I built my sister's DREAM DEN with only TEMU products

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I'm about to surprise my sister by turning her junkyard of a bedroom into a dream setup by only spending 500 on this new website team I can't tell you how many people I've seen raving about the cheap Tech you can get on this site it's cheaper than Amazon it's cheaper than wish and for some reason always at the top of the Google search results I have no idea what's going on but we're about to find out okay t-e-m-u it says shop like a billionaire what if you only have five hundred dollars oh my goodness this stuff is so cheap I don't understand the supposed discounts on this website how do you give a 99 discount okay so one of the key things that we have to start with is some sort of LED 130 foot LED strip Sunset lamp projection light I like it a little bit of mood lighting oh dear there's a good vibes LED neon sign I actually think this is right up the rally full massive banana no brainer we need to make this setup very much like all room lights off and all ambient lights on in which case the transform your home with a 3D big cloud probably the way to go I've got some like gravity-defying lamp over here babe cave neon sign anybody how is it that everything I click on just so happens to be on a lightning deal and or yeah and almost sold out it's got to be something with LEDs in there isn't it foreign are you sure I was I was just about to I do love the idea of a bean bag but it just seems like they won't ship you the beans yes oh yeah she does good idea ah this one's interesting it's not super cute per se but I like the fact that it's a a multi-pronged attack to the cooling solution luxurious double layer coffee table trash can it looks like something you cook rice in stay hydrated anywhere with this portable astronaut humidifier what are you gonna just hold your mouth over it it's like an infinity mirror but filled with flowers so they just look like they go on forever even though the depth of the mirror itself is like this Optical drawing board that allows you to pull up an image you want to sketch on your phone and then actually draw it on the piece of paper yourself that's so smart [Music] rotating a makeup brush holder it's pretty cool I mean that's not cool arcade cabinet I'm assuming this is like a tiny little thing it's 2.8 enough [Music] this site definitely has a very similar feel to wish in that you just feel like you can continuously scroll and find new stuff what you can get Crocs for your Crocs oh you can also get headlights they're like sticking to the little holes and light up your purse who walks a tortoise can you imagine the speed of that walk I'm getting into the dark parts of temu [Music] yeah right now half of this app for me is just [Music] having a good time [Music] I need to stop pressure you just take it away please have to happen I am really confused right now you know how when we normally do these buying sections we order we wait for like one to two months and then we film yeah well it's been four days since I ordered this stuff which means team you must actually keep local stock of products so here's the plan because I thought this whole thing would take a month to arrive my sister would have been long gone at University as it is it's downstairs and that is where Patricia comes in she is an exam in four days and I've promised her a day of studying all around town I'm gonna have to try and convince her to spend the entire day going from Starbucks to Costa to the library to the park so you guys have as much time as possible to turn this into something insane and while they do that I've got to do the fastest clear out of my life unbox and set up all of these two new products paying particular attention to how good or bad they actually are and get the room completely ready for the big surprise so she had a really bad sleep last night she's not going to want to stay out the entire day this is going to be a tricky let's go I can't believe this is what we're working with if I don't work fast she's going to be back before I've even finished cleaning you have to go from the biggest book to the smallest book she really loves Harry Potter it's an eraser I just rub out this room so we just need to finally oh I remember this how did they end up here she's probably munching on a full English breakfast right now I'm punching on the dust this chair is absolutely Grim we can't use it Josh this is her current keyboard I can actually safely say the timu one is going to be a massive upgrade got a calendar here from 20 20 probably the last time she used this room I think it's really difficult sometimes to throw your own stuff you just get really emotionally attached to it that's where I come in one thing I gotta say I do not like about this room is this light here the bright side of how many LED products we bought so hopefully we won't even have to use it finally take out the dust from this room steamer time right so it looks like everything's been shipped in a total of six packages we'll see the plastic was already tearing slightly around the edges looks like most things come in a pretty simple generic box or a bag oh mini fridge that really is mini to be fat this is exactly the kind of cute Vibe she's gonna love so it's made of pretty cheap plastic but it's nicely constructed like it's even got a rubber ring to make sure that it seals when you close it plus an actually working handle what it's a car charger why you kind of need to run out and get an adapter geez it's gonna be a really nice way to have a midwork break got a blender we've got the sunset lamp this should be the first thing we set up for the outer and then LED desk lamp with wireless charger considering the product looks so good it's really strange to see packaging that looks this poor you can actually see traces of it being designed on Microsoft Word anything to do with lighting is my kind of jam it is the way to create atmosphere in a room oh I don't love the fact that the entire circuit board is on Full display but to be fair I guess the idea of it is to reflect off a wall so we'll just face it away so I've got to say so far this all feels very superficial and like Hollow but at the same time with stuff like this if the light itself is good you shouldn't actually need to touch it Moment of Truth okay that's actually not bad at all considering the room is already so well lit oh it actually has other different colors that said I feel like every time you have to use one of these remotes to control them you're not really ever going to do it but I guess the point is for the price I paid for this I don't feel misled this will be an interesting one to see if the product on the inside ends up being as cheap as the packaging looks I paid about 20 pounds for this which is actually not crazy cheap I think a big part of team news appeal is that on top of the already lower prices you can stack uploads of coupons it generally feels pretty solid so it's got both USBC input and output which means if you have another device to charge that doesn't specifically fit on one of those you can just do it via an external cable I think this is actually the perfect thing to finish off this corner because that also means we can plug it into the same socket [Music] amazing now you got the big boy and I actually bought a light that looks exactly like this for an amount of money that I'm not proud of so this is one of those ones where I have a direct point of comparison in my mind this one looks like a bit of a DIY project five minutes later okay so we finally finished and honestly this is amazing this is like two times the size of the one I bought so it's not perfectly diffused like you can see the spots where the lights are coming from but the whole idea of this is that you stick it against a wall and shoot into it so that shouldn't be a problem it's actually so tall that it doesn't fit against any other walls in this room but somehow perfectly into the space under the desk this is a very extra feature to have sitting under your desk but pretty inexpensive but quite a lot of light output as I will take it blender time I actually talked about this in a recent video love the idea of a portable blender but in practice there's just never a time and place that you actually use one okay banana now this can successfully blend this without throwing it across my room it is a blender for a tenth of the price does sound like there's a tiny bit more friction going on and the banana is definitely still chunkier than it would have been in blender I'd say it's 50 as good as a blender which is not to say that this is amazing it's more to say that that it's not worth fifty dollars I want to say this is a massive LED light strip I would be right I don't think I've ever in my life seen one this long but you can also immediately tell how spaced out each LED is which slightly counteracts the impressiveness of the length Okay so this is one USB plug powering both massive strips let's see if 2.1 amps can actually power both of these yes it can they're not the brightest but I think they'll add the necessary atmosphere oh yes I gotta say when you space out this lighting over the entire room it's making a large difference per dollar spent it's slightly scary though that it just takes one break in one part of this cable for the entire thing to go down Aaron oh yeah literally this thing keeps going on I'm still going anytime you go in a direction there's no going back take the wallpaper with you sorry mom um it looks like yeah like the local Chinese all right finally something uncomplicated it's a banana I'm just imagining my little sticking his head out there I mean you definitely get the feeling that it's made with cheap foam on the inside but the outside is fairy enough that it actually feels pretty nice let's face it Milo's not gonna complain the only thing which is quite funny and sad is that Milo seems to be able to identify which is the most expensive chair in a house and sit on that one so see if teamu can sweep him okay this is perfect cats love to be covered from as many different angles as possible okay pretty sure there's only one box inside of this and literally thought that first box was going to take us 20 minutes to get through it took us two hours I'm pretty sure this is our mirror so the actual mirror itself seems much higher quality than I was expecting it's just that they've saved on costs and shipping by making it smaller than it looks actually very clear yes I feel like this has to go right in the middle thought it was going to fill this whole space for me crazy this might actually be the best way to cover up the worst feature in this room that's not great but so far these products I mean they're not the best but it does seem like they deliver on their promise of cool stuff at a cheap price so I guess the big question is how this is the kind of stuff I like light up your happiness oh that's deep well I think the first key thing to understand is that everyone who's selling on teen move is not timu themselves team is basically just an Amazon but it still doesn't quite explain why it's so much more affordable this is actually the most premium feeling item we've had so far I want to say these aren't real stones but you'd have a hard time telling how is it that timu is able to handle all the logistics the payments the supplying the delivery of all of these products with the end items still being so affordable this is a good vibe sign it's definitely not real neon it's just going to be like an LED strip behind it but it is a good vibe not a great one so I think what timu must have done is cut out all middlemen meaning that all the sellers that you're finding on this website they are like the manufacturers themselves hey this is clean and when you have like the manufacturers of products themselves selling they're the ones who are actually okay with taking like a 10 cut so long as they're getting large volumes which I'm guessing tinu can guarantee them and then I also Imagine just in the name of trying to grow a lot of market share very quickly timu themselves is probably willing to make a little bit less profit at the start and then also because the company's so new I imagine that they're trying to give both Sellers and the buyers the most favorable terms possible because you want to try and make a good impression so this astronomer thing is actually like a magnetic ball head so you can rotate it at whatever angle you want and then the backpack of the astronomer has star mode and then nebula mode I think right here would be like a perfect spot shooting up at the ceiling wow well it definitely works so it's got LED lights for the nebula effect that you're seeing there and then a laser for the Stars so that they Remain the brightest part of the image and then this aha I think this is [Music] a banana whatever this is that is not how you present a product it looks like it's a pretty severe discoloration maybe from sitting outside for a long time oh it's not sharp okay so the bottom cushion is removable you can actually feel the individual Tufts of cotton inside so this obviously isn't going to work as a desk chair probably be a pretty good reading chair so we can leave it next to the books oh the bananas great that is exactly what I had in my mind then the back of these neon signs looks so bad it's kind of like every single TV product we've looked at so far it looks good but from the one specific angle that it's meant to be photographed from and then everything else is just a mess right here we go the big banana this one I think will contrast really well with the wood and then we've got the white cable that will be hidden by this beam here and the plug socket is right there it's already Pleasant color a little Milo food things dare I smell it [Music] it's like herbal [Music] it's not the astronaut yeah that doesn't sound how it's meant to it might be overheating a good note for anyone considering buying one of those cat treats right next to the bed if this doesn't get either of the cats coming to this room nothing's going to this is so far my favorite teaming product oh there you go I like that it's so premium from this angle but then you just turn it over then you've got the bottom of it which is basically just like a tiny little sliver of paper the point is on timu Corners are definitely cut keyboard will sit nicely here it's very cushioned which is not normally what a keyboard Enthusiast will be after but to be honest I don't mind it because in a way it's better if your hands and your wrists oh no Drifter just messaged to say that my sister's finished all of her work for the day and is starting to think about coming home so I have to speed up but there's so many products oh my God I think we need some help teamwork kind of situation all right so this is our humidifier again smaller than I expected it would be okay this one I like so you click the humidifier button it starts creating gas and then when you click the light button you see it doesn't look like fire but it's a nice Ambience like it definitely highlights the Mist in a way that makes it look interesting oh yes the air cooler fan the packaging gives me zero confidence in the product it also smells like something like a farm not in a good way it's actually quite a nice two-in-one because it can cover the cable of the LED and the banana so you've got one button here which controls the amount of mist and there's three levels to that and then you pair that with three levels of different fan to blow that mist at you then we can actually amplify that we make that water you know there's no actual Refrigeration Happening Here the combination of cold water plus air is very very refreshing plus there's also different LED colors and a timer this is definitely the most useful product so far oh this is our drawing tool I feel like this is one of those it's a very good idea and once you have that good idea the actual execution of it is really simple it's literally just reflective piece of plastic and plastic ah yes manufacturer name Jefe Tuan ye Trading Co it's my favorite company I thought this was going to be like a centerpiece of a room it's essentially going to be the centerpiece of a bedside table if that okay so this has actually been a full 20 minute construction project you have to put together every single flower and then thread through the LED bulbs they sit on the inside and then you've got the back mirror which creates like a sandwich of mirrors around those flowers and that's what allows it to look like it's reflecting into Infinity see if I screwed this up ah I've screwed up the wiring slightly on the inside you know what it's probably the most tasteful thing we've bought so far this is very clean I like the fact that we don't have to worry about more cables we've got a bag is this like merch oh okay okay oh it's a returns bag which is kind of nice of them I mean wish.com doesn't do that but then is that a sign that they're expecting you to return lots of bins this looks like our trash can it's a really nice finish again white and rose gold that works nicely plus I appreciate the fact they've got felt pads on the base that probably makes it better for a desk prop yeah it has some clever spring action on the inside to give it a self-op opening mechanism but it's just so mini I mean can you even fit like a cannon side no it would kind of be the perfect starter bin bag right two two three four five so much stuff oh this is our speaker this is the uh the good old sanag a beefy unit of a speaker wow is that Bluetooth mode okay I mean potential plagiarism aside it feels very very premium and if it sounds good too I would actually go as far as to say a bit of a bar yeah okay so you can click the back to change between different lighting modes it's got one that seems like it responds to the music adds a lot to the ambience I'll give it there and if we turn the volume up does the light react more vigorously oh that's volume look at that up and then down okay so I think the LED aspect of this is a showstopper it's the best looking LED Gadget so far the sound is quite compressed like you basically got the bass coming out of here and everything else comes out of this tiny area here if we keep it here though it's a cool touch and it'd be nice to have some ambient music playing as she comes in I think I know what these are bag of LEDs clouds Yup she's literally going to be here in like 40 minutes so let's just stick with the big ones so this is definitely like a general theme that you notice with timu that everything comes in this way that you have to assemble it yourself such that it can come in the smallest possible package so there's literally yet another one of these led strips that you just shove inside the cotton even gives you a set of disposable gloves so it says wrap the light strip in Cotton with glue it's going to cover it in glue it can actually be as big or as small as you want it to be depending on how much you unpluff it the cotton automatically diffuses light in a way that really looks like a thunderstorm okay I know these are designed to be hung off ceilings but I just don't want a cable that looks this long and messy to be hanging from anywhere so we'll just stick it in here for storage cloud storage neutralized it's also voice activated surprisingly cool ah this might be our run would be a really good Finishing Touch and second part now I'll spot the thing called a nice pink one which we can use to hide some cables on this side if you like sharks what can I say this one I'm curious about because if you've ever gone online and actually tried to buy a rug from a reasonable company they're very expensive it's like a hello oh that's so interesting the fabric is so so thin and light but at the same time very fluffy it's literally got the thickness of like a mattress protector but that actually works when you've already got a soft carpet underneath wouldn't be a great solution if this was like hard flooring you can kind of feel in your hands exactly how they've cut the corners but it Almost Doesn't Really Matter Griffis is texted she is asking about heading back now okay final Blitz clean there we go oh actually forgot to say this morning I just booked my flights to Japan that's my next holiday but what's crazy to me is that when you're looking at flight prices online you can literally just pull up surfshark VPN change your location to say Brazil and watch in real time as the price comes down I mean they only save me like 10 in this case but I've been reading online and there are legitimately people who've used vpns to save themselves like 400 and surfshark has saved me in so many ways that I did not expect like a couple of months ago I was a Portugal on a holiday I was desperately trying to log into my YouTube account to fix something but because YouTube detected my login was from Portugal it actually flagged a suspicious activity and popped up a menu asking me to use one of my verification keys to confirm that it was me that verification key just so happened to have broken that same morning so I was thinking oh my God I can't get into my account but then I remembered I can just use surfshark to change my location back to the UK and when I did that the menu the aspects for verification didn't appear and I was able to actually fix the problem and carry on with my holiday now that's obviously a pretty Niche example you're more likely to use it to enjoy International Netflix shows or just general Internet safety but the point stands and using the code boss you can get it for less than three dollars a month for an unlimited number of counts with an extra three months for free and a money back guarantee right and together when was the last time you cleaned your Den do you want to have a look at what it's like now your room looks like your room let's probably not look at that however whoa oh my God is this for me that is for you oh it's wet why is it wet oh it could be the humidifier to be fair we sorted all your Pokemon cards oh not that many wow coming to the main area oh no why is there a banana yeah so we couldn't actually get the power to work because it was for a car is so cool guys what do you think to the rug I love it [Music] the Timo smoothie you made it Timo made it there you go am I supposed to put in that it's a bin but Milo's droppings this is the cat section he was loving it earlier he was just sat there licking these I don't know why I just touched it that's his bed what what actually are you trying to achieve with my dad what do you think mum are you just glad it's had a clean [Music] the whole time you've been out everything has been to keep you away from here this is my idea though going out yeah that's what you think thank you you're welcome
Channel: Mrwhosetheboss
Views: 6,607,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech, gadgets, temu
Id: v7mkFuuag5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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