How This Farmer Is Spending Thousands To Make Millions

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mmm so a couple of months ago dad Cooper neiva and I got to go on a really cool trip to AG leaders headquarters in Ames Iowa well are there we got a tour there state-of-the-art facilities and we got a meet with the owner of AG leaders I filmed the entire thing and it was really cool but somehow my footage disappeared in my terabytes of data that I have on my computer well we were at AG leader we got discussing different things that will take our farm to the next level so if you're doing a lot of head-scratching penciling out talking with pete talking with dad talking to myself we decided to invest a significant amount of money into technology for our planter so that's what this video is about we wanted to implement technology that is going to make it a lot easier on us is operators when we're planting in the field the fewer things we have to worry about and the fewer things that can go wrong the more we can get done in today as we all know time is money secondly we wanted something that was going to help us improve our yields and then lastly who cares if something improves your yields and saves you time if it doesn't pay for itself so this video is going to cover the installation of what we bought and then at the end we're gonna discuss why we decided to do it if you enjoy it don't forget it the thumbs up button okay let's rewind a few weeks I'm kind of excited about today it's gonna be like Christmas around here and you're gonna come along for the ride I'll give you a little clue what some of the exciting news is and who it's from are you here for good news bad news who do you work for I work for this little company called AG leader I don't know if you guys have heard of us never never heard a yeah we've been around for a few years we do some technology stuff I don't know no big deal okay well we don't do business people we don't know so hey thank you for stopping by somebody else pulling in now I need to ask you you work for youngblood AG all right well this is a great honor for us to have you here today I actually come bearing yeah hope we like this guy more trouble hey you're out of prison we come bearing brand-new shirts and sweatshirts like I've got here bro yeah but you're all set now these guys learned if they don't bring us gifts we don't like them that's right it's lesson learned here people you ever come out to see us bring us gifts we'll get along just fine kind of wonder what is in this trailer hey Pete go ahead Betty hold them two pallets all come here the whole works oh my gosh you know I probably should fill this the whole time while you guys unload and you notice one there's work to be done Cole is nowhere to be found Cole you're missing all the excitement buddy I don't know if I told you or not but it just were not responsible for accidents hey guys cool looking at the kind bye we're working on the planner today oh my gosh I'm late okay that was a bit dramatic I am late well are you with AG leader guys I just want to say I'm sorry that I'm late are you done yet are we done yet we had to wait for you to get here before we start turning into everything I'm gonna introduce you guys to the crew so you kinda have a feel on who's putting this highly technologically advanced equipment on our stuff and then we're gonna go over what it is then we'll start having fun hey guys I'm Pete Youngblood with Youngblood egg something you might not know about me is I am a dad and take my little girl around working on the farm as well at least he sat there that's a new level of pain hey everybody it's bill cran with AG leader technology I'm a GPS and steering product specialist and part of what I love about working at AG leader is the family atmosphere we're a big team we all work together so well a lot of us farm so we're used to being around equipment like this doing install and working with customers AG leaders fantastic company to work for I'm super proud of it actually this weekend I'm gonna start my sixteenth year with the company if that says anything about it just a great company to be a part of why does [Music] okay I'm Zach with this with Youngblood egg it's a glorious day glorious weather the work environment is terrible corn stuff there's a reason why we just left him over there on that side of the shop and everyone else is over here I'm daddy corn star I'm the one that brought all the corn star into this world me and Mama corn star we got to give her credit too I'm the one that taught Cole and Cooper all this good stuff they know the bad stuff they learned and honoring stuff that came from my my corn starch but we love him dearly and we love our daughter summer dearly she's probably a lot like daddy corn star a little bit ornery but a good girl and her husband Jay is a super guy too so today what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this conventional planner and we're upgrading with electric drives and hydraulic downforce we'll talk more as we go on why that's important and how much that's gonna affect the return on on Colts investment sounds good to me right now it looks like Christmas time in March what we're doing right now is hooking up the battery power cables this will power the tractor steering system the display and the stuff going on the planner I'm part of it anyway so we're just connecting to the positive and negative on the battery and we're going to run that to the back of the cab and start plugging in connectors so we can power up the display a bunch of these brackets we don't need them on now so we're just trying to get some stuff out of our way make it a little hand here to get in but install like this button drives and downforce on we're looking at probably a solid day could take 810 hours maybe depending on how many guys you got and how many times you've done it well I've never done one how many have you done I've actually never done one of these before so it's kind of neat to be able to work with the professionals get to know how it works we understand it as we're putting it together pretty cool hey Bill hey-oh how many of you done more than I can count which is like two one down 23 to go bill are you a red guy or green guy we are 100% red on cran farms E or red guys that's the only way to roll so as we can clearly see we got good people in the house today you have this kid on your planner too don't you I do yep it's a case IH planner but we do run the shirt ensure force on our 50 case IH planner a super happy with that seed depth is perfect spacing is perfect and we've seen a pretty significant yield bump just from putting that stuff on now we're getting there all put on pull out we're all tightened down yeah you can see how it looks and that is our luck to drive sitting on the road unit now we just have to do the downforce and we'll have 124 rows done so we got a little ways to go is that lunchtime yet what's your favorite song they won't go home this little guy right here is what we called the electric drive and the best part about it it's all ran 100% off electricity so that means there's no changer sprockets or anything going on in here not a whole lot that can go wrong with this it's not enough zip ties for this planner yeah well don't cut yourself right there all the time so in other words that's a really expensive piece yes don't forget your wrench what's the Boy Scout motto don't forget your wrench and don't forget your knife now it's it's be prepared the first time you met Zach what was the weirdest thing about him man probably the way he was staring at us probably the first thing I was thinking it's hard to find good help trying to push cables through a tiny little hole in the cabin we have a nice tight fit so we don't get dust in the cab that also means a hard to get the cables through need some Lube are there any words that make you uncomfortable I don't know you know guys I just noticed something Zach's been eaten on the job but what we are doing back here is installing the steer command controller module so this is what drives the tractor across the fields the tractor needs to turn right this will tell the tractor to turn right well this mouse back here in the back of the cab in the factory location taps into the factory wiring so it's a nice super clean install as good or better than factory steering I'm sorry I'll clean the tractor when I'm done part of the awesomeness of Ag leader is we can take this display and we can move it around between all the different things we do in the operation the display that we used in the combine last fall now gonna go on the planter tractor and run planner the sure drives in the sure force just like that the best part is it's all plug-and-play tell them little things right now pull it just just take some time pshoo you have Bill do that I really sure stretch it out Pete I think I need to grow [Music] thank you we're gonna take the loader car to go get some lunch lunch time you guessed it you guys done yet now this is brave drones in doors never never yeah we're gonna try it anyway [Music] now I want you to know you might think that your guys are horsing off right now playing but what we're doing we're getting some views from the top of the planner making sure we're fueling everything right these things are so cool even though the battery is it hardly weighs anything Wow your cell phone weighs more than that [Music] Katie what do you think you're doing [Music] this is what half the planner looks like well actually this is only eleven Zach's got number twelve over there all these bad boys are ready to go back on the planner anyway disguise these ones left as Danny corn star would say doesn't take very long it's just time consuming hey no hero electrical tape work that will do the job hey P I just want you to know that you're the only person in the world that I would let put their feet on the hood of my tractor well that means I gotta be a pretty special guy then right Danny's good at that [Music] gotta grab something from the neighbors I need that Oh got it gotta be careful this little bad boy that little guy connects the tractor to the satellites good little guy if you do it the oh jeez the light oh my god here it's just all your hair falls out what are we doing up here doesn't sound very fun to me football we're gaining there any working night some of this stuff just takes time more than time sometimes we get these things together is it but one thing before these are the drives one thing around here of her hoist super picky about neatness but this is the drive pretty cool when this stuff was laid out at first kind of looked at I think this is gonna be tough but actually once you get started on it the first one is takes a little time but after that I think one guy here told us it's not rocket science --is rocket science rocket surgery rock rocket rocket surgery everything goes together very very easy we have worked on some stuff sometimes it looks easy and they make it so confusing or nothing matches up everything we've worked on so far it's lined right up and it's perfect you can tell that when they started they're feeling good they're a nice and organized game in after lunch so what are we stuff in these hydraulic hoses down this for these are going back to the generator and the downforce block careful this is why we do super clean install smoothly run stuff to the corner where the factory instead of laying it on top and making it look like an afterthought mama corn star daddy corn star needs a haircut not hittin or anything Pete wants me to get a haircut like his and every time I walk underneath the light you'll be blind people what are that cool sure a bossy son of a gun isn't he the worst I loved for like 30 minutes and then everyone disappeared besides daddy corn stein I always stick around we just got a few rows left since this kid is an aftermarket kit that is available to virtually any planner on the market we have to do just a little bit of retrofitting on a few things to reiterate my point of how easy this is I'm going to time it and I'm gonna show you here we go I'm just starting by lining up these holes now I'm gonna drill the holes are slightly conflicted so let's cut do a little bit of trimming with some wire cutters now we got a smack out this roll pin not a problem now we're gonna take this thing and slide it right onto the shaft easier than saying the alphabet backwards this is the hardest part of the whole thing gotta grab some hardware we have to take three washers and wedge them down right inside of here in order to hold this bracket on nothing cold the corn start couldn't handle now it's got to put this on gotta get more hardware it's that easy there we have it 17 minutes and 33 seconds and that was with me just kind of taking my time if I was like daddy corn star and faster than the NASCAR Pig here I could have probably done it in 12 dad had to tune in to the latest episode of cold the corn star in case you're wondering he does watch every video ooh dad's doing the last one who's good to see the last one look what mama corn star brought us yum yum supporting our dairy farmers and the cone farmers this is mama corn stars head Hey no G what are you drinking kombucha he dad yes what's the worst part about Christmas cleaning up the mess after he opened up the cool gifts exactly oh my that's a lot of stuff and did you notice Bill Zack in Pete they were here to help make the mash they're not here to help clean up the mess peter-patter let's get at it [Music] we're ready to call it a day egg leader there guys came down today three of them bill Zack and Pete we didn't get quite started as early as we wanted to this morning a few things came up on all our parts but we got started we got bro Eunice tore apart we are putting things back on for the hydraulic down pressure it just takes a little bit longer than you think and some stuff came ups afternoon so few of them had to leave kind of early but we're gonna walk away from it for a couple days we've got a few things we've got to do they've got a few things they gonna do but we're gonna get back on it you're gonna see the progress we're gonna make everything we've been working on is really really nice they got it laid out nice bold holes match or other holes that we're putting on the planter it's gonna be pretty impressive I've been amazed so far how easy things are coming apart put back together like I said it just takes some time and we're not rushing it because we want to make sure we do it right do you do aw man look at that beauty oh I just love you guys come on we're working on the planner daddy corn star what do you do looking at the case back to the planner here we're gonna be installing some row units this is what I'm trying to do right now I'm putting these black brackets on here I want to get these cylinders installed look at that beauty I am so ready to be out in the field come on we got to get back to the planner to head acorn start pay attention we'll never get this thing done the only thing on my mind right now is food well the case is on my mind too thank goodness we can finally work on the plan here when Pete and Zack aren't here they're just starting to get on my nerves I had to keep showing them what to do to make sure they were doing it right so now we have all the electric drives on all the meters as you can see we still have quite a few boxes left over there's a lot of stuff we still got a stick on this thing do you guys remember how I told you how this is an aftermarket planter kit that is available for virtually any planner on the market so that means sometimes we have to retrofit things I give you guys an example earlier where we had to do some retrofitting on the meters so the other thing on the planer that we had to retrofit oh it'd be easier if I just showed you for a quick second here we're gonna focus our attention on this plate this dick Euler planner comes with two different plates from the factory one with pneumatic downforce and the other one without our planner just so happened to be the one without that man we had to drill holes into these in order for us to get the plate to sit on here this wasn't exactly plug-and-play it did take a few hours to drill those holes but it's just one of those things we had to do to bring a 2008 planner up to 2020 standards it's made a lot of work for daddy corn started drill everyone for holes but we're able to do it I did find out though I had some muscles being behind my arms here that I forgot that I had so well it's not the easiest thing in the world it is possible and it only takes a few hours it's not the end of the world oh my goodness guys if we finally got the planer done so you guys may be wondering why in the world did we stick this stuff on I'm here to tell you more about the planner or what we did why we did it and what difference that's gonna make the farming operation so what we've done you can see we've got AG leaders new to drive electric drives we've attached those to every meter all the way across the machine so on a normal planner there's Shabs with chains and sprockets that run the row but this one since it's electric doesn't have any of that so now we don't have to get out every couple of hours oil the chains or worry about the chains getting bad we won't have to worry about bearings none of that stuff look how clean that is not to mention when we want to adjust the population all we gotta do is press a button on the monitor how slick is that oh yeah guys the electric drives also double as a row shut off and then the second thing we did is install hydraulic downforce and you can see our lovely assistant giving me a hand this is my daughter Kennedy so sure force allows us to measure the weight that's on these gauge wheels right here and what we're doing we want to measure the weight on those so that we keep this row unit pressed down to the ground and maintain that perfect seat depth just for a quick reference our 16 row planner has Springs which supplied downforce for the row by downforce I mean the pressure that the row pushes down on the ground so that way it stays in the ground and said it's riding on the surface as you guys can clearly see this doesn't have Springs and that's because this hydraulic cylinder takes the place of the springs so you may be wondering why is that important we get in all kinds of different soil on our we have some loose soil some real hard soil we have good black dirt sometimes we run into clay stuff little compaction from the year before we were seeing our planner and we've seen it more last year where we go along you get out and walk behind the planner sometimes you would see the seed was only maybe 1/4 inch 1/2 inch maybe 2 inches but it wasn't that perfect where you had it set so this is where the hydraulic downforce comes into play these little guys take readings multiple times per second and they constantly adjust to how hard the soil is so if they get to a hard spot they're gonna be putting more downforce on the row so that the way the seed stays at two inches and if they get to a soft spot it's gonna be putting less so Pete you have this on your personal planner at home don't you yes absolutely we've got a Kinsey planner at home that we've installed the same system on everything from steering on the tractor to shear force and sure Drive on the planet so what kind of results have you've seen personally on your farm with it last year of course was extremely muddy very tough to get in and when you could get in you had to go and what I saw the results was definitely an increase even on soybean yields because we were able to get those seeds in the ground and place that depth properly to me that was a world of difference so I know it's really easy to spend other people's money I guess what would you have to say to somebody who's really on the fence about doing something like this who maybe thinks well you know is that really gonna help is it am I really gonna get a return on the investment what would you have to say to them I do this with all of my customers I tell them the same thing I'm here to help them make a decision and find the right product with their farm and I have yet to have anybody tell me that they couldn't get a return out of these products on their planner good example was a customer that said I used to plant thirty four thousand seeds and only get 31,000 immergence sure drive-in shear force helped him achieve thirty four thousand on emergence 3,000 plants per acre more is three thousand more years and that's a lot more bushels in the bin when I look at it if you break down the cost and figure it out over the number of acres the amount of bushels you're gonna get back on increased yield less seed expense because the roads turn on and off automatically then you break that out over a few years by using AG leaders wonderful financing program now we're able to actually put more money in your pocket per year than what you're gonna spend on a per year basis so at that point if I can put money in guys pockets instead of just taking it out that's a win-win for everybody thank you so much for helping us Pete you best thank you guys for having me you're trouble learning it no hey dad how long have you been farming for I started with my first crops when I was 14 years old dad let me rent some farms what kind of technology did you have on your planners we didn't have too much technology at the time but we thought it was a lot better than the old planners they pulled with a horse so when did you start getting into really technologically advanced stuff like you have now my boys got ahold enough to start saying dad we need to pay attention I knew a lot of the neighbors were starting to get a little higher text but you know when you're kind of from the old school sometimes you don't think spend an X amount of dollars is gonna gain you just doing some of the things we've been doing like last year putting auto-steer on the planner I can see where it pays off so in the past you would have called yourself more or less anti-technology when it came to farming equipment I would have called myself tight you didn't spend money so I made you change your mind just looking at nowadays we need to get every dollar out of that crop we can with the markets the way they are things are tight I guess the technology looks like it should help pay for itself so for a guy who was in the situation that you were in where you were very tight with technology this is an expensive unit that we put together on our planner what would you have to say to someone who's on the fence about it I guess if I was on the fence about it I would be looking into it you know go to AG leader talk to him talk to farmers Scott this stuff that's one thing me and Cole and Cooper and we want to take you guys along for the journey we put a lot of money into this we want to show you guys our true feelings about it this spring you're gonna see it good or bad right from us I guess to answer your question Cole for that person don't be scared to look into it I know when we've been dealing with AG leader and stuff we've learned so much because trust us when we say guys in the past one we looked at the price tag on this stuff we were immediately turned away we never looked into what it could actually do to help improve our farm and how it could actually pay for itself year after year we just got hung up on the initial price tag so we're trying to say is look into it get over at the sticker shock and see what can actually do for your operation don't be scared to at least take a look but you know some of this stuff when you look at your corn acres and if you can gain 850 bushels an acre I mean I'm just kind of stretching some of that but the possibility is seeing some real big yields from I know when we had our older planter and we bought this 16 row we were amazed we were seeing probably 25 30 bushels an acre just side by side from just going up from the 16 row planner but we're putting a lot more high-tech stuff in this one this one should even see a better bang you know if we can get that crop off to the best start then it's kind of in God's hand but we're trying to give it the best take off so there we have it guys farming isn't what it was when our great grandfathers did it we have to be changing with the times and part of that is advancing to new technology I would highly encourage you to check out AG leader I'll include the link to their website in the description if you want to get a hold of Pete all include Pete's website in the description too you can give them a phone call if you have any questions he'll get you in contact with who you need get in contact with actually he can probably help you with all that but this stuff that we put on is going to take our farm from here to here it's gonna be an absolute game changer like I said the links to all the stuffs in the description so go down there and check it out make some phone calls do some research whatever you got to do pretty cool stuff all right guys all right yes this is pretty good spot in the video thanks for watching I hope you learned something remember if you enjoyed the video please give it a thumbs up any questions comments concerns ideas write down the comments don't forget hit the subscribe button let's see in the next one guys thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Cole The Cornstar
Views: 273,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, family farm, agriculture, agriculture jobs, mechanic, welding, fabricating, tractors, tractor videos, renovation, hoarders, scrappers, junkyard, old farm house, vacant property, abandoned house, remodeling, house renovation, satisfying videos, funny videos, diy, farmstead, homestead, cleaning, big equipment, heavy machinery, trucks, combines, harvest, stuck equipment, dirty jobs, John Deere, Case IH, house projects, projects, best vlogs, renovating, midwest, semis, hard work, Jesus, Faith
Id: ptJCwryyTQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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