Top 5 BEST Electric Dirt eBikes Of The Year | Best Money Can Buy

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hey everybody tucker here from electric cycle rider uh it's getting towards the end of the year and i've been super fortunate this year to ride a ton of electric dirt bikes and motorcycles so i wanted to put together a video highlighting what i think are the top five best electric dirt bikes and motorcycles of the year i have seen some of these videos out there highlighting top five or top ten electric bikes and uh my problem with it is that there isn't an actual human telling you why they're the best it's just a voice over going through specifications and to me that doesn't really tell you whether a bike is good or not it's just showing you what the bike is so because i've been able to ride a ton of these i'm going gonna tell you what i think are the best now the best is going to differ from person to person and i respect that so i'd like to put the bikes into five different categories and tell you what i think are the best for those five categories the five categories are number one budget and affordability number two is performance specifically off-road performance number three is the best in technical terrain four is going to be quietest and five is the best street legal electric dual sport dirt bike now all of these bikes that i'm going to mention are electric bikes that you can buy in the united states we've had some companies come and go and unfortunately some of these bikes you can't buy anymore so the bikes that i'm going to talk about in this video are bikes that you can actually go out and purchase all right so number one is budget and affordability and that's a question that i get asked a lot is i've got a super limited budget what's the best electric dirt bike i can get for the least amount of money and what i always say is get a saron x i think that that is the best bang for your buck if you've got a super limited budget you're not going to find a better bike than the saron x now at the time of recording this video the surron x is 3 600 from lunacycle um i respect that 3 600 is still a lot of money for a lot of people so i'm not trying to say that that is cheap but in the grand world of not only just motorcycles or dirt bikes even mountain bikes i mean thirty six hundred dollars is a really hard number to get to if you're trying to buy any new bike now what do you get for thirty six hundred bucks well the siron x is more of a mountain bike moto kind of hybrid i say mountain bike not in the sense that you pedal it because it's pegs and it's a throttle operated bike but it comes with a mountain bike style fork and shock handlebars stem brakes there's a lot of parts on the bike that make it super lightweight but make it feel and ride a lot like a mountain bike it's a six kilowatt motor so it's got for its weight a decent amount of power it's not going to rip your arms off by any stretch of the imagination it's if you've been riding a lot it's going to be a pretty mild bike but it's a super fun bike and in the right category i think it's a really really fun bike to own if you come from a moto background and you're used to riding a lot of rough terrain you know this bike is going to feel a bit under gunned in those situations but if you like really burmese kind of flowy trails jump trails that type of thing really mountain bike style riding these bikes are super fun for that they weigh about 115 pounds so they're really manageable to ride i wouldn't go out and replace my dirt bike with it but if you're looking for the most affordable option to get you on an electric dirt bike i would suggest the sauron x now i will mention that you can also get a segway x260 which is basically the same thing as a siron x but at the time of recording this video that is a bit more expensive than the cerron x so i am going to lean towards the saron x for this category because it is the most affordable option within that genre now with the surnx i will say you do get what you pay for i think it's built really well i've been impressed with the quality of the bike but there are some shortcomings on some of the components of the bike it's clear that they've been able to make the bike affordable by offering some parts on it that are not the highest end components but for most applications it's going to work really well i know a lot of people have a lot of fun on them there there's a reason why it's such a popular bike and i think that its best attribute is its price because it's allowing a lot of people to get onto a dirt bike especially an electric dirt bike for super cheap so if you're looking for a bike that's super fun really low cost of entry then i would highly recommend the saron x all right moving on to number two which is performance and specifically off-road performance the bike that i will always take out off-road when given the option is my ktm free ride exe i think that that bike excels when the going gets rough compared to all the other dirt bikes it feels most like a traditional dirt bike to me and that's saying a lot because it really doesn't feel like a traditional dirt bike in a lot of ways but it feels closest to a traditional dirt bike that i've found next to the alta you know i will say that the alta would beat ktm in this category but you can't go out and buy an alta today but you can go out and buy a ktm freeride exe so what you get with the ktm freeride exc is a 18 kilowatt peak output motor it's got a lot of really good usable power the throttle delivery is really smooth it doesn't feel underwhelming it doesn't feel overwhelming everything feels really planted it's just what you would expect from something coming from the brand ktm you're going to get a battery life on the ktm free ride of depending on how you ride it i would say if you're riding it really aggressively somewhere around 20 miles if you're not riding it as hard more like 30 or a little bit more than 30 miles off-road on that bike it's got also has a removable battery it's not as easy to remove as a bike like the siron but it's basically four bolts you can pop the battery right out if you want to buy a second battery you can pop a new one in it comes with the wp explorer fork it's a modern geometry it does feel a tiny bit smaller than a full-size dirt bike but i like the way that the bike feels uh the bike weighs about 250 pounds but don't be afraid of that 250 pounds because although it sounds like a lot and although it is indeed heavier on the scale than a traditional modern dirt bike it rides so much lighter because there is no gyroscopic inertia coming from the motor that's going to make the bike feel heavy in corners it feels extremely light it feels way lighter than a two-stroke when you actually ride it when you get it moving it's just heavier on the scale now the ktm freeride exe has been improved over the years the older 2017 model that i had um was not of the same caliber as this new 2020. the 2020 has better battery life a little bit more power better suspension better brakes and i know it's expensive it's coming in at an msrp of ten thousand five hundred dollars so it's definitely a expensive bike but you get the quality that you would expect from ktm and overall it's a super impressive bike and definitely the best off-road that i have ridden this year all right moving on to technical terrain so a lot of you guys watching this are really good off-road riders you like really technical terrain um a lot of you request to see hill climbs and rock garden obstacles and that type of thing so if you're of that category you like going through really slow rough technical terrain the bike that i would recommend the most is the electric motion race the race is a bit of a trial style bike so definitely geared more towards slower speeds but it has amazing traction and amazing capabilities when the going gets rough this bike really impressed me when i rode it i think the coolest thing that this bike offers is the fact that it has a clutch on it you can disengage the power of the bike with that clutch and to me that's something that i think every electric dirt bike should have it makes riding and technical terrain so much better like for instance if i'm going up a super technical hill climb that's really rocky and really slow going on my ktm free ride i always wish that i had the clutch of the electric motion race the reason i wouldn't put it in the performance category so to speak is it's not a high speed bike it's definitely more of a trials bike it's got trials tires trial suspension that really low cut out without the seat and high bars so it feels it is basically an electric trial spike but what it does really well is the slow technical riding it just cannot be beat um i would put my money on that over the ktm free ride in extreme technical terrain and that bike works really well so the race has a peak power output of 11 kilowatts depending on how you ride it it's got a range similar to the ktm free ride of between 20 and 30 miles it weighs in at 165 pounds it's got a top speed of about 45 miles per hour and the price of the electric motion comes in at approximately ten thousand five hundred dollars another thing i have to point out is that electric motion came out with the escape r which is more of a street legal bike with a higher seat than the race and it also has a clutch but i rode the escape off-road and if i'm gonna go for extreme technical terrain then i'm still gonna go with the race just because it's just built for that but a solid runner-up would be the escape r because you also get that clutch now the electric motion is a really torquey bike it's got a lot of snap off the throttle not a ton of high speed it's not meant for going high speeds but it has a lot of torque you can ramp up the motor you can pop the clutch you can get up and over things really easy so if you're somebody that's really into off-road technical terrain kind of slower moving hard enduro style riding and you're looking for an electric bike my best recommendation would be the race from electric motion all right now on to the quietest i know that a lot of you guys are interested in electric motorcycles or dirt bikes because of the quiet factor that you get from an electric dirt bike and um to be totally honest they're not all that quiet some of them are kind of loud they have a different pitch to them i don't think they're as loud as a two-stroke or a four-stroke but some of the high-performance bikes are not super quiet you're still definitely going to be heard on it but there are a few really quiet dirt bikes and i want to break this category into two different sections because i've ridden a handful of really quiet electric dirt bikes some are much quieter than others because of the style of motor that they use so i'm going to break it into hub drive and mid-drive motors hub drive motors are extremely quiet by nature whereas a mid-drive motor is what a lot of people are after and can sometimes not be that quiet before i digress too much the quietest electric dirt bike that i've ridden this year has been the upco 2x2 now the upco 2x2 is a dual hub drive bike so it powers the front and the rear wheel and even with those two motors it is extremely quiet there's no chain and sprockets making a lot of noise i will point out that it is not a super high performance off-road dirt bike it is very off-road capable but if you're looking to sneak around the woods and just be really stealth quiet the ubco 2x2 is definitely the quietest electric bike that i have ridden this year so the upcode 2x2 weighs about 128 pounds each of the brushless hub drive motors puts out one kilowatt it's got a top speed of 30 miles per hour and has a range of about 30 to 60 miles depending on how you're riding the bike and at the time of recording this the upco 2x2 cost about 6999. now the quietest mid-drive motor that i've ridden is also going to go to the electric motion bikes those bikes are all extremely quiet i'm not sure why that is i don't know what they've done to make those bikes quiet but they are by far the quietest mid-drive motorbike that i have ridden but the electric motion definitely takes the cake for the quietest mid-drive electric motor bike that i have ridden this year the sauron x is a pretty quiet electric bike especially with the o-ring chain that it comes with stock i know that you can put a belt drive on the siron x which would make it extremely quiet as well but if you're riding it off-road a lot the belt drive it's kind of sketchy you could get a rock or a pebble inside of that belt and break that pretty easily but the electric motion bikes put out a very small amount of noise and they're super enjoyable to ride for that reason there's not a big ringing in your ears and that's the beauty of some of these electric bikes is they're really quiet so the quietest bike is going to be the upco 2x2 for a hub drive motor and if you want a mid-drive motor the electric motion bikes really any bike in their line is going to be super quiet all right last but not least we're talking about the best electric dual sport bikes so one that can go off-road but is street legal so you can ride it on the street as well now this is a bike that i've ridden a bunch but i have not put out a video about it yet and it's the zero fx i think this bike has got to be probably one of the first electric dirt bikes that ever came out it's been upgraded over the years and gotten better and better but it is a bike that you can ride on the street and also has off-road capabilities as well so the xero fx has two different battery options for it the lower end battery option costs just over nine thousand dollars whereas the bike with the higher end battery costs just over eleven thousand dollars the smaller battery has a weight of about 246 pounds and a claimed range of about 46 miles both have the same top speed of 85 miles per hour and the bigger battery has a weight of 289 pounds with a much higher range of a claimed 91 miles now a lot of folks compare the ktm freeride exc to the zero fx now the zero fx is not going to be as good as the ktm free ride off-road but it is street legal so you can ride to the trail it's not a super light bike but it's just like the ktm freeride and that it rides a lot lighter than it sits on the scale and the cool thing about it is you can ride it on the road you can ride it off-road it has decent power it's a cool looking bike it's got good range so for those reasons i'm going with the xero fx as the best electric dual sport street legal dirt bike that you can buy all right so that about does it those are my top five best electric dirt bikes of the year those are the ones that if you were to reach out to me and ask me which electric dirt bike i think you should get those are going to be the ones that i put on the list and for those specific reasons so if you have any questions if you have any comments i'm sure a ton of you guys own these bikes and probably have your own opinions on them so feel free to leave a note in the comments let me know what you think and yeah happy new year and thanks for watching you
Channel: Electric Cycle Rider
Views: 329,796
Rating: 4.9144015 out of 5
Keywords: dirt ebike, dirtebike, motorcycle, surron, sur ron, ktm, alta, freeride exc, best electric dirt bike, electric dirt bike, electric bike, e bike, electric bikes, best electric bike, segway dirt ebike, best e bikes under $1000, dirt e-bike, best e bikes 2020, electric dirt bikes 2020, electric dirt bike review, electric dirt bike vs gas dirt bike, electric motorcycle, electric bike review, e bike review, electric bikes 2020, electric bike reviews 2020, dirt bike riding
Id: QByz-mI5aLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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