I Bought the Fastest Harley Davidson Ever Made

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so if you've been watching the channel long enough you've seen me subtly hint about this new motorcycle that i got i don't want to freak out about this but i just bought the baddest bike in the world it's one of the rarest modern motorcycles that harley davidson has made it's the v-rod destroyer and yes destroyer is its god-given name and since buying a destroyer uh we we become best friends we we do everything together we destroy everything together my marriage pumpkins that's pretty much it and now i'm wondering why didn't my parents name me destroyer you know like how cool would my life have been if my name was destroyer like what dad wouldn't let his daughter go to prom with a boy named destroyer that's a no-brainer now you might be thinking that this is just a cvo v-rod with a wheelie bar on it and a nitrous oxide tank well first of all that's not a nitrous oxide tank i'll explain what it is later but it is much much more than that you see the cpl v-rod is a pretty rare bike they only made 2 200 of them but in my travels i've actually owned two of those and according to my sources they only made 646 destroyers my sources are the internet and they only released 625 to the dealers to actually sell so this is how the hierarchy goes you've got the v-rod you've got the screaming eagle v-rod and then you have the cvo screaming eagle v-ride destroyer up here which they only made 646 of them which means somewhere hiding in some dark crevice of harley-davidson are 21 vira destroyers waiting hiding scheming who knows what these things are trying are going to do eventually i don't know if i want to be around to find out now the destroyer is unlike any motorcycle harley davidson ever produced or any other manufacturer overproduced it's an out of the box pro level drag racing bike and no one's ever really done that before which means you could have walked into a dealership throw down some cash and this is what they gave you it's not only one of the rarest bikes but it's one of the fastest bikes they've ever produced ever even till this day this bike stock should be able to do nine second quarter mile just just the way it is obviously what a good rider let me put that a little context for you the 2021 cvo road glide a 117 cvo engine it this engine is putting out 92 horsepower pretty pretty quick bike if that's not fast enough for you they have a 131 crate motor uh screaming eagle this thing's 131 horsepower pretty impressive pretty nuts horsepower on the v-rod destroyer 165. these are current numbers of the baddest harley-davidsons out there this was 15 years ago [Applause] not only was it not only is it a bad bike now but back then it was insane numbers just as a side note if you want to make more power than the cvo harley-davidson or the screaming eagle 131 you could do what i did and throw a turbocharger on your harley-davidson and i'm sitting around about 142 horsepower to the wheels which is not that bad for a 13-year-old motorcycle so the point i was trying to make is that this bike is pretty impressive let me actually show you this bike so the first thing you probably notice is that it doesn't actually have any gauges it tells you nothing it's going to shift like it tells you when you're supposed to shift it it's all that all the speedometer attack on none of that stuff matters that's all you got to do this thing's a dead man switch you actually connect this to you um if you somehow get separated from the motorcycle which is not a good thing it's going to kill the bike yes i know my tires are flat i know i got to get them pumped up you'll also notice anything that they could replace for weight such as a headlight because headlights are dumb they did that this is just a plastic it's just for just for looks now with any v rod this is not the gas tank the gas tank is actually down here you pop the seat up and all the electronics are going to be under inside the tank right there now obviously this is not a uh a normal cvo exhaust but this is what came stuck on the destroyer now harley had dunlop designed these tires specifically for this bike and they're good for about maybe 20 to 30 quarter mile runs which means these tires are gonna last about at the most maybe five miles these are of course toast so um i've got some friends at harley davidson made a couple phone calls and there's a couple guys that still race these and they actually contact dunlop every once in a while they get a batch made so i got in on that so i'll be getting some brand new dunlops because the other tires apparently explode at certain speeds when you're on the drag strip apparently it's a big deal then you get your awesome freaking wheelie bar then like i said this is not nitrous oxide what this is is that's actually part of the air shifter so you have an air shifter all right so you change these buttons around it's got like a like a stutter box on there so you could do like no lift shift but this is how you shift something going on in there that's all how that works your feet go back here where the pegs are and you don't that shifter is only for downshifting when you're done your quarter mile now you'll also notice that this thing has no rear shocks it just has a bar because who needs rear shocks when you're drag racing stuff they did every possible thing that they can do to this bike to make it as light as possible if they don't need it it doesn't have it if it could be aluminum it's probably aluminum it also has this really cool seat now if you're wondering why the seat looks like this it's because these bikes pool so incredibly hard that this is going to keep you actually planted on the bike the h2s have this have something similar you really need that so actually a normal v-rod is going to sit like this the pegs are going to be up here now a v-rod street rod the peg's going to be somewhere back here this is of course a drag bike and that's why the pegs are the whole way back here it doesn't even come with a kickstand it just has this goopy triangle that someone just stuck on the peg i'm not even sure that that's how it's supposed to belong on there so since this thing is a drag bike it's got stuff like stutter box and like launch control type of things where this this is how you launch it after you do your burnout you're sitting here you just hold the throttle wide open it'll hang around like 7 500 rpms once you're ready and he's got it's got a special two-stage clutch you just dump the clutch that wheelie bar stops you from from coming up and it just every time you go to shift just hold onto that throttle you don't let off you got g-force of a bugatti you got g-force of a dodge demon you've got a space shuttle and then right here you've got the g-force of a destroyer it's right around the two g's i don't know what a lot of this stuff does i've never actually ridden it so everything i'm saying about of how you ride is all kind of what i read let's fire it up so meanest bike i've ever heard in my life so now we need to do the only responsible thing that we can do and i know you think i'm going to say it i'm not going to say it and that is actually take it to my buddies at appalachian harley-davidson and have them check it out make sure it's i mean safe you know make sure it's somewhat safe to run things down the drag strip put new tires on it and um you know change the fluid or whatever i don't know all right so i i kind of need to come clean on the reason i got this bike it's not just so i can race it just so i can go fast this bike's a nine second bike all day long it's kind of a two-part reason part of it kind of goes back to when i was a young rider the first time i ever drove a fast bike and that was a cbr f4i the current bike i had was a uh a 1982 yamaha virago uh 750. it was a fun bike it was not very fast i jumped on my buddy's honda cbr first time i was trying second gear grabbing on that throttle maybe only 80 and it was so incredibly fast like my mind literally could not comprehend just like that feeling in your stomach that you get when you hit like a roller coaster you know and i've kind of been chasing that for for a long time to be honest with you i'm sure there's some like fast and furious quote we can put in here no i mean not where you live where'd you come from but so that's one of the reasons you know because this thing pools at two g's i don't think i've ever had a vehicle that can pull that hard from a dig so i can't wait to see what that feels like the other reason may be worse if you can do sub 10 seconds you know nine or anything's faster than that you instantly kick off the drag strip because you need a uh a race license to go faster than 10 seconds i don't have a race license and i love the idea of telling the story or coming back home to my wife and being like yeah how was your day i got kicked off the drag strip what what happened a little too fast a little too fast for my own gun apparently you know that sounds so fun that sounds so cool maybe part of the reason why i bought this bike brandon um why can't i ride my destroyer well we can i mean we kind of can't like we cruise through the parking lot okay baby it okay it's been sitting how many years now 14 years right so essentially two valve springs at least have been compressed so they want to be working all the time right we might make one run and it would probably be all right second runs probably gonna let those valve springs completely go and drop the valves they can't handle that it is something you're gonna go back in and rebuild we gotta eventually get back in there and look at it this one was really taken care of though there's not all the remnants the fuel could be like a little caustic at times you know somebody did a really good job with this one it's not there but but those springs they will not handle that so rebuilding it is a little rough like on our side um because everything that really exists for these anymore is up at vreeland's harley davidson and they stopped they stopped making the motors for him i think it was around 2009 maybe that that that that standing out my mind um that that was the end of of the parts for this so i mean he's still manufacturing some himself in house but that's where it becomes difficult acquiring any of the parts for it so basically this is good for what it's doing right now yeah i mean it's a beautiful beautiful like piece of art to just sit in your living room no i mean it can be fixed realistic time wise on that you are talking probably seven eight months um best option honestly would be to pull this engine and hand it over to the to the experts in this very specific machine because this really wasn't a production bike no no no this was straight up a race only machine you bought it to go to drag strip and that's it you know you can't register these for the street that there's that they are you know off-road racing only and harley's never done it as far as i know no one's ever done anything like this right yeah yeah you know right but as in a drag racing sense i don't i don't think so you know road racing bikes are have been you know i'm highly anticipating we're going to see something new with the revolution max um i've talked to some guys of that and they just keep saying keep an eye on daytona for that for that power train so is that is that public information we're gonna leave in line yeah yeah oh yeah yeah it's just it's just word of mouth right now now i mean let's be honest with the power we can get out of this why wouldn't you just modify a newer m8 that well that is the case now you know but back then when this came out i mean that that was that was it was a bit it was a big deal 100 160 horsepower now you know we can achieve that with cam only chains on m8 and you know milwaukee 8's 200 horsepower is not hard to get to get and 200 foot pounds of torque absolutely yeah be very square yeah yeah so i mean i i might as well just buy a m8 and give it to you guys and yeah yeah either we can do like a you know forced induction build that'd be cool we could use turbo pro charger stuff you know well cool i guess i will uh take this bad boy home then yeah i guess you can i like it here but it is cool so i learned a few things about this bike one it's rarer than i thought it was this is one of that 20 which makes it a little more rare but also it's kind of a shame because it's like a warrior that never really got a chance to fight i also was able to track down where this bike came from this bike came from brian's harley-davidson which recently switched to owners and when the new owners got the place they ran this thing to auction the cool thing is i was able to go to um their google 3d inside picture walk around the place trying to find it bam right there they had it hiding in a hallway what's funny is when you keep on walking to the hallway you see another destroyer it looks like they raced that one but when you keep on walking they've got a kawasaki vaquero just sitting there which is i mean it's a cool bike but why is it displayed at a harley davidson dealership so when they tried to sell it they took it to npa which is where i saw it fell in love with it and bought it for at the highest bid for i think thirteen thousand dollars so if you didn't understand all the stuff that brandon was explaining let me try to clear it up for you a normal motorcycle engine is made for a couple things but mainly longevity and reliability you change oil every five to ten thousand miles depending on the bike you change the tires every ten thousand miles depending on the bike it can run regular fuel in it and it's not very high strung the tolerances are tight but they're not you know it's not very high strung and they're not using all of its potential it might have a let's say at 100 potential it might be running at like 60 that's why you're able to modify these these uh regular bikes to make them faster but a lot of times you lose reliability and you lose longevity and things start to break more that's the opposite with a high performance pro level drag race bike where these bikes are extremely high strung and their goal is to get every little tiny ounce of power out of these things the tolerances are very very tight on these motors you know they might change the oil every couple runs down the strip or at least every day after they race and with some very very high level drag racing they'll actually rebuild the motor after every race day and they'll rebuild the motor differently depending on the elevation changes so i mean it's a completely different animal that's why it's not as simple as just let's just throw some new parts in here because one they stopped making the parts and that's why because it's sat for so long you're gonna have issues it's probably gonna blow up you know from it's sitting so long it's just not it's not made to sit that long so the tragedy of preserving this bike is also kind of what's killing it it's just not worth breaking because the parts are pretty much impossible to get but the problem is it's so freaking cool it's such a cool looking bike part of me just wants to you know just keep it in my office as like art because it's so awesome it's got such a good story behind it and i still want to go fast i still want to i still want to get to the nines on a harley would be cool or anything that'd be fine so i got to figure out another way to get into the nines get kicked off the track i'm not really a collector so i'm probably not going to keep it i'm probably going to sell it and maybe it'll sell for 130 thousand dollars like my little ysr did on this uh on this video on ebay which was a total scam i don't think it's gonna stop for that much but uh look in the description if i list it you guys can um watch it and see what it goes for we'll see you guys later don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Bikes and Beards
Views: 1,177,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bikes and beards, sean, caleb, motorcycles, srkcycles, srk, beards, bikes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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