Can I Teach My Mom Redstone?

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I've been playing Minecraft for over 10 years my mom has played 10 seconds when was the last time you played a video game have you ever played Minecraft nope nope okay so she might not be the gamer type let alone play Minecraft but naturally the first thing I wanted to teach her was Redstone in less than an hour I'll say you think I can teach you how to make a 30x3 piston door in that time well Mother by the end of this you'll know what words just came out of my mouth so with my very willing participant and 60 minutes on the clock we started a new Minecraft world I made a world with any lessons and stuff many many little exercises to walk you through the process yep the process of going through the very basics of redstone wiring and its various components that would eventually lead us all the way up to our three by three door but before any of that there was a small problem so do you know how to play a computer game [Music] say Okay move around [Music] and this was the face of awe and horror because I just witnessed my mother use arrow keys in the year 2023 I might as well have seen a murder of you ASD no yes no yes in the year 2023 you use w-a-s-d to move no we used to know this was gonna be a long night but we trudged through anyway barely knowing how to walk we had to move on so after showing her around the spawn room with various Redstone components and little wires I presented the task of the three by three door button that's what you're gonna build at the end you're gonna build that [Music] bit of intimidation 's right this is the insane nine lesson we're gonna do what okay also not the reaction I wanted the sign say basic wiring first okay go into the chest I don't like cable you want to take those things in the chest yeah okay yeah so now you're going to go into your little play area so just make a big old wire make one long wire I don't like this so now you have a lamp and a lever so on one end of the wire you're gonna put your lever and on one end you're gonna put the lamp no not on top that's not the redstone's pointing at the lamp so when it's turned on it's gonna turn it on lick it if you right click again oh it turns on let's look at the wire let's see let's look at it let's look at it oh you turn the light on you turn the light on okay well despite the reaction this was a huge accomplishment we just turned on a lot after that we then went through all the other inputs redstone block torch pressure plate button you right click it turns on and off so those are your basic inputs as well as going through some more Redstone components that were more interesting than lamps because well I guess this was a lie because for some reason she really enjoyed the note block a lot like really a lot and with inputs and outputs out of the way it was time to move on to the next Redstone component the redstone repeater Redstone only goes to 15. put a repeater at the end it'll recharge it fully again so that's one news for the repeater however there's a second if you look at the repeater you can change the timings one tick to tick then three ticks and then four ticks and then it goes back to normal so these are used for timing stuff you don't need any of that okay don't need to take your left put it on the ground right there so it's powering itself in an infinite Loop you don't want that because then you can't turn it off unless you break it I have to break everything don't break everything don't worry okay [Music] see it goes slower and that goes faster you don't let me make a setup where you can see the difference if I click this lever well how do you think the lamps are going to turn off no one after another like that you understand why this is one tick two ticks three ticks four ticks that go like that okay okay let's get through these yeah you could probably tell by my reaction I was a little bit well um flabbergasted because the original plan was to do this entire video recording in just one day maybe an hour just like the title said now everyone is gonna say it's clickbait and she wants to stop it now we barely got through one third of the lessons what the hell are we gonna do to wake up in there now I'm realizing that the worst part is I only have a week to record the whole thing because people are coming over on Sunday I'm recording this on Tuesday and then the entire setup is gonna be taken down and I won't have the lighting interviews oh my God what the hell am I going to do we're back to day two now but do you remember last time ah we have white okay so you kind of know [Music] today was all about learning how to carry Red Sun signals in different directions using torches repeaters and oh my God the brand new Observer put a block in front of the Redstone line you just made one of the yellow blocks you can put a redstone torch on that block you notice it turned off this is how you make not gates in Minecraft the input is on the output is off now put a block on top of the redstone on top of that one right there now take your torch again this is called a torch Tower you see how when the redstone's on it turns this off and it turns that on I want you to connect 10 repeaters to each other okay no not like that then it's gonna power and you can place more repeaters a little more a little more that's not gonna work that's not gonna work I don't like it it's not like Redstone where you can just change them that's not gonna work if you power it you can see that it gradually you see how it gradually does it it's not instant like Redstone oh here's a different block this is called The Observer there's two sides to an observer so you see this red side has a little angry face it looks like your face right now so basically what the Observer does that is literally what it does anything it sees happen in that block it will pulse turn on and off like a butt only lasts for one tick look at Powers unflick it and power and now with the Observer covered we've basically gone through every single wiring component but to make it to learn about the Pistons understand how Pistons push from earlier based on you go in front I have a little Loop of luck so with your four Pistons what I want you to do it that way that way that way that's one where does the second one have to go that way and place it there we go is that two of them okay the third person now the last one so we have our four Pistons right you have to use either repeaters or observers or both if you want to though it Powers one two three four let's start picking a redstone signal from that button into our second piston let's put a repeater right at the end yeah just do the max just to be safe we just need our last piston so now play serial repeaters you're learning you're learning push the button [Music] you made a loop good job and while we're still on the topic of Pistons how could we forget about quasi connectivity the thing that better players love complaining about on Twitter is not completely it has this invisible box it will only realize it's powered by invisible box if it's like updated so I can do stuff like this she immediately forgot about it and well we're gonna move on anyway and we're gonna make a two by two piston door we have to move those blocks out of the way how do we move these out of the way not gonna work how do we make a point that way where do I put it point in that way I don't know [Music] these sides power at the same time clicking complicated last day it's more enthusiasm so far we've been working with on off just you turn it on let me turn it off these are pulses it doesn't stay on or stay off it like blinks if I put a sticky piston here and I put a block in front of it though what's gonna happen when I flick the lever okay exactly what happened what happens if I do this this is where the funny stuff comes in [Music] is so now you know that persons can spit out blocks that's going to be important we're just gonna place the Pistons around the door so it would open well you know from the two by two we can do something like like this right yeah [Music] zoom and enhance you see the angle on that head till well that's because she somehow of course I accidentally perfectly described not just any 3x3 door layout but the smallest three by three door layer now for this video we went with the classic one because it's a lot easier but it makes you wonder maybe my mom is the best red Stoner to ever exist okay no it was definitely a fluke we have to build circuit that can use two Pistons to pull a block two blocks away so two Pistons we start with this how do we extend two blocks up physical [Music] you think it should work like that it does not work like that however something like anything okay so what thing could we make happen behind that um you want to explode everything no no how do we power The Notebook the connector okay your basic wiring knowledge has gone completely off to it so you think this is gonna work like that hey [Music] you know what we could do if something as easy as lifting this no use it okay let's see let's see let's see oh I'm not secret okay so this is the big big version I'll show you the tiny tiny version oh [Music] let's build the bottom two blocks of the three by three we have to activate this let's do this so how do we do that how do I connect this lever to this pistols we want these middle two blocks of the three by three yeah [Laughter] [Music] Redstone wire is [Music] right now all of these Pistons also need to be powered I mean that's pretty easy for ourselves because we made this very large Redstone line that we can take out in any direction is connected it's extending where do you want me to put the glass block here or here you know what we can hands though okay you can do something like that but like another torch like that you'll be honest right click not left click [Music] bye foreign
Channel: CraftyMasterman
Views: 178,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redstone, minecraft, tutorial, mrbeast
Id: eF8bth1rSec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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