ALTA E-BIKE is FASTER than my 450!

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[Music] [Music] um out here at evansville mx the day has finally come he's got the generator going and she is officially fully charged there he is gonna be riding uh ulta what is it called mxr which is the fastest race version of the alta this is matt's bike which i'm very jealous of i told him once i buy my tesla truck i will be buying a used alta so we're just going to give it a test ride we're at evansville mx which is like a supercross style track so i'll have whoops kind of like a rhythm section-ish oh you leave the chain with the that's funny holy crap play around a little bit with the mapping so it has four maps you describe map one and two as map one is is probably like 125. map two and three are supposed to be mimicking a 250 okay um and then that four is all it's got 50 horsepower i don't remember what this is but that's closer all right so he says likely i'm gonna like map four that's a quick tour as you can see nothing here which is the spookiest thing yeah it's got a rear brake on the hands um which that's what i'm scared of the most there's not much you can do to these bikes otherwise it's got the suspension done so no rear brake pedal no shifter no clutch i'm just afraid i'm gonna get in the air and pull the clutch in out of habit and it's gonna be the rear brake which i guess you can brake tap and be fine i'm gonna put in a couple hard laps and see what this thing is made of gonna throw the gopro on which will be funny because you'll be able to hear me breathing laughing whatever get a raw reaction to this bad boy so are we fully charged uh it's about it's pretty close it's just just under full charge you can't really see it i'm moving under here and this these are nate adams graphics yes shout out to nate all right gonna give this thing a whirl oh key is on right now yep that's off it's hard to turn so i apologize for that but that's on then you'll click that down hit this and it's live oh okay um i'd recommend when you stop always hit that do that okay i'll put you in so you're in map one now okay um so that's not a clutch is that two brakes yeah rear brake front brake oh that i would crash i'm a little nervous about that actually yeah you might wash out a turn but after that you'll be all right so you're in map one now you're good to go okay so is this like really really tame like am i gonna still go okay [Applause] wow i need one it is so torchy this is unbelievable all right am i faster than the 50. oh see that was by accident i didn't mean to be picked up [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay oh wow i should probably take my time a little more this is scary all right good whoops [Music] oh a little weird because it freewheels quite a bit so it's harder oh i don't know i feel pretty fast all right he told me to not be alarmed when it feels like i have a flat tire and that's definitely what it feels like or it sounds like it's hard to tell when i'm breaking traction man this is weird i can't tell when i'm skidding panic rub does not save you and when you when you let off in the air you instantly end up oh so you don't need to break tap you just gotta let off the gas that is weird yeah wow you'd be able to do the whole trap tracking that wow okay a couple things that are weird one exactly as i suspected so on my mountain bike i switched my brakes as well so yeah front brakes here rear brake is here when i do a big jump on my mountain bike i have the habit of pulling the clutch in which is actually my rear brake so the first time i jumped the finish line right away but the thing is as soon as you let off the throttle this thing it's like hitting the rear brake yeah am i am i skidding coming into the turns or no ah i can't tell it's such a weird i don't think you were but i'm having trouble modulating the real rear coming in i feel like i'm not hitting it enough but then i can't tell if i'm skidding yeah so play around with the engine braking because that one one up and we'll put me in two yeah okay definitely keep it loose but um but that was the thing though i didn't feel like i engine brakes that much at all i didn't like that oh it was coasting yeah okay is it only gonna get worse then is it gonna freewheel even more now no i think it'll actually break i think it'll actually regen harder as you go and then four will be the hardest reason okay i think i'll like that the most yeah one thing i got to get used to too if you if you're undoing the throttle doesn't at least in map one it may totally beginning it doesn't do anything no no it doesn't yeah you just keep going and it won't fall okay the thing is you'll get you'll get up to whatever 67 miles an hour like in the air you'll get to whatever would be 50 or pin oh wow i should have probably eased into that a little more because i was fine but like i didn't take into account how different everything actually is i just sent it yeah all right map two let's see what map two is all about oh it sounds it sounds a little more aggressive oh yeah dude [Music] all right that's fine i mean this is freaking fast dude oh yeah okay so i want to hit this table the table i'm just a little afraid very flickable though like i could scrub this thing hard endo oh feet on the pegs is definitely look at my blue mark so i'm definitely lighting it up oh that was scary i did it look at my mark really well like the front end whoa i need a little more off here [Music] you think map map three will get me over there i think map three will clear you just go all the way up i'll just do it i'm also seat bouncing it would help but i'm afraid to seat bounce nothing weird should happen right okay okay yeah because standing up i can't get quite as much so i'm in three now you're in three significant difference so far between one now top end doesn't feel a whole lot different it's just that torque dry so it would be slippery on any bike all right lap one let's see if i can't um oh it sounds so loud i tell you what we're lying just on throttle control is a whole different type of ride it almost requires a little bit more because you don't have the clutch to fail you out all right let's try to get this thing this time i mean i'm getting it um i'm getting fast this is so far it is a totally different type of riding all right [Music] [Music] so this you'll get a lot more wheels spinning easily okay i i always notice easily uh it just felt a little it felt very torquey here yeah but by the time i got to the jump the power delivery was kind of flat it was fading okay so that's why i'm not getting the pop because i'm blowing through it this should hopefully fix you but that's typical electric or at least about an experience in a tesla bottom end is crazy mid is okay and then it kind of falls a little flat a couple times where i came out of corners and then the next lap i came around all i could see was my blue groove line for like 40 feet yeah all right dude because i'm starting to really pick up pace like i feel like i'd be curious lap time-wise i feel really fast mid-corner on this thing yeah i think it's dude my front end feels very planted sometimes i can get a little straddle happy and then it comes out for me but dude i want one this is map four this is the big boy map let's see what this is all about oh it's fast yep definitely fast holy hell this one's almost too much oh my god oh this is a whole different animal oh yeah [Music] oh i'm trying to get a little bit of pump the verdict is that four equals arm pump for me oh but it's freaking me it's so good oh that sounds loud holy hell i just can't believe it wouldn't take long for me to heat up the tire in this truck i think though i'm faster on this than i am the 450 i really think so oh i freaking love this thing dude this is the only turn i'm not good at there we go i would love to try this thing on a rugged track i think it would be unbelievable because if anything you would think theoretically it'd be harder to ride this election on rails that's a big jump [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i kind of messed this one up but holy you're fast on this thing wow i could be competitive in super crossing this they won't let you race no no way i feel so connected to the bike in these corners and for how slippery they are i'm attacking so hard the thing is like even if there's wheel spin you can spin it so much that you just get traction anyway right so like you'll it's like i feel like can block dude i'm just drifting concrete yeah you just come out so hard but it's you know you're spinning it like it's 60 miles an hour so just holds you anyways i will say though i could see myself really liking map 3 on a gnarly outdoor track something where i don't need that much torque um i like the map 4 on a supercross style track because i like the oomph to be able to the one thing that felt significantly different about map 4 is it kept pulling so yeah to do the table of tables it went from being very very difficult in map three to absolutely no issue at all it almost looked like you didn't really need to seat bounce it as hard nope not at all and the tire tap into the whoops like the tire tap quad into the whoops same thing super super other than lack of traction out of the turn a little bit um way easier to yeah well i can officially say matt that is the most fun bike i've ever ridden so please make more alta or if anybody knows of anybody with the used one or matt maybe you can find me one i can find anyone um i want one all right that's a wrap folks all 2018 mxr ulta mxr officially the best bike i've ever ridden you
Channel: Aj Catanzaro
Views: 759,006
Rating: 4.86726 out of 5
Keywords: supercross, motocross, aj catanzaro, dirt bikes, motocross coach, ken roczen, travis pastrana, Eli tomac, James stewart, dirt bike crash, monster energy supercross, ama supercross, 2020 supercross
Id: ViHaPiTsMvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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