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hey everybody you're watching calm the corn star if you're even slightly interested in farming or just want to watch a 22 year old farmer get some stuff done you're in the right place and don't forget if you liked the video be sure to hit the thumbs up button [Music] dude what's going on in the shop all right I don't know where anyone's at hello click mom must have got a flat tire I guess since no one's in here I'm just gonna get started on the projects that I know I can do by myself and I'll see if anyone shows up I honestly have no idea where anyone's that right now so far I have the front end of the freight liner greased but I need to grease the back end yet in the back of the trailer protip when it comes to greasing use rubber gloves it seems like lately everyone in the world's been wanting me to get an electric grease gun well fun fact we have one sometimes I just like to use the old-school one oh hey Dad there you are John Deere hasn't been waxed since beginning of harvest good dad for everyone who's unfamiliar with waxing why do you wax the tractors well if you keep them waxed it keeps the paint really slippery and then dust and dirt and stuff washes it off um easier but then it keeps the nice shiny color of the color of the paint so I don't get I don't want to call oxidized or whatever from the Sun yeah not only does it make the paint look better it also acts as a protectant so that way it stays gleaming for a long time the tractor is looking clean and pretty it seems like the guy takes better care of them they're like an old rusty car or something you don't like care so much for them you don't worry about them oh that's a shame object and clean it just actually makes you take better care of it in my eyes this owner here's a two owner tractor where the second owners the first owner took extremely good care of it and we've been keeping up on it as well you'd never guess this tractor is 40 years old but it is well to answer your question if you've been asking thought we were going to sell the forty eight forty John Deere tractor we kind of talked about that in the other day me and the boys talked it over I kind of liked the little girl my dad that was kind of one of the tractors he liked driving and stuff so I don't know we decided we're gonna keep it and put it on our 16 row planner it may be early off in the game of spring maybe plant some beans early with the John Deere and stuff so and if Cooper is running the case making hay and stuff he may need some help up the field at times of doing some stuff so I think we'll just keep or shine DUP and if we need her she's here the tractor itself is nice and shiny but the exhaust is showing a little bit of gotta run my finger the right way it's backwards we are gonna pull the exhaust off of it and we're gonna paint it a nice black so it makes a tractor even look better so thank you for the comments on that people I just love reading the comments sometimes we'll see something is like oh why did I not think of that or some of the advice just makes us we can do that make things easier so we really appreciate all the comments all the comments are great when I say I'm gonna grease something I kind of take it for granted that everyone knows what greasing is but I should probably explain it for those of you who don't know and if you do know a greasing is I might teach you a thing or two so stay watching this is a grease gun and this is an electric grease gun so depending on the application I'm either gonna use this one or the electric one and what I do with this is we put grease in this cylinder here and then on equipment where there's areas where metal is touching metal often in a case like this where a shafts going through and something's revolving around it there's gonna be a spot that has what's called a grease zerk so grease zerk kind of looks like a little nipple and we put the grease gun on that and then we pump grease into there so what that grease is gonna do is make a smooth barrier between two places that have metal to metal contact every single piece of equipment here in the shop has tens if not hundreds of grease zerks all over them there's some research that we have to grease daily and there are some grease zerks that we have to grease every 500 hours take the combine for example there's a little chart here on the side of the machine that shows where all the different grease zerks are located and then it has an hour indicator beside each of them to show how many hours you're supposed to go before you grease them so everything in this chart here is on this side of the machine then there's one on the other side of the machine and on the top of the machine we want to be keeping up on our greasing maintenance otherwise if you don't keep up on it stuff gets dry then when stuff gets dry then we have metal on metal contact and what happens when we have metal on metal contact wears it out that's correct it wears it out faster when stuff wears out that means we have to replace it meaning that gets expensive so in the case of today when I say I'm greasing the semi I start here at the front end and then I'm looking for all these little spots where I think there could possibly be a grease zerk and I feel around with my fingers so I find them and then I put grease into them now work my way from the front to the back so by the time it's all said and done I probably cover thirty grease zerks by the time I do the entire semi and then occasionally we run into issues with grease zerks so sometimes I'm gonna go to put grease on them grease just shoots right out the side instead of actually going into the area we're trying to get it into when it does that nine times out of ten it's because either the grease zerk is wore so it's not sealing correctly over the grease gun or the little plunger thing in the middle is stuck so if a grease zerk is wore down you got to take it out and you put a new one in and then problem solved if a grease zerk gets stuck you got a couple different options see the old ID thing there in the middle that's the plunger so one thing we can do is take the grease zerk out and then bring it over to some sort of penetrating solution that we can soak it in that'll help break up some gunk around that that's the last thing I'm gonna do the first thing I would do if I had a stuck research is get a little sharp tool kind of like this take the grease zerk and a little sharp tool and I'd plug that right into the end and I'd shove it in there to see if I could break that little plunger free but sometimes that just doesn't work so my favorite thing to do is get one of these bad boys or a lighter or anything that produces an open flame I just point out the grease zerk turn it on and I heat it up till it's red-hot and most times that fixes the problem and sometimes you got to heat it up and then use a sharp a little pick and push in there to break that plunger free sometimes you gotta do a couple rounds of that if it's really stuck and if that doesn't work just take a grease zerk out make sure that the whole inside is clean use the pick in there to get all the gunk out take a torch stick it in the hole heat it up inside of there so that way all that gunk and stuff can be broken up a little bit and the metal can expand get a new grease zerk stick it in try to put grease in it and then it should work and if that doesn't work I don't know what to tell you because I haven't figured that one out yet there you guys go I hope you enjoyed today's lesson of greasing 101 we are working on the 48 40 John Deere tractor service in it since it's been running around the dust there in the big machine hauling corn and stuff in and out corn dust sucks into the filters faster than probably any other dust so right now trying to take out the old filters took the cover off of the filter it's kind of dirty inside so we want to take it over to the sink give it a good bath before we put her back together so everything squeaky-clean what you go now dad oil put a new inner and outer air filter in here : I don't see this on the video she's getting a little from the harvest run the grain carts and stuff that dust just floats could probably blow it out but corn dust is so fine I just always worry about it sneaking through some do blow amount you could probably do that two or three times we did blow this one out during harvest once I never really like to blow them off more than once it's time to change it put a new one on and then when we're out planting we'll be in good shape but that little dust you can see how fine it is it's just it's really fine time to changer hey Dad I like that hat where can I get a hold of one I'm gonna calmer calmer corn head good people to work with and they'll take care of you so for your corn head and stuff contact them a lot of people have been asking where they can get ahold of daddy corn stars hat because they think it's our merch that is not our emerge but we are working on some stuff and we will have merch out very soon just be patient with us please very soon I'm putting the date when we change the filter and then I'll put the hours on there too we don't like to go over a 140 150 hours on the oil then we'll change it again so if it's alright here when we're walking by the tractor we always see it greasing definitely extends the life of metal on metal components but it's not an end-all cure-all because stuff still does go out when you grease it well take this bearing right here for example see how it's wiggling around it's not supposed to do that that needs replaced [Music] well now that we got these bearings off the traps here we got to figure out how to take this apart we need to get this bearing off and right now it's kind of stuck in between here and I have no idea what I'm doing here I'm just kind of going with the flow we're kind of thinking that this entire thing is shot because these your joints here bad that shouldn't be wiggling like that and then these little grooves here are pretty wore down so we're kind of thinking it may be a better option just to replace this entire assembly and then just keeping our gearbox unless a new gearbox comes with it I don't know we have to look into this so we got to do a little head scratching on this yet we won't get this done tonight but as soon as we get it figured out well know and the reason why we're even messing with these in the first place is because these bearings are what's bad here this one may not particularly be bad but this one here I can't get to spin at all and what these bearings do is make it so we can open and close the doors on the semi and so when the bearings are bad it makes it really hard to open the doors and it may or may not be getting to the point when we bring our semi sylco up they won't open our semis for us because they open too hard you didn't hear that from me though dad why don't you use the power buffer so in the mean time till we get this figured out I know I need to get the gearbox off of this shaft so I'm gonna take the old grinder to this for a little bit and see if I can get this off hey hey hey there we go not a problem for a big-time mechanic like myself we'll clean up our tools and see what else we can tear into so calls are on the combine this fall and bent shaft on these gearboxes so it took the gearbox cover off here which is leaking as you can tell and cold and clean it up so now I'm fixing steaks but taking this off I take this gear off let me pull the shaft out so we can put a new shaft in that gearbox to have a straight one and then I'll put a new seal on this so it's not leaking our shop for like usual like everything else anyone comes to that so the free learner here we got an air leak somewhere here in the dash we're kind of diagnosing what that is but I'm gonna go to a place tomorrow that specializes in this stuff and I'm gonna see if we can figure out what's going on here and what Parts I need we got a bright and early this morning we've got literally nothing done when it comes to work that's because I've been running around picking up parts and went now or that way and from that way I go an hour and a half that way here in the back of the trusted minivan we got all the bearings and stuff what was on a trailer and I got all the new stuff here so now I got to figure out how to get all this stuff off and put this new stuff on so here's what we need to do right here where these u joints are they were welded on at some point so I need to grind these welds off so I can get these u joints off so that way we can stick the new one on right there then once I get these off these shafts will be exposed and I can open this up I can pull that bearing off and then we can pull this bearing off slap the new ones on and then we might have to do a little bit of fabricating on this in in order to get it back on to this that way we'll be able to put our crank on this and then open the trailer like I said I've never done one of these before but we're gonna figure it out alright grinder it looks like I've been replaced by Cooper well he's working on that I might as well get started on the gearbox on this corn head I've take these bolts off to pull this off but this plate is separate than this plate and then I'm guessing that five hooks in the gearbox there if I have taken this site apart cuz then this plate goes to here and that left come off well there we have it we've got our work cut out for us never done this before either you neither has dad [Applause] [Music] well as under there I was thinking how in the world did cavemen get knots off of bolts before they had riches they must have strong fingers [Music] [Applause] oh I forgot two bolts I gotta come under the corn head again also whoever designed the bottom of a case 22:08 corn head you have a warped sense of humor no so why does it seem like every time you drop something you drop it right in a puddle of oil it's a struggle today [Music] also a fun fact whenever you drop a book while you're working on something it always falls in the place that is the most impossible place that it could ever go to every single time it's the eighth wonder of the world [Music] well there we go two hours later we finally got the row unit off I'll show you what I mean by this shaft being bent keep your eyes right here see how that moves back and forth it's not supposed to do that look at that one compared to it so now we got to get all this pulled out of here and then we'll flip this over open up the back side pull the shaft out stick a new one in there slap it back together fill it full of grease again put the saw back in here and then put everything back on that we just took off by the way these are the comer choppers just look at those things they look so aggressive and mean we absolutely lone you're on the fence about getting OAM rollers or kommer choppers we would highly highly recommend the comer choppers this is what they look like after running a thousand acres across them you look pretty good I'll put these on because these blades are sure so boys awkward now I just got to pop this cover off and figure out how to take that shaft out well there we have it guys we took that cover up pulled out that shaft on that gear and check this out there's the bushing that goes around the top of this shaft and that bushing make sure there's no clearance in this hole back here and as we can see here it's all broken there's a bunch of chunks of it here on the floor and so when it broke it made wiggle in that hole which must have caused this to bend and then that's why we saw it moving when we were spending it earlier so we got a new one right here slap that back in put that together put everything else back on and then the corn head can go too it's summer vacation home I know if I ever have to do this again I'm gonna make sure I have it flat when I do it because when I have it laid like this it made it so metal could fall down inside the rest of the gear box I didn't expect metal chunks to be in there so just a rookie move but I think I'm gonna have to open up the other side now because I want to make sure trunk of metal didn't get in there otherwise if there is a piece of metal in there it will tear up the gearbox and they'll have to pull everything out again anyway so I might as well just make sure it's all clean while we got it out it's a lesson learned though like I said I've never done one of these before so they all make mistakes but I think I'm gonna call it a night so tomorrow I can clean up this old gasket here make sure that's nice and clean so that way when I stick a new one on it's got a good seal I'll have to clean up the gasket on this cover as well and it will open up the other half of this gearbox make sure that's all cleaned out make sure there's no chunks of metal in there then we'll put the new piece back in put that back together put that back on get the rest of the Korn head put back together and then we still got the trap bearings and shaft on this one and we still got half for the other one to do so once we get this stuff done Korn head can go too it's summer vacation home the red Volvo can go to the big machine shed this trailer can go to the big machine shed and then the semi will come back here because we're soft to address the ear leak in the - we're still waiting on a door shock for the 7140 Delavan heard from the Hagee guy yet and ryan should be down in a couple weeks to work on the combine but after we get these semis done we got two more trailers that can come in and one more semi and then once we're done with those semis we'll go get the 16 row planner bring that and here we got to go through that and then hopefully once we get that done the 24 old planners should be done at the shop we'll bring that down here and then we have some goodies to put on that but we'll talk more about that stuff later I know I just had a t-shirt on and I'm gonna have a t-shirt on in the next scene but I want to say something real quick something like this can be done virtually by anyone with any skill set when it comes to mechanical stuff I am by no means an expert at all I am a complete rookie basically everything I work out here in the shop a large majority of it is the very first time I've ever done it in my life especially when it comes to anything repairs like the other day when Cooper and I put the arm on that semi and like today taking apart the row unit on the corn head I've just simply never had to do them before so what I'm trying to get out here is most people are afraid to start on something because they don't know what they're doing and that's okay because often times you learn best as you go take this for example here someone can tell me exactly how to take this apart and I just wouldn't stick with me but if I do it myself I'm going to learn all the little stuff as I go and yes I made a couple mistakes as I went along here but I know next time if I have to do this again I'm gonna know exactly what I did wrong the first time and I'm gonna improve on that the second time well I'll probably still make one or two mistakes but you get what I'm saying this applies to everything in our life we're all gonna be terrible as something that's completely new to us and it's gonna seem extremely scary at first but if you just take that step forward and keep taking that step forward it gets easier and easier and you learn more and more and then all of a sudden you turn around and you realize how far you've come and you realize well that wasn't that hard at all don't be afraid to learn new stuff guys it's worth it knowledge is something that hangs with you it is a 15 at night which means this is the worst part of the video and that's the end if you made it to this point in the video congratulations you're awesome if you liked the video be sure it hit the thumbs up button if you have any questions or just want to say something and write it down in the comments and you see that little button that says subscribe just below the video here yeah why don't you click on that and click on the little Bell notification right beside it that way you'll be notified when I post new videos got a lot of projects going on here and I have years and years and years and years of projects to do so you might as well stay tuned because this is just the beginning thanks for watching guys I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Cole The Cornstar
Views: 363,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, agriculture, family farm, welding, fabricating, mechanic, tractors, tractor videos, harvest, combines, agriculture jobs, heavy machinery, large equipment, equipment, farm equipment, John Deere, Case IH, New Holland, Massey Ferguson, red tractors, green tractors, renovation, repairs, remodeling, old farm house, scrappers, hoarders, junkyard, diy, satisfying videos, funny videos, farmstead, homestead, excavator, semis, farming simulator
Id: wPNeVd5Hf5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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