Chess But You Can Cheat

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okay so this is chess but it's against a troll who I think has changed the rules so we're going to see what happens here and cross the bridge okay let's just go with W cross the bridge where's the troll at oh just under your nose okay just one I don't know what's happening right now do I get no I don't get it oh it's a riddle okay riddles okay you wish to cross this bridge you have to play a game my game let this is it get ready for the 11th edition of advanced troll chest you will find the well curated rule book to your right let the game commence okay space is Accused this is the rule book all right I just shrunk my face down to make sure it's not covering the chessboard okay so space is Accused accusation do you suspect the other color of cheating last turn accuse them by pressing space bar okay got it uh then click the chest piece you think violated a rule lastly click the page of the rule you think was violated okay you catch the other color cheating you may cheat during your turn as payback that's funny you falsely accuse the other color of cheating your turn is forfeited and they may cheat o okay oh I can't see that page interesting rule two you can only move your own colored pieces do not move the other pieces yeah okay that makes sense okay horse guy can also move like this in four directions I don't know what that means that doesn't make sense to me if the white King dies black wins the game that makes sense black King dies the crown is given to another member of the royal I don't know what's happening should I just move a piece old 24 do not walk on each other's toes okay all right you know what E4 E4 oh boy okay rule number four pawns move like this because oh hey those pawns can't move like that I didn't see the rule yet did you think I wouldn't notice uh-oh uh-oh pawns move like this because they're small-minded one space forward or to one space to the side okay yeah we're going to retry that now I know how the pawns move so just go up one yeah I think that uh I think that's normal okay let's move this [Applause] Pawn pawns can also move backwards actually oh okay how about the [Music] queen uhoh what's happening a fair lady moves like half a castle and a bishop very nice but has power right okay can we go for a Checkmate can bishops jump over pawns let's see okay uh-oh Ru number nine only he can jump okay only he rule number nine only he oh the Knight right right right so it's like normal okay so some some of them are just the same okay so let let's let's just do the for move Checkmate and see what happens we'll go here let's bring the rule book over we'll go here cuz we know we can do that I think uh-oh the bishop is a vital piece in the chest Arsenal he travels in the direction yeah yeah we got that the knight's attacking me but I don't really care I'm going to go for the Checkmate anyway a okay that was like normal chest there let's bring the night out wait what is it my turn again okay okay I'm going for it I'm going for it whoa hold up hold up can I can I accuse if the P if the queen captures a piece the world flips upside down but like sideways oh yeah he did say pawns can move sideways huh okay and I don't think I can capture that's a cheating move right wow can I just accuse him of cheating I think you cheated I don't know when you move the [Music] pawn yeah I just want to see what happens I I ACC no yeah okay okay I don't like this troll I don't I don't like the Troll he's going to do something yeah cuz he can cheat okay I got it I got it I understand now so as you play you get more information from the rule book some rules you still don't know but now we've revealed some I got it I got it all right let's go with night F3 okay let's bring the other Knight to we know that the knights are pretty normal here pawns move one do that Bishop I don't know if castling is a thing so I'm just going to avoid it and just bring the Bishops whoa I'm sorry can we can we accuse that let's see which rule though Bishop yeah let's let's go for rule 13 accuse this bishop is off the board Rule 13 let's do [Music] it what why is the bishop allowed to go off the board where did it say that did I miss that am I crazy I mean TR travels in that direction okay I guess it doesn't technically say that it should stay on the board okay let's retry let's retry um all right let's bring the rule book over and what if I do [Music] H I don't actually know what to do okay so Bishops can go off the board which is weird but okay can I move my Bishop off the board uh-oh What's happen happening any Pond that reaches the graay Beyond yeah promotes so that's pretty normal okay I can move my Bishop like off the board right like over here somewhere why would I do that uh the bishop oh this Bishop's in my way can I just move it back here [Music] Bishop what did I do wrong the bishop which rule did I break I'm so confused Bishops Dro their gift of knowledge when they leave a tile the oh the horse is not the only one who can jump over this I have no idea what that means the horse is not the only one who oh who can jump jump over that thing wait is oh okay wait a second wait a second so does that mean I move the bishop here let's say and then I have an idea now I can like jump over here right no rule 12 of course Crown guy can do as he pleases all right can I read the rule can I at least read the rule Crown oh my goodness Crown guy can do as he pleases but he's also lazy oh okay so you can jump over it but you can't move two spaces so I did cheat okay I got it wow all right this is this is wild okay let's let's try a different opening here let's bring this out here oh I can just keep leave you know what let's take the Rook uh-oh Bishops work out of town as well they can leave the town and still come home yeah we found that out right okay and then did pawns can pawns move backwards I think they can right isn't that a rule where was it PS can also move backwards actually yes yes okay so that's not cheating okay let's bring the night [Music] out what happened to my night why did my knight disappear when it landed on that thing that's weird let's just go here can I take that no [Music] oh my goodness all right they only move forward and sideways I guess they capture the same way that they move and they can move backwards okay so we kind of have most of the rules let's let's try to stop cheating let's try to stop cheating here we go we're just going to get this guy out here do this uh you know what let me go here to defend my Bishop that's fine uh-oh pawns are actually a metaphor for the invisible worker trolls that doesn't really mean anything let's take it great let's bring the Knight bring the other Knight go here here he moved sideways which is fine let's bring the bishop out here what is this what is this so in theory the queen can jump over that well never that's not a good I don't even know what that means actually cuz if he can jump over it it's just an empty Square so I'm really confused actually what that means all right let's go G3 attack the Knight I can take that with my Bishop why is my Bishop dead what is happening what was that what is going on I don't like this game all right let's go here oh oh can I do it did we beat him no how did I cheat you're the one who just moved your king somewhere what is what in the world rule 29 the queen may not have an affair if she touches the opposing King it's considered cheating oh great okay okay okay so let's try to go for oh forgot I forgot I know I know I know no all right dude I got it I got it okay okay let me I have an idea I have an idea actually let me go here let me go here I'm going to line this bishop up so o see what I mean see what I mean huh huh dude he cheated he's has to he cheated because is no no no not that page which page uh which rule did he break King the the rule about the how the king can move wait if the black King dies the crown is given to another member of the royal guard oh that's what's happening isn't it so I have to take the pieces first essentially okay I got it I got it why do they keep dying on those squares is it like any piece that lands there dies oh I'm so confused can I Castle no castling all right all right well I've never played chest like this before let's go with B3 we'll just feing kto these guys over here so as Knight's dead let's go take it aha thank you thank you very much thank you very much I don't even I don't even care about checkmating because he just jumps to another piece so I just have to keep taking all the pieces essentially let me no let me actually do this one whoa whoa no surely that was cheating right surely this one because only he can jump over other pieces that's the rule you broke the rule yes yes ah I can cheat on this turn Okay okay so how am I going to cheat I'm going to take my knight and take his King Dam oh yeah he just keeps going oh I should have taken the Rook I should have taken the Rook I stop taking the king yeah because taking the king literally does nothing and I keep doing it I'm just what see like why did my Bishop die like what's happening here I'm going to go take his Knight yeah we're going to take the Knight for now and I just go here uhoh Advanced chest has compromised the rules going as far back as the okay that doesn't really tell me anything fine let's just bring out the night let's wake up my Bishop can I do that I'm sorry what you just took my queen with this queen oh you can't do that right you can't do that dude it no that's not the one I that's that's not the uh rule hold on cu's this one it's the the night one about jumping this one that's the one yes confirm I think we got him all right all right I'm going to cheat and I'm going to take this with my Rook okay I am understanding this now Towers can't normally move but in this world of he can he is can move as well what towers can't normally move but in this world he can move as well okay oh okay it's just saying it can move I think is what it's saying weird let's take the bishop I mean a pawn with my bishop and another one ah he is going to take back okay well I'll just move that uhhuh uh-huh uh-huh uhoh oh what is that what is [Music] this what is happening what is happening you're only allowed to move the one I'm confused one two three what you're only allowed to move the castles when there are three or more Towers in the game well what is this thing what is this thing come on cheating troll all right let's Fe ketto let's just go with the fing ketto here fing ketto over this way perfect I mean I should be able to take that in theory right he just cheated Knights don't move that way buddy that Knight does not move that way uh no that's not the one with the Knight where is it at where's it at did I already pass it yeah there it is okay confirm think we got him aha yes okay okay I'm going to cheat by going down here and taking that Knight CU that Knight bothers me wait wait wait are there three Rooks there are three Rooks yeah I can move it oh Pawn skin go backwards I should have taken the pawn dude okay so the Rooks can't move wow let me just let me just Advance the pawns it seems like the safest strategy here in this Wild game of I don't know what know I could I could go here actually I could go there and just like take some ponds right that seems safe oh forgot about that one okay uh-oh you can also move the queens of the other other color why would I want to do that right why would I want to do that that okay that's funny um interesting and weird let's go here Bishop's off the board I could take the king but he's just going to jump somewhere else so that doesn't make sense I can oh the Queens can't take each other right Queens can't take each other so I should be able to take this guy right okay oh no it's it's not Queens can't take each other it's Queens can't take the King was that what did I get the rule wrong she can't touch the King right okay I'm so bad at this game I I can't remember all the rules is the problem how many games is this oh man okay you know what here here here here yes seems like a good strategy what I don't think pawns can go off the board can they that seems risky I better not try it let me just go here yeah I thought he might do that but I'll just take it it's fine okay let's move the queen here we'll try to take that Knight oh dude let me go here actually let me go here let me go here I'm just going to advance them I guess take that uhoh okay I didn't oh sideways oh I can't take it let me let me wake it up no no no no no no it's cheating because you can't move the Rook right which one was that there it is that's the one yes confirm cheating troll no wait I thought there had to be three Rooks on the board what there's not three Rooks how did he move so confused doesn't that literally just say that you're only allowed to move the castles when there are three or more Towers in the game there's not three or more Towers in the game bro okay you know what we're going to do new strategy here we're going to move the pawn all the way oh did it no never mind never mind okay I'm going to try to take the Knight he goes back let me go here let me go yeah we'll go here I'm going to just do it I think I'm cheating but I'm just going to do it anyway yeah what a frustrating game oh boy all right I know I got it some tiles are slippery ah okay that's why some of them keep knocking over the pieces I see okay I got it let's let's go with I can move the queen right can I just like make him take [Music] something do not walk on each other's shoes okay I tried I think we just go back to the strategy again of just just pushing the pawns little by little there's not really much else to be done here it seems like just move them yeah see that's that's cheating dude that's cheating you can't move that Rook because the knight's the only one that [Music] jumps right ah I may cheat okay everybody makes mistake yeah I guess you could say that all right I'm going to cheat by moving I'm just going to move my queen over here take this oh flip the board too while I'm at it okay he moves the Knight and we just need to keep it simple slippery tile there aha we can take that with our Knight actually we take that with our Bishop got rid of the pesky Knights move this forward let's jump my knight in here why is everything look bring all right let's take that thank you very much oh it's sleep let's wake it up NOP nope nope nope I'm sorry let's accuse just cheated again same one the troll likes to jump with the Rooks but you can't do that yes yes okay I get to cheat I'm going to cheat by moving my queen over here whoops the board and let's oh we can take that we can take that ah we could take that we'll lose the night though I don't really want to do that let me wake up my night wait what okay oh there we go now we can take it now we can safely take it what what is happening okay Queen is attacking I don't really have to worry about the queen I don't think I think we just keep taking stuff right now actually you know what I'm going to go back oh he can take it with that because this is not a normal Pawn ah that is too bad okay that was unfortunate man what do I do let me move this up here he went backwards oh yeah pawns can go backwards I forgot let's go here let's go here uh no I don't really think that Bish Bishop's gone off the board okay what if I just move what if I move here what just happened can I ACC do some of cheating you can't move my pieces buddy which rule was that you can only move your own colored pieces the troll cheated confirm he's a cheater he's a big cheater okay I'm going to get rid of his Queen I think I think we get rid of his Queen We cheat by getting rid of his queen with the Knight okay all right we've got it we've got it let's jump over here no no no no no let's jump over here aha aha he's running out of pieces okay okay let's go get a queen I guess let's do it he moved it wait a minute he moved it diagonally that's cheating right Pawn does not move that way uh which rule was it boom confirm yes yes okay okay now we're getting the hang of it how do we want to cheat I'll just cheat by taking this Pawn why not all right let's go continue with the plan here continue with the plan what I don't get a past back come on dude all right let's go hunt the ponds I guess the queen can still take the ponds right Queen can still take the ponds Queen can still take the pwns yes oh I think we've got them folks I think we've got them let me go King can't take the queen right so I can go here and take the p on oh he cheated he cheated CU he cheated where's that rule at no Affair where is it no no where where was it here this one that's it confirm we're going to win what I thought they were I thought oh is it the queen can't take the king but the king can take the queen you're kidding me right you're kidding me dude oh if I would have just not accused I it was over it was over you got to be kidding me you got to be kidding me all right man I feel like we were so close we were we were literally so close let me defend my Rook oh he's not threatening it because he's not on the wrong never I don't know why I did that anyway it's fine it's fine let's go try to get the Knight yes thank you let's take that thank you oh yeah all right I got you I got you troll I got it let me let me get the queen stood up here okay uhoh oh he's going for The Rook I'm going to let him take it and just take with the bishop that's fine it's not a big deal let me actually threaten The Rook there ah he saw that okay okay let me go with a night move do I want to trade Queens not really I want to like keep threatening let me go here another slippery tile whoa see I don't even know what that is I bet I shouldn't touch it right I shouldn't touch it let me take this bishop aha he moved my piece dude you can't do that you can't move the other person's pieces only your own pieces okay how do I want to cheat I think what I should do honestly is should I do which pieces are most annoying probably the Knight let me just move my Rook over there and take the the Knight yeah it's fine ooh we have a new rule if two towers aren't not adjacent they form a castle are not adjacent they aren't not adjacent so if they are adjacent guess form a castle and what does a castle do I don't know what that means let me stand up the queen think we might need to use that he moves over there fine let me move my knight let me can I take that safely yeah cuz ponds can't go that way take it whoa o I'm G to take this too take everything que is let's go hunt the ponds no no no no no no no you jumped right I'm going to do it I'm going to do it I'm going to do it you can't jump only kns can jump there it is come on come on come on come on yes yes okay okay I can cheat I think I'll take his Queen I feel like that's probably a good thing to get rid of right take the queen okay so here we go I don't know if I can use this Rook I'm afraid too I don't think I should touch that let me just move a pawn yeah he's smart okay we can take a pawn here oh actually yeah we can take it because pawns don't defend that way and I may as well get rid of the bishop while I'm at it just take everything okay I can I can Fork those I can Fork them cuz they can't take can't take should I take that one he's going to take me though I don't know if it's worth it let's do it get rid of the pawn why not okay so here we go let's see let me go no that I'll take my KN let me just go like this all he has is some ponds okay let me just do this let me go here let me go here and how about here and that guy up how do I get rid of these last couple pawns there we go there we go that's a fork that's a fork okay he moves that one should I take this guy I'm going to do it I know I'm going to lose my night but oh he didn't take it nice nice nice nice uh um where do I move it to though back here let me go here offer a trade take that guy let's go for a check let's come over oh I think that will kill my knight let me not do that let me not do that let me go here let me go here with the check let me push this oh he just cheated he just cheated he moved my Pawn dude he can't do that and only move your own color [Music] pieces yes okay I can cheat all right great uh let's let's go ahead and get rid of this Pawn I think that's smart let me just do this okay we're going to trap this pawn and we're going to win that's what we're going to do let's push this ooh Fork now I still have to get checkmates Somehow Here which I guess we got to use all the pieces to help me cuz the pawns don't promote to anything so let's activate the king yes and then we'll use the pawns to sort of box him in okay oh yeah we got this the pawns move just sideways so this is going to attack the king let's use this guy to help too okay let's just let's just bring them all up bring them all up all right I don't I don't want to mess this up we've come too far pawns move like this and they also go backwards okay so here and here and he's trapped he's trapped it's Checkmate it's Checkmate I think we got I think we got him oh he just takes me oh yeah it wasn't defended dude what am I doing okay hold up hold up momentary lapse of concentration there let's bring the king up we need the king to help yes we need the king to help okay up cuz that's offended by the Knight yeah now it's close now we now we have them because our King okay so right here right no no no let's don't make the same mistake hold on hold on let me defend it let me defend it with this guy now Checkmate that should be Checkmate right did we do it yes cheater yay wow that was harder than I thought it was going to be can I just go past now all right oh man we crossed the bridge I guess that's it right is it is the game over what is it doing I think we won okay I don't know what happened but you remain on the bridge cool unlock the bad ending so there's another ending after 18 attempt yeah felt like a lot of attempts wow all right that was wild 44 minutes I don't know what that is I cheated a total of 22 times all right well done that was that was different to say the least but uh pretty enjoyable hope you guys enjoyed that let me know what you think in the comments and I'll see you next time thanks for watching stay sharp play smart take [Music] care
Channel: Chess Vibes
Views: 155,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess vibes, vibes, nelson lopez, nelson, nelsi, checkmate, how to play chess, chest, how to play chest, beginner chess, chess for beginners, how to learn chess, chess tutorial, chess openings, chess endgames, chess endings, chess strategy, chess tactics, chess tricks, chess traps, how to checkmate, how to win at chess, learning chess, board game, chess coach, youtube chess, chess on youtube, chess channel, youtube chess channel, chess for kids, easy chess
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 38sec (2378 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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