Making of futuristic motorcycle - I Modified Scooter to the two-wheeled vehicle
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Channel: Meanwhile in the Garage
Views: 20,752,020
Rating: 4.7224774 out of 5
Keywords: mwig, meanwhile in the garage, diy, what do you say to that Elon Musk?, I Modified Scooter to the Future Motorcycle, Future Motorcycle, the future of transportation, motorcycle, motorcycles, how to build a motorcycle, the most beautiful motorcycle in the world, TOP motorcycle, future motorcycles, bikes, I Builded my own bike, How to build a futuristic motorcycle, most badass motorcycle, Custom motorcycle building, Monotracer, building a monotracer, motorbike, two-wheeled vehicle
Id: f708GtL6tns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 47sec (4307 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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I can't believe I watched the whole hour+ but that was badass
Add a speed sensitive retraction system to the training wheels and this would be pretty cool. It needs more headroom though, in my jurisdiction you would still require a helmet to legally drive that on a public road.
I've seen some videos about scooter with roof, but not fully enclosed one. Defo a cool idea.
Yeah, also reminds me of BMW C1 and EcoMobile
The iRoad was a cooler concept -
wish it took off
It’s probably the training wheels that deter much popularity. Falling over on your side because your legs are in a cabin would suck too. A spider type scooter could accomplish it well. At that point, we’re veering into car territory, though. Ehh, I still think it looks cool if there wasn’t training wheels.
This works with a piaggio mp3
Old fella on my street has one. I'd never seen a scooter so narrow before. Will get a picture next time I see him.
Great design but if the balancing wheels are too far out in my opinion