be [Music] okay I can't believe you're gone what are we going to do without you he's dead Rebecca needs to finish this program if she doesn't zi will never have a sibling just make it easier it's not going to be easier it's all your fault me if you made that free throw that wouldn't be stressed and we be still alive zady Zach knock it off now is not the time but it's her fault if she didn't distract me I would have made that free throw listen it's neither of your fault I know we all miss him but there's nothing you two could have done that would still be alive if it wasn't for Zach and if you weren't such a brat knock it off he loved you both very much and he would not want to see you fight now more than ever we need to be United as a family he ruined everything Zade apologize right now no I hate him I wish you was never born and I wish you weren't my sister see this is what I was worried about they're fighting they don't get along and now I'm a single parent I should not do this program zie should not have a brother what you have to complete it and besides they're going to be older and we'll send you in not as their mom so you can see how they act not around you if I'm not their mom who am I going to be you'll be the photographer at school picture day that's not bad do you think they'll get along since they're older yeah okay fine I'll go in okay they're going to get along right Maddie it's school picture day and I'm the photographer that must be zadee who's she smiling at zie I love your to thanks my mom got it for me hey zie could you help me with my shirt oh my God you're such a slob oh no zade's friends are being me into Z and I'm sure she's going to stick up for him just like Matt said you're being so embarrassing Zach I'm your older sister not your mom this program was supposed to help her decide to have a boy are you kidding me she didn't stick up for her brother she's more worried about looking cool in front of her friends you heard her back of the line dork oh right see you Z bye Christine here let me fix your collar thanks at least that boy is being nice to Zach you know what I need to step in before things get worse hello students I'm Miss Z and I will be your photographer now who would like to get their picture taken first great let's have you perfect have a seat right here yeah there you go so I want you to get my good angle because like my good angle my good side okay thank you so much I wasn't ready can you retake that I'm sorry only one photo per student next that's what she gets for bullying my son you look really pretty today oh you think so thanks Thomas Is Zade flirting with the guy that was mean to her little [Music] brother wait what's the brother doing probably being awesome and convincing zie that she should have a younger brother [Music] next have a seat all right just give me one second I have something in my eye I'll show him a good picture perfect thank you so much next wait did Thomas get this for me okay zie I mean girl in the yellow that I don't know because I am the photographer here you go have a seat right here wow you look really pretty I heard you say your mom got you that top yeah she did well she must be the most cool coolest awesomest stylish mom ever I'm going to get the camera all set up okay Zam fam this is my daughter I need to make sure her picture is perfect okay don't worry this is just a test photo for [Music] lighting that was definitely not an awesome gift who gave that to her what happened who's the loser now you did this what's wrong with you I'm going to kill you zav you look like a freak in that photo this is totally going to the group chat wait Thomas hey hey hey no photos delete that everyone out except you and you you two are brother and sister you should be getting along he should be the one in trouble he embarrassed me in from the whole school you started it that's what you get for calling me a loser okay both of you guys did very mean things but let's just apologize so we can start over you should be the one in trouble if Dad was still here you would be grounded I'm sorry okay I thought it would be funny well I'm not going to forgive you hey actually why don't why don't you go zadee I know what your brother did was wrong but he apologized you should forgive him I didn't choose to have a brother and either way you're just a school photographer what do you know I cannot believe Zach did that to zie well maybe she shouldn't be as mean as she is to her younger brother or maybe she shouldn't have a little brother in the first place and I shouldn't do this program wait wait wait next up is the slm party oh we didn't talk about that finally some quality time let's go better not be any boys okay so I'm out of Sleepover finally I get to spend quality time with my son and [Music] daughter Z's all grown up now she's so beautiful zie mom my friends are here for the sleepover can you please make sure Zach doesn't bother us oh oh the sleepover it's it's not like just us yeah but like I said can you please make sure Zach stays away he's your brother but the most popular girl in class is coming and Zach is so not cool Zade they're [Music] here come on in come on in is that Britney the mean girl from picture day hi Mrs Z hey Christine this is your place it's not bad but my house is bigger so who's ready for a slumber party I've seen this before Rebecca's trying to be the cool mom please don't do the worm please don't do the worm I'm not that gu moms I'm a cool mom e it's him Zach go back upstairs zadee he's your brother I'm sure your friends won't mind if he hangs out with you guys yes they will are you playing video games you're such a nerd no I don't do those anymore you know what why don't you take your friends out to the guest house where you have the sleepover and I'll bring some snacks bye Zach move nerd Britney she's the worst look Zach this slumber party is really important to your sister just because she wants to impress Britney I don't like her either but this is about Zade okay so we're going to be on on our best behavior right I just feel like I keep getting left out of everything maybe if you talk to them they'll let you hang out okay I'm going to go get some snacks you know maybe that'll put them in a good mood this is it your guest house is so small I know I'm bringing them snacks but I want to see what they're saying when I'm not around don't worry we have a ton of fun activities planned and her mom is bringing us snacks your mom's so nice siee at my house my personal chef Cooks me anything I want a private Chef I'll show her a private Chef oh look who it is prepared by Chef day fret to enjoy you want some Reeses snack snack snack okay well what do you want to do next I mean I'm going to get some more snacks ready so let me know if you girls need anything thanks Mom thanks s wanted me to leave but obviously I am not leaving I am spying to make sure everything goes well plus I don't trust that Britney girl so why don't we play a game ooh never have I ever I always lose because I've done so many interesting things but fine they're playing never have I ever I'm actually curious to see what zadee says I'll go first never have I ever cheated on a test oh you better not have zie Britney what thank God and why are we talking about school this game supposed to be juicy like never have I ever kissed a boy kissed a boy samf what do you think has Z had her first kiss yet you been had your first kiss no I have't I saw you put your finger down late leave her alone Britney why haven't you does your breath smell or something oh no I need to help I can't let her talk to zie like that us next I brought popcorn which means it's movie time you guys can watch a movie I heard of Mean Girls is like the number one sleepover movie so you want to do a movie don't you have friends your own age to hang out with I mean could you get me a the Cy please I like bubbly water yeah Mom could you embarrassing me Zade why is z trying to impress that girl she's such such a brat fine no problem I'll get you a lroy so since I'm so nice I decided to help you with your little problem what does that mean and inv invited someone over who that pretty girl is the worst I'm so happy that I am not her mom can I have theu is that the door oh no she's not supposed to know I'm here hello hello could have sworn someone was at the door what was that how did a boy sneak into this program you know what I need to get back to that sleepover because I do not trust that Britney girl I invited DA's biggest crush over what better way to have your first kiss Thomas and he should be here any minute what was that something must have happened oh my God Zach you are so dead you should have seen the look on your face what is going on you promised that Zach would stay out of here I just wanted to hang out I thought something happened you're such a freak okay you know what Zach come with me let's give the girls their time so they can have a girl sleepover come on bye Christine ew we totally had the crush on Christine Thomas hey Z did you bring it Oh you mean this SP the bottle unless you're scared let's find out who the Lucky Lady's going to be Sam I feel bad for Zach Zade keeps leaving him out do any of you guys have siblings that leave you out I should actually probably go check on him I'm sure they're doing something girly like painting their nails me yeah go ahead zie time for your first kiss [Music] okay what's a boy doing here he's going to kiss Z no way these are not the rules I agree to what is going on here mom why is there a boy here okay mom you're being so lame no as long as you're at my house there are no boys allowed at sleepover what this is so embarrassing Zade and her family are a complete freak Show I knew she was a loser Oops I meant to send that to Christine we're not freaks everyone call your parents this sleepover is over so uh party at your place you wish Rebecca did not like this slumber party but hopefully she likes homecoming so I'm a chaperone at homecoming and now I need to find Zade there she is she looks beautiful I know you hate Britney but do you really think you can win homecoming queen over her someone has to put her in her place she's running for homecoming queen against the Mean Girl Britney I thought they were friends look there she is now oops oops oh look another vote for me last chance lady drop out of the race why you scared they are definitely not friends anymore I need to step in so nothing happens wow Zade Christine you guys look so beautiful and Britney I won't be spending much more time with these losers oh and Z if you don't drop out of the race I'll embarrass you and my homecoming date I'm not scared and I don't care about your homecoming date you'll regret it don't worry about her Zade yeah Zade I mean you deserve to be homecoming queen so do either of you two have dates no Christina and I are going solo tonight but we don't need any dumb boys anyway thank goodness he didn't go with any boys what about your brother does he have a date Zach good one happy hoko look great yeah what do you say thanks Thomas what's up Missy Hey Thomas you two want to dance with Aaron and I sure yeah let's go now she's dancing with boys it's homecoming yeah you twoo have fun wait zamfam that's Aaron from picture day he was really nice to Zach I liked him a lot that Thomas guy I think zi still might have a crush on him and I do not like him at all ma you're anouncing homecome Queen right yeah put another vote in foret oh yo bry's going to be so mad okay well the best woman will win homecoming queen I truly believe as chaperon wait is that Zach oh hey Mom Britney is Zach your date he is now isn't it great I didn't even think she liked me you're so funny now go get us some punch okay Britney what are you up to I don't know what you're talking about zamfam Britney is definitely up to something and I need to figure out what that is so Zade and Zach do not get hurt I am their mom I need to protect them no matter what Z time for you to announce a homecome queen oh I hope that Zade wins thanks Aaron let's hope Zade wins hello everyone can we please have the homecoming nominees up to the front of the Dance [Music] Floor Zach what are you doing with Britney I'm her date she just asked me and I might be homecoming King too Zach's her date isn't it great oh no this is the first time time Zade has seen Zach with Britney and she does not look happy you can't we'll see the winner for homecoming queen is wait I want to drop out of the race for homecoming queen what are are you sure zie yes I don't want to win okay okay okay fine by default Britney you are the new homecoming queen as homecoming queen you may now pick someone to do your first dance with for my first dance I choose Zach you said you wouldn't you need to learn not to stand in my way I'm not sure what's going on with zadee but at least Zach is having a good time at the dance Zade we need to stop this what what do you mean I don't care if she humiliates me I will not let her humiliate my brother how is she going to do that I've know Britney for years she's going to reject him in front of the entire school what oh no he's going in for a kiss this is it what no we can't let that happen hey oh that's my fight that's my cousin let's go what is wrong with you Mom you did it wait you told her to do this why you're probably just jealous I was going to get my first kiss before you no your sister was going to protect you Brittney was going to save it hey look he's mad but he'll cool off you did the right thing it doesn't feel that way Zade you gave up being a homecoming and let your rival win so you could protect your little brother that's what a good big sister does what is he grabbing out of his bag I think I know what that is what is up homecoming hoko we have some Entertainment Tonight sponsored by zade's diary he's not going to read that is he he wouldn't let's see what we have inside shall we no dear diary I just keep thinking about my first kiss when will it happen I'm already in high school and I keep practicing kissing with my stuffed animals each night that's enough Zach you need to stop I know who I wanted to be with he's been my crush for years and is the hottest guy in school Zach please no Zach you are taking this way too far my crush is no Zach do not [Music] Thomas STI now we're even zie she must be so embarrassed right now leave me alone is it true what you wrote wa look if you're just here to make fun of me I'm I'm not then you can just hold your breath [Music] and that's a note before the first kiss really yeah are you guys kidding me this is just proving to me that didy should not have a little brother she's not proving that at all we need to finish their program and then decide next is going to be a graduation party what they're already going to be in high school there's no kissing at this grad party right can't believe I'm at Zach's graduation party him and zie are growing up so fast thanks so much for the party mom of course congrats on graduating Zach I actually wanted to tell you something really important what is it I think I found the one the one hey Z no this is his graduation party you finally graduated high school thanks for coming of course I wouldn't miss it wait you two are getting along as much as we can that makes me so happy I'm going to go grab a drink I'll be right back so Zade you forgave him for reading your diary yeah I mean everything ended up working out Miss Z you outdid yourself Thomas oh you guys are yeah we've been dating ever since homecoming we even go to the same College oh great uh and you're still studying a lot oh that's all she lets me do study study study I I was I was talking to her isn't that your friend Christine oh yeah I told her I was back from college and that she could swing by I hope that's okay yeah I always really liked her hey guys he's back hey Christine thank you so much for coming I see you're with Zach I mean you probably already know this but not only is he single but a straight A student showers fairly regularly and definitely a catch M stop trying to set them up that's my best friend no means Zach ew it's not no it's not like that I'm going to go to the bathroom really quick I'm going to go get some snacks he's still so weird how is it with your boyfriend oh it's been good you know what I think he might actually be the one yeah he took me out to the most romantic dinner the other night oh Babe come show my mom the photos from our dinner candle liit patio it was beautiful wow oh wait is that Britney no that's not what that looks like it looks like you've been cheating on me for the last 6 months no but it was a one time thing it's not know what it looks like he was cheating on zie with Britney come on how could you deal with you later Zade Z fam this is terrible Zade got cheated on this day cannot get any worse zadee zie what's going on here uh now Zach's dating her best friend but my son got his first kiss let's go buds really M cuz he's a boy Zach he was helping me fix the stain out of my skirt no I saw you you were making out with my best friend we've been dating for a while we were going to tell you this is so gross Z I'm sorry we we were talking for a long time and it just it just kind of happened I don't want to hear it why does everyone keep betraying me zie zie I don't know what to say I can't believe them listen I'm here if you just want to cry I don't want to cry I want to be alone I just wanted to say I'm sorry I have nothing to say to you it's not just you Zach she found out Thomas was cheating on her Thomas zadee Christine and I have been dating a while and I can't imagine my life without her but you're my sister so if you want me to break up with her I will babe I will never get caught cheating again just take me back and I promise things are really going to work out get out of here [Music] loser Zach sticking up for zie first kiss now this he pushed him in the pool thanks for doing that so you're going to take me back so I'm at a wedding I just don't know whose wedding It Is Zade oh hey Mom hey what a beautiful wedding yeah I guess what's wrong it's going to be a wonderful day I'm happy for Zach and Christine wait so Zach's marrying Christine they're going to be such a beautiful happy couple I know this must be hard for you Zach's your little brother and you've always looked out for him but I'm really proud of how strong you are and how you've handled yourself I just I want to find my person I want to fall for someone too you're a strong confident beautiful woman any gu's going to be lucky to have you thanks Mom you should probably go check on Zach you're right okay Zach you look so handsome hi Mom here let me help you with that man you're all grown up you and Christine are a beautiful couple I'm so happy for both of you I wish your dad was here to see you yeah me too but I have you and Zade it's all the family I could ever asked for now get out there for the rest of guest I love you son love you your brother looks really handsome hey Mrs Z wait stie isn't that Aron from school oh yeah it is it looks like the wedding's about to start today is the day every mom dreams of the day her child gets married I'm so proud of both of my children and hope that Zade will one day find love of her life too Sam I'm so happy for my son he is marrying the woman of his dreams I Now pronounce you husband and [Music] wife congratulations W oh I almost forgot the b d grab [Music] it you okay yeah sorry about that CFM Z caught them okay Z right and fell on Aaron Aaron yeah yeah yeah um I'm going to go talk to my brother okay wait Zam fam are you thinking what I'm thinking congratulations both of you thanks lady and you know what I I'll let you two talk hey so I saw you talking Aaron over there it wasn't like that oh come on I think you should go for it really yeah thanks you're a good brother you're a good sister you guys this is all I ever wanted okay Zam fam after going through this program I was worried about zie having a little brother but it seems worth it because in the end they became best friends Z fam comment below should Z have a brother or a sister no I thought about it again it might just be easier having two girls wait what
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 10,630,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daughter, survives, new, brother, emotional, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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