Crazy Farmers, Wet Fields, and Chaos | A Normal Day On The Farm

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hey good morning you've reached daddy corn star today we're getting ready to fill the planter up me and Cole the corn star I'm sure a few of you watching these videos think that I run cold pretty hard and everything digging right it's kind of why we have kids ain't because we love them or care for them or anything like that so we can work them make them get our ice cream make them get our food and yes kind of cool tonight you know I turned on I don't know if you guys have ever seen dinner or not it's a pretty neat bubble YouTube stage in the young boys calls goal the corn star he's some 21 year old farmer I don't write think he knows very much but it's entertaining watching him so I was watching that while I was out here in the field it kind of gives me dump to chuckle about so good-looking young man I gotta say that kind of nice I see his dad Johanna he things looking neat and is that it's a pretty good guy do what I see in the video so hey check it out hold the corn star well I feel a little bit silly I completely forgot to record an intro in an outro in this week's video so here it is you're watching Cole the corn star if you're even slightly interested in farming or just want to watch it 21 year old farmer get some stuff done you're in the right place if you liked the video please give it a big thumbs up if you have any questions write a comment down below and don't forget to subscribe okay I'll stop talking we'll get into the video oh yes I forgot about two things first being don't forget to follow my Instagram it's at Cole the corn star second thing being I have a pl box now so if you want to send me some fan mail or want to send me something cool send it to this address I'd say it but I don't have it memorized yet but it's right here okay let's get into the video now hey good morning good evening good afternoon good whatever you want to say today we got another cold damp morning so we're kind of getting things ready we might try to go out and do a little bit of spraying today but we got a little bit of bean ground we're trying to get our 32 percent nitrogen on in weedkiller and they're talking more rain coming so right now we're still waiting for Cole the corn star to get home in the meantime me and Cooper the corn star we're gonna grease up the sprayer check the oils and get things ready for today the old grease gun comes in handy something my guy should probably use more than once a year somewhere out here we have Cooper the corn star checking the sprayer over already oh boy it's a nice day outside by the way if anyone's looking to buy a truck we have this power in it's a one-time I think it's like an 1886 it's got a winch on the front fire station used to own it no rust on the thing the odometer stopped it like 40,000 miles but it really can't have a whole lot anyway we're selling it we want five grand for it that's firm so Peter said let me know suppose I could let you guys see the inside pretty clean the springs are out on that side of the seat so you do sink down pretty good turned that be cool truck for someone all right let's see what Dad is doing it appears the dads putting in the cabin filter in the John Deere 4840 this is the planter tractor he's wanting to get that working well so that as air conditioning is nice and cool Cooper's out running the sprayer right now it is just a little bit too sticky to run the planner the sun's out if the light would focus you could tell so we're gonna do just a couple things on the planter here quick and then we'll go out and check the dirt and see if it's ready to go so I'm the planner here we have these rail cleaners and in one of our fields a neighbor puts manure on and so there's bale wrap in the manure that he scoops up from what's left over when he moves bales in any way they get wrapped in here and it kind of makes a mess so we just got done with that field the other day so we're gonna go through all these row cleaners make sure there's no bail or app stuck in those because if there is you can make bearings wear out prematurely here's that stuff I was talking about gets wrapped up in there I don't know if you guys can see that or not I can't see you but it's in there [Music] it's bumpy out here okay I'm gonna look at some soil here real quick to see how what it is underneath this is the next field we'd like to come to this field that's 3/4 long mile rows so we'd get a good chunk done here today so I'm gonna look at this quick hey Brian I'll give you $10 if you lick this we're gonna do squeeze it if it stays together it's too wet yeah I'm definitely too wet to wet the plant anyway here's our dried just a little more right Emma can cover you back ups that way you stay in the dirt we want you to stick around earthworms are good guys hey son stay out would you I guess Ronnie our trucker called and he's gonna come get a load of corn so I'm gonna go fill him here dad's gonna bring the plane over to the main farm we're gonna fill up the tractor a diesel and then we got to empty out the boxes because we have corn on corn corn in the boxes and we need corn and bean ground in the boxes [Applause] someone must have cleaned out this shed and they did it by just throwing everything in this one it was surprise surprise big change of plans I guess the trucker filled himself Cooper ran out of gas on the transfer pump on the sprayer tank so I'm gonna bring him some gasoline and he had a fuse blow and he needed a wire made for the pump on the chemical container so I'm bringing him all that stuff and I'm gonna go get lunch and I guess Dalton is making his way over here our main goal today is to keep the sprayer move and get as much spring done as possible and then dad is going to try to plant if the soil is fitting I think it's just a little too wet too real disk it doesn't take a lot of moisture to plug up the real disk and you don't want to plug up the real disk because it takes a really long time to get it unplugged [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I guess dad was just right behind me this is the field we're wanting to play it into so we're gonna go check it out [Music] we're gonna see how this feels a little drier dad's gonna bring the planner over to the main farm they're gonna clean out those boxes put corn on being ground corn in the planer and then I'm gonna run in go get some lunch for everybody and then we're gonna start playing some corn oh we got some scooping to do they're all about half-full dolls excited about it [Music] I left dad Dalton with two boxes left to do and then they'll put the new corn in there and then they'll get to planting Cooper's probably getting pretty low on 32% here in a little while and then Dalton will fill up the tanks for the semi-trailer and then he'll keep that supplied to Cooper and I'm going to go cover a cremation quick and then I have a full-size grave after that I need to cover then I'll be able to get lunch by that time it'll be probably four o'clock [Music] doing good [Music] he's like a pro grapes done we got the goods put a poll of the seed tender in the big machine check back so that way I can hook up to the Skip our trailer fairly bumpy back here this will be cleaned up this summer make them up well I think our ridge cap has a leak in it somewhere so we're gonna pick it up and replace that this summer you wanted to know how I know they gonna put a little water in here looks good all right here's the real question tonight man through there it's gonna be tight we're free there's goober getting into the Freightliner he's gonna bring 32% back to himself don't hook to something like 30 seconds I don't know how I get it [Music] [Music] guess someone's gonna come help me cover the grave I'm gonna stop by visit grandpa real quick touch up his grave and then we're gonna touch up a few graves here as well that have sunk in it over the winter time and then Dawn's gonna go around the sprayer later once we get done with this [Music] dad and I dug a grave just about where Dalton's at during the wintertime and to settle in pretty bad is pretty muddy when we did it so we put the dirt down here and now I want to get rid of it down here and bring it up to the main dirt pile which is all the way in that corner over there Cooper's still spraying on 32 balls gonna take the trough I'm gonna take the semi home we're gonna fill these tanks with 32 percent again Cooper ran them all the way out today already he's getting a lot done my favorite part about driving the semi hey there gentlemen we got any corn start talking to you I'll blend today you see the planner behind me but we're playing for they're talking rain for a good chunk of the week it's kind of one of those tough calls we had to run around to find a field to go in I wouldn't say it's great but I've seen bike it's going pretty good so come along for the journey right now we're letting auto-steer ride as you can see the field got a little dust and like I said it's a little bit damp but everything's going pretty good dad said he is under a quarter tank of fuel he forgot to fill when he was here so I'm gonna load up this diesel tank into the truck though a diesel bring it over to seems like it's been running very very good for me I've been happy takes a lot of stress off my eyes trying to find the old marker right now or no talent and bean stubble run in trash I'm sitting there looking at that duel on the tractor it almost hypnotized [Music] dad's over here somewhere we'll just try to do the grass till we find him [Music] so it's good idea to pick these up when you find them [Music] I'm gonna run over to the main farm quick grab those 16 bags of champion seed there's eight of one number eight of the other number when Dad runs out of seed we're gonna put those bags in and by the time we get all that done tonight we'll probably call it a day all right we got the champion seed loaded on the left side here with the label facing up I have the 61 a nineteen and with the label facing down I have the 58 a eighteen number so we're just gonna wait till dad gets the planter empty and then we'll load the planter up with this stuff I have to turn the lights on 48 80 as well as the machine shed light so you guys could kind of see me we'll turn these off quick I'm getting hungry then it is later in the evening my tummy is gone here's dad's LastPass on this side who he is brushing that telephone pole right now squeak right by it though [Music] I think we got enough to make another round we have just enough seed in the planter yet that it would overfill our five-gallon bucket so we're gonna do is make another pass down this so now there is going to be 48 plus 16 rows possibly plus another 16 we'll find out I don't know why I struggled with this math so much but 48 plus 16 should be 64 and yes in case you're wondering I am blind now after filming that little ten-second clip because of this camera flash being right in my face I guess this will work okay because now dad can set his AV line on the planner so that these champion seed rows will be nice and straight and the edge one won't be a little wobbly I just counted it off we have 48 rows right now if he turns around and comes back then we're gonna have 64 but we'll see what he does I'm bettin he comes back so that means on the end rows we have 32 rows and on the side by the road we have 64 we're gonna load this seed in the planter now time to get our workout on okay we're gonna do 60 180 on the left side of the planter and then we're gonna do 58 a 18 on the right side of the planner we're gonna take off all the box lids first and then we'll start dipping out the seed and then we'll dump a bag in each box okay we got all the 61 a nine teams on the ground laying in front of their respective row that they're gonna go into this is half of the planter right here now we're gonna let the other bag in front of this right now dad's clearing out just a little bit of corn that's left in there that way we're not misrepresenting what this yields we want to put these over that way we don't get confused what's what ha back again we're in our last one now okay everything's all laid out now I'm gonna start filling the boxes this is how clean we're getting them there's just a really little amount of seed left in there okay everything's full one of them is green with purple specks Nana's purple with purple specks let's get to planting GPS is on and lined up dad's gonna get us up to speed as soon as we cross into where we haven't planted yet right now the road offs are kicking in so it's not planning even though it's in the ground and now we're planning we're pulling in fifth gear right now it's nice and smooth monitors aren't going off we're planning at four-and-a-half miles an hour right now we're hoping to get a 110 acres done today that's pretty good we're not getting started till late in the afternoon with this planner we can do approximately 20 acres an hour in a good field this monitor right here tells which roads are planning for it so put those little black boxes turns white that means Ford's not coming in this Pacific Grove if we go back there and try to figure out what the problem is or get this in the ground on May 4th it's currently 10:30 p.m. weather outside is 650 degrees we've had Sun all day at about 17 degrees today so I always sure is pretty much optimal right and look it's own treasure that's not supposed to happen this is what it's supposed to look like that's what it looks like we're just gonna set it up here for now Cooper's gonna bring us a bolt for this we might have a bolt we're gonna look oh let's see if this fits in here it looks like it does it's all full of crud in there now though we're getting down there unseen our buzzer just went off so one of them ran out number 10 I think it's down here 12:30 in the morning we're out of seed we're gonna bring the player in tractor home and then we're gonna go to bed this is for my record keeping the left side of the plate er aka the driver's side of the planer was on the north end of the field wood we started I promise my eyes are that goofy I'm just trying not to look directly into my flashlight hey I want you guys to comment down below guessing which seed do you think is going to yield better in what do you think it's gonna yield I just took my boots off and this happened on both feet that's uncomfortable [Music] Cooper's checking some filters here that he thought might have been plugged because he's having problems with pressure to his boom so he's getting those cleaned out quick you're like a gymnast you like a gymnast well that's an interesting place for that I'm gonna walk down into these corn stalks and dig up some dirt see how the soil feels if it's dry enough I'm gonna real disc once we get the planer going today we're up on a hill up there I think we'll be okay I'm not gonna be able to get to run for probably another hour anyway [Music] we like to see he's gonna go play I'm gonna check the engine oil in the water I'm gonna go real disc the real disk has gangs on the front that runs straight and then in the middle there's this chopping basket and there's a drag and then there's rollers this would be considered vt I think okay tillage we really like it this particular one is 36 feet I think want some okay here we go [Music] perfect let her warm up here for me and then a little take off down the road I should probably put diesel in it good idea dad just called and said he couldn't get the planner to unfold so I got halfway there and then he called and said he got it to unfold so I turned around came back just gone to the tractor again and then Cooper said the sprayer tanks are almost empty on the semi so I'm gonna go over get that bring it back to the main tank fill it up and then bring that back to him I want to keep him a movin so I might get real disc in some time today we'll see there's Cooper's brand up on the hill I guess Cooper has to leave at noon so I'm gonna spray now and dalton's gonna come out and run the real disc you see that switch right here have you ever had one of them days the planner says that ain't working and you get out you check everything and you spend about 15 minutes wondering why it ain't work and there's no seeds in the ground then you get back in this one little switch I forgot to turn on oh I don't know what you're thinking but I'm thinking it's time for don't and I brought to see tinder out to tabletop where dad is going to be planting once he gets done at the field he's on now that way he has new seed I'm going to bring the sprayer tanks home I'm gonna start spraying Dalton's gonna start real disking you might get something done today who parked the sprayer way over there it's windy normally would they be in this windy I wouldn't be out here if I was spraying on weed killer I wouldn't be out here but we're putting on a really heavy rate with just 32% we're good we are out of products so we're headed back to the sprayer trailer wait girl well plans changed again dad just called and said he ran out of corn on beam ground seed and we have a few bags left over so he needs those and I conveniently took both of his trucks so I need to bring them over a truck quick well I'm there I might as well help them fill the planer again I'll be back in a jiffy sprayer [Music] hey stay over there when you're out Clinton and the ground is already a little wet and you look off to the north and you see a big old black cloud coming you kind of think please God make it this okay we're back now [Music] what is this what is this you know what I'm sure you want to quit yes I'm done what Disney robot come on turn it off Wow that's long five seconds Paul's that I wanted to do today was spray some 32% and then it does this stuff are you kidding me right now you know at least the sprayers get the bath right now I kind of overfilled the tank a little bit earlier so a mess of the sprayer so free bath it's alright I think I'm just gonna sit here till the rain stops but if I did get out then I wouldn't have to shower today hmm I mean there's so many tough decisions around here dad you said he got rained out I hear the lightning and thunder grumbling all around me so I think I'm gonna risk it real quick hop down take that hose off and then I can drive the sprayer up there I'd probably be fun right here but I don't really want to back up later and put a bailable runt in the field so we're just gonna do it right now all right guys wish me luck I was literally out there for like 12 seconds then it starts hailing as soon as I shut the door wow it's wet out there but mate its moist out there good thing I didn't try to go back out to the field do you know what I just realized I have an eaten breakfast today I also have not eaten lunch today it's 4:30 p.m. not getting as clean as I thought it would but if it stops raining later I'll wash it you know what I'm already super away I'm just gonna power wash the sprayer you guys watch she's gonna watch from right here perfect I [Music] just come up the driveway we're getting rain and I thought I seen like a Oh jolly ol giant the green bean man but I think it's cold the corn star he's got a garbage bag on and he's washing the sprayer you got a met he's a pretty good kid I don't know I'm still trying to figure out this plastic bag you know he needs to get some shirts sweatshirts t-shirts whatever made up with coal the corn Stars name I wonder if he could be sponsored by some raincoat company they could put coal the corn star on there he's a borrower away he's even a monkey look at him climb oh I'm kind of staying in the tractor here so he doesn't put me to work let's see hey Cole don't fall I was always told when it's wet you shouldn't get on top of things I never taught that stuff to my kids some things you pass on to the kids and other things you don't well we got rained out so sounds like maybe a week of rain again this is getting kind of old I know a lot of you guys are fighting the flood all kinds of different stuff so right now we're just kind of wet and rainy my hat's off to you guys fighting the floods and stuff because that stuff is absolutely miserable rain we can deal with I mean it sucks but uh you know at least we're not watching our stuff float away and stuff so that kind of makes any of us guys sick and watch farm ground sit there with water floating over and stuff so I wish there was stuff we could do to help you guys out too and hang in there we plug along and always hope for things to get better I got the sprayer blasted with water then we went over to where the Dooley was sitting with the seed tinder on it we brought that into the big machine shed they pulled the planter in swept the floor under it first and then I came back and I soaked the sprayer and then I washed it and I'm letting it drip off and I'll pull it in here I haven't eaten yet it's seven o'clock I'm probably gonna go in and shower here once I pull this Aaron so I can eat people are always searching for what they're meant to do in life in my opinion if you can go 24 hours without eating because you're so focused on what you're doing that's what you should do don't make fun of the garbage bag Pancho kept me dry Wow it is so much cleaner now so you clean that is dad take note this appears to be missing something much better just kidding eating seven brats last night was not the best thing I've ever done for my insides alright guys this is the worst part of the video the end if you liked the video please give it a big thumbs up if you have any questions write a comment down below and don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Cole The Cornstar
Views: 264,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, agriculture, agriculture machines, agriculture technology, family farms, red tractors, green tractors, welding, fabricating, mechanic, tractor, farmer, young farmers, farm videos, agribusiness, corn, soybeans, farming simulator, big farmers, old trucks, hard work, farmers market, conservation, Iowa farmer, old farm house, john deere tractors, case ih tractors, combines, agricultural revolution, seed corn, new holland, massey ferguson, corn field, how farming works
Id: astkfz--QYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 49sec (2029 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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