10 Private Fighter Jets For Sale Today! As Low As $35,000!

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there are 10 fighter jets like legitimate bomb dropping you know top gun flying fighter jets that you can buy as a private individual for sale right now let's go check them out coming in at the cheapest by far is the arrow l29 you can get these things all day for here's one listed at 35 000. this this is definitely the cheapest one i don't know if there's something wrong with it or what but this fighter jet's cheaper than my cherokee i've seen these things listed all the time for 150 200 000 flying good condition nice paint the whole bit so this is definitely where it starts to get your own fighter jet that would be awesome the l-29 came out in 54 as a trainer you gotta you gotta you know baby steps you get out of the little cessna 150s and then you step into this bad boy and then you start training for your real bombers it'll do about 350 knots it'll get you about 500 nautical miles and it has a rate of climb of 2 750 feet per minute yeah it's definitely on the lighter side of the jet trainer so you know i think we can do better than this [Music] super surprising to me that looks pointy and fast and is relatively you know i say cheap it's still 300 000 or so is the aero l39 albatross the aero l39 albatross is a high performance jet trainer developed in czechoslovakia by arrow voodoo judy it's like a voodoo and designed during the 60s to replace the l-29 it is primarily a trainer aircraft but still it looks like a fighter jet and it was exported to pretty much every place around the world for this bad boy you're looking at a two-seater aircraft because it's trainer it's meant to have the student and instructor uh seven thousand six hundred pound empty weight ten thousand pound max weight we've got a uh turbofan engine putting out just under 4 000 pounds of thrust so yeah it's a little light on that it's also a little light on the speed 400 knots that's still pretty fast but for a fighter jet i'm expecting a little something extra we're looking at 590 nautical mile trip which would not even make my trip unless i had the external fuel tanks on it 4 100 feet a minute climb rate all right frankly if i'm honest it looks really really cool but it is most definitely a trainer for a jet world it's kind of slow you get some of these other like a citation cj4 it's got a 4 500 foot per minute climb rate on it so just saying you know just saying this was a trainer still cool looking and i would still definitely have it and for the money i mean 250 grand 300 grand you could have a fighter chat that's the bargain of the century and for 250 grand you could have the stars and stripes that's cool 1952 north american f-86 and this is definitely got the fu 201 going on yeah i love this thing so much that is old school americana the north american f-86 sabre sometimes called the saber jet it's a trans sonic we've got to be politically correct these days we can't call it subsonic or supersonic it's a trans sonic fighter jet from north american aviation swept wing it was made to combat the mig-15 during the korean war uh it was considered one of the best and most important fighter aircraft of the war highly rated in comparison with the other fighters north american aviation are the same people who made the awesome and iconic p-51 mustang during world war ii and then after the war the navy wanted the first fighter which was the fj1 fury and it was basically a straight wing derivative p51 with a jet engine on it and they wanted something a little faster i know how you feel the fj1 with some mods then became the xp86 to be lighter and way faster than the fury with an estimated top speed of 582 miles an hour they could carry up to 2 000 pounds of bombs including napalm yeah that stuff during korea and vietnam not the nicest stuff in the world to use i wonder if antifa knows about that we probably shouldn't tell them don't worry they're not going to be watching this video it contains educational material anyway firing a 20 millimeter cannon at 1200 rounds a minute the f-86 had a short run because of how fast other jets were being made and other fighters were being made across our uh the enemies and allies it quickly went to the wayside and it was pretty much out by 1965 the blue angels fly the mcdonald douglas a4f skyhawk 2. a single-seat light attack jet versions of which have been operational throughout the fleet since 1956. this a4 c skyhawk is pretty pretty legit plane a real fighter not a trainer it was got this one for sale here for a paltry 1.3 million the a4 skyhawk a rugged breed proving once again in the skies over southeast asia its reputation as one of the most valuable tactical aircraft now in service skyhawks first line light attack aircraft for the u.s navy and u.s marine corps capable of delivering all tactical weapons operating from land bases and from offshore carriers the skyhawk has repeatedly demonstrated its ruggedness and versatility as a ground support aircraft performing a large percentage of all navy and marine attack missions during several years of combat lieutenant smith makes the approach for his first actual carrier landing with a firm hand and steady nerves he lands like a professional [Music] you can buy a nat 255 grand that is pretty good according to this thing right here she'll do 600 knots and 48 000 foot ceiling how much fun is that and it's a two-seater there you go you get the job done with that bad boy the net originally was a british fighter it came out to be a fighter but then they you know like hey it's called a nat so we can't have a fighter jet that's a gnat so they moved it to a trainer now if they would have called it a yellow jacket or a wasp or i mean even a horse fly then it might have made it as a fighter jet if you had a whole bunch of them together it would be a swarm what would i don't know what that would be 636 miles an hour mach 0.95 and you're looking at 10 000 feet per minute climb that is fantastic what i really love about it is the roll rate on this thing it will do a full 360 degree roll in less than a second and then that barely makes it into the fighter category because it was only said to have had a two thirty millimeter cannons on it and sometimes a rocket or a bomb just for testing but it ultimately ended up just being a two-seater trainer so you know it's still fighter jet in my book so this makes the list what is this it's a whole fleet of fighter jets hey gaddafi this is what you needed man two million bucks of pop and they'll give you a buy one get one free discount the bae systems hawk is a british single engine jet powered advanced trainer aircraft first flown at dunsfold surrey in 1974 as the hawker city hawk or diddly squat what is that british aerospace and bae systems low-cost combat aircraft the red arrows use them as a display team and it is still in production empty weight of 9 80 pounds with a 6 600 pound useful load a rolls royce turbo mecha turbo fan with a fedex that's pretty fantastic produces 6 500 pounds of thrust the max speed on this bad boy is mach 0.84 which is 638 miles an hour has a range of 1360 nautical miles that means i could do my trip from here to ohio in about an hour that's not bad and still have some gas it'll do 9 300 feet a minute for climb it has a service ceiling of 44 five hundred feet armament and on the light side you got uh one center line or two wing pylons for fifteen hundred pounds it's got five hard points throw a couple of sidewinders on those bad boys or a couple of umbani or al tariq i don't even know what that is in the comments throw down what in the world those things are and you can even put a 30 millimeter aiden cannon on this thing all right that's that's legit that's pretty cool there you go you get a bae hawk or a whole fleet of them start your whole air force it is a super sonic jet fighter for 250 grand [Music] gold medal winner for the best fighter jet for the dollar is the comrade mig 21 and i happen to know that this one is for sale right now for just under 250 000 you could sell your house and have a fighter jet my favorite part about it is this one is currently flying certified 100 percent ready to go just throw some gas in it throw your helmet on and go flying it was a single pilot max takeoff weight was just over 20 thousand pounds one tomanski r25 300 after burning turbo jet that's just fun to say and when you put the beans to it it gets 15 000 pounds of thrust a max speed of mach 2.05 oh man that's fantastic you got to land this plane faster than my cherokee can go at 160 miles an hour that is the best money you can ever spend on an airplane that that's this is fantastic and by the way these are still being used like six decades after it came out they're still being flown today in other wars and the first flight was in 55 it truly came out in 59 and the people who are using it primarily the soviet union indian croatian and romanian air forces the in they made almost 12 000 of these airplanes here's a fun fact the cabin is pressurized and air conditioned the sk-1 ejection seat is connected with the canopy and when it ejects it makes a capsule around the pilot so he doesn't get torn apart whenever he injects at supersonic speeds and then right after the ejection the capsule opens to allow the pilot and the parachute to come out and him to come down when you're really close to the ground you eject you might have some issues with that just don't eject close to the ground be high up when you eject it seems like this mig-21 was used in all the battles i mean it was in the indo-pakistan war the cargill war vietnam in the egypt syria israel conflicts the syrian war the libyan egyptian war iran iraq war in libya and then all over africa angolia congo yugoslavia romania bulgaria galilee it's used all over the place this is like your toyota pickup of fighters that's the ultimate redneck fighter jet right there it's old school it's still being used it's got a funny looking nose and it's really fast [Music] speed is life [Applause] dude check that out it's an f4 how awesome is that [Music] look at that oh it's got bombs and everything and for the bargain price of 2.95 million it could be yours worth every penny world's only privately owned f4 phantom super sonic it set 15 world record in flight performances an absolute speed record and altitude record oh and some of them even had little foldy wings on it it climbed all the way to 98 550 feet with commander lawrence e flint jr he got that thing moving mach 2.5 that's 1 000 650 miles an hour and then in september of 1960 it averaged 1 216 miles an hour over a 311 mile closed circuit course this f4 phantom is a tandem seat fighter bomber designed as a carrier-based interceptor to fill the us navy's fleet defense fighter role innovations in the f4 included an advanced pulse doppler radar and extensive use of titanium in its airframe despite it imposing dimensions at a maximum takeoff weight of over 60 000 pounds the f4 has a top speed of mach 2.23 and an initial climb rate of over 41 000 feet per minute that is nice it is capable to carry 18 650 pounds of weapons including air-to-air air-to-surface missiles unguided and guided and my favorite thermonuclear weapons big fifteens there's make seventeens make nineteens a bunch of mig-21s show up and now a mig-29 let me check this thing out if you got an extra two and a half million bucks you could have a serious piece of kit you know i'm i'm not a russian but those russians they're like the rednecks of the globe you could you can buy one of their elite later model fighter jets and here in america land of the free home of the brave where can you buy an f-15 eagle i don't think so but you can buy a mig 29 which is basically their version of that i don't totally buy that i wonder if you have to get special permission whenever you're flying to make sure they don't send the air force out to shoot you down if you're flying that thing around mig-29 you're looking at a single pilot so you got one seat in this bad boy and they're looking at just shy of 40 000 pounds for a max takeoff weight they can hold seven thousand seven hundred pounds of fuel and they can burn through all that in about an hour top speed 1 500 miles an hour that's mach 2.25 and you can go a whopping 770 nautical miles this thing really drinks some gas me attack on rate of climb of 65 000 feet per minute wow most of them had the kiramov rd-33 turbofan basically that's 50 kilonewtons of cushion or 11 200 pounds of thrust in each one and when you burn on them put on the taps and kick that afterburner in you're looking at 18 000 btus pushing you [Music] this thing can handle over nine g's and you can basically strap whatever you wanted to strap on that sucker uh get a 30 millimeter cannon you can put the missiles you got three pylons out there uh inboard you got gas tanks rockets bombs guided unguided and pretty much anything you wanted to put out there you know the big 29s are not known for their safety record they showed up at the farnborough air show in britain in 88 and the next year they were out there at the paris air show showing off and yeah they they crashed it and then a couple years later there was another crash at an air show where a couple of them you know ran into each other and yield so they uh they they don't have the best flight record for showing off and when the soviet union went bust because they printed out more money than they could pay back intent they basically just had a yard sale and all these other countries wouldn't bottom up 30 other nations are operating those things and even still today they're being used [Music] there is the british aerospace fa2 also known as the harrier and i think that was a requirement for the men who had to fly this thing is they had to have hairier chests than anybody else the british aerospace sea harrier is a naval short takeoff and vertical landing vertical takeoff jet fighter reconnaissance and attack aircraft and they were used from the 80s all the way up into 2006 in india who got him just a couple years after they came out was using them all the way up to 2016. here's your fun facts it's a single pilot has a wingspan of 25 feet three inches that's 7.7 meters for all you metric people that haven't caught up to us yet and then the empty weight is 6 616 kilograms or for us americans that's 14 585 pounds you have a max takeoff weight of 26 000 pounds fuel capacity 757 gallons has a rolls royce pegasus 106 vectored thrust turbo fan engine capable of producing 21 500 pounds of thrust with water injection we can cruise along at 711 miles an hour just a smidge under the mach 1. now you can go about 460 miles or 400 nautical miles if you're brave enough you can pull 7.8 positive g's and roll it over and 4.2 negative gs out of this thing it'll do 50 000 feet per minute for its rate of climb it's almost as good as you know cessna 150. you can strap some missiles to it some rockets a couple of 30 millimeter cannons on that bad boy some bombs uh even some reconnaissance you know your gopros it'll it'll pretty much put whatever you want on there from russia with love oh look at that a sukhoi or however you pronounce that su 27 b bravo in utah of course all this crazy stuff would be in utah somewhere and yours for the bargain basement price of eight million nine hundred and fifty dollars that that's my favorite [Music] yes and this one says it can be demilitarized unless justification can be provided yeah it's called the second amendment hold up america [Music] one pilot you got a max takeoff weight of 67 000 pounds you got two of those uh saturn turbofan engines and they can push out almost thirty thousand pounds of thrust sixteen hundred miles an hour yeah that's that's not bad and you can go almost two thousand nautical miles 9 gs you got a rate of climb of my favorite stat 59 000 feet per minute um yeah so that's straight up the service ceiling is 62 000 feet so if you pointed the sucker straight up hit the gas you'd get all the way from ground to your max service in a minute one minute that that's it that's how you see that's awesome this this is legit kind of stuff pablo escobar you need to step up your game i mean you got billions of dollars being eaten by rats over there and you can be buying fighter jets yeah that's what i'm talking about texas there you go this is what you guys need to get whenever succession from the union happens you throw a handful of these bad boys on the on the tarmac yeah [Music] i don't even know what to say about this other than it's awesome and i love them the su 27 entered into service in 1985 through our comrades the soviet union and the primary role was a long range air defense against our f-14 tomcats and the f-15 eagles they designed this su-27 to be similar to the mig-29 just bigger because why not bigger is better let's do everything and the uh the wings you'll notice they blended to the fuselage and the leading edge extension that nice swept wing and a cropped delta oh yeah it was their first fly-by-wire control system which makes it a really agile aircraft and controllable even at super low speeds and you'll notice that air shows the maneuverability it has this thing called a cobra where it pitches up all the way up and then it can go all the way back down it's it's nuts just watch this that's crazy [Music] and a list of some of the countries using the su 27 are angolia our friends and family over in china eritrea ethiopia indonesia kazakhstan mongolia comrades in russia the ukraine uzbekistan vietnam and even here in the u.s we had them in 95 in belarus and then we bought a couple more from ukraine in 2009 uh by pride aircraft no they're not rainbows they are trained for u.s pilots and uh you know they may or may not have been spotted operating over area 51. just going to leave that out there because it officially doesn't exist uh belarus and the soviet union and yes you as a private citizen can buy one of these bad boys and there was two of them like i said a pride aircraft out of illinois they bought them for about 5 million bucks a piece and there's one for sale right now for just under 9 million and if you got an extra little bit of cash laying around if you're you know trying to start up another country or even a drug running operation you know barry you should have got one of these things this this might have done a little bit better than the eurostar [Music] thirty-five
Channel: Jimmys World
Views: 2,666,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 Private Fighter jets for sale today, private jet, top 10 fighter jets, top 10, military aircraft takeoffs, top 10 aircraft, top 10 fighter jets in the world 2020, air force one, jimmys world, jimmy's world, fighter jets, cheapest private jets in the world, private jets, top 10 cheapest private jets, Biden, F-15, nuclear, Privately owned fighter jet, fighter jets you can buy, fighter jets for sale, private fighter jet, jets for sale, fighter jet, fighter jet you can buy
Id: Zo2nvRhhU_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 7sec (1927 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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