I Bought A REAL Fighter Jet For $60,000

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yes I bought a mig-15 Russian fighter jet off Facebook Marketplace for sixty thousand dollars what was I thinking just insane check out what I found it's a 5001 I won 5 000 Bank of Korea money I'm assuming this is in American dollars probably only worth like five bucks or something maybe and found an actual one ounce silver coin it's not the save the 310 coin not yet but look at this it says one dollar and in 1921 when this one was founded this is actually Worth close to 20 bucks right now so it went up in value it kept up with our fiat currency that they're printing so that's why Jimmy invests in silver and gold and you should too with Legacy precious metals because uh listen the FED raised interest rates the housing market is already starting to go woof even here in Florida I'm starting to see a lot of price Cuts all that kind of thing so this party is about to come to an end even as much as it breaks my heart the crazy prices on airplanes right now so I know it's happening and when things are gonna get crazy and we know they're going to get crazy listen we've been through this stuff before it's not new you have to invest in those things that are going to make it through the storm I invest in gold silver and the precious metals specifically with Legacy precious metals they can help you invest in the actual physical stuff gold as well and you can use your IRA and other retirement accounts they can just you can go buy it from them they can send the physical gold to your door or they can invest with your retirement accounts I had a million questions when it came to an investing and those guys answered all of my silly questions that's what they do best they answer questions especially when it's not the normal thing like investing in stocks and bonds and mutual funds and that kind of stuff give them a call call the number on the screen right now ask them all the questions you want it's free to talk to them give them a call tell them Jimmy sent you Legacy precious metals thank you and I am looking forward to the save the 310 Silver Bullet Silver Coin I got an email from a viewer one of you guys that was like hey check this thing out this is super cool and of course I looked at it pulled it up on the old face page there and I thought holy crap it's a Russian fighter jet like a real one and it was in pretty good shape and yes we're gonna be flying it very very soon when I pulled up the ad on Facebook it said 75 000 it listed it and it had everything ahead the Apu it had all the Jacks it had a cradle for the tail section and all this stuff it had a crap load of extra parts an extra engine that was brand new it was flying previously and of course the story it was these guys dad that passed away 12 years ago and he used to take this and fly it to air shows around there maybe some of you have seen it flying in some of these air shows about 12 to 15 years ago maybe even longer than maybe 20 years ago now that'd be cool if you have any pictures or if you remember seeing this thing flying in an air show I would love to see what history you guys can dig up on this thing because that would be pretty fantastic I also think it would mean a lot to these brothers that it was their dads that they're selling so that would be super duper neat when I talked to him on the phone you got to hear the story anytime I buy anything whether it's an airplane a car or whatever it is I want to know the story because I've learned as a mechanic myself that was my life growing up I've always found things and fixed them up and then traded them off or whatever else that's what I've always done the one immutable truth that I've learned through all of this is you never want to buy a mechanic's car ever because it's always the one that's the worst condition that's just the truth of it I wanted to make sure like who this guy was how this thing was taken care of because when you're doing like 600 miles an hour three miles high you kind of want to make sure things are done right and it wasn't like halfway done so I needed to know the story behind it made the phone call of course this guy answers in this very Southern Voice and we talk about the airplane and the story and not only did he have this airplane he had four other airplanes and one was a World War II trainer Texan T6 yes I am going to see these airplanes Maybe just maybe we could get a deal if we buy in bulk and I said I could be interested in all of them so that made him you know perk his ears up a little bit so we figured out a time and I got down there now here's the coolest thing standing next to the 310. the hotel room we got was room 310 that's cool little side note and that's when mini me well he's not mini he's like this tall now attack on grow up fast Silas and I got on the airplane and headed north first thing we did this plane had not been moved or touched in 12 years still had the same fuel the jet a from 12 years ago in it not been started nothing like that so I was like holy cow this is going to be an insane thing make sure you call the fire department make sure we've got a big fire truck on hand they did they came through because frankly they all thought this thing was just going to explode and burst into flames which ironically this airplane we didn't have any issues at all starting it up and it was a T6 that caught fire and you can see that video right there they bought this airplane in the 80s from a guy that had bought the entire Bulgarian Air Force which is crazy as that is had these airplanes shipped over in a container he bought it from the guy in Texas I think took him back it took him a few years to get this thing all back together if you look closely you'll notice a lot of stuff is in English now and that's because while they were building it they converted a lot of the fittings and hoses and hardware and instruments and all kinds of stuff over to what we use here in the U.S the English stuff and fittings and the bolts and so on and so forth which made it usable here in the U.S you'll also notice an experimental label on the airplane yes they had to make it what's called an exhibition experimental category which means anytime this thing flies you got to get permission from the FAA and you got to let them know what time you're leaving where you're going where you know all your stops everything I've never done it before but I as I understand it it's a massive pain in the butt I don't know why the U.S government would be getting nervous about Russian fighter jets flying around in our airspace I don't see what the big deal is especially right now with everything going on with Russia I don't think they would be a little bit curious to know why a a near mock fighter jet of Russian origin would be flying around in their airspace as soon as we rolled in we saw that there was some damage to the airplane the guys that had that were at the airport that had like the cart cart popped off and it rolled over and went bam right into the aileron and put a big old freaking dent in it it also hit the wingtip which it was hard enough and the airplane was up on Jacks at the time and you know kind of on a tripod which is not real stable hit it and where the plane Twisted enough to where the drop tank the big bomb looking thing underneath hit the Jack and put a dent in that as well so all this stuff has to be fixed before we can fly it that's doable right the parts might be a little bit hard to get a hold of if we have to replace anything which the aileron itself we did have to replace but there's a few of these things out there and we put air in the tires took the thing put it down on the ground took the Jacks out pulled it out still had the old batteries in it hooked everything up just looked it all over to make sure the best we could tell nothing was going to catch on fire or was leaking Apu was the hardest thing to get started the generator for it so we were able to finally get the Apu going plugged it in [Music] [Music] never in my wildest imagination did I ever think that that airplane would start up so easy it no smoke whatsoever no white smoke no black smoke no blue smoke no nothing it literally just started making noise and Heat Crazy Town when we put the GoPro on the back we actually had to add an effect of shaking so that it had the effect on camera that it was even running like it was running so clean and so smooth that you could not tell on camera that it was even running it looked like nothing maybe a little bit of heat you know how it can kind of see the wrinkle that was it it was just insane and they ran it up and you know did all that perfect Flawless all the systems that we could check while it was running checked out it worked I was like holy crap this Russian thing that's made to land in fields and be taken care of in the Northern parts of Siberia is built like a tank and it was the metal that's on the wings of that thing is thicker than any metal on any other airplane I've ever been around it's insane how thick that metal is here on the The Walking surface of this airplane not even close to as thick as the middle that's on the wings of that it's just nuts so yeah it fired up boom no problem so then the next day you know we we put everything back and the next day went over and fired the the T6 up which is the one airplane they had been kind of keeping going and all that kind of stuff Well turns out that's the one that caught fire and was a big drama super we thought it was going to go really bad no fire extinguisher around nothing like that we're out there the other guy Matt he's out there trying to put the stupid thing out with a rag an oily rag and it was that was sketchy that was legitimately sketchy thought I was gonna get caught on fire in an Old World War II airplane I digress this is about the Mig those two things they turned out to be in in pretty good shape actually and I was impressed and I said hey let's make a deal on both of them and we did we struck a deal paid 60 grand for the for the Mig you know I actually I bought them both as a package deal so I just the value that I put on the Mig was 60 000. frankly that's all that this thing is worth because it's so flip been expensive to keep it flying I mean it burns first off about 300 gallons an hour of jet a at four four bucks a gallon five bucks a gallon give or take wherever you're you're buying it at so that's kind of expensive all the maintenance that it takes the nitrogen you got to re-fill this whole thing up with nitrogen after every single flight because that's where the brakes use it doesn't have normal hydraulic brakes it uses nitrogen on the brakes which is just insane so yeah it's just a crazy amount of expense and labor for every flight hour of that airplane they told me it was like five hours of work for every one hour of flight nuts so anyway that's why these These Guys these brothers were selling it is just because they they don't have that kind of resources and time and everything that it takes to to fly that thing and neither one of them were even certified to fly in the Mig anyway that's why they sold it to this guy and I found a partner that knows these migs really really well he's already built a mig-21 supersonic and he's currently finishing up a MIG 17 and then he already bought a mig-15 but then he found mine and mine was much further along in the process should be a lot easier to get flying than the 15 that he bought he got mine we partnered up and the deal that we got is I I told him I was like look I'll sell it to you on one condition I am going to be there on every step of the way so that you guys can see what it takes to get an old Cold War era fighter jet fixed and flying and uh maybe even take a flight in it whenever this thing gets done and definitely be there to show you the process of getting it fixed up inspecting it and definitely its first flight because that's going to be sketchy also the update so he said yep I'm in now he doesn't want to be on camera doesn't want his name known or anything like that but we'll still get to follow along in the process watch this thing come together it's going to be fantastic he's already got the aileron from his other Mig that he bought we just took that one he he painted it up the wingtip same deal he already had that other one and got that one painted up and then the drop tank we did bring that because apparently there's two different kinds of drop tanks on these airplanes one is an actual aluminum one which is the one that we have it's a thick aluminum just like you would think that these bomb looking things are well the other one is basically a cardboard like fiberglass type of material well this one thankfully is the aluminum one took it and he was working his magic on it getting all the dents back out of it everything primed and then he painted it and they're ready to get put back on and now we just got to get them back over there and start installing them and then doing our tests that would actually make this thing fly he redid a whole set of brakes for it and wheels for it so that those can just go back on there because you don't want an old Tire on this thing and come into land and blow out a tire on it and then that would that would be a really bad day yeah shoot we just got to get that stuff put on there and then start doing the systems checks and stuff and and going through it really really well and this sucker is going to fly baby it's Gonna Fly and that's fantastic kind of scared if I'm honest with you what could possibly go wrong it'll it'll be fine it'll be fine
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 749,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fighter jet, jimmy's World airplane, rebuild rescue
Id: k19AfRR9p-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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