I Built Minecraft's Deadliest Roller Coaster

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this is a killer roller coaster full of traps launchers loops and of course uh sorry give me one second death lots and lots of death see a couple weeks ago I set out to build an entire Carnival of deadly attractions to kill my server mates one by one and despite the raving success of my Ferris wheel I think we need to go even deadlier but building this roller coaster in Survival isn't going to be easy because not only is this thing going to be based in realistic physics according to a roller coaster engineer or by a random person on blender but this is going to require hundreds of thousands of materials to build luckily I still have plenty of concrete from our last episode so let's get to constructing the actual roller coaster and I think the best place to start is for you to subscribe serious L there's still over like a million of you lurking in these videos and not subscribing and it's kind of creepy so if you're going to be a creep be a subscribed creep but as for a roller coaster I think the best place to start is the entrance so it might not look like much now but this thing is going to look insane once we have the rest of the roller coaster and the Lava Lake placed down but for now I want to focus on the Killer part of our killer coaster and since this is life steal I've made it extra deadly so as you can see our ride starts out with a nice incline to build up the players anticipation uh and it's it's very very long apparently but as they round this corner they see a Target block and they have about 2 seconds to shoot it in order to continue on the rest of the track but if the players mtime their shot or Miss completely they get shot down into a fiery pit of death it's not very fiery right now but it will be shortly and this is by far the easiest of the nine unique types of traps I've designed for this coaster and this thing is going to have everything from lava launchers to slightly evil mini games along the way but the players on This Server are no slouches so I need something that's going to really catch the players off guard something that's both impressive and terrifying something like a loop dloop and yes I believe that is in fact the scientific term for this thing but observe not only does this thing actually do an entire very confusing and very visually impairing loop around this entire track but at the very top is another Target that the players have to hit just in time I admit it is a little bit mean but that's uh that's a that we'll worry about a little bit later as well because now we have our players moving up and down back and forth so I think it's about time that we get them moving side to side the switchbacks now these puppies are mean because in order to actually pull this off the players are going to have to shoot not one oh gosh not three oh gosh D but five different targets are you kidding me that just ruined my whole day but but five different targets in order to make it to the next part of the track and I am embarrassed at how long that clip took me to get this is so hard but if they can survive all that then I think we should give the players a little break with a swirl of death combining all the elements they've seen so far but I think we're taking things a little too easy on the players now so it's time for the tunnel of d boom because each of these detector rails are linked to a dispenser which fires damag fireworks right at the player yes I just murdered myself for this stupid clip that's when you know you have too many hearts so in order to survive the players will have to hit each of these targets to delay the dispenser trigger until the player is just outside of its blast radius but with what I have planned next the players are going to want to save all the health they can and I call it lava Lane because the players are going to have to make three of these lava jumps back to back the last of which will shoot our player down into a lava tube now you're going to have to use your imagination a little bit here okay but as you can see there's so many targets the players are going to have to hit along the way if they don't succeed instead of killing the players right out they'll Simply Be redirected all the way to the very beginning once again I know it's evil malicious and delicious but if by some miracle the players do hit every shot along our path here they get shot up out of the lava onto the track and sent straight down Victory Lane and also shoots them over one final fiery lava pit you know for stop points and I think if the players can survive all of that then they definitely deserve a heart and probably a therapy session for the PTSD but I'm a merciful ring leader so just to ensure that the players have a real Fighting Chance at actually beating this thing I built them an entire practice track it also lurs them into a false sense of security Now this isn't an exact copy of the original track but I'm I'm fairly confident that if the players can manage to get all 28 Targets on this track they should have absolutely no problem whatsoever with the real track haboom 360 kabang it's perfect absolutely perfect but just to test how well the practice track translates through the real thing I decided to try it on a couple test dummies I am overwhelmed walking into this so this thing is actually so difficult that I had to build a practice version within it so you guys don't just die immediately normally when you go on a roller coaster you sit down for a while and then you get off the roller coaster and maybe then you walk around in circles a bit well I I fell in the pit so I didn't is this the practice yep you're do you're doing great uh just you well you can just step on that pressure plate it'll spawn a mine cart in for you and you just jump in and off you go here I go oh he's up okay I got something I got so your go goal is to collect 28 emeralds by the end it looks like you're you're you're missing all the target oh thanks Dan it feels like I'm missing them all too I just this is so cool did you designed this I did this is impressive I skip every tutorial to build this oh you oh fail it's not looking so good never turn around never turn around always keep your eyes I was there for it it's hard isn't it this is really cool it is hard it's hard when I'm playing it with 259 millisecond ping oh oh you missed you were like a pixel off oh it's too fast yeah it doesn't seem so easy now actual weeds aren't you Yep this is pretty cool like as much as I want to hate it cuz Bry made it it is really sweet awesome and here's his victory fires off the fireworks and wo he does it bro I want I want to s me back in this like a real roller coaster all right let's put you in the death R got 18 emeralds in total wait Bry can Dan and I do a boat mine cart and then ride together all right boys enjoy wait en enjoy your death run oh oh go go all right get your CH chck chck we're facing the wrong way oh wait are you facing behind you oh get get okay here it comes 20 block first one don't miss first that's super embarrassing oh God he hit it he hit it okay here you go first jump first jump oh he hit it yeah baby this one's hard this is probably the hardest one in the whole thing really no not at all but there you got it and he gets well there you're about to make me really happy Bry Sor I lived he he's alive oh God here we go let me see if I canot blow the first sh all right just don't miss the first one just a scorned man living in a cruel world there is enough space that you could both go kind of I got it you hit it too late you got you hit it too late there you go there you go not too early not too late oh oh my God look at all the cards don't look at my failing skip oh my god look look another one on the tower okay so maybe this course is a little tougher than I thought but this is life steal the deadliest of the deadliest they they'll be fine especially if I don't add this freaking Lava Lake I promise it's real okay look it's even in the schematic I it's going to be a whole Lava Lake I just h this is by far the biggest part of this entire Carnival that I have been dreading to do the good news is I know a pretty cool way to get all the lava we need without lifting a finger the bad news is it's going to require 166,000 pieces of iron to pull off fortunately a few weeks ago my friend 4C was desperate and Afraid just the way I like him I was going to ask if you are willing to take this IO you for anything for a certain amount of Hearts how many hearts how many hearts are we talking here for an I at least two well okay let's not you don't that's not negotiating okay you don't say at least that's just that's give me your bottom layer like right the you say you say 10 and I say okay no not 10 I don't need anything that bad no I don't need 10 no no not 10 not 10 um uh how about how about how about how about two how about two hearts uh five God that's steep that's steep that's steep steep and how the I used for anything ever no matter what okay fine deal five Hearts I'll give you five Hearts okay I will also require an elytra so for the elytra is that do I get two more hearts or is is off the table no I just gave you five okay okay I taught you how to negotiate don't you am I am negotiating and I've kept that little I you in my pocket for weeks until today to cash it in for something so devious so outlandish so exploitative he may never financially recover it was an iron farm I think the next time that I you know exchange an IOU I should probably include a clause for you make it look not disgusting and gray but the reason for my desperation is because I'm going to build the most insane lava Farm I could find on YouTube which was designed by Il mango and after 3 days two murders and one except exceptionally wet spitball you guys didn't see that right oh God they saw it I finally have just enough iron to build it the bad news is this lava Farm is one of the most resource intensive Farms I have ever seen I mean this is literally the top comment on IL mango's video and I just have to say challenge accepted Junior K kick so first let's grab about 5,000 pieces of redstone 7,000 pieces of dripstone 7,000 warped planks craft about 30 5,000 total items and let's build ourselves a lava hang on why is it so freaking stuttery who zoom in here what why are there 600 entities even loaded right now all right hold on we got to investigate this before we get started oh they're this way what is that sound oh my gosh oh the child laborers they're unionizing in masses so I guess it's time for some union busting swim for your unionizing lives okay I make room I'm in the death hole this is a federal offense on so many levels and it's hilarious goodbye wait there's more I'm not done yet that's right down into the hole the union hole there's still more where are yall hiding I hear you you can't oh they're in the gears God ah they're everywhere oh Union hello have a union party have a reunion have a reunion you want to go in too big guy oh you do oh wow I'm in with them God dang it let me out you psychos I'm here to bust your union and and make you suffer and die that sounds super messed up I didn't mean to be that guy that's the union song that is how we bust up the Union at the federal level it's an offense legally that's right run along run and tell all your unionizing friends what happened here attention employees as you can see unionizing will not be tolerated you unionize you get the Flames feels weird to threaten children but you know what you got to do what you got to do it's hard being a boss all right now we can build a lava Farm which according to El mango it's going to take me about 15 hours to build this luckily for me I have a schematic so I should be able to knock this puppy out in like no time at all 15 hours my absolute certainly not it is not it did not it took me 20 hours to build this entire thing and I have the freaking schematic dude but it is officially done this is the serious this is the craziest Farm I've ever built I feel like I say that all the time but it just keeps getting crazier supposedly this thing will work first try I verified the schematic I'm just going to go for it and pray that this thing doesn't break cuz if it breaks dude oh my God this going to take me hours to fix good there's no Lava yet cuz we haven't got to the lava layers yet all right this thing is just cycling through all the nonsense cins why did it break oh it broke oh no it broke oh I don't like it when it breaks oh it's scary when it breaks oh God oh God it's not good it's not looking good here we go baby let's do it there's one uh come on baby there we go that's what I'm talking about Lava Baby lava I think I uh have to just hold this down for like 6 hours and get enough lava oh God this is going to actually suck okay so as you can see this thing is not only completely full for like 21 rows time 9 but it has also created I I I don't even know what to call this but we officially have about half of the lava that we need which is a little sad to say it out loud but flooding this entire giant roller coaster with a lava lake isn't going to be easy well well I guess extra not easy because I sort of accidentally built the whole thing one block too high so now instead of placing lava on the ground like a normal person I'm going to have to build a bunch of temporary dirt lines place the lava like this and like this and then go back through the entire thing again and do this one block at a time oh God this is going to suck but I'm a YouTuber mean this is nothing all right all it takes is a little time you know when I started this bit I thought it would only take like 2 hours total some perseverance God damn and 30,000 buckets thinking back I probably could have just recycled the empty ones oh well and you too could finally have a lava lake you probably never really needed in the first place oh my gosh dude this is insane this took me 40 hours to do 40 hours just placing that's not that's not building the farm that's not running the farm it's just placing the lava I did it all I did it all by hand every bit of of it I placed every block by myself too okay I have help no one came to my rescue this is pure unadulterated pain okay I will never in my life Place lava again anywhere ever no matter what I don't even care okay okay except for right there there does need to be Lava uh there I realize oh God dang it okay you know what but besides this little section this place is done dude but while I've been busy placing 30,000 pieces of lava the last week uh I have allowed the players on the server to practice and I would say the consensus on the practice track is that these physics are tough yeah I'm going to have to run this track Like a billion times to get good at it but it's cool this is a cool track I love this which is really what we're going for right we want the players to have a ton of fun doing it so they want to keep doing it so we steal all of their hearts but with that you might be saying to yourself but bring couldn't the players just take this into like a schematic and play it on their own world and practice the actual track you're you're you're not wrong but I've accounted for that as well so I waited for the very last minute to build this wh what you can't see the fruits of my Evil Genius well that's exactly the point see so long as this track is in practice mode then our Finish Line acts pretty much just as you would expect it to but if we switch this puppy into deathrun mode as soon as a player rides across this activator rail it reveals a block swapper with a Target next to it at the very last second so if a player does end up actually surviving this course they get launched right back up onto Victory Lane their guard comes down and in the blink of an eye they found themselves face to face with death at self all right this is actually kind of cool I mean cruel uh maybe both but if I'm going to subjugate all of my friends to the same torture I should probably make sure that this thing actually works as advertised wish me luck woohoo all right I'm ready in the light of the full moon uh let me survive this please I don't want to have to record this all day all right there's one baby there's one 27 more to go two Down Easy Peasy EAS easy peasy this one's tricky it's hard don't worry I got this didn't get it oh God no no no no no this is going to this is going to be harder than I had imagined all right baby I can do this bang no I can't miss the second one no just have to hit 28 shots who can't hit 28 shots at you know what I mean like what kind of a loser can't do it why I'm just going to keep wasting my hearts and doing this until I get it right I'm going to prove you can beat this course and I'm going to do it right now in a completely uncut CL wo and look at that we made it all the way to the Finish Line baby woohoo and I totally did not pretend that they didn't cut it as you can see from the footage that you just witnessed in its unedited form but now that our roller coaster is officially completed and fully tested I think it's time to open our doors and put Liv steal skills to the test so welcome to the roller coaster y if you're brave enough or think you've got what it takes follow me for chance to win a free heart and also appreciate the lava pool as walk across this bridge God yeah no I love the effort but don't worry because did you know Hearts don't burn on our server wait really actually and any hearts you lose today will go towards the grand prize for the winner of the big battle at the end of the whole Carnival go ahead I'm ready to do some business today oh oh he's going oh bab's going ready okay the death run has commenced so this was it the moment I had waited hundreds of hours 4 oh God I'm nervous I'm going to miss the first one the ultimate test not only of the deadliness of my roller coaster this is going to go great okay not just of a single player this is going up really fast by the way but to test the deadliness of the entire LIF steal SMP once and for all oh no or not am I not [Music] I too soon too [Music] early okay so maybe I overestimated just how deadly this thing needed to be and yes I awarded two of them pity hearts in the process because I'm so benevolent look at the beggar you're poor disgusts me but now I had a conundrum because yes I had just stolen eight hearts at record setting Pace but I had spent so much time making this the deadliest roller coaster in Minecraft that not a single one of these schmoes could make it past the first loop I wanted competition I wanted challenge I wanted someone to make it at least near the end to justify the time I had spent making this thing but I knew that even on the deadliest SMP not a single person could out deadly this roller coaster by themselves luckily I had one final trick of my sleeve one final opportunity for these players to prove themselves that would not only guarantee their Victory but steal more Hearts than any other event in LIF steal history at the same time because now whoosh you'll all be working together in the roller coaster relay so however far the players get before they die is where the next one gets to start and if they can complete the entire course before they run out of hearts or give up completely I'll give back every heart they lose plus an extra otherwise I keep them all yay yay I want to go first I want to go first you got your he's just going you're getting really high up there yeah that' be one good job he's through the first another one oh but you shot it too soon Sam no why does that happen help me help help help who wants to go second I will guide you over I'll go next let's see what you got go May if you can do it he's going take all right let's go let's go let's go let's go number three contestant number three Bo oh he hit it he hit it oh yeah this one looks really hard he did yeah I got it let's go bacon holy cow hit the next one oh I hit it all right good luck jumper hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times jumper no okay so oh my God okay I'm ready all right yeah you got it good luck good luck minute oh that's the wrong way oh so you pushed me the wrong way that was my fault my apologies once again this time there you go minute no oh minute yes oh oh okay we got the lo I remember where this one is I remember where this one is you get to the top there's a Target right up there carry carry carrye hit it hit it okay here you go here you go switch backs hit it minut I'm not going to lie to you guys this section is hard and it's really hard if you don't do it all at once so spectacle good luck wait excuse me oh God wait here you go spectacle I believe in spectacle okay okay here I [Music] go okay go shoot it now hit it [Music] now big jump big jump all right Bry I'm need to make sure that this is actually like working or something cuz like how is it she's already oh my god did it yeah I think it's fine guys I don't know what you guys are Str that was close okay put me in coach go ahead minute oh my God oh he I told you I told you okay almost got second like 10 times worse wait this there you go spep no it isn't it's so it's so easy come on dude hey good luck oh God y she hit it nice one okay we progressed we progressed here he goes oh my God okay so help come on it's so hard here it is the wi let's go oh here I go oh you got this oh he did it oh my [Music] god oh you got this hey hey he got go go go let's go I don't know where that came from he's not on the track I don't know what oh he went [Music] backwards going oh my God I will allow the shortcut I will allow the shortcut oh my let's go go ahead mapic do it for the team do I have to shoot this one what happens if I don't shoot this one yes yes happened I missed yep go jumper who jumper you it is jum go go oh let's go let's go my God wait do we win do we win did we win wait [Applause] no SN the entire time I mean they struggled big strugg it's just cuz you showed up oh my God he hit it guys oh he hit it oh he he actually hit it that's crazy that's crazy he actually did it that one you don't even have to hit he just just a distra yeah I hit it though waffles oh he hit it there he is goes go again I guarantee you don't hit it yes he you yes he show how it's done show them how it's done back to back to back Kabam got it yes you got it nice all right nice he's got he's doing it he's doing it oh my God you're okay keep going keep going was really good Miss it' be so embarrassing you got it okay let's go go I'm coming then I have to oh ow good job go minute go minute I'm I'm guessing went super far for us all right I'm ready let's go jumper let's go you got this you got it that's a wait that's fast and can he do it can he do it can he oh he hit it oh he hit it he actually hit it wait what actually insane at this like you said all right let's go mapic let's go mapic let's go mapic let's go M okay so that was here you go here you go oh he hit it too early oh just kidding oh my god let's go there you go did it we're in you are in the tunnel oh oh but wait what's this kill yourself May kill go back to the beginning we go back to the beginning evil no no he killed himself he did he did die I'm going again go ahead you got the TG come on M come on come on come on come on hit two hit three [Music] six go ahead why did that not hit it you got you got it you got there you go there you go hit it I'm ready to win okay I got one got one I'm going to live I'm going to got one you got it go my brother here we go here we go here we go here we go there it is shoted it oh go he go Len me listen to me there be here there be ready ready oh my God he even hit the trick shot at the end oh my God draw five Hearts goodness gracious you guys came together and stuck through this for 3 hours the total count of Hearts if you guys are curious let me just add them all up really quickly here what about the ones that me and jumper did the day before yeah those ones are definitely Gone Forever um what you you guys lost 60 Hearts today and I greatly appreciate your contribution to the carnival you will all get those hearts back at a later time at the end battle and I hope you have a wonderful day iict I predicted it what if he just logged off I knew it I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding all right all right calm down calm down because this Carnival isn't just about killing players it's about bringing the entire server together to have fun and here's your extra Hearts as well thank youy plus I kind of need them alive to play the rest of the carnival games the next of which is my chicken powered murder machine 2.0 so if you want to make sure not to miss this thing in action then Subs subscribe and as always tune in for the next one oh it feels so good to actually have armor and stuff on again dude oh my God that's my favorite part of this whole thing is you guys getting naked well not okay don't make it weird it's not like that all right guys guys
Channel: Branzy
Views: 633,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g7qnpt4MRbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 14sec (1994 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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