12 Win Control Shaman - Hearthstone Arena Forged in the Barrens

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actually i want to try hunter at some point but i think i'll do it when it's not up against shaman maybe i'll pick it over like warrior i'm not sure let's get some late game you could try to force kazakus how i get this way too good is not bad but uh i get this way too good i think this has gotta be forager right i'm gonna pick it quickly so i don't have to think about it it's it's definitely correct just a little painful with the flyer over the og here in my experience it's like you want to have hogs but it's like you just don't want to prioritize them that high you get thrown them often enough you just want to take them when they're not that expensive okay i had a good experience with this because you tend to have a few elementals we have zero elementals right now though and squire is also good i'm kind of down to try just having like let's just try it this way oh my god okay all right gonna be one of those types of decks i see oh oh oh baby oh baby especially having a nara the downside this card might be you take a bunch of damage so having the walking fountain to just cover that up oh it's juicy here i kind of want the three over the four we already have multiple we have like kind of like three four drops i'm gonna go for the three this has a synergy with like heel totem and stuff also so oh my god we have entire wave two i'll go for the violfine we have zero twos oh man oh man oh oh no oh oh jeez probably dwarf over healer don't mind the stormwind we're a little heavy but um [Music] surely it'll be all right safeguard is like honestly it wouldn't be bad for this deck but i don't know it's just a little slow it's like it's such a slow card that even against even in the like even against aggro it's not even good because it's just a six mana four or five i don't really want either of these to be honest because yeah our deck is too heavy if we lose it's because our deck is too heavy and these don't really help at least um magescribe stewart didn't give you aoe which we don't have but mage scribe can kind of have taunts sometimes people kill it the thing is is like steward into lightning storm is turn eight and we already have walking fountain for turn eight i think i'm gonna go mage scribe oh man i'm thinking it might be fire elemental over portal here even our deck is heavier just because it's a good six so we don't have a good six again and we have a strong turn four and portal is going to be awkward i think i feel i feel like we go for this they never expect the four damage anyway uh rager is probably too greedy it would be good in this deck but i just want to not die i mean i want it but hmm remember when i passed an og merchant that was not against the claw machine i was like i get the cheaper hog merchant i want it regardless [Music] maybe this actually i feel like it's better than tidal wave we just have too many big things [Music] so help us get there better i think more heal maybe tom is good too but we have a lot of fours i just want more heal to drop this is the lowest winrate one i think three twos are just really bad right now here's the problem this card's really good so maybe this is just better although i'm not sure how much of that is just um the buff from having a weapon i was like in the neutral set blood cell raiders just two percent higher was it and made three percent i think three twos just really suck right now because there's scorpion there's um there's just like a million different things i wouldn't hate to revolve this seemed like a good bomber deck though xd the mercenary could actually be better [Music] it's not like we have it's not like we can have too many ones it's just if you have forger into mercenary it's the dream right i don't know i'd rather just have more consistency got to be initiated now um i think i'll take the ooze a lot of scary matchups are gonna be um the weapon classes actually with this deck like this things spellcry is actually relevant it's like warriors and other shamans and stuff is gonna be a little terrifying so and we can never do this on curve anyway i don't know i mean the first half of the draft was a lot more value but if we didn't get all these two one if we didn't get all these two drops this deck would probably go like three wins because we would just die so it's like i don't really probably just toss everything honestly yeah we have really good ones and twos and even threes you've acquired an inara you see orange card the best kind of card okay what are the odds this thing doesn't die i'm feeling a chat maybe he doesn't kill it he might not kill it that's true we were offered to revolve i wasn't thinking about the doppelgangster i forgot it was up against it was up against a pretty good card though maybe i should have taken it because of the doppelgangster but what that was like the only reason is the problem it's that in like haggard that's a good revolve target too even magescribe can be [Music] no double gangster into conjures falling that's kind of nasty we're probably gonna anara on five the good thing is we're gonna have plenty of opportunity to heal ourselves with the water speaker because we're gonna be taking a ton of damage dingle what to do is slightly terrifying not gonna lie are we just gonna get cheesed by this though it looks like we're getting cheesed by this um [Music] we could in aura but um and miranda's really bad and also this would also trigger the this is most likely the oasis ally right this is one thief [Music] oh great it could be um it's discovered so it's all actually a lot more likely to be rigged fair game i don't know if it's more likely overall but it's reasonably likely you know just if we double gangster and rig fair game we kind of lose instantly don't we i mean if it's inara and it's miranti we lose instantly [Music] okay good it's probably rigged fair game i think if it's mere entity we just don't win so we probably just don't respect it it's it's like relatively less likely to because yeah it's most likely rick's fair game i think it would be less likely to be a waste to sally if it's oasis ally you just lose [Music] can't really beat everything i guess you could heal this but we could also just drop the sick feeling it might be better honestly i think i'll heal it so hope he doesn't flamestrike us it's not a flame strike wow he was just betting on that he was betting on get drawing a spell so he could ping but now he can't bang he was just like surely i draw a spell yeah the heal that was necessary wasn't max value but it was what we needed okay you are a dead good sir i don't think he's actually dead but i know he's dead well it depends on what his secret is it depends on if the bomber likes us potentially as well the damage counter doesn't show the second hit that was why that's a it's got to be a bug that's supposed to show the amount of damage that's able to go face so that thing was just uh off yeah we had portal but like he might have had a counter spell i would not want to play against our deck with priest [Music] when we get cocky it's famous last words i can get a uh another heal tone would be nice got something to hide why is a good versus priest because they i don't think uh i don't think this deck can lose to a priest in a value game well i did get what i wanted we believe he's just gonna kill it right [Music] this might live not like i don't think these are really worth it honestly healing us for one actually isn't that bad these people are so rude rude quit distracting me generally like they have like a couple a couple bs cards generally as long as we don't lose to a rigged fair game i mean sorry as long as we don't lose to a draconic studies i it's hard to imagine how greece can actually beat us [Music] and like i don't even think like we'd probably be to you sarah as long as we don't die we probably beat you sarah straight up [Music] doesn't feel worth it honestly yeah it would just be as long as the user didn't tempo swing us hard enough that would get lead he has golden shower elemental so i want to do this to set up the uh the stormwind but it might get holy novid it might not get holy no but though we don't really have another play honestly it's just everything else is really bad unless you want to just drop this but i don't really want to it's a weird turn seven seven mana it's kind of a hard turn to holy nova the problem is they also have condemn it would be a really good turn to condemn it's a kind of weak turn to holy nova so uh if we storm one we'd have to trade off everything that's kind of bad i guess we just double flyer yeah i like the blue ones more probably play this first then no no stay away from my deck um stormwind and kill this and kill that is not bad i think clown is also not bad you would have cleared because we had we had three two twos which are nine damage once they're buffed and then we had a totem you you have to trade off literally everything though behold the might of support [Music] kinda nice to play this when it doesn't get shadowed um not shadow worded um when it doesn't get potion of madness [Music] actually there's that condemn all right where's our oh wait we are used our genuine never mind like where's our genuine water speaker oh wait [Music] i guess we just have to trade this off well we can go for a heal totem first oh wait it's still it's only four health you know we still just give it up i mean we are playing a taunt so it's like it could live but i don't know it's like there's just like very we're against a priest there are very many bad things that could happen and it just doesn't feel like a risk we need to take it would just take like one um one initiation or something to completely ruin our hopes and dreams this guy had an elusia and a dragonfire potion what the hell what you should have dragon fired first well i know we had the i guess the proto-drake's a problem what the hell i mean this was going to pop too right he should have waited a turn he probably should have dragon fired first or a lucid first i guess he can't a lucia because then we get deathwing huh well no because i mean we can't deathwing our whole board there's no way he should have deathwing that turn right i feel like there's no way did this guy just bring a constructed deck in that's pretty good [Music] okay deathwing number two oh wow so much healing value damage actually is really awkward here unless we want to trade off the 6'5 we have to like overkill the crap out of them but i think it's worth it oh he's like what am i saying i thought this was one less i don't know what else i thought this didn't work i don't know why i thought that didn't work i was like looking at this buff but i wasn't looking at that buff imagine being able to do math pick w who needs math anyway [Music] high school teachers saying that math will be useful in real life middle school teachers they all lie we ever keep this for the uh teacher's pet i don't think so you won't carry a calculator with you everywhere oh if they only knew if they only knew that's the funniest thing is they actually did say pick the that bet there's something great inside possibly want to save this for a possible riddlings rifle if he plays a pack cotto possible okay we actually have a pretty decent alternative play too so oh dsc thanks for following that's following number 3200 auggies yikes ah that's actually brutal like we there's just nothing we can do about that may we get haunted nice okay dude if he got the charge i was gonna rage i'd rather actually have the three three get frozen okay dude i don't want to play this at least we're good at rolling totems today we've drawn really light so far i mean the good news is that we're running out of we're running out of bad draws not that our draws have been particularly bad because it's good to draw light against hunter obviously but um we do need to draw some value but pretty much our entire deck is value that seems fine that is a less fine first [Music] we'll be fine it wasn't that big okay water we can't take any damage so we can't get heal value oh wait i'm double oh no i can't actually play this i forgot i was double overloaded okay it's probably not the end of the world i want a pre-bump because they heal tone but maybe because you're buffing maybe it's worse it's better not to but hunter's unlikely to remove multiple actually bullet shot would be a punish oh bowler shot would be brutal [Music] actual murloc hunter how was that never playable before [Music] i guess we give that up yeah we have to otherwise you lose that [Music] anyway [Music] it's like we're down like three cards but um we're gonna be we're gonna be that shaman that just never runs out of stuff draws us a million early game cards and then just never runs out of stuff that's the plan [Music] buff dinara not bad we have lethal setup oh geez giant rat all right dragons are actually not what he needs right now [Music] i think he's out of initiative because he's he's used all of his taunt all his initiative all his rush meetings that we know about oh no he has initiative i like this oh man he gets a buffed one one maybe oh no [Music] okay and our is good but um project is probably still better i believe in you strength totem damn so we lose to you sarah now did you get it or not i feel like you got it okay charged oh actually we should probably protect this huh [Music] wait did i trade first no no no okay i was like i hope i didn't trade one ones into one ones or something we actually have lethal if he doesn't kill anything [Music] surely he's gonna kill something why did everyone hunt every hunter have all this beast energy i mean shouldn't be too unusual thing i guess so why does he have a 7-7 cable rack can we just ask that question first that just seems illegal that seems like a decent draw it's almost morning all right man have a good uh night or morning or rest or whatever yeah i respond to your discord message we can do it sometime that's probably uh not mill the night for you maybe sunday or something my god it's like a homing missile the hell was that just like actual homing missile i am power incarnate that's not power incarnate okay we're good water you'll be what the hell is to be greetings friend don't keep your thoughts to yourself oh god oh god oh no why did i have to ask i'll just never refresh so i don't i do i don't have to my eyes never have to see that [Music] actually if we play this we become vulnerable to potion of madness so i guess i'll play this one instead if he's gonna like coin holy nova i guess it's not the end of the world if he's going to play like scorpion i was worried about the other scorpion but wouldn't be the end of the world generally speaking any priest discovering anything is generally the end of the world though is the problem so we may be we may be dead already we might not be though it's the fun game of when your opponent is priest and plays discover you might have already lost but we just don't know yet you know we just have to wait like four turns to find out if he already auto won the game or not [Music] how long does an emotional request stay as long as i want it to basically [Music] full smart it might be false mark not that much else we can do that's even productive to be honest but even like if we trade the ooze into the one one we might just walk into an og merchant [Music] anyway [Music] it feels like a good smart situation it's like the only thing instead of playing the raider you could go for the hero power and see if that makes you want to trade if you get like heel totem but don't you dare i mean even if he potion i mean or even if he buffs that does the buff kill on that thing we just hex it right as is i might just text that it's a little awkward because it's like too much resources to kill that thing i don't want to fire elliot that's for sure the fire ellie face is a little scary how much did he pay for this he has four spells in hand i think we just hex it too technically if you want to be really cheeky you can you do the smork then hex maybe the totem will kill it off you get two extra face damage i don't know i don't think it's it could be worth it i don't know [Music] wow wow do i wanna play this or three and three might be better honestly it's more bored but you don't get this thing out i don't know let's just play this give to thing don't i have lethal do i have infinite mana by benfitt manna i have lethal [Music] it's gonna wait that long that he doesn't let us play it are the spells cast in order uh they should be uh from what i understand the way they um i don't know if it's perfect but the way it's supposed to work is they always cast in the order that'll help you so like if there's like a summon and then a buff it should do the summon first which is it's not necessarily cast in the order that you pick them then it'll actually it's supposedly it's supposed to actually do it in the way that's good for you the weird thing is i want this card but we just can't play it after portal so i guess i'll toss it subi is added but i will just not refresh my chat so i don't have to see it which i might see it on screen oh not like this the light protects me [Music] what if it refreshes on was i able to see it yeah i can't see it on screen i don't know when that refreshes [Music] okay i think that qualifies as above average coin hero power this card feels like just such a bad arena card because it's just so slow the reason it's good and constructed is because you can buff your hero for a million attack generally don't like this card because it's like it always the overload always feels so awkward but um good thing we have a nara so it doesn't actually matter kikw we preserve the one one but yeah [Music] compared to vial call it sucks it's like theoretically the same amount of board sometimes usually i mean you also take all the damage that you heal up anyway it's kind of this doesn't do a lot take 12. i don't know about that one the light protects me inara is just such a broken card it's kind of the test of if a card is broken like back when evolve shaman was a thing like they played an ara it makes no sense to put that card into a evolve shaman deck but it's just such a good card you played it anyway because it's just really dumb that's a test of if a card is broken as if it's played and constructed despite having absolutely no syringes with the deck [Music] sometimes you could make it work though because you would swing with the evolve weapon once and then you would play an ara and then you'd swing with it again you could do that sometimes [Music] my opponent didn't like having health an interesting strategy [Music] what is that thing it's a three-man 3-2 with outcast give you hero attack [Music] i'm not sure we even like is this better than hero powering mildly i don't think we even keep it since we have so many better things like literally everything here you could coin this like this into this into that it's pretty good i think going this into this into this is fine we can save the coin to try to like it'll be the coin should be helpful later [Music] now i kind of want to coin this we do this we're just giving that guy up we would still have that theoretically there i don't know we gotta do this right i mean should we do this we can also just coin dwarf this is really good this could be really good this is probably just not right because it could go horribly wrong it's honestly not better than coining dwarf anyway just gonna go for this [Music] do a bad bomber it's like that play is just like completely a hundred percent the way we lose this game but yolo indeed one thing is the way i use the coin is a little awkward here [Music] no but not right [Music] doing this he's kind of forced to fly the three four which is good that means he's kind of wasting his turn five nice thanks do we portal or do we hear power i like the hero power your powers feel really good now strength totem it'd be a pretty good turn to overload because we can still storm crash but we might want a claw machine [Music] so you see we just didn't put a bunch of pressure on the bomber we just we we trusted him to do his job when we needed him most didn't want to like put him up didn't want to rush him too much though now that the claw machine is down i guess we'll drop the narrow i guess had we portaled him we would have still been able to do this and he'd be basically dead now he wasn't guaranteed claw machine because he had two uh he had the delinquent die also that's fine probably claw the six six [Music] here [Music] me [Music] we're one damage off portal could give you a buff actually [Music] you get either a uh either a statue or a raid leader either one those would be lethal he got his second claw machine drawer something we're probably just unless we have lethal we're just going to probably drop the roto drake no matter what i don't know at the same time we have the the buffed loot order got flyer too right so we can actually fire that turn nine we can go hag at the loot order you're saying taking eight to protect the uh inaura i could have [Music] the problem was is i think and he would have been able to kill it lenara was going to die anyway [Music] he's very likely to die anyway [Music] lethal flyers also loot boom [Music] easiest mark of our lives yeah i think warrior is probably the scary matchup right for this deck because like that is the that is the one class that out values this deck consistently probably because we were losing that game on value and we didn't even see all his value he had more value probably in this matchup i don't hate loot hoarder because it kills totems at least but again maybe we just don't keep it how many twos we actually have or other ones i think i'll keep it [Music] nice he ran tune his auths in one run brutal i haven't seen it in his auth in so long actually jesus actually been a really long i play the hoarder i want to draw to try to find a three drop we don't have a lot of threes maybe i should maybe i should have kept farts here i didn't want to keep like a two-man two one into a three-man three-three but it's better than not having a three at all sometimes lucky problem is we don't have a turn for play now because we're overloaded but i mean this this basically is a turn three and a turn for play if we're being totally honest anyway so i need one more mana fine maybe i should go face there but because we could fire it if he leaves it up i'm a little worried about him cheating on something or just having a removal like if he has a scorpion for example then he just gets to like start killing all her stuff off it gets really bad actually really fast yeah i got i had like how many nizothrogs in like two weeks it was insane and i've been playing so many rogues now druid that i just don't get to play anymore but i actually do have i have a druid run on one of my accounts now since i was so tired of it was like 24 runs in a row that i wasn't offered druid once so i looked i opened runs on all my accounts and then i actually had a druid on one of them so we'll be able to play druid finally it's legit been two weeks since i played a druid the game's like oh you want to play the best class no you don't you don't need to do that you don't get to play the best class [Music] we get a one drop thank you sometimes you just have to ask your deck nicely i would like a one drop i should do bets for that [Music] see people see people's mistake is sometimes they just make they sit there making demands of their ducks sometimes you just have to like realize that your deck is a person too and just you just ask nicely and you might be you might be pleasantly surprised sometimes promise we're one damage off of that this does make us a little vulnerable to certain things but um surely nothing bad happens [Music] he has a doom hammer that doesn't leave a 4-5 body interesting that's actually brutal that's so awkward actually unless we want to yolo the bomber it just doesn't work how is it like this guy knows exactly how much damage we're capable of dealing and is playing around the exact amount of damage we have maybe it's just the fact that we're a shaman and shamans have very predictable amounts of damage and the fact that we have a four damage flyer in hand it's probably that actually why not anything else than that yeah how does he know maybe it's the fact that he actually knows that's probably why unleash the clowns every everyone's nightmare he's gonna take eight he's gonna take eight oh my god imagine if we actually had like a ping or something to be fair i passed a lot of pings and draft didn't i yeah maybe i should have not done that hmm yeah there's probably not a hell of a lot he can do maybe he'll evolve our board somehow i wanna at least save one taunt for a possible deathwing i don't think deathwing really saves him though like we actually probably have lethal through deathwing what if they just didn't make clown cards brings back terrible memories look at how buff this clown is by the way what the hell you see the size of that bicep his delts are a little small though isn't it imagine these two cards existing in the same game dude what the imagine like printing this card and then printing this card i'm pretty sure we still have lethal though hold up so this is um 27 we should get there right i think we get there as long as we don't do anything stupid but it's hard to do anything stupid with how the break points are actually this the stupid thing you would do would be killing that thing first that would be how you would miss lethal kill greyball first give him a second greyball that is how you miss lethal [Music] opening prediction for where we go 12. [Music] hmm which one do we start with actually i guess in case of um in case of the octobot thing might be better not to play this that's rigging too saucy hmm i guess we ought to kill that first the actual totem rogue the best kind of rogue can you stop being strength totem get like any other totem thanks for the follow in chilla oh geez it doesn't actually help him oh yeah that helps him fine because we have the nr we still kill everything flyer works too but i think we get an r out [Music] i want to kill all the damage i guess like i could have taken two extra damage to preserve a 1-1 death throttle probably worth it you could use around five i mean the difference is if you do the flyer you don't get a four or five on your board you also don't have an r on board you could just give this up but we can also i also try it like this you're next little i can't take that much damage can i i was thinking about if you go fish first you think it's going to go face then you go fish first that's fine we just can't take another six that's like the way we lose raiders do seem there's a reddit post on arena hs about how raiders seem to go face all the time too just like face ma does in prison film i think that it might be bug too but um i don't know we'd be betting the entire game on that if we did that now if if a minion on your turn attacks your face then it takes damage because your face has attack it's the same thing like your your hero basically acts as a minion like if we have attack powers so the hero is a two attack minion basically so if he gets attacked it's it deals damage back i wonder we have healing rushing hand yeah it's like we just want to make sure that's more reason like i feel like we just want to make sure we don't randomly die to like double stab on turn seven or something [Music] [Music] it's not very it's not very common interaction so something that's very easy to forget because it's very relevant like if you have like a three damage weapon and no board you just you can just hit a raider and just kill it if you have like a fiery war axe or something you can just kill it straight [Music] up it's a really easy thing to forget [Music] so these are all trash i don't want a targetable spell because i want a um i want to get a targetable spell that actually deals damage i'm gonna take this because i'm pretty sure you can only get one targetable spell or you can get zero target bull spells that works too um this is really bad actually it's about as bad of a horror as you can roll i mean still a lightning storm though there's a spell this is the top deck oh my god probably gonna have to horror those poisons away we'll see if he only has one then we might not jesus dude i played a priest today i played four scorpions in a row i played a rogue five seconds ago that just played four scorpions in a row or is about to possibly should have just played the dwarf but scorpion feels much more bonkers most legendaries arena it's objectively a better card than most legendaries there's only like a handful of legendaries that if you could pick it against a venomous scorpio it'd be a mistake to pick there's like only like including class legendaries there's probably like 20 legendaries maybe in the entire game that you would pick over and was that i would pick over venomous corporate it's just a better card [Music] oh this is still proto-drake [Music] you might actually die if it's you click proto-drink the sad thing [Music] i'm not even sure that we're winning this game right now i'm honestly not even sure like if this is like a secret passage we might just be dead we have clown though so it's like it's hard to imagine we're actually dead but [Music] i guess like doppelgangs are getting farmed just doesn't help us this is hypothetically three minions that he has to kill jesus dude we are i think we're officially losing [Music] i don't know clown was probably gonna save us still [Music] we are losing in value now yeah clown's gonna save us i think [Music] if we did not have a clown we lose this game 100 percent still lose because he freezes the project he has to set up lethal though which is hard to do is his out was fonta power flame strike font of our fonted power want the flame strike um so do we actually kill the um [Music] the damage or the poison what is this one i don't know what this one is honestly maybe the poison i guess the poison i honestly don't know which is this another scorpion or i don't know i lost track it's not another freeze is it i hope not to freeze seriously wait we just lose then i saw something is it cold in the shadows [Music] taunton doesn't help [Music] game's over he's that honestly needs to be patched out of the game because that's just so dumb doomhammer [Music] okay we're actually going to get this blademaster heel off this four guys shouldn't be playing in star deck at seven and one it's funny that like our deck shouldn't be seven and one so like this guy's actually getting screwed my eyes brutal i actually kind of want to bait out a okay no no consecration in hand [Music] i kind of have to kill that i mean do we honestly double trade i guess we ha do we have to we kind of have to don't we it gets more value if we don't kill it just don't have a choice reporting for duty huh okay whatever uh dude buff he was planning on isn't gonna work i mean it will work a little bit as long as we can stay on board and we can drop roto-drake we should just win i mean assuming our opponent doesn't randomly generate seven freezes in a row like our last opponent we should win right generally you win when you do that oh my [Music] god [Music] reckoning [Music] somewhere high actually oh no oh no okay crisis oh averted that actually goes off i'm still going to play these i think oh my god is also an epic so it's less common than i think never surrender is probably twice as common at least if not more [Music] oh my god isn't as good in arena either i feel that card is really broken honestly and constructed but i don't feel like it even matters what we do at this point to be honest i probably should have played proto-drake to play around [Music] deathwing imagine you don't play around deathwing and then he just goes on deathwing into alexstranza [Music] now they said they're doing a balance patch yet it's been crazy how long they've allowed that to be the case that there's a class that literally just doesn't get countered by anything it's one thing to have overpowered decks in a game mode but like overpowered deck that doesn't even have counters next week okay blizzard seems to be having this they seem to be following this pattern of all their changes for like a week too late apparently they said they're gonna nerf um paladin and construct it the crazy thing is like i don't even know how they can nerf paladin there's only a couple cards i mean they could nerf anything in the deck i guess probably the six-man weapon that kind of not even like i don't know they can nerf the murloc they can nerf it's probably never first date at school honestly but does that mean paladin will be even worse in arena probably yeah because they're not gonna micro adjust at the same time to compensate so yeah paladin's gonna get worse russian you're not wrong saucy at the same time i got no such warning so and i would have liked such a warning i did not get one so is that worth it i mean i want a statue but like it doesn't really work that well doesn't it i think we just do this strength yeah it's like the other play i saw was like trade the three two and the one one into there and then hit him in the face axe that doesn't seem better didn't see anything there's felt like there should have been something better but i just think there wasn't anything better um oh yeah this has plus one so this is really good i was gonna hex it and then i realized oh yeah nevermind oh man and our opponent is in trouble one is in less trouble we are taking 12 apparently it's okay we uh you have 30 health it's a resource if you don't use it then you're not playing properly right you gotta use that resource pretty much need shower death or he's screwed it hasn't flown out of his hand you would think the shower death would have flown out of his hand really fast right maybe not huh he has tail on the serra combo probably [Music] we can storm wind or dark iron dwarf or hex or like hex and dark iron dwarf dark iron dwarf could face that would be amazing yeah i'm not really afraid of what pops out of the board ring but also it's like it seems fine like i mean what's he going to get like sarah's not going to save him unless he draws some kind of grandma okay since he drew that then maybe sarah would have saved him so oh jesus yeah that's really rude actually because that lines up really well against all our um i'm just gonna put all this stuff out maybe clown was just better but [Music] kind of like getting the car draw out there i wonder i should've just clowned though i mean this is a lot better than soul mirror hypothetically maybe is it even really depends on how good we are at drawing a uh spell is he i mean if he doesn't trade he's definitely dead doesn't actually help him the trade does it he's dead i think he's dead oh no wait if he trades it saves him one health he's alive then okay why would you ever do that uh and he would have been dead if he didn't trick there are quillboards in arena but they don't do anything white man hag at the deathwing i mean you're looking at a hag at the deck so like i gave alabaster too my hag at those have actually felt a little bit underwhelming i kind of wonder what that deck actually [Music] like i feel like one of my key questions with your deck there is like is talon deathwing a good thing or a bad thing that'd be like one of the leading questions with that pic i'm not sure that's a good thing or not why better than shovel fist [Music] one two four four kind of annoying if he has a portal wait did he just he drew that on turn two okay he's floated amana two turns in a row i did not see judges i was asleep at that time my god we ate a pretty crazy four win deck that warrior deck that went for it's like yeah i mean no deck is safe right now that's for sure it feels like i mean i've been saying this for a while but it feels like what makes a deck good isn't really just premium card quality card quality really isn't actually it feels less important to an extent almost than it usually does when we're seeing i mean this guy is clearly gone on the card quality direction he's he hasn't played anything that isn't like a top 1 card yet we want a doppelgangster or earthen ring why earthing ring honestly strength totem font one of the problems with toteming actually is that it um makes you see we we probably can't activate this again but um if we play this it's just we get wiped by lightning storm don't like that very much [Music] maybe if we could draw a spell that would be nice nope i promise this gets value traded i think we're dead we're gonna lose this i mean this is my first run we we lost our only loss was one our opponent played one was a rogan played one venomous scorpion and he used that venomous scorpion to generate four potion of illusions which then chain froze our proto-drake that we had on board which would have been lethal for i think four straight turns or five straight turns so using one shadow weaver and one venomous scorpio so i mean other than that doing all right i guess my god we're nine and one i mean i'm pretty sure we're about to be nine and two but i'm not sure yeah swamp queen should save us hypothetically do we have to kill that probably not right because we could kill it but it's not really worth it getting evolved off of that maybe it's gotta be worth it right this will always be rank one i think this is double three two might still be this i feel like we're gonna want some kind of removal [Music] [Music] we can play this with flyer if we want the game might come down to whether or not he draws this in the next like three turns because we should have better late game than him and we're at 30 health so i mean [Music] we can do this it's a little wasteful but i'm fairly certain chain lightning will not it'll be rank one it says rank one on the card [Music] i wonder i think we just have to do it wow it's a good thing i picked exactly that one though because if it wasn't um landslide wasn't good enough that's probably getting hexed [Music] it's actually an amazing draw i think our deck is absolutely busted out of its mind we're just like completely teasing him with broken cards now a good old having broken card strategy the best strategy i mean this guy has a legendary legendary dragon though i don't know if we can compete with that i'm just gonna play this i guess see what happens sure you might as well stay at full health i guess what did you think about the pick veritas which one do you think you're picking or did you pick okay uh we're one-off these four we're fortunately not playing at the class that has infinite chain potential with scorpid right i don't think so it's not they don't have do they have the return to hand spell i think they do that's a death rattle it's not really the same notetaker they do have potential for infinite value here's a one-man torrent in hand why can't stormwind buff base that would be totally fair and balanced water [Music] yes it's a little weird i'm just going to do it like this i don't know why i'm protecting it this much because leonardo is dead anyway he has the torrent in hand do you think maybe you should base control and the problem i've had a problem where anytime i embrace control my deck just tends to lose it's funny seems to have a funny tendency of doing that i'm starting to fall into the theory of embracing control is just wrong i don't know if it's just the fact that i'm not as good of a control player because i'm not because i'm more of an aggro player but it does feel like it just doesn't work that well [Music] you found it oh we just want to kill that one maybe i guess i should have drawn before i used all my mana huh that's fine let's feel that one [Music] should have actually i still would have played this why would you found that turn i drawn clown that would that i would have played probably [Music] your second question kate izzle i if you look at my youtube one of my recent videos is literally a returning player's guide so i would um recommend checking that i have a youtube command i added more buttons i have like two more buttons here on my stream deck so i can start using these buttons now glorious remember when we just had one of those oh yeah it's actually in the title too that's also true i don't know mayhem just is kind of assuming you already have wing conditions your neck my ab is like just prevents a lot of ways for you to lose as druid [Music] it's just like runetack's only good if you actually have a hand imagine not dumping your hand by turn three that's the problem [Music] yeah i probably would rate ruin talk over um [Music] over the other five unless he had a million buffs and maybe it would change i feel like if you're a different class i don't know maybe marginal buffs like that are better but do you really need that in druid don't have much of a choice here i saw marcos you kept putting 12 win runs on the discord skits and this gets annihilated by buffs i mean if he doesn't have any buffs then it's really good [Music] problem is also i don't actually want to [Music] coin he has like a um regular we basically lose the game instantly i mean not completely but and we kind of do with this hand i mean he needs some kind of follow-up with it good thing uh sunwellness it's really good it's the battle of really good cards broken two drop broken three drop broken three drop yeah 2014 two drop yeah why would you ever want that okay that could have been a lot worse for us [Music] problem is with this hand i kind of want to coin with mage cry but we don't really need the value that much we also don't have much of a play i guess we just have to do this and um [Music] we're pretty much just throwing this dwarf out to try to eat damage with it to try to not die immediately um we're staring down a lot of damage is the issue the two one just kind of blocks the his burrowing scorpion from hitting us in the face though at least so [Music] we might have to haggets are here and just yolo for lightning storm this looks like every run there's that one game where it's like you draw a lightning storm or you lose okay well i wasn't expecting him to take that train i would have figured he would have taken the 3-1 and dagger kind of weird actually it kind of seems wrong i'm wondering if it's mage grab coin still like we need these spells but there's not much we can play right now [Music] um [Music] because if we just hit ideally we just hit lightning bolt and then we're in really good shape that would be the high roll yeah yolo no [Music] because what else do we do you could claw machine the poison you could play the hangatha but then you're not getting these spells ever but you do have the hagita out no okay i guess we're fine [Music] incredible probably don't need this right this might only be one spell even if i just take landslide we have like a really big swipe on a stick coin storm wind why didn't i see that you saying you could have just killed the poison played stormwind the reason i wasn't look i didn't see this card in my hand at all was it my top deck i was not even aware that card being in my hand i straight up did not see [Music] many it [Music] it's gotta be fountain ring that has to die i just take the most damage off [Music] there's like 100 i was just looking between those two options and i did not i don't was it my top dick i did not know i had i legitimately did not know i had a stormwind champion my hand on turn six i did not know i strapped did not see it collective vision is a problem if i get that checked out he's gonna go pick this hand [Music] and go flyer jade lightning this just doesn't really work right now [Music] or we just reflection the other player like you still shoot the uh divine shield i don't know that play just seems bad this probably seems terrible too but [Music] a charming composition we have to win this game by fatigue probably because um these kind of slow rogues don't run out of value ever he's gonna have like six cards in hand when he decks out probably oh well okay well if he if he just held that we couldn't lose fatigue or he couldn't lose fatigue now he can lose fatigue he might have more of them he's a 50 50 on getting the one thief back in his hand this thing kind of prevents him from being able to guarantee it we need to find this hex before he probably has like one pro drake or something we need to we need him to find it's really bad that might have been game right there actually that 50 50. we need to find our hacks before he finds his late game really annoying because we just he's just now giving us a claw machine target it's actually really annoying what's this guy waiting for well russian we're in just really bad shape here we'd just be so much better shape if this just had a lightning storm on it we needed the lightning storm this turn that's a good draw [Music] because we just keep taking chip damage we can't afford to be taking this three damage three four five damage every turn we just can't we don't have a way to stop it right now now we have a way to stop it it's a little too many resources but i mean we don't have a choice this would have been much better used on one of his spec stewardess scrolls i could have not used it and maybe played this instead i've been better actually this deck is so reactive it's crazy all right that's fine i was thinking about playing this anyway i would have played that fine uh we might be dead now though i think we're just dead it's kind of good to get this draw because really we need to we need to get like water speaker or something off of it or clown one in eleven like sometimes lucky he's really running out of time here really [Music] do we have to trade maybe this is the torrent says it is probably should be actually [Music] so we're gonna see i mean this guy's clearly had some late game throughout this whole game that he's just not playing because we knew he had that thing in hand he actually played most of what he's been have he's had at the whole game though he only has draws since turn 11. this is probably a late game card though that's a steward this guy's deck is like pure anti-aggro but it's like he should have been winning so hard from this position but he just didn't have like threats really weird he might still be winning depends on what he has but the thing is is like you would just need a phantom knives right but fandaze doesn't exist a lot of text crap contract three assassinates wow don't have a choice here the might of stormwind but probably not i probably seen in [Music] duels x is lethal oh jesus he's had a stab this whole time that's insane we've been so close [Music] god our hand was just so useless for that entire game that's always his is the funny thing there was that turn six play that i could have done differently though maybe that was the entire game he would have assassinated it though maybe not actually it is the first run [Music] i need to figure out how we can um oh god if you don't pre-bump then he can just uh ping it and then this guy doesn't die this card is quickly becoming my least favorite card in the game i'm starting to get to the point where i think i dislike this card more than i just like you sarah b4t down or countdown thanks for [Music] following [Music] my eyes he doesn't take this trade are we gonna coin in ara i guess it depends on what he plays because i don't really want a coin looks like a yes looks like a very much yes that's really brutal [Music] next turn probably initiate hero power and then mage scribe and then liar and then proto i think scorpio needs to be a one two he needs something like that yeah we could dwarf this or we could um i mean i could still just hit it and trade [Music] it's probably better than it's probably better than dwarf the other option is to fly it so that this thing stays at full health i'll go with this because we've been really good at rolling heel totems because i think like you could also make scorpio a four mana card you could probably give it a health if you gave it a health but gave it made it four mana that would be a nerf too he would still be a premium but it just wouldn't be quite as good if it was a four mana one four the thing is i don't know like that's a card like they're never gonna nerf because it's totally it's a very balanced card and constructed right now so they're not gonna nerf it that's the thing is like as long as they're not balancing cards for arena they're never gonna do that they said they're buffing cards they're probably gonna mostly buff class cards very [Music] [Music] we take 12 probably not probably not a good idea [Music] maybe we should actually i'm taking 12 i'm playing mage scribe [Music] it's probably just a more reasonable thing to do maybe i should have played major scrub and taken 12. this kind of feeling something would happen to that board the initiate would have actually lived though now we will trade the initiative even with that play all right yeah no that would have been bad correctly predicted something bad would happen it is we already know the devolving missiles is coming can we get can we get the suspense over with they always have it can't wait i really want to flyer that i might portal him in the face i probably portaled the one too let's pour the one too oh my god why don't we have any totems in our deck okay maybe now i actually trade because it's really awkward actually value oh man this is insane i actually didn't even see him play though i'm not i'm not seeing a lot today no my totem's gonna die not the big totem the little totem dude if we get more draxed i'm gonna be really salty oh wait a second that used up his ear power discount i didn't realize it works that way his tour guide he had to zero my hair power he didn't after that i didn't i did not think that worked that way that's interesting [Music] huh just go for this you're really good at rolling searing totem all of a sudden yes my totem lived [Music] that should be a bug i don't think it is a bug actually it says it uses your hero power that's the text on the reckless press it it uses your hero power uh had we really believed we could have lethal with the bomber we needed to believe harder means to cue at 11 wins that's concerning you into an 11 when druid so we go way back nice good boy good boy that's kind of an issue actually the way he did this he's totally gonna heal that thing yeah okay did not happen they make a server command actually is that a visual bug it is a visual bug okay [Music] because you can see that it's not going to die so it's a visual it this has divine shield it's okay because something something indie game company it's a good one [Music] no arbor huh it's a little scary though uh i guess we hexed this right it's a little scarier that seems pretty good right now that seems really good right now [Music] it's fine um i guess i do it this way [Music] keep the totem alive summoning that one one gave us the clown quest [Music] i guess i'll do this i wonder if these uh do this happen the wrong order they might have in the wrong order actually jesus [Music] yeah it does happen in the wrong order i'm thinking we just uh storm strike this [Music] actual order keck w we should be good though jokes on you our deck sucks what's left in our deck actually our deck is we have some good things in there tries to attack face with the rush minion and we hit the 12. it was a rocky road kind of finally i just said there's a summon first and then buff yeah i think the reason that one didn't work is because jade lightning is not coded as a summon it's coded as a removal i think is why it's like that particular one doesn't work is probably why 415 two packs that's pretty good not bad not bad
Channel: kolst
Views: 6,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, hearthstone arena, arena hearthstone, hearthstone, arena, kolst, infinite arena, arena stream, arena run, fun, heartstone, heartstone arena, хартстоун арена, арена, hs, hs arena, arena hs, 12 win, 12 wins, 12 wins arena, guide, tips, tutorial, new, value, gaming, cards, card game, blizzard, draft, legendary, legendaries, forged, forged in the barrens, expansion, barrens, 炉石传说, 투기장, 하스스톤, kripp, trump, zeddy, 2021, discover, 闘技場, shaman, shaman arena, arena shaman, spells, control, inara, hagatha
Id: 6vmmAKw_9vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 15sec (8535 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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