HIGHLANDER EVERYTHING: Darkmoon Druid Edition | Madness at the Darkmoon Faire | Hearthstone

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the latest creation from trump laboratories you knew it was coming at some point during this expansion phase it's highlander but what deck will it be highlander of it's druid at least the enlightened can give you a duplicate of yogg sir no of wow but also if youngs are on potentially there is one card that is so good in druid that i've decided to run two of it even though it's highlander breath of dreams you know you just tried a high roll breath of dreams or overgrowth early to get a good start the madman at the darkmoon fair please insert breath of dreams here there's also a decent amount of card draw on the deck so yeah we get to the breath of dreams at some point hopefully oh solar eclipse breath of dreams oh okay thun priest versus c'thun beast i'm the beast show me breath of dreams uh wow what is the average minute cost of stock i think four was around it uh lower than four one two three four five six seven eight nine eleven twelve higher than four one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven that's the midpoint uh less unlucky oh you laughed at breath of dreams but now who's laughing wait a second why do i have you sarah in this dang no it's just that good it's fine it's fine it does turn off the oh i completely forgot i had seven man of this turn that's still the right play i think yeah it's still the right play and she's a super good dragon yeah you gotta run you sir i'm coining out your sarah next turn ruining the uh the highlander wait if i'm playing if i'm ruining the highlander before playing any highlander decks any highlander cards am i doing it wrong no no probably not sarah is just that good it is just that good played as early as possible get more draws off and i think i play the nine and the seven right now um i don't know if i play the seven right away actually that's a pretty threatening board uh if he has soul mirror it's there's still a bunch of stuff that's that's fine hmm monstrous strength monstrous strength okay so card to watch out for is going to be play golf nine mana that's not this turn it's a mid-range value fiesta here oh hey man [Music] okay it's closed free of that i gotta kill that i see yes darn he got it rumble crazy og though just cost two spells this turn an easy game wait oh that oh wait i am dumb and also just wait on gog for a turn all right hit it crazy hog okay that's that's okay that's fine that's both uh mass resurrections out of the way so that's the big uh it's a big part of that deck and it's gone but from here on out it's smooth sailing killed that then i studies because it looks like i have block beam guess the weight guess the weight i think lower than that i'm a genius [Music] oh yeah uh the thing about that priest deck is it just has those two mass resurrections and then after that it's dead that's like the entire point of that deck there's like some other good stuff here in there but for the most part it's over [Music] hmm that would have been really good to have active right now that's also inactive i almost like yeah i can't play zephyrus i guess i'll play alex strazza no wait wait i guess i'll overflow nice even better than earth shock cabal shadow priest nerd look at the value in this hand though i can't lose from here so i got mass to spell potentially that's pretty good the perfect card okay zaphrus okay all right buddy let me change your mind is that first smarter though maybe that was better question mark baka it's actually going to happen i'm going to assemble c'thun and then i'm going to have two c'thunsa give me i guess it's a wax fiesta okay so bash bash [Music] bash bash as bash bash correct plus 4 is the place to be to bash bash bash bash is fine let's get sort of this terrible card i am only more deadly listen i just realized i may not have wanted to draw a card someone ate two it's fine they are arborist is forcing me to draw a card you're full i fished out your plague of death before waxing dreads okay so i need to get rid of five of the cards in this hand that turns this off that's fine alexstrasza to brightwing it's actually not oh it is lethal so sad but think of the value all right so we got the other side here you have much to answer for sadly because i have two breath of dreams i have to mulligan and zephyrus that's fine breath of dreams is that good it's fine isn't that an argument for moving breath yes it is however breath is that good i think probably two three four five six seven eight nine wait what am i doing count the spells two three four five uh six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 13 28 you know it's to make a few omelettes you gotta break a few eggs i believe statistically this was the uh highest card for mana ratio and since we're not getting to the end of the deck uh you can burn a bunch of stuff along the way oh okay well then that heart of c'thun has actually been really really good against demon hunter hey i got you [Music] so much meddling [Music] all right demon hunter say good night to druid with hellfire bonus while we're at it i thought about keeping this in my hand for a moment but i still haven't drawn breath of that dreams upgrade probably bye sarah bye dragon queen [Music] it's good play still actually those cars are pretty bad in this matchup honestly yeah that got quite a bit better in fact yeah i should have regrowth and then of course the demon hunter is looking for his uh flips okay all right another demon hunter for the slaughter and this time we have the god hands [Music] uh elise is also active cute two minute two two there demon hun very cute have one of this i'm bullying my little brother oh the problem with the least there's actually no problem with that well yeah there's no real problem with that okay overflow is better i believe yeah if i at least now never be able to overflow on the other hand if i overflow now i'll never be able to release huh this hand isn't actually very good i overdraw one potentially but that's not a problem and also potentially i don't overdraw one i think this is better okay i got the uh solar eclipse uh cinereon word combo still beetle was actually a good card too bad all right you gotta remember the opponent's only on four mana so pretty far ahead here whatever burn more cards i mean that is the strongest tempo play bye cathy it's fine genuinely that's the proper play just burn them all because this matchup is just about playing for temps burn burn them all we have way too much value already anyways and the goal is to play the solar eclipse scenario and just win the game this is hey after i play at least i'm gonna have four series into this how can you beat that much value i actively want to get the moon touched amulet with elise also or gruel okay so step one is to get rid of the cards i don't want to duplicate i want my hand to be a serious sarah moon touched amulet all right i guess we'll start moving towards that something like this that'll work just fine the next turn is the least once i play you sarah i no longer have a lease and gaining that six armor is actually very good that's actually quite good man this demon hunter got so crushed wow you're so good need a hand explorer [Music] i'm almost certain that this doesn't count as three out of four but i actually don't know for certain it doesn't okay i thought so but for a brief moment i was like oh okay i definitely do want to play this um do i want to play it at a certain manner no let's just plain really you thought these were the best cards huh i didn't want to burn my own zephyrus it seems not great i think this tyrion's actually quite good if i knew zephyrus was gonna sabotage me like that i would have played brightwing first no actually saber the sad thing is indeed when am i ever going to find the time to play these series what can you do nice you have no idea the value i hold in my hand oh time to feel despair ye sarah one spectacles oh no no no no no oh it's so close oh my goodness all right i think it's only sporting to give him another chance i knew at some point that it was going to be safer to play the uh moon touched amulet than play yasser it was like really close when the right time was but it seemed really unlikely that he would actually have like those exact cards but given that he actually had a chance to win i should have played the moon touched amulets instead of usair one of those turns anyways that's a lot of stars that's almost the god hand just add dragon now it is the god hand uh do the standard use the extra mana so this reminds me of like classic i had so long where i thought about coin should you coin wild growth or just wait until turn two and it's often if you can't do anything with three man you should just wait oh yeah oh very cute shaman wow you got your weapon probably the one that uh lets you let's see do i want to play this first no it's good to keep it around for potential ramp do i want to play this first yeah sure i'm way ahead i'm so far ahead right now anyway i play it i need to get rid of cards but all these cards are hard to get rid of i should have played nature studies first um this one this one is yeah good stats for cost solar eclipse with the cinereon ward now we're talking that does mean i probably do not want to play a spell this upcoming turn that i can pull off the scenario board look at the phone he's only at uh pathetic amounts of mana yeah let's overdraw a card whatever i'll have two combos of solar eclipses it's gonna be back to back solar eclipse cenarion ward man when this deck gets a god draw it really gets a god draw overcharged i didn't even have the original celery clips in my hand anyways uh yes let's begin that's a good one ah the goal is to hit as many of these without going over listen it's the price is right wow nice cheating there managed to play a four minute card for zero and it's bad stats or cost and you'll upgrade it with your weapon wow very nice oh you even heal your uh 8-3 there nice crazy og let me show you despair despair for me yeah that's fine he's actually main decking banner small that's awesome oh it's nine oh my you're you're you're a genius did you did you forget this can't attack face crazy hog i i actually don't know what this card is parade leader my hand is too full i [Music] was very careless there we'll order if i'd ordered it differently i could have played that zero mana card probably i thought it wouldn't actually matter and it's true it doesn't really matter because i mega win anyways mega win silence wins me the game is that first do you see it zephyrus do you see it okay cepherus that first you can do it right that first yes you're genius you're a genius zephyrus [Music] you
Channel: Trump
Views: 136,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: highlander, druid, c'thun, yogg, cthun, madness, darkmoon, faire, madness at the darkmoon faire, hearthstone, trump, trumpsc, control
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 0sec (2220 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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