Making a Super Mario Guitar from 10,000 Lollipop Sticks (Full Build)

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It is, but only if you ate all 10,000 popsicles yourself.

👍︎︎ 657 👤︎︎ u/HerculesMonster 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

You are way past DIY and well into r/artisanvideos

👍︎︎ 362 👤︎︎ u/giantpineapple1371 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

Hypothetically, Nintendo HQ sees this video. They approach you about buying this guitar. They want to display it in their head office board room as a trophy piece. Shigeru Miyamoto says he must have it

How much would it cost them to acquire it do you think?

👍︎︎ 108 👤︎︎ u/pm2846 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

Dude, as an engineer myself, just want to say, your idea of using suction to pull the dye into the wood, that was bloody brilliant!

👍︎︎ 96 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

This must be the most insane DIY project I've seen, amazing. The level of dedication shown makes me wonder if you're a genius or a psycho!

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/eledunon 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

I know nothing about making guitars, or playing guitars... But I watched your entire video and I am still amazed. That was awesome, thank you kind sir for putting this video together.

👍︎︎ 76 👤︎︎ u/s4ndm4nn15 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

I suggest that you watch this video before you go running your mouth. This showed up in my youtube feed yesterday and I have watched it twice now with my jaw gapped wide open in amazement each viewing. The amount of time, effort, and patience that is required to do something like this is more than most of you could ever grasp let alone DO. To the builder....You sir are amazing. A true craftsman by any standard. I can see you take great pride in your work and it shows. I do wood working as a hobby so I know the amount of effort this took. The sanding and squaring process alone. Not to mention the dying, glueing and last but not least all the technical precise measurements and sanding that you did to each piece is truly inspiring. Again I will say your patience and determination is something to behold. I tip my hat to you sir. This is something very special and you have every right to be proud of this guitar. Well done!!

👍︎︎ 669 👤︎︎ u/NNate138th 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

We know you used 10,000 popsicle sticks, but how many glue bottles did you use?

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

Wow. Basically a $35K guitar. Seriously, I would just slap that price on it and wait for David Lee Roth or some other aficionado to snatch it up. And if you never sell it you can say you own a custom made $35 thousand dollar guitar. Win-win.

Great work man. I do programming for a living, and anytime I want to, I can just delete my code and modify it. I never have buy materials. There no mistakes that cannot be fixed. Watching you work with wood like this satisfies my OCD while simultaneously freaking me out with anxiety imaging some critical mistake. Did you have to mark and measure every drill hole 6 times or what?

Anyway, you have my respect. May fortune bestow your endeavors. Never undersell yourself, your work is worth what you want it to be worth. Hell, maybe duct tape it to a wall and charge $80k!

: )

👍︎︎ 124 👤︎︎ u/MrsBlaileen 📅︎︎ Dec 14 2019 🗫︎ replies
inspired by other videos on YouTube I thought I'd have a go at making one of these weird guitars people have been building this ended up taking a lot longer than I expected but the result was definitely worth it at first I thought I can make a pixel art guitar from these pre colored craft sticks but as I spread to an open I realized they were only colored on the outside they were also slightly too short for what I needed and not perfectly square I decided to base my design of Super Mario World since I have to dye all the colors myself I figured I might as well go walloped the best material I could think of was the lollipop stick 10,000 of them to be exact from each stick I would be able to heal to four pixels around $8,000 pop sticks for the body alone were measured with calipers to check the thickness was 2 millimeters with a tolerance of plus or minus 0.1 of a millimeter protec fairly unattractive sticks were also discarded the rounded tops and tails of each stick were first to be removed I was able to grab a handful and feed them through the bandsaw after being squared with the Huntley it was back to the bandsaw where the lollipop sticks would be sliced down the middle [Music] this next age ended up being the most time-consuming it's at the time the half stacks were placed in a shooting board and cleaned until perfectly square if each pixel was sleep the off it would have a dramatic effect on the size of the instrument finally the sticks could be cut in half ready for colour the white pixels were made from perspex I was unable to dye the lollypop sticks perfectly wait all the way through so I made a compromise these were made in the same way as their wooden counterparts [Music] making all 29,000 pixels took her in three months from start to finish I first thought I would be able to do each pixel in day and have the color saturates the whole step unfortunately this did not work after many failed attempts I considered that the grain of the wood acts like a straw and with some suction the dye could be forced through the woods not wanting to suck the color through 29,000 individual pixels myself I employed the use of a vacuum chamber within 2 minutes in the pot I was able to get complete saturation instead of the pixels here what should we die the sticks for the neck instead the pixels for the body were dyed the same exact way here are some photos of them once they were complete a new league lumba twenty nine thousand pixels at one go would be almost impossible to do were voted error so he decided to divide the guitar into a grid I'm doing 100 pixels after taken four of these little checks were made to help speed things up referencing the drawing colored pixels are laid out on the bench unrelated tennis tame into the jig with core piece of inches of glue they were then clamped and left for at least 20 minutes before the blocks were removed other offenders which are [Music] [Music] the blocks were then sanded on a leveling beam to ensure a good joint of its surrounding blocks once four blocks are complete they can be glued together in a larger J with the events clamping pressure required three of my clamps that didn't survive this step [Music] I repeated this process until all the blocks were made some sacrificial blocks were also made to help support her in the edge of the guitar each block of 400 was that checked for width and I found the smallest block was 38.7 millimeters weight this means that all the other blocks had to be taken down to this exact size or else the pixels wouldn't line up and there would be obvious gaps between the blocks I spent some time sanding on the leveling beam and checked for parallels with the dial indicator and made a Jago of wedges instead of clumps to clear large batch of pixels together each block was given a number to keep track of the order this was probably the most stressful glue of my life [Music] [Music] the next day the wedges were removed and the operation was a success [Music] [Music] the remaining blocks were glued by habit a sacrificial block was attached to the body to help alignment under a dab of superglue surrendered by Titebond each block was pressed into place [Music] [Music] unfortunately the footage of saddling the body flat was lost but I can tell you it took her in three days to complete add almost 30 extremely coarse sanding discs believe it turned out this is the neck we had a preview of dyeing these sticks earlier so now the colors can be jumbled up the sticks were sorted into lots of 360 under laid out on the bench they were then pierced and tumbled the glue smeared all over [Music] [Music] making one was so much fun that I decided to make two more all three were plain flat and glued together the fingerboard was also made the same exact way but with black sticks [Music] after the glue was set the neck blank was flattened the headstock angle was cut cleaned and the scarf joint glued [Music] as the stride I made the head plate in essence this was done the same as the body just as a much smaller scale [Music] [Music] once the deck was dry the waste material was removed and the headstock could be fed unblurred [Music] [Music] the truss rod and carbon fiber slots were then routed [Music] before the reinforcements can be installed we need to finish the finger wood it was cleaned up with a hand plane [Music] the frets were then salted in a shop maid jig with a Japanese handsaw with tape to mark the depth of each slot and finally either side of the finger board was tapered [Music] the truss rod slot was filled of silicon and the carbon fiber was glued with epoxy the fingerboard could then be glued with tape on the headstock was cut out of the coping saw and was then taken down to size on the bobbin sander now we can return to the magically Sun dead body the neck pocket was removed with a Forstner bit to make less work for the writer which was then used to clean away the rest of the material [Music] at this point the neck was carved I had to rely on rust on some paper for the snake as the guitar essentially has interlocking grid meaning that some of the lollipop sticks terror if I use a blade [Music] now the fingerboard can be flattened and radiused the bridge wasn't triangulated and the strength referrals were drilled out [Music] I made these tiny quarter-sized pixels from sticks I messed up earlier they were dyed and glued the blocks 100 just like the headstock and body [Music] after all the blocks were complete they were glued to make the spacer and lay for the twelfth fret there were some excess pixels to aid gluing which were removed before Bowser's outline could be traced to the fingerboard of a scalpel the cavity could then be cleared and posers and lead with glue and fingerboard sawdust in the drill press all 24 frets were pressed into place [Music] I turned one of the club's have heard earlier into a fret Club this enabled me to Club each fret tightly to the fingerboard while I worked glue down each site this fingerboard is much softer than a normal guitar so it was important the frets were firmly seated the fret work was then completed the sharp ends were failed away and beveled the tips of each fret were marked with a sharpie under the leveling beam on sandpaper the frets were sanded until no Sharpie remained the marker was then reapplied and each fret was released of a three-cornered file the file marks were then sanded out up to 1500 grit and metal polish was used above each fret to a shiny finish some final custom pieces could then be made I turned a block of 100 pixels in the lathe to make this volume owed I also turned these ferals for the bottleneck the holes for the bolts and Farrell's were drilled out on the body as was the Holford output check one pixel seem to object to this oles were then drilled out on the neck under threaded inserts were installed the control plate was then fitted to the body who have magnets both the neck and body were sanded to 320 gripped the neck was finished with a couple quarts of oil while the body was simply finished with wax I would have liked to put a finish on the body but every finish I tried it discolored the end Green with finishing finished all the hardware can be installed note that I was extra careful when it's done in the bridge I've heard of some really bad builders who slip and then they're freshly French polish finishes with a screwdriver the nut was then made the ends were marked as was the top of the nut it wasn't taken then to size on the desks under and the strings were marked out with history's basic rule each slot was unveiled with the smallest fail I have and then weighed in to the correct size after I was happy the slots restrict the strings were left slightly high as the instrument bricks and over the next few weeks shaped the nut to be more comfortable after the instrument settled the intonation and string hate and the 12th fret were set and that's pretty much everything wrapped up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll upload the demo for this guitar in a separate video so if you're interested be sure to check it out
Channel: Cranmer Guitars
Views: 2,031,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electric guitar, wood, woodworking, lutherie, luthier, instrument, musical instrument, bespoke, botique, hand made, hand crafted, custom made, guitar porn, how to make, how it's made, lollipop, craft stick, popsickle stick, super mario, super mario world, vacuum chamber, pixel, pixel art, guitar made from, unique guitar, video game guitar, weird instrument
Id: HnX-w-voOqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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