I Bought My 1st Tractor!!

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has everybody been seeing the little video going around where some guys got a big old giant smile in the caption says something like take care of your teeth because the first thing everybody noticed is you're pretty shiny teeth anyhow the guy is missing a tooth and it's kind of the first thing you look at you're looking at their mouth their smile and stuff and then it says you didn't even notice the guy was missing a eyebrow and when you looked up it was gone so you know the neat thing is there the way I look at it we get a flaw or something wrong with us that we don't want people to notice just take a pair of pliers rip your mm you won't have to worry about it anymore [Music] it's over this past year here on corn star farms we've been really scratching our heads a lot and we've been trying to figure out how we can get our crop in in a more timely manner how we can do things more efficiently in the spring time not running around with our heads cut off so much basically we've been trying to find a ways we can increase our bottom line here on the farm this past spring was a record wet spring and it drugged our planting season on for over seven weeks meaning we started planting and we would plan it for two days and get kicked out of the field for two weeks and come back plant for a day get kicked out for another five days plant for a day get kicked out for another five days the cycle repeated for seven weeks it took us a very long time to get done planting with the way corn and beans work if you get them planted in a timely manner generally speaking you're gonna have better yields this year for us our early planted corn was 40 to 60 bushels better than our late planting corn so I got to thinking maybe we should get a bigger planter so I ran the idea across to dad he agreed seeing as roughly half of our corn acres this year were planted on time and half were late half of our corn acres equates to 600 acres he takes 600 acres at 50 bushels an acre times the current price of corn we'll use three dollars and 50 cents right now that's over a hundred thousand dollars so to me that seems like a no-brainer because if we have a few years like that we could easily justify a bigger planner but Atilla issue is our operation we don't have a tractor big enough to pull a 24 hour planner we have a 16 row planner right now and the next size up is it 24 so that means if we get a bigger planner we're also gonna have to get a bigger tractor so after doing a bunch of number crunching and running different scenarios and convincing dad that a 24 hour planner would be great for our operation he agreed to it so now we're gonna be looking for a 24 hour planner and we're also gonna have to be looking for a bigger tractor to pull the 24 hour planner we have a lot of decisions to make right now we need to figure out what model planner we want what goodies we want to have on the planner and then we need to find a tractor so we need to figure out what size tractor we want what brand tractor we want if we want to buy an auction if we want to buy the dealer if we want to find a private sale we got a lot of different variables we need to figure out there we need to figure out how much money we're gonna be able to pay for this stuff so these next few weeks here we're really gonna have our nose pressed hard against a grindstone to find a tractor we're gonna be scoping out all sorts of auctions dealers we're gonna be looking through the internet all the time magazines there's got to be a good deal out there somewhere so we're gonna find it all right the search begins oh boy guys we're on an adventure hey we are heading to an auction it's a retirement farm auction but we're gonna go and see how machinery selling and a couple pieces equipment we'd kind of like to just see how we're buying a new ballard we're we're on our trip there now but it's a beautiful day calm sunny no wind well well well what are we looking for [Applause] so we're at an auction today there is a big tractor here in a 24 ol planner but after looking at them there are things that were not interested in I'll show you guys some of the things that kind of look at when we're looking at stuff to evaluate whether we want it or not let's look at the planner first this planner sat out all its life so change the stuff or stiff disc opener some of them are going bad our main concern is just the weather and stuff how it's taking its toll hoses are getting stiff they're gonna start cracking out on tire wear I don't know we were just learnt impressed with what we've seen on the pictures advertises as hydraulic down pressure it's air down pressure so we're gonna watch itself but we're not interested in it evaluating a piece of equipment you just kind of look at the small things on things we'll take these four examples it's missing some rubber here you got a seal or some sort of the leak right there you got a broken light right here look at these air bags and your super cracked out on the backside this one's actually deflated here and that's how they're supposed to look like which I don't know if this just got pushed up or what I'm not really familiar enough with the system to know how they're supposed to look at rest but I don't like the cracks just from sitting in the Sun you can see how that paints a little darker than this fading is a really obvious sign that it's sat out a lot especially for only being five years old like this stuff just doesn't happen overnight the weather is like thirsting for equipment like this it just wears on rubber components so quick hoses wires electrical rain gets in everything it can just make a big headache this planer is a 2014 so it should be in really good condition but we're seeing a lot of things that are kind of pointing otherwise for the right price it might make a good planner for someone but what we're looking to buy we're not interested in it this is why it's really nice to be able to see stuff in person because looking online at the pictures this planner looked great if we would have bought this thing sight unseen and then got it we would've been a little disappointed very disappointed you can take one planer that is just a bare basic stock model and then one that's totally decked out with a bunch of technology and you're gonna have a drastically different price this one has a little bit of technology on it as row shot off says air down pressure it's definitely not gonna bring what does the base model would do but it's hard to say what its gonna do now if this planter had ro shut offs in every row you're gonna be looking at at least $100 extra value I'm pretty sure rose shut offs per row around $300 and then if it had hydraulic downforce meaning hydraulics are gonna be pushing a road down and that's gonna constantly adjust as you go across the field that runs in about a thousand dollars row new at least for an Ag leader system I don't know what other companies are like but things like that can definitely add to the value of the planner those are all things we're looking at when we're looking at different planners what kind of tech it has on it what it doesn't does the price reflect the tech that it has on it we'd really like to have hydraulic down pressure we'd really like to have RO shut offs and everything else on top of that it's just kind of some extra goodies this is the tractor we were interested in it's a 2012 Massey Ferguson 86 90 it's a 340 horsepower tractor with the CVT transmission let's look at some of the things I noticed right away so just walking up to it I can tell these tires are not shy if we don't want to travel on the highway when you're angled on the road one side wears out faster the insides are a little less than half but these outsides are kind of getting to the end of their life this tractor is also sat out a lot we can see the plastics on the top are fading pretty hard back of the tractor doesn't really look too bad here at first glance this right here on the three points bent I don't know what was on there but and that's a thick piece of metal that generally doesn't just Bend we got some rust and stuff starting back here got tires on this side that are bad and this one's also shots my tires are definitely not cheap I don't know the exact price on these tires and on those back ones you're probably looking close to $2,000 a tire and on these fronts I would say at least a thousand I definitely say you'd want to replace at least four of them on the tractor so right there we're probably looking at close to six thousand dollars let's climb up into the cab here cab definitely smells like new we'll give it that first thing I noticed when we look out is the hood we got a ton of Sun fading that paint is basically gone right there that's not something you can wax out the cab is really clean I don't see anything broken I noticed the headliner is a little dirty but that happens the seat doesn't have any tears or anything it's not all stained up so person in the cab was being pretty clean this tractors also got only 2700 hours on it so not really a whole lot of hours but just looking at the general condition of the tractor for the year in the hours we should be running into these issues now I get it some people have to earn on the highway a lot with the tire use totally normal but it's just unfortunate the tractor had to sit out so much it's not that I'm trying to bash the tractor or anything I'm just trying to show you guys some things we're looking at when we're buying a tractor we want to buy something really nice that's gonna last us for a long time and we want to get our money's worth if we were in a tractor and it eventually got to this point that's fine we know we were the ones who got it at that point we know what it is but walking into a new situation buying one not something I really want to add to our operation we're looking in here we can see the hours that the oil was changed on looks like two thousand four hundred seventy five the tractors just got about 2700 hours on it so we're not terribly out of line for a little change we like to change ours every 150 hours or so but some people go a little longer and that's okay it's not way overdue for an oil change you know all in all it could be really nice tractor I mean the price should definitely reflect with the tires and such and just the overall condition of the tractor like I said it's not a bad tractor just not something we're looking for another thing we also do when we go to an auction or when you're buying something from someone in general look at all the other equipment that they have generally how they treat all their other stuff exactly how they treated what you're looking at we got this challenger tractor beside it here not a very old tractor same thing a lot of Sun fading we got some general rust and stuff going which it happens we got this going down here I'm not really liking that that's kind of a sign that this has been an issue for a while and hasn't been taken care of they're supposed to be like a heat guard cover thing right here and this owner obviously has to have seen this and just leaving like that leads me to believe that when kind of minor stuff went on it just kind of got left we also got the exhaust here rusted out definitely sat out a lot rain came in there filled that up and then it eventually just rusted through same thing with the tire situation on this one and all the equipment here it really just has a lot of Sun fading on it and we can look around at the farmyard there's not a lot of buildings to put stuff inside in so he really didn't have much of a choice to leave it out I know in our operation we don't have room to get everything in all the time so stuff does have to sit out it's not something that we like to do but something I have to do so I'm sure this guy had basically the same situation it's not that I'm trying to knock his stuff it's just like I said when we're wanting to buy something new or it's been a good chunk of money on it and we'd like to buy something really really nice same thing with the tractor if we would have bought that online sight unseen the pictures look really really good but then getting here it's a whole different tractor I've heard a lot of people having really good luck buying stuff online sight unseen just looking at pictures and I've also heard of some bad luck so you got to be careful when you're buying stuff online if you can go look at it in person that's the best thing to do well we have some optimism coming into this auction but after seeing all the stuff here there's nothing we're interested in but we're gonna hang around to see what some stuff brings mr. Sabinas we know of something that's an issue we will try and point that out but it's your responsibility to inspect the merchandise before you buy it's impressive how fast you you gotta be careful an auction you don't just want to stick your hand up randomly when they're bidding because otherwise you might provide some who didn't intend to - don't ask I know that we have to be minute of 20,000 now five it $25,000 25 it down 1305 40 minute 30 45 45 45 it on out they'd even go down PI every minute of habit of an even go down high of another tip a bit of it even go down hi Cindy bit of Ivan Turgenev 1635 ago nails if he doesn't know if any panels of d50 permit announced if you'd have another 50 bag give me 75 50 77008 a better neighborhood around the ring are we done 77 78 towels salt the planners $77,000 where we going one owner check there we go and I'm asking 100 but where we gonna be in 30 give me five he's not even at a time it again at four it won't even get outside in 45,000 45 50 is it even if it even even ever 45 it out today you know thousand of 180 dominant idea verdad Pullman $89,000 89 where we going well surprise surprise guys we didn't buy the planner we didn't buy the tractor but we did go look at a 2400 white center fill planner the other day it was super super clean so we're gonna run up to that dealer quick to check and see if they still have it and we're gonna discuss some prices with the dealer there maybe see if we can get a deal worked out well this morning Cole Cooper in me we jumped in the vehicle we ran over to a farm auction a retirement sale there was a planner we were very interested in looking at the sale bill you would have swore the planner almost looked like knew they had a tractor we were very interested in in to the sale bill pitcher looked beautiful so remember guys when you're out there looking at stuff sometimes you may want to go look at it with your own eyes versus pitchers we found out when we got there as soon as we walked up to the items for our eyes we were very disappointed it wasn't something we won't wanted to bring home but the next guy that bought it it may make a beautiful thing for him but it wasn't what we were looking for but you know we left the sale we ended up going to a dealer that we looked at a really nice 24 a row planner a couple weeks ago we really liked the looks of that planner it was a one owner planner so we went back and we did some dealing with a guy we felt like we're treated really good we end up buying another planner from a dealer today we put about 300 miles on the vehicle and we're back home now so that was kind of the run-through that we did today tractor the case Magnum 340 thinks he's got around 950 hours on it 340 horse this came from a farm auction we know the guy very well this tractor is well it looks brand-new inside now you got cold the corn star getting ready to do a fundraiser or he's gonna be out picking up a lot of pop cans the porn star in there playing with the horn he was one of them kids when he was little you could give him a box and he was happy gonna see if he had anything to say when he gets out what do you think all right I know nothing about this tractor guys leather seats buddy seat like I said this truck sure smells and looks brand-spanking-new I don't know what's all on here guys the boys ought to give you more of a tour of it later but we just brought her home we're gonna bring her in the heated shop wax it up I not wax it up it's already shinin but we want to wash it to get the snow off of it okay there you guys go I'll let the boys tell you more about it Oh throttle right now I'm washing up with some equipment we have the skid loader over here we need to pull the tracks off we actually take the tracks off gotta check the gearbox oil the rear end oil and that is down in there deep so you gotta take off the tracks wash in that up gonna wash the engine compartment out and stuff we need to change the oil on the skid loader all that good stuff all the filters fuel filters air filter any filter that thing has we need to get that changed we also have the 7140 Case IH in here we're gonna give it another bath we did it a little bit after harvest but you almost need to do it two or three times to get them good and clean so I'm gonna give it another bath then we're gonna service it up get ready to change oils filters kind of the whole nine yards in this little gal too and we need to wax it so talkin cold for the next few days get her clean tonight she can dry and then I get her worst waxed we'll be ready to go you know what I don't know if you can see this or not I have the hose for the power washer all over the place I got mud all over my face okay let's get things started you guys wanna see something cool the dirt stuff left so we're gonna let skid loader to here killed two students and one bird look at that horse oh man my lens is a little foggy this is what happens when you power wash inside for like three hours you don't have the dehumidifier on it gets foggy I'm just getting ready to do some wack seen on our 7140 haven't waxed it since beginning to harvest so I'd like to get that done but I was just looking we must have mama case IH tractor here and then we move over here we got Papa case Magnum it's just unreal the difference in the size this is the 340 and then we wander back over here to the 71 40 the 71 40 has approximately 200 horse and then the Case IH Magnum here has 340 horse a little more traction this one here is front-wheel cysts meaning the front wheels will claw along with the back ones little mama over here she's just too old drive she only pulls off the back wheels they both have some pretty good purposes and both very very nice tractors this right here is a 2014 case IH Magnum 340 we got duals all the way around thing is sweet I'm sorry guys you didn't get to see the auction when we bought this it was really cold at the auction and my hands were icicles and I didn't have my camera out because it was also snowing and I didn't want to go wet so I'm just making a bunch of excuses but yeah that's why I didn't record us buying this tractor but don't worry I'd say we got a very fair price on this tractor especially since this tractor only has a thousand hours on it this tractor was a lot of money but I'd say we got a better deal on it if you look one up right now in a magazine or at a dealer we got a good deal compared to what you'd see there especially for the hours we're happy with what we paid for it's gonna make us a really nice tractor and we're excited to use it when I was little we about the 70 140 and when I was a little bit older we bought the John Deere 48 40 but this is the first tractor that I've bought myself and it's a heck of a machine this is a pretty cool difference in the years right here we get a 1991 case IH 71 40 we got a 2014 Magnum 3:40 and then we got a 2001 case IH 2388 combine kind of fun to look at the color differences we got a little bit of a color difference between these two the plastics on the 7140 are definitely a little bit more faded and then the plastics on the front of the combine are also a little more faded but the sides they're relatively the same color we try our best to keep up with waxing everything at least once a year usually twice a year and we wash stuff all the time and then everything we have is usually always inside we don't let anything sit out at least not for extended periods of time so when we look at this tractor in 20 years it should look basically the same as it does now we definitely need to clean the floor yet today at the auction when we bought it it was pretty muddy out there so this is kind of inevitable because several people got in to check it out we got the leather seats in here I'll just look at these things this one also has a heated seat in it we got all kinds of little goodies in here with the dials and the buttons and stuff I'm gonna have to learn all this yet cab definitely isn't dirty by any means but it does need a detailing it's just a little bit dusty kind of throughout the guy we bought it from was extremely picky as you can see it's still got the plastic on it this tractor just turned over 1,000 hours so it's got a lot of life left in it put that into comparison this tractor here it's got 7700 hours on it and the combine has just got over five thousand on this tractor will put about 300 hours a year on it so it's gonna last us a very very long time we're gonna be using this tractor on the new 24 old planner and we're also gonna be using it on the green car we will be keeping these two tractors right here and then we're gonna be selling the 1981 John Deere 4840 it's not that we don't like the John Deere tractor but the case here has more gears it's a lot nicer going across the field this tractor has a little bit more power this tractor is definitely a little rougher going across the field than the John Deere but we're gonna get some more weights for the front of this and that should definitely help out a lot kind of our plans here is this is gonna be running the 24 hour planner and then we're gonna be keeping our other planner and we're gonna be pulling it with this in our area we've been seeing really good luck with planting early soybeans so we're gonna be planting soybeans with this while the other ones planting corn it's gonna be kind of exciting this year run in two different ones we're gonna be running the AG leader monitors in both of these this one's gonna have an on track three Auto steer system on it so it's gonna go right around the steering wheel yes you guys can get autos to your suit for an older tractor without plumbing into the hydraulics or anything it's actually very affordable and this one already has it all plumbed in and stuff so we're just gonna stick our AG leader in command 1,200 monitor in there and then put our globe up top and everything should be all plumbed in and ready to rock and roll this tractors got a lot of sweet features on it one thing that's really cool that we've never had in any of our tractors before this is suspension this has front suspension and it also has cab suspension so on the drive home today it feels like you're literally riding on a cloud it is so soft and this tractor is so quiet when you're in the cab if you have the radio on at all you cannot hear any engine noise whatsoever when you're at full throttle like it is it's quiet something that's also new for us on this tractor is def we've never had to put def def stands for diesel exhaust fluid none of our other tractors have it combine doesn't have the sprayer doesn't have it but this does so we got diesel fuel here and then def here I know a lot of people don't like dev think it's annoying we're not gonna be deleting this tractor we're gonna keep it the way it is at least for now we don't really see a point in deleting it we don't put a billion hours on it a year it's not that hard for us to put def in it and another thing if heaven forbid we have any issues with the engine or something down the road if it's deleted some places won't work on it so we don't really want to have to run into headache there we have a guys we have a sweet new tractor now we also have a 24 hour planner we got the whole package we're ready to rock and roll with this thing it's gonna be a really nice combination on the field we should build a plant over 400 acres on a really good day with this planner and then with our other one we're gonna be able to have at least 200 acre days on really good days so it shouldn't take us very long to get all of our acres knocked out this year and that's what we want we want to be able to get in the field and get out of the field get all of our crop in in a timely manner by getting stuff in early not only do we have higher potential for higher yields we also have crops that are gonna be able to dry down more when crops can get in an early stage then they can get through their whole length of maturity and then once they hit their maturity and they start dying off we'll stuff some warm days in the fall they're where when the winds blowing and stuff we'll be able to get our crop dried down we don't have to put our corn through the grain dryer that saves us a ton of money saves us a ton of time this is gonna be a lot more convenient both all that stuff being said guys this is the end of the video be sure to say good night to the Magnum 340 don't forget to say good night to the 71 42 okay I guess the combines complaining to take a night to the combine guys yes this is the end of the video if you like the view remember give it a thumbs up if you have any questions write down the comments don't forget to subscribe guys we got a lot more stuff coming with this tractor we'll see it in action before you know it I'm excited thanks for watching guys see ya [Music]
Channel: Cole The Cornstar
Views: 891,625
Rating: 4.9433951 out of 5
Keywords: farming, agriculture, family farm, tractors, tractor videos, mechanic, fabricating, welding, agriculture jobs, combines, harvest, Case IH, John Deere, New Holland, Massey Ferguson, Red tractors, Green Tractors, renovation, house repairs, handyman, remodeling, old farm house, ranching, big equipment, environmentally friendly, diy, junkyard, scrappers, construction, agriculture technology, agricultural revolution, funny videos, satisfying videos, semis, excavators, backhoe, skid steer
Id: 0dB2IzXju2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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