I bought my Mum her Dream Car.

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I'm actually speechless that's more than I thought it could be I've been wanting to do something big for my mum ever since the age of 12 she's my first ever fan and the only continuous positive force that's made sure that I never give up and she also just so happens to be trading in her existing car right now to save on costs so I'm going to buy her the car of her dreams use tech gadgets to take it to the next level and then surprise her with it now if she could have anything she'd want a big car she'd never want something that couldn't fit the family in plenty of boot space because she does not pack light when she goes on holiday and electric just because of how clean and quiet they are but with enough battery that she can easily travel between cities there's actually only one very clear very obvious choice this is the Mercedes eqs plus the car she's currently having to trade in is an old Mercedes it makes two and then I saw the price the equivalent of no joke 150 000 that is so much money it's probably 10 times more money than I've spent on anything in my entire life but for some reason there is zero doubt in my mind that this is what I want to do but what color Embrace which I mean if you want to like skin her car deciding what color is that what you think red blue black white technically if we combine them all we would actually get what we wanted but no this had to be just right when building a dream car here so to get that Perfect Color we're also gonna have to get the car wrapped in a to get it bought wrapped delivered and upgrade with tech before her birthday oh how do you feel about shifting back your birthday this year what what are you talking about man okay the second I sign this form is real blue now we get the wraps horses so I searched far and wide for someone who could turn this around in time but the added difficulty was that this is Christmas time no one wants to work around Christmas time I was running out of options managed to find a company in Birmingham called rapid they will work with our schedules and they will get it done before timeline this is Shaz he's the Mercedes dealer who's sorting the return of Mom's old car and he is about to be pivotal in this process Okay so we've got the car rapper says they're going to stay open on Christmas Eve day to get the rap done this might actually work out all right okay hello thank you so much for getting this done in time oh that color is actually perfect we're gonna go from Midnight Purple to almost black depending on the angle that you're looking at it from That's So Perfect she's actually gonna love it we can get the review of that Mercedes bench and apparently they're clearing out the whole showroom just to do that for you she's gonna be in tears it only just dawned on me that that is real that is our car and it looks like that okay 7am I'm all packed up I've got an entire box full you can't get it let's go see this thing jazz is a big part of how we've managed to get this thing over the line in just three weeks what's the plan right Jaz is going to ask my mom to hand her current car in at 3pm on the day itself they'll be sat in one room going through the paperwork together and while they do that we'll secretly be at the showroom just meters away setting up our cameras ready to capture her surprise reactions your guide around the corner on the way out of the building and that's when we will pounce now it's time to see the car heart rate it's a big car it's a really big car I almost don't want to do it [Music] wow I'm actually speechless that's more than I thought it could be this is the most beautiful car I've ever seen in my life purple here but then you've kept the black here it doesn't even pick up fingerprints so clean this is the nicest car I've ever started camera button on the lower street is that you I've never seen full seat control for back seats I want to like lie on it or like use it or something I just wanted to see it now okay so I've had the tour and here's the thing right when I first had this idea I thought okay whatever car we get we're gonna have to like rig it with piles of tech to make it futuristic but what I didn't quite expect was just how much this thing already does so I'm going to show you the top 10 coolest features about it and then the few things that I can add to take it to the next level number 10 is that when the car is off the wing mirrors fold in and the handles retract so that other people are less likely to hit you but when you walk close enough the handles will automatically fold out so that you can then open the door so long as your keys are in your pocket and that leads me to nine which is when you turn the car on it boots up in this really gentle fluid way it makes it feel alive compared to like a conventional car that just toggles on and off has a total of eight USBC ports you've got two in this compartment here and there's two underneath that compartment two in the middle section and then the last two for the back seat passengers oh yeah and Mercedes have finally redesigned their UI it's now probably the second best in a car after Tesla so you get a 12.8 inch Central Main OLED screen you get a secondary screen just behind the wheel here and then there is also if you look very carefully a heads up display that's being projected from here onto the car window itself and what I actually really like about this is that they've not just taken the map and made it bigger they've used the extra screen to make sure that you're always seeing the key controls that you might need to use and then there's also haptic feedback every time you tap something which I guess is the car's way of letting you know you've tapped it without having to stare at the screen that's launch we will interrupt this filming for a spot of food this video is not sponsored by KFC so I've just found out almost the entire footage we filmed that day is corrupted I'm leaving my holiday right now to go and refilm it good times I just talked to Shaz and we can re-film what we lost but because it's so close to her birthday it's gonna have to be on the day itself Okay so we've managed to get it up and running again this is the day she's coming to collect it she's coming in about an hour so we're gonna have to very very quickly go through all this cool stuff before she gets here we've got voice control hey Mercedes make the lights red all right it's not bad play Classic FM tell me a joke knock knock I'm sorry but I can't help you with that right now maybe we'll put humor under the weaknesses section five is that this is the most comfortable car that I've ever had the privilege of placing my button so you know how most cars have heated seats in the front right this has heated seats in the back that can also call you while also massaging you and giving you extra cushioning for your head and your neck it's ridiculous and you want to know how you control that massage well this car has a removable Samsung tablet that is also a wireless controller for everything in the car I don't think I ever in my life thought I'd be reviewing a tablet for a car it's probably nothing Cutting Edge in terms of the specs on the inside but it's more than fast enough to run mercedes's own UI so you've got full control over the ambient lights in the car the heating the car volume the air quality because I guess apparently this car has HEPA filters built inside of it to filter the air coming in and of course the massage what do we have here classic massage mobilizing massage hot relaxing shoulders we're gonna have to see what that's about oh I've never been massaged by a car before it's not as powerful as like a full-on dedicated massage chair that's probably for a reason because the last thing you want is someone squealing from pain while they're in a moving vehicle oh my God the lighting goes blue under the seat every time you go down in temperature and then it goes red when you go up in temperature and then when you're done with a tablet you just place it back in and the car almost sucks it back into the armchair I cannot wait to see what she thinks when I show her that the car also has extremely fast charging it goes from 10 to 80 in about 30 minutes which again it doesn't actually sound very fast compared to smartphone standards but when you factor in the difference in the size of the batteries the actual charging power of this is insane you know how the world record for smartphone charging is basically around 200 Watts this charges at up to 200 000 Watts three the ecos surrounded by external cameras you basically have a 360 degree dash cam built inside of it so if anyone scrapes your car you're going to know who did it now it is a little cheeky because the car technically has these cameras baked in you just have to pay to unlock the feature on the software end but what I genuinely think is crazy is that even though these cameras are on the inside of the car shooting outwards the car uses augmented reality to make it seem like they're on the outside of the car shooting inwards like it actually creates a full 3d environment that you can move your finger around in and pinch out and zoom in I tend to be of the opinion that most car tech is a little bit behind The Cutting Edge that is smartphone Tech but this is one of those rare cases where I'm actually kind of Blown Away oh there is also something in this menu called parking assistance where the car no joke actually takes control of the steering wheel and wheels it around for you to get it into a spot but I've tried it before in it it's kind of scares me two is that the car actually kind of knows who you are so you log in with your Mercedes account or even actually your fingerprint with the scanner here and what that means is that any of the settings that you've set for your car like your temperature your seating position all of that stuff it will remember it and if you're ever in another Mercedes car let's say you hand yours in for service and you need a replacement it will retrieve those settings and apply them automatically for you there's two wireless chargers one inside of this armrest which also kind of feels like phone prison and then the second one is right next to these USB C ports in there Wireless Apple carplay which as the name suggests is carplay but swaps out the cable for Bluetooth connection it does have the slightest hint of lag because of that wireless connection but I don't think my mom's going to notice a fence month and then you've got the range Mercedes quotes about 450 miles in reality you're probably only going to get around 400 but that's still 100 more than most other electric cars and probably the coolest way that they've done this is by making it as aerodynamic as possible I actually think the front to this eqs is probably the weakest in terms of how it looks but it's for this reason there's no Macho boxy design it's just one smooth continuous curve from top to bottom you'll notice there's no Grill on the front it's just this smooth black panel which channels air around it you actually can't even open up the front Bonnet for these streamlining reasons so if you want to top up your windshield wash you actually tap here and fill it up from the side tons of these kinds of micro decisions is What's led this car to either have one of the lowest or the lowest drag coefficient of any production car so what on Earth am I going to be able to add to a car like this got a couple of tricks on my sleeve we also have 10 minutes trick number one is making sure that we never lose the keys with an air tag so this car actually comes with a really fancy rose gold key and I'm about to slightly butcher it with a one dollar amazon airtight case there at least it's purple and at least she knows it was chosen with love got a little heart engraved on it that's actually so cool it comes up with the engraving that you got on the software side as well and this thing is hopefully gonna mean she never loses her keys again but to do this she's also going to need a new iPhone the Precision finding feature doesn't work on the phone she currently has so we got her an iPhone 14 pro Max 512 gigs purple that is actually shockingly unpurple for a purple phone if we hold it at just the right angle it kind of Blends it in it's a thought that counts and the other benefit of upgrading the phone is that it means you can actually take advantage of the wireless charging stations that the car has so I'm going to plant the phone inside this compartment here and she's going to discover it as she's touring the car I'm realizing what a challenge it is to make the interior of this car any classier than it already is but if there's one thing that can do it I'm banking on this star projector we're going to plug it in to these back seats USB ports oh and what's going to make this better is if I slide my finger acros here it pulls back the sunroof I think there is a slim chance he's actually going to keep this in her car but for the purposes of the reveal I think it's going to add a nice bit of something got a couple of functional upgrades too so these right here are backseat phone mounts this is going to mean that any passenger of this car off as if they're not already getting treated enough is going to be able to clip that is not the kind of headrest I was expecting the car to have just cut to the next Gadget you've got the highly glamorous car bins which I'm hoping will help my mum keep the car in good condition okay so obviously these aren't the prettiest things in the moment right now but we stick one in this side one on the other side and this should mean that the car itself is going to stay clean because you've got a natural place to dump yourself I'm getting nervous this is a bit of an unusual one it replaces the drop Gap in a car with a pocket you know this absolutely useless region in between the seat and the middle console these should be able to turn that disadvantage into an advantage so instead of losing your smartphone into the abyss of nothingness in that seat Gap not just a pocket oh I also managed to find some color matched car vents all I wanted was just a little touch to be able to make the inside ours as well as the outside now I was actually really surprised with how little there was in terms of car scent Tech but I did find this one device essentially a solar powered rotating diffuser so I filled the reservoir on the inside with new car scent which I realize sounds like a dumb idea given what this is but it should keep it smelling that way that feels like a perfect location for it the same goes for under car lighting I was half expecting there to be hundreds of companies making high-end Solutions but literally all I could find was this 40 DIY kit from eBay and it doesn't exactly Inspire confidence but I genuinely do think this has the potential to take the Revere off to the to the next level which is like five minutes away we've also got the homevac H20 which is Apparently one of the most powerful cordless handheld car vacuums this is one of the most painful things I've ever had to do I'm a man of science it sounds powerful oh that's fantastic that's exactly what she needs that was so fast she might have a few questions about what's inside there but that's a problem for later Aaron it's go time and finally a big hitter Gadget to round it all off this is something that I thought would be the perfect tool to keep in the boot in case she ever breaks down it's a torch but you know how we work on this channel this is the brightest torch in the world so if she ever gets stuck by the road at night she's gonna have this but not just that it goes brighter brighter brighter [Music] it's like the sun I feel like I'm getting blinded by looking at the reflection of this from her car and it's got a fan on the inside of course so we're in position out of sight of the entrance the car is almost ready to go and Mum is about to walk through those doors to meet Shaz any minute now actually any second now having a last minute emergency with these undercar lights she's out the front now oh my God [Music] my heart rate right now literally just pressed up against the wall so she doesn't see me right uh just this way please [Music] all day there's something happening at Mercedes oh my God Mom you are the best mom that any kid could ever have asked for oh my God everything we've ever achieved all of us is because of you and your unending support and for a really long time I've been trying to find a way to say thank you oh my God I think we've finally done it oh my God [Music] [Music] [Music] oh this is too much that's too much oh I love the dashboard isn't that beautiful this is your new phone have you transported on my contacts as whatever you have what is going on and this is matched to the color of the car don't you but look at this this is incredible so you pull this down and this is a tablet to control the car oh wow so that's a bed for the cats thank you
Channel: Mrwhosetheboss
Views: 7,954,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mum, dream car, car, tech, gadgets
Id: _Wmj5FHbJHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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