I entered World's Highest Tech Prison.

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this behind me is hmp fos and it's maybe the most technologically advanced prison in the world so we're actually going to go through the full prisoners Journey understand what the potential benefit of tech in a prison actually is and then talk to a real prisoner to see the impact it's having on their life right let's do this trust me when I say it is very hard to get access to do something like this so you're about to see a lot of stuff you've never seen before and that's courtesy of Dave who's helped to design this Prison from the ground up and knows why basically every single decision has been made what we're doing is we're controlling the area by having an air lock here this is the first point of security when you're entering and the last point of security if you leaving you stay Within These striped lines they make sure that you are who you say you are and only one of these two doors is ever open at the same time every element that we put in prevents Escape now as you can probably start to see when you're dealing with a prison you have to think about Security on a whole other level so while we've already been through both an ID and Biometrics check at the front desk and an airlock chamber there's more you have a look in here and you see how many cameras are actually observing you so there's one two three four five and you know what the crazy part is in this prison as a whole there are not 50 cameras or 100 cameras but 1,700 active cameras all right so then we go through the third stage biometric verification fourth stage metal detectors fifth stage of full body search feels more thorough than an airport for sure and you would think after all that that you must be through you would be wrong what I actually found quite interesting here is that the same biometric Tech that lets the prison know who's going in and out is also what's underlying a whole load of other systems for example the issuing of a equipment as well radios cuffs buttons parver is done via biometric as well for the staff that's communicating with the server yeah so the server always knows when a piece of equipment is in use yeah there's no hiding from Technologies so and then just before getting out into the main prison compound itself this is the room where every key in the entire facility is stored this room is so high security that you can't see anything we have to blow everything out here because the key design cannot leak and if it does or even if a single key is so much as misplaced then the entire prison would be considered compromised it would have to be entirely relocked and that would cost about £2 million two on through what's the beeping telling me this door's open and I'm not allowed to open that door until I've locked this door so when you open this door that alarm starts beeping that alarm won't stop beeping till that door is locked because there's a sensor on the inside you can't open that door till that stopped beeping and that's shut so this is basically the seventh barrier when you're trying to get from the outside world to the inside world and it's a video call with the front desk you'll start to notice one interesting thing with all of these security measures that it's very much not what you see in the movies like seven separate lines of bodyguards but instead seven very varied security steps some technological some using physical Keys some human control this is like a real operational prison with real prisoners staying here oh this is a very low Tech part of a otherwise very high-tech prison but you know cameras cameras and it's a very very high steel fence they're built to with technical standard the standards that we stipulate through the different categories of prison for levels of security and materials that we use in the build we have to adhere to those so just to clarify there are four different categories of prison in the UK category a is maximum security category B is for prisoners who don't need maximum security but for whom Escape is still a risk category C for those who are unlikely to try and escape and then category D which is basically an open prison any fence that we consider as a risk somebody getting over you'll see a 5.2 M def fenses once we get into the prison it's more the general use the 3.6 M fences is that a national rule that's our technical standard yeah presumably no one's going to be able to jump something even half that height that height gives you enough time to respond to get stuff here we respond and that height will prevent them from doing anything before we can get here to a certain height on the fence as well you've got this sheeting you see the sheeting is on this side of the fence here facing this way so it prevents that initial attempt to climb as well see and also these are not designed with fingers getting through no they're anti-climb fences antic climb fences and also on all the bolts we have to reduce them to a certain distance so they can't be used as ladders to get up as well that's the type of thing we have to look at when we're doing the build we cut the bolts off so you can't use them as a climbing it yeah your fingers struggle to get through really difficult this has been tried tested and it's proven to be a good standard for the service this is a 5.2 M anti-climb fence I'm not in the best shape I've been but yeah there's no way there's no way so after all of those security stages we are in the prison and while the technology here is so Advanced there's one common principle that will keep coming up with the way this prison thinks about security your back lines your kind of final Port of Call is all manual yeah is there a reason realistically there's not a lot of risk to it because it's a physical action so we're going to start at the brand new Visitor Center we'll get to test what happens if you take drugs into the prison experience being locked in an actual prison cell where the inmates live try out the high-tech workshops explore the secret Beating Heart of the jail the control center and then finally talk one-onone with the The Prisoner about their experience here so what you'll see as we walk around we design the prison with fence lines that break up the estate so that we can control access and egress from those so first up the visitor center so the prisoners come into here they book in at this desk they're all computerized it's all on the system who's expected so you can't just turn up and say I'm having a visit it has to be booed the prisoners booked the visit is that on their tablets yeah oh this a lot nicer than I was expecting it to be if you have a look up with the cameras that were in this place I think even you'll be quite amazed one to every 5 m there's a camera what's going on in there ah I know you're going to go straight from that purple visits it's called and these are visit booths that people can do visits online right okay so this is a wow it's like properly soundproofed so you got a HP computer here and I'm assuming it's highly regulated what people can actually access on this absolutely well it's well lit and it feels very soundproof so at least you can have the reassurance that the conversation you're having is private at least it is from other inmates of course the prison staff they are monitoring every call if for example you were clear to have a visit with two people so your mother and father if then a child walked in the background it would shut down wow and it's using AI to make sure that only the people who are meant to be on the call are on the call one of the key tenants of this prison seems to be giving the Prisoners the opportunity to still keep in touch with family and friends because what they found is that offenders who maintain Family Ties Are 39% less likely to reoffend presumably because their family is a trying to help set them straight and then B because assuming you do manage to keep those connections while you are in prison you're not going to then feel when you come out of prison like the entire rest of your life has disappeared you still got it together so this is a virtual courtroom yeah in what situation would you use this when they're not required to attend court in person it prevents risk so if a prison is not leav an establishment there's no risk of anything happen while they're out it's also cost effective it's time efficient as well on staff it's just a really efficient way to do it technology is absolutely brilliant but also there is a place for old ways working to be honest some things you can't bre place it's a brave thing to say on a technology Channel well well yeah and I'm going to show you that with the dogs yes he said dogs and we're about to see why even in such a high-tech facility that they're still deciding to use dogs as part of their security Arsenal so there's four types of dog there's the passive drug dog the active drug dog the explosives dog and then the attack dog more of a cat guy myself this is a passive drug dog his name Harvey when the dog's working do not try and stroke him or talk to him good boy this is uh not what I thought I'd be doing today got a hit so obviously a lot of this is very manual right now is it something that you feel like Tech could ever replace not really no they have tried in the past Tred machines that SC up and down on you but it's been proved not to be as effective dog's NOS is 25,000 times stronger than ours 2 25,000 times stronger okay now the active drug dog so what is it looking for all illegal substances that prison not allowed oh he's found something good lck meth meth good boy so hypothetically that dog could be trained to find my iPhone yes um I I used to have a phone dog phone dogs are trying to find phones batteries and SIM cards and that would do a much better job than the app yes yeah all right next up is the explosive dog straight to the corner she found it already yes good girl her core instinct is searching so even if she's out walking she's still searching away crazy the extent to which dogs can train the dogs I know are not like this and then the fourth and final this dog no one's allowed to interact with them you're not allowed to get within 8ot of them no one ask bar or anyone minimum of 8ft Gap is for what exactly safety reasons that's the lead cuz this is the most dangerous dog this is the most force that could be inflicted right so just to be clear this dog can inflict the most force that can be inflicted and I should be 8 ft away that's nice so 8T Gap at all times minimum at a minimum I feel like I don't quite have that now is there any Tech involved in this this process or is it very much like manual human and dog very human yeah very much human yeah I don't know why I asked that question it's quite hard to think straight when there's an attack dog directly locking eyes with you are you're going to spark this one up sorry when you say spark it up what do you mean are they quick trainers how quickly can you get over that fence Aaron I've tried already it didn't work very well he looks agitated oh wow okay so this is a a triggered dog in action and it's trained to basically run after him and fight him and you just bring that dog on and the prisoners back off yeah everyone of those as you did yeah as I did yeah so your plan is usually to take the dog out let it bark a few times dissolve the situation we don't go out with the intention of setting a dog on someone absolutely not but there's one more part to this whole incident response it's if something breaks out what you don't want to do is to just rush a staff member in there to try and fix it cuz they could put themselves In Harm's Way so there's also a drone the Drone is going to be thrown up into the air scope the area from above to make sure the situation is what we think it is so you're using a DJI DJI mavic mavic 3T and what's the reason you've gone for this one we changed over to DJI cuz they're a lot more flexible lot easier to put up lot quicker for response this is an Enterprise Edition of the Drone what is different about the Enterprise Edition we've got thermal cameras on this for obviously the night incident with this system now cuz DJI is very pliable with the system we use we can data transmit live imagery now to our gold command so during an incident they get live updated imagery of what's going on the Drone can obviously follow the prison around it allows to put out any points that are vulnerable so it allow us to put containment lines in to keep the prisoner in one area rather than have the full flexibility we're up and going in about 30 seconds while the drones up the second colleag will then be data transmitting the imagery through to headquarters I assume the entire Prison Complex is designed in a way that from this bir bird eye Viewpoint you can see everything yeah we can use this collaboration with our dog teams for searching for a prison if they've escaped so we'd be the air support looking ahead of the staff and then we could guide them in and locate them into anything we find in a way it's actually kind of reassuring for the consumer that even in an industry where it's so so important to have the absolute best that they're still using consumer grade gear in a sense the tracking features of that DJI drone that's good enough to track and Escape prisoner so this is my response vehicle here so we're going to the house blocks now so this is actually where the prisoners themselves are staying and after that we're going to talk to One everybody's perception of a prisoner's bars isn't it and you can see the barless windows and when you say barless windows you mean I guess glass no metal bars yeah it's glass I'm assuming there's a lot that's gone into the actual material as well to make sure no one can oh yes oh yes we build to technical standards and the technical standard for this is they have to be a attack resistance for 90 minutes we did testing on these and we used the national resources to do it so they attack the window with anything we can find in the area what we'd expect to find we get one person to attack it for 30 seconds and we stop stopwatch and then we put someone else in as well and we do it for 90 minute period which takes 6 hours to two that's phenomenal the barless window is not about preventing the air coming in it's about not preventing that view which then refocuses the brain really okay now onto the inside where you're greeted with the hallways which is where the routine medication is stored for all the inmates now that we're coming into the new world and getting with technology we've got this great piece of equipment is biomic so they scan their finger and their specific medication will become available to them be in one of these lockers so where we have put bars and where we believe there's a need for bars we've put the bars horizontally and that's because they look like blinds rather than bars that's a specific decision you made for the psychological wellbeing of people absolutely notice you got another big green button here yeah don't touch it okay wait they're all all over the place those are all emergency buttons and you need one there as well as there they're put in areas of risk is there a reason this is held open right now yeah because you're not allowed to see the workings of a lock a door is either locked or it's in what we call a lock back why we're not using Biometrics for this you'd have to look at the expensive then what happens if they fail and then just before the cells there is a recreational area as you can see I mean it's pleasant but it it is what it is are they free to use this at all times no absolutely not they're expected to go to work or education during the day I just noticed the entire building is an X is there everything specific to the shape of an X something to do with being able to see from all angles what's happening yeah absolutely spot on if you were to sit there youve got to feel the vision where you can see down all landling loads of sound dampening yeah acoustic tiles it creates a calmer environment doesn't it so we need people to be able to speak to people at a certain level which keeps that calmness well the default talking volume is talking volume yeah it was very calm space let's go CSL I wasn't really sure what to expect here all right so youve got there's a bed there's a bed frame there's a phone here who can they call with this so it could be family members any individual they can put in we risk assess them and we vet who they allowed to call they then go to work to education earn the finances to pay for the Fone calls it seems like one of the big questions this prison is trying to answer is how do you keep someone away from normal society for many years but not let them forget how that Society works and so a common theme Here is there are plenty of opportunities to learn to grow to improve to keep in touch with your family so long as the prisoner also puts the effort in from their end and the idea of that is to get them ready for normal life again when they're out on the other end so you've got a monitor keyboard mouse there's actually a Mini PC strapped to the back they can book medal appointments they can do open University as well wow so that's crazy so a lot of the equipment is obviously very inexpensive very simple keyboard and mouse but I guess the idea in function without wasting cash you've got the television that runs through this as well they've got like access to watch HS it's a bare minimum that we would expect to see you've got the glass which is the strengthened glass and you've got a polycarbonate um outer and there so it's kind of creates a lock and that's the way they get the 90minut attack resistance and I guess what that means is if a prisoner went rogue and used every bit of equipment available to them in their cell and attacked that for 90 minutes straight it's been tested to resist that so we even test with a toilet and a sink as well everything with the kitchen sink but we know we threw that as well we threw that as well who are they call with this the staff it's not to deliver toilet rods cuz I run out of toilet Rod yeah it's for medical emergencies or somebody in crisis okay so I am in the cell alone this is what it would be like I mean it's still it's a prison it feels like a prison um but there are some you know really thoughtful quality of life features I guess like like the fact that we actually have a window here instead of bars obviously there isn't much to do here but the main focus will most likely be the computer so using it for education and then using it for entertainment cuz it's it's got a TV box attached to it too that's the shower you got the drain you got the toilet sink and a little ledge here so that's the cells now for the workshops where the prisoners would go to skill up and the idea is the prison has contacted a whole load of partner companies who work in the local area and they've said come in teach prisoners who are on their final stretch the skills they need so that they can actually have employment ready for them when they get out the prison so this is the industries building we're about to see a digger simulator this is basically a full Recreation of the inside of a cat Digger so it's made by the actual company you got a seat you got all the controls you've got a meta Quest headset and then 340 in or so screens so that's take this for a spin yeah it feels like the real deal there's even like resistance on these joysticks so this is basically like they've taken the entire internals and electronics of a real cat Digger gutted them and stuck them in this room with a screen in front oh yeah there we go that's me oh my goodness is it up yeah yeah yeah yeah oh it really feels like I'm in like the seat's vibrating I'm feeling the engine and that actually changes the vibrations in the seat that's phenomenal I got it I got it o it's got all the physics that you would experience in a real uh machine so yeah this is not a toy this is an actually licensed simulator meaning that prisoners aren't using it to fool around they'll be using it to get real qualifications to be able to leave these four walls with prospects and walking through the rest of this building I couldn't believe how many of these workshops there were we saw music workshops Barber workshops even classes that teach prisoners how to make the Optics that go into glasses okay time to head to the very heart of the operation how is it that we have an electronic lock when we're already inside a six-step secured facility it's a brilliant question and the reason we've got this is this area is critical so what we've got is the command suite and we've got the control room so this is a restricted area where you have limited access even for the staff that work here and it's also again what we call a bit of a citadel you can't afford to lose this area this is where the cameras are operated where the Biometrics are processed where the Hub of the security is so you can see why it's heavily guarded this is the nerve center yeah absolutely so this is a very real operational control room of the entire prison it's where the 1,700 cameras are controlled from but how it's an intelligent system that's used by the operator and they program it to move the cameras and the cameras come up on screen where they need them at whatever time of day it's required so when someone comes into this facility you'll tell them like look there's 1,700 cameras here absolutely and and it's recording all the time yeah absolutely and now that that's done let's find out how all this stuff has played into the experiences of someone actually serving their sentence here where are you roughly in your sentence well I've got four years left and I've done best part of years and how are you feeling about this place as a whole it's not what I imagined it's a it's far better than what I imagined I've done English in education the education department was great and when you say you've done English so is someone here like teaching it yeah someone's teaching English yes and that's an actual qualification that you can take yeah it's an actual qualification yeah yeah right right what about contact with the outside world you feel like you're able to keep in touch yeah is yeah yeah yeah you've got email a prisoner family friends can email me they can send me photos I can't send photos back for obvious reasons and you can email a long Essa if you like if someone subscribes to UniFi messenger which is a secure Messenger Service on your inside computer on your CMS you can send back and forth text messages instant messages just like you could on WhatsApp one of the things I imagine would be quite difficult is being completely without a phone without the internet if your think of you can't I'll just Google it it's completely taken away from me so that that is hard so it's been years since you've actually been able to Google something it's been almost two years yeah if I want to find some I have to ring my daughter up or ring my sister or someone and they do it for me do you wish you had more to do I feel like there's plenty to do I don't feel bored at all I lot to learn Spanish I've gone on to just translating on the computer so that is actually internet so you and your cell when it they kind of you know lock you in you're learning Spanish in that yeah yeah I'm learning Spanish yeah you're really taking this as an to just scale up 100% yeah yeah there's actually not enough time to do everything that I want to do seen a lot of things here that I didn't expect to and I've learned a lot more than I expected to so I hope you felt the same and uh catch you in the next one
Channel: Mrwhosetheboss
Views: 6,316,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech, prison, mr beast
Id: lHtocbq47o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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