I Built a Killer Ferris Wheel in Minecraft

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this is a working Ferris wheel of death well it's actually just a schematic but not for long because today I'm building the first of six murder machines in my killer Carnival series is steel hearts break hearts and have a whole lot of fun while doing it but before we build this thing on the server let me show you how it works so the problem with any wheel in Minecraft is well the lack of Wheeling but what Minecraft lacks in basic human technology it makes up for with a basic lack of physics or in other words flying machines and this designed by Il mango is almost exactly what we're looking for see this machine can essentially fly around an entire track of IM movable blocks the only problem is it sort of gets stuck in two of the directions but if we just update the correct observers as the machine passes by then we should have a fully automated track so if we apply this logic to say a giant Circle all the players have to do is get inside this cauldron press the button and the end result is a working Ferris wheel dude that looks so freaking cool but how do we make this thing deadly well that is where my favorite nefarious redstoner comes in handy hi Mr Cube hi Bry what's going on just building a deadly Ferris wheel normal Monday that's good so are you are you branding this as you're just going to try to survive as long as possible or is it like secretly trap people oh there's nothing secret about it this is going to be a game of chance I want them to risk their lives for this game okay okay yeah yeah we could we could uh we could do the thing and after a couple hours of F yeah this is looking great wow we're working that one might be a little too deadly and a whole lot of Errors oh you're taking away my Apparatus Your apparatus I spent hours on this apparatus we finally had a working wheel of death nice dude that did like nine hearts of damage this thing is insane go that means they can only take two hits around the entire Ferris wheel and ah my go and with our newest death machine fully operational I still had one final request for you to subscribe seriously there's like over a million of you that keep watching my videos and aren't subscribed and now I know who you are but like I was saying I still had one final request hear me out how funny would it be to have a switch so that we could make the last dispenser just Spam fireworks dude like rapid fire oh let's do it okay I can do that I can do that now I know I said this wasn't going to be a trap and it won't be for 100% of people not named mic who a couple days ago decided to Murder Me In Cold Blood why did he kill me okay well it might have happened while the rest of the server was actively trying to murder him but nobody kicks this toddler and gets away with it so with just a dash of Mal intent and a lever of death our FIS wheel was finally complete Ry it was it was a pleasure it was a pleasure absolutely thank you for your help I really appreciate it as always now I just got to build this and the entire rest of the carnival in survival good luck with that okay so this Carnival is going to be massive so the first thing that we're going to need to do is find a place to build it someplace vast beautiful and Chuck full of life dude I'm going to turn into a freaking clicker if I spend much more time with these things but I would rather deal with transforming an entire mushroom biome than creeper holes so whoosh okay well that was supposed to be way more impressive but I did accidentally make a brown mushroom so that's cool anyways this place is going to be completely transformed by the end of this project so I think it's time to get to work on the deadliest Ferris wheel Minecraft has ever seen which I feel comfortable saying because I don't think anyone else is really trying for that title so let's start by getting a few thousand pieces of redstone that Ender just stole my TNT I didn't even know they could do that crafting up all the different components that we need and through the power of editing we now have the inard of our Ferris wheel done and dusted which I actually built while making a second Channel video so you can go watch that later if you're interested but I have run into a teeny tiny little issue with our plan here that being this machine is going to use a ton of fireworks which really was no problem at all until a couple days ago when my blueface teammate decided to blow up our sugar cane farm along with our entire freaking base so in the words of our block fathers before us you break it you build it fory okay every single time you include me for a farm it's because I did something wrong and you're like okay you need to build this Farm because you did this mistake you know what that means to me stop blowing up our Farms okay so an entire night of afking L later let's see how much sugarcane we got holy cow that is not really as much as I was hoping for but it should be enough for now and yes I gave fory a heart for helping me so I think I might be going kind of soft because I've been handing hearts out like they're candy and I should probably be saving some for the actual Carnival anyways I think what we need to do oh hold on C calm down speaking of murder uh let's go ahead and craft up all of our fireworks load them all into our death wheel and oh my gosh there is no way somebody's going to survive this entire ring and now I would say this thing is officially the deadliest ferris wheel in [Applause] Minecraft okay well it's going to look a whole lot deadlier in just a second all right but between this and the rest of the carnival we're going to need a lot and I mean about a 100,000 pieces of concrete and the best way to get that is a concrete Farm okay so this is a design by Ian x04 who by the way makes some of the absolute best farming tutorials in Minecraft but not only does this thing take advantage of gravity duplication but it actually converts the concrete powder as it does it which at this scale is going to save me days and days of work so I'm just going to run this thing all night and see how much concrete we have in the morning okay my wife is sleeping but it's been like 6 hours and I think if my calculations were correct oh oh my God it's completely full I have severely underestimated en x04 and I apologize okay let's get this stuff back to the Base ASAP well now that we have a cool 160,000 pieces of concrete it's time to put it to work and while scouring the internet for various feres I came across this image of Disneyland I think or California Adventure I don't know but it got me thinking what better mascot to represent the deadliest Ferris wheel than the deadliest assassin himself and yes I recycled that trans ition because I liked it okay and someone called the vet because this puppy is sick I mean just look at the evil in those eyes and with that this thing is officially done but you're probably wondering how am I even going to trick the other players to even ride this thing well I'm not because at this point in life steel we've tried just about everything to trick each other out of Hearts so instead of trying to trick the player to ride our Carnival's attractions they're going to willingly put their lives on the line because although they'll be risking a heart with every ride they try they'll also have a chance to win one instead so for example if a player can survive just one full rotation around this Ferris wheel they win a free heart and just to put the odds a little more in the player's favor I've also added a few stacks of regular fireworks Works to each dispenser so by my calculations the players have about a 10% chance to survive the murder wheel so will it be fair no but will it be fun well for me so it's time to get this place looking like a real Carnival and I think the best place to start is the very beginning and check this out now this is how you make an entrance it's also the first of our players many inescapable death sorry the devil lives within my fragile bones anyways because I don't want the players killing each other at the carnival or using anything in their inventory to give them an unfair Advantage I've decided to implement these metal detectors with a with a pitfall trap at the bottom so now in order for the players to compete in our carnival games they'll have to come over here set their spawn and then walk into our pitfall trap and you know die at which point they spawn back in the bed a water stream will return their heart and they can continue on to the rest of our Carnival but I still haven't tested this to make sure it works fortunately I knew just the person to ask well hello penar Mr peen machine how's it going sorry that was weird I realized how weird that was as soon as it came out of my mouth yeah so what would what' you bring me here I'm building a carnival pentar oh okay a carnival of death oh shoot I'm going to die you might well actually hopefully you will why not screw it I'll test it oh you're the man okay please come with me this way okay Your Spawn is set you're ready to rock and roll uh all you need to do is walk through the metal detector so there's not a block of you just want me to walk in yep yep that's the that's the think of it like a trustfall pentar trust fall of science for for science okay him go oh beautiful that works I can confirm it works and okay wait for it does a oh does a heart come in hopefully I don't think I don't think the heart drops um um um um science part two science part two go go yep yep go all right and this time as you can see Hello For the Love of you know I spent a long time learning Redstone recently I can tell for science science for definitely not the fifth time here he goes and it works gets his heart back and everything I told I'm a redstone genius now and now you may continue on to the carnival yay which uh I'm realizing um does not look very Carnival right now I think you I think you forgot the carnival part of the carnival give me just one second let me just uh now it's starting to look like a real Carnival pentar oh right that little transition took me over 20 hours of work so please validate my transitions in the comments but check this place out we've got the giant heart Fountain right in the center we've got all these beautiful paths which I will admit up close look a little skew Wampus but I've also built the whole path in the shape of a giant heart that way the players can literally stomp on my heart with every step all the way to our feris wheel along with every other another upcoming attraction but that pesky pentar who is in no way shape or form pesky at all I just liked the way that sounded brought up a terribly annoying problem world hunger I would recommend the food shop since I I respa with like no food you should have some food so I made this the One-Stop flesh shop home to all the deliciously rotten Cuisine you can eat it's kind of like those turkey legs at Universal Studios but with less salmonella so now whenever our players need some food they just have to walk onto the pressure plate and they're given four whole rotten flesh of deliciousness isn't that right [Music] flhy you know I meant this to be like a mascot selling the product but I'm realizing that it really just kind of looks like he's selling bits of himself for profit welcome to capitalism everyone and with that I think our Carnival is officially ready to open our gates for the very first of our six events here we go here we go are we ready it's time to have some fun ladies and gentlemen this is the carnival Yeah question go ahead yes handsome man in the front how's it going can I have some food food will be given shortly there is a security checkpoint in front of you I'm for this and in order to get into the carnival I'm going to need you all to do a small favor for me one at a time please set your spawn in the beds enter the metal detectors you'll respond and your heart will be return to you promptly Yi there he goes there he goes for the record I just killed two of the toughest players on the server in like 10 seconds that was pretty dope man this sucks bro I have to die oh my God I don't think any of us survived the first ride Bry yeah no no the first one's uh it's it's for me mainly you know just to say that I killed everybody this is fleshy he will give you some rotten flesh oh this is isn't this just wonderful is where is flesh we eating him don't worry about where fleshy gets the flesh from he provides and follow me to the first event clown so dying on this dude I'm so dying that's your face on there look that's my face it is your I love this place already yeah it's Mouse too so that's that here there is a random chance that you will not survive a full rotation around this entire wheel those of you who do survive will win a heart those of you who do not I will pick up your heart and it will go into a pool of hearts that the carnival collects where we will at the very end have a battle and the winner of the battle will get all of the hearts okay understood everybody get it understood yeah yeah I get it your this feels very dangerous here we go oh here he goes oh this is so exciting make it one I'm up next I'm up next I'm up next I'm up next all right fry how do I do it I I'll go I'll go okay I'm I'm going we're locked inra I'm moving I'm moving how do I not die um enjoy the ride wait wait wait hold on tight that's how you don't [Music] die okay wait why did he get to live scar I'm scared of heights Ry not even scared not a trace of fear in my in my brain oh blasted again I'm on half a you're not going to win dude you're not going to win dude I'm going to win I'm going to win oh good she made it past second one oh my God wait I'm going to I'm lagging I'm already lagging fine you're doing fine stay on did it why not am I uny something oh that's so funny oh my God please this actually terrifying this actually terrifying why is the machine moving so much okay clown you're doing great you're doing great goodbye guys oh that's not a good one and I've been hit and I'm probably dead oh oh there's one it's okay cuz I'm strong and I survived so strong dude no it's going up it's going up oh the going I can't tell him I'm doing good you're quarter of the way he got oh my God he got hit I'm going to die I'm going to die goodness gracious he's past the halfway point just know I am with you uh right now in free Camp n he's dead bro ain't no way oh how did you fall out how did you fall me out okay come on oh my [Music] God you might win a heart right now P you might win a heart so close I'm I'm one shot from D oh at this point if you fall you're so dead Oh no you're good you're alive you're I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive I'm winning I'm winning wi oh my I'm going to die I'm going to die every firework might do damage to me that's how it works every every time there's a firework it might do damage to me or it might not and the fireworks like okay I'm dead Oh no I got answer go ahead double or nothing really double or nothing you know what birthday boy since it's your birthday go for it he's doing it do it clown do it oh you're so close you're so close oh there's one kill him oh my God God let go bacon let's go bacon I appreciate the amount of time Bry put into this I'll go again oh what a legend where is it where am I oh there oh it's there understood what are you do okay so I don't I'm in again I'm in again's again I didn't think this I do please come on imagine please it it the last one triple or nothing oh my God oh my God last one last one let's go let's go let's go let's go oh oh and he loses two two more there is zero chance that you will die right now pent I'm 88% certain I don't want to oh my God come on Sam all right red oh my God oh my God nothing Bry oh my God God red winner winner good job no way he did it oh my God happy birthday he made it oh my God he made it oh he did it I win let's go oh my God you did it six t or nothing oh God no here just take your two hearts here are yours thank you so much birthday boy the birthday boy go birthday boy let's go birthday boy P there you go clown congratulations I'm honored to own your heart that's you always have oh I almost forgot something for participating each of you gets one piece of merch and you get to where the armor in the big battle this seems a bit fan girl energy it's not weird it's not a weird thing okay what it was because it's clown Pierce themed it's not a okay you know what give me the shirts back take them off give them back I want my shirt I want okay yeah that's what I thought you want the shirt okay you take the shirt I'll resell it I'll resell it for a I'm sorry that this thing wasn't perfect it was awesome a lot of fun and that is the reason I've spent over 200 hours designing the remaining games for this Carnival because even on a server full of murder and traps at the end of the day all that matters is having fun with your friends and revenge oh wonderful mapic I'm ready I'm ready all right go ahead mic give it a shot there it is go M go wow wow mic is filling it okay I'm halfway almost at the halfway point hasn't taken a single hit oh my God this is awesome he's like two3 away oh he took a hit he took a hit there's no way there's no way what easy peasy oh my God one more mic okay no way what the that's what you get first killing me two days ago for no reason what happens that's what happens yeah he killed him he gets you backck every time and with one successful attraction down it's time to move on to the roller coaster so if you want to make sure to see this puppy in action then subscribe and as always tune in for the next one
Channel: Branzy
Views: 789,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T8p_yPNYx1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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