Dad Got ELECTROCUTED... | Planter Preparation 2019

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Oh rise up dying here or something goofy baby we'll check it out you're watching cold corn star if you're even slightly interested in farming or just want to watch a 21 year old farmer and get some stuff done you're in the right place if you liked the video please give it a big thumbs up and see there down here down here I'm not really sure be sure to write a comment if you have any questions and don't forget to subscribe I'll give you a second to subscribe quick all right thank you so you have a lot of really cool stuff in today's video we're gonna be working on the planner primarily and we get this thing all tore apart and it's kind of tedious but I'm gonna make it fun and you're gonna learn a lot all right enough of me talking let's get into the video this morning we're gonna go to an auction there is a 10 inch auger that is 61 feet long that we're interested in if we could get that bought at a decent price we'd like to buy it we're gonna also see what's there cuz it's just fun to snoop at auctions so that'll burn up our morning and then once we get back in the afternoon we'll start working here in the shop we had a billion projects out right now and they're gonna be time consuming that might be slow I'm gonna try to get as much footage as I can we'll see what we can get done today all right let's go to the action every time I Drive the mini I feel like I'm in the Italian Job the only difference is I'm better-looking than Mark Wahlberg [Music] then 3,000 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 7 + 3 27 and 3 down the middle three three to five on five line twenty four to five we go here five six times let's go five six now 13 13 14 about 15 years ago dad and grandpa built this planner he used to be a twelve row and then they took parts from an eighth row and then converted it into a 16 or a planer so this is a custom 16 row white planner I'm gonna pull this pump off and bring it into the shop and we're gonna get this thing running a little smoother and then it'll be on the sprayer tank trailer we're gonna go put the tires on a car real quick [Music] that took way longer than it should've but we got the car done now you are working on the planter this is a white 16 year old planner so we have a whole bunch of things to go through on the planner what we're doing today is looking at inside the press wheels here all right some disc openers and there's a piece of metal in there that it wears on as it goes along and that's getting kind of thin so we're gonna take all these wheels off this entire side and all them need to replace in the tube that the seed comes down in is pre worn or cracked broken on pretty much all these so we're gonna inspect them all and then replace what needs to be replaced first thing we're gonna do is pull the pressed wheels off we have two rows off right now as you can see these two rows don't have a press wheel but the rest of these do so once the press wheels off we look at the disc openers here we're gonna look at this to make sure it's intact and touching the blade this thing right here keeps dirt off of this it's kind of loud the disc openers are what make the little furrow for the seed to fall into and then once the seeds in the knees close it behind we want to make sure these blades aren't too small because once they where they start to shrink so we're gonna measure them to make sure they're the length that we want them to be and then inside here there's a little thing we call it a frog right here but that keeps dirt and other debris from hitting the seed tube and these wear down over time and so we want to make sure those are all the thickness we want them to be and then we're gonna check out the seed tube to make sure something hasn't gotten up there and broken those we'll check all that stuff out and then we'll make sure everything's greased and nothing's cracks on the rest of this and then this roll will be done then we just need to do that 15 more times once we get all the individual rows done we're gonna look at our sprockets and our chains to so everything's okay here we're gonna oil all these we're gonna grease all our bearings we'll check tire pressure we'll check all the wires to make sure nothing's worn frayed or getting pinched anywhere we'll do the same thing with all of our hydraulic hoses we'll also be checking our trash cookers here on the front these are what pushed debris out of the way for the seed to be able to go into the ground neatly if there's too much trash in front of a row it won't plant to see that the proper depth if at depth at all if we have a lot of trash we can lower these down and if we don't have as much we can raise them up it all depends on what we want to do another thing we'll have to do this row doesn't have one because it broke off but this one does the sorriest thing here goes just behind where the seed falls in and it pushes it down in the furrow so that stays at a nice consistent level in the seed bed and so we'll have to go through and replace all the ones that are broken as well and then once we get everything all done we'll pull this outside unfold it and make sure everything works out in the field dad was the only one who ran the planer last year and he was pretty rough on it I would say all right let's get started [Music] these are those frogs I was talking about this is an old worn one and this is a new one pretty big difference okay all the pressed wheels are off so I'm gonna go do the other side now and while I'm doing that dad is going to be pulling these off and then checking everything out on the inside to make sure that is how we want it to be and if stuff needs to be replaced we're going to replace it and then we'll do the same thing on the other side of the planter conveniently enough we can get it all tore apart we don't have any parts to put anything back together besides just a couple things so we're gonna wait till Monday before we can order them [Music] all the crystals are off now I have the tedious part in order to take these disc openers off you have to take this little cover off to get to the bolt so you take a flat punch and you stick it in there and then you pound it in then you got to keep turning this to eventually pry it out so you got to do that every single one of them so they can be a little stubborn sometimes [Music] this doesn't happen a lot okay now it's time to take the next openers off on the entire planer we've already got some off we've got a lot more on so let's get them all off [Applause] [Music] all right everything is off the planer now besides the boxes and the closing wheels on the back of the planer this is what's inside of the disc openers this is the seed tube this is what presses the seed down and keeps it flat within the bottom of the little furrow that's created and this is the leader part to it this here protects the seed tube this is plastic and this will break we have a lot of broken ones and these are over $100 apiece so we don't really want those to break as you can see here this seed tube is actually broken so there goes $100 there's a sensor up the seed tubes if you stick something up there and that's about a foot long it'll touch it and then and there's a monitor in the cab that notifies you that way if you plug up a seed tube or something it tells you on there and then it tells you which one then you can go clean it out and if nothing's plugging it up it tells you there's an issue and sometimes you just get a bad Titu we're taking these off and you got to pound out these pins and before we were just taking a punch and sticking it in there but it was flaring the ends and you had to pound on it forever to get it out so we just took a bowl and took the grinder to it and just made it a little smaller this works phenomenally so if anyone has a planer simulator ours you know are struggling to take these off try this yeah there's something I don't understand here I'm inside of the planter right now but I'm trying to get these two little pins out and there's no exactly lot of room to swing your hammer in there to get those out so I have one on this side one on the other side I'm trying to figure out how I can get those knocked out this is only like eight inches or so in here so not a lot room to swing a hammer I'm just gonna use the grinder well I was snipping away at this with the old grinder and I had just a little bit left and the blade cut remember be careful that could have been bad okay I finally got those off now I'm gonna look at all these along the machine and check to make sure there's no bearings out on them and if there is I'm gonna take them off and fix them this is how they're supposed to look this isn't how they're supposed to look bearings out of this one [Music] well this might be why the bearing went out I think this is Bill wrap but it gets wrapped around there and then it pretty much really wears off that bearing whenever you're looking around the machine when you're grease and then stuff you always want to find stuff like this and get it out guys otherwise breakdowns occur as so we look at two in a row [Music] oh look at that one more looks like three of them need new bearings [Music] [Applause] [Music] well I got all these tore apart I only have one bearing on hand so I'm gonna put one back together and then off the order bearings for the other three right now dad is taking that brush and stuffing it up those seed tubes to see if he's setting off the sensor so that way we know that they work so now he's plugging in the broken ones and he's gonna do the same thing because if the top half these is still working then we just need to replace the bottom half and that's a lot cheaper before it gets dark we're gonna run over to the auction site and pick up that auger we buy yesterday and bring the skid loader back home the skid loader is over there cuz Cooper was working the auction and he was using our skid loader to help people load their stuff oh nice and sunny [Music] oh that's not good get loader is loaded hooked up to the auger bucket a bucket a bucket boys we better race over let go splat oh I just casually spun out going up this hill so I gonna back down so you get some speed at it and four-wheel drive low cuz I tried it in 2l drive and that did not quite work you've been having a heck of a time steering this thing right now cuz it's sliding it's gooey well we didn't quite make it we're gonna go home get a socket sick come back take that tire off and then see if the trailer can run with only three wheels I guess I didn't drive fast enough now planners look really complicated but they're actually not as complicated as you'd think this right here is a row unit so the way this works is we fill this box here full of seed this particular box holds 1.6 bushels and then when you're pulling the planner this chain right here turns this pipe and this pipe is attached to this chain here and this gear attaches to this thing and then the seed falls down in the box into this and this has little pockets in it that the seed falls into and then once the seed gets to the bottom of it it falls down a hole into the seed tube and then once it falls through the seed tube it falls in the furrow that these disc openers which would normally be right here makes Wow and then these wheels here close the furrow sow the seeds covered and that's the basics of the planner I think it's time for a new planner hey there everybody we got a new little helper coming in helping us so you'll be seeing a young man right around here his name is Dalton super great guy we're happy to have him helping us or myself and him he's a good kid today we're going to be working on the planner putting row units on getting bearings put on change row units seed tubes the whole nine yards so anyhow I just thought would give you a quick tour trying to help Cole out so Daddy corn started today and I know I'm not as good an actor as my son but we sure thank you all for watching and everything and hopefully we're teaching you kind of what goes on on a farm so thank you very much well now it's time everybody to be careful around here today and then I get my finger pinched where I didn't want to get it pinched in the planner and now I got to get a band-aid and see if I can get it healed up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Cole the corn star he's at school today so we're just kind of getting things set up so when he gets back we can work his butt hard this weekend so what we're working on today trying to work on the planner we got a couple things here on the floor were working on and I don't know how to change the lens the other way hold on we are working on putting a guiding system in our John Deere tractor so I'm letting the younger boys work on that that just kind of gets out of my area so I'm gonna let them work on that so what I'm up to today guys I am actually working on the planner I'm testing the raw shutoff unit so I'm just gonna get ready to set up here and see how this works for me but I'm gonna take a battery and I'm going to take some jumper cables and I'm gonna go up into each row unit for the shutoffs and I'm gonna touch and see if they jump so let me get things set up here and we'll see how things go all right well what we're gonna do on the shutoff there's a little rubber calves on here I haven't been off for a long time we're going to take them little caps off I'm going to take a hot wire from the battery and I'm going to touch the ground to the ground and the negative to the negative and we're going to see if these shutoffs work it's supposed to jump for me so let's see if we're getting sparks Oh brighten up dying here or something goofy babe well check it out I'm teasing you guys but sounds like it works she's clicking so that's a good sign we're going to check the other side here yeah get in there yep that's a good thing guys and ladies hey I wanted to thank everybody to ie in the coal the corn star we always like coal and I we always like to read everybody's comments that people write in and stuff so sometimes I've even learned things by reading your guys's comment so I want to thank you guys on that one of them was somebody wrote in the other day when I was changing the oil on this John Deere tractor back here I was making a mess on the side of the engine and they said down low there's an oil flood down here to drain the filter before you take the filter off I got a mitt all the years I've changed oil in this tractor I never even noticed that plug there so some of your advice guys and lady it helps us out too because sometimes we're busy and we don't realize all this stuff so thank you guys and thank you for all the nice comments too we'll try to keep things kind of how we run our farm so thank you unfortunately the video is over if you liked the video remember please give it a big thumbs up ask questions down below in the comments and don't forget to subscribe see you later [Music]
Channel: Cole The Cornstar
Views: 136,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, agriculture, agriculture machine, agriculture technology, fabrication, welding, family farm, young farmer, mechanic, tractors, green tractors, red tractors, john deere tractors, Oliver tractors, farm videos, agribusiness, planting seeds, planting corn, grain markets, Iowa farmer, big farmers, old trucks, hard work, american dream, farming simulator, farm management, farm equipment, agco, agriculture revolution, big farm, corn, white planter, hot farmers, grave digger
Id: vbElNUFuBls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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