I Bought A PROSTITUTES Storage Unit And MADE BIG MONEY! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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every time you find a storage unit with a crack cutter phones look into them welcome back to treasure Jesus guys and guess what we finally got a storage unit it has been more little week since we got to clean one out I'm actually so psyched I'm almost shaking right now so we're about to go across the bridge into Maryland and finally finally cleaning out another storage unit to hopefully find all kinds of treasures don't forget to like the videos guys subscribe if you're new let's get on the road [Music] alright guys so we just got here this is our first real storage unit a long time unless you count that you know little bag box thing anyway this one looks have a lot of mystery we paint 60 bucks for it so let's get in there and see what we got [Music] all right so like we said 60 bucks let's say we can get oh why is that back so much heavier than it looked probably laundry bag but you never know clothes and be donations or the container it looks like a why do you say surprise clothes are heavy that's all it's in there but footlocker stuff could have some value to it well go up a little more detail lets you know in a recap if anything tie in then haul it in there oh what's that that's a jacket so that's all clothes I'll let you in on the recap a book bag or something what would you call that as a book bag I guess nothing and it's like somebody's bathroom thing what is this what is that is there like a one of those pens not too sure either but pills and things of that nature nothing I want to play with let's see we got in this box yeah they don't look like they're in too good a shape hey they're broken that doesn't even come off they just oh gosh I didn't crack your phone so I know how do you crack this like this there's oops oops pave it but what kind of phone is it an LG phones are interesting I try to get it on one still [Music] those are the good ones ultrafine ultrafine permanent markers so those like it's like some hard stuff for my brother I got here here pills yeah that's true it's always a good sign when you see it's organized okay I'm trying yeah my guy I got it how did it here here pill so just like a pill bag yeah basically look at that not a phone okay it's cracked it's a Samsung 4G but it's literally what's the date on that can you see read it I can't definitely can't see it on the camera I was trying to shoot I can't find the date it doesn't have a date weird that's still pretty cool yeah that's got an old house that is not what is this one is it I don't know the difference I don't like Apple I think it if it has like one button one circle button in the exact way let's try to get it out oh it's slippery yeah no it smells like lotion or something on it no back I think that's in there look in the key in the back the back is the keys look at this the back is the case like it's actually stuck it doesn't come out more let's see what else I got in the back first watch the rain of pain cartoons pill bottles things like that there you go oh that's weed that's strong weed looks like Popeye or something this looks like it's all just towels and shorts nothing else interesting the coat we got a nice ed hardy bag over here too just like stuck to it there was this zero exposed your outerwear suits in this grit and Hardy bag - it's not obnoxious at us looks like another phone why do we have so many phones that before to Samsung what's the abundance of phone Georgia well I thought if I this many found their burner phones to Italy this one no no name on it not Ray Bans are they look like so but still that Hardy bag still it's decent brand another check a little chair this coats brand oh yeah from the gap here more clothes let's at GH Bassett company yeah many of it don't mean nothing because I'm not a close person at all WT w of 0-2 yeah exactly what I was thinking all the rest of this looks like clothes yeah there's a man in clothes yeah I thought I did yeah take my closet under my clothes I put my pants look at this sucker oh we thought we had another chicken thing because this things are expensive but this looks like random kitchenware close to be right there that was a whole countertop of and that's not even we just lost our lights plus Theo Denis with the hanger that's the shoe bottom orange other than that hangers joy hangers my favorite what's in here y'all hats let's see we got DC that another DC another DC it's like all different colors of the same hat pretty much in DC again so people will buy these kind of hats because not everyone some writer out here like me at that aside let's go on this box these people out here I don't know what they're doing they're screaming and like partying in a storage facility well there were some of these puzzle they probably put together and they couldn't take apart but you got taken apart anyway what is in that what case there's like a linear marketing or things like that hey here's a box of those headphones but something else is in there yeah art supplies hopefully have an artsy person here there's a tall art supplies yeah look in there all art supplies and random wood and things like that stuff for art projects alright so we're trying to get this box open and we got it but we have no idea what we're looking at here is multiple pieces and called a big piece out again looks like it might be the airplane look at this I'm just guessing because we have so much yeah we'll do what pull it out and look it up from China hopefully let you know what it is in the recap now that that is out of the way let's see what's in the blue bag that actually got away nothing to the plane or by the Air Force video game another me look at that chameleons they were even nice enough to separate everything in a bag let's see if all the games are in there Wii Sports Resort in there mini golf in there FIFA hobo 8 in there and double-oh-seven Quantum of Solace whatever that is in there boom so a Wii in all of those games pretty much that's the cost of the unit right there now we got to this and when this is actually in there not just in here but brand-new look at that yeah cuz the ink for a brother compared to every other printer is this so cheap so cheap so brothers are pretty popular among people for that reason us included but that's a brand-new printer let's see what's in here I think is my meat glass thank you okay this is all closed so let's get this out really quick we got some paintings here look at that not babe Thanks I have no artistic ability so they're really good to me look at that one - thanks not bad let's see well that was stabbed it wasn't there hey a blank canvas but that's got a stain on it blank canvas something else on it he's you're off the lro a lot of these are new like that still in the plastic every Tommy the flea market I feel like every time we're gonna guards Dale you have at least three people do you guys have any art supplies this time yes yes we do before we get into this thing I wanted to say look what we got up there well you got some sunflower seeds I don't know how they managed to get that up there it's pretty impressive I just noticed that but I'll see what yeah and this thing probably just flows but everyone has a junk drawer maybe they did it to some random stuff in it like this pictures holiday cards and these only twice so far we ever found anything in there well we'll check all this stuff out for detail at home what's in here something's in there open up those little sticks so when you smoke your weed out of your ear Popeye pipe can cover up the smell the old house felling some books you gotta stand does not look like much else but we'll go through it in more detail at the recap so we got one more bag here it looks like all clothes but again I'll let you know in the recap if there's anything want to keep it in there hey listen we have to shoes but hmm they have seen better days man they took a beating but they're there - ooh what's that whoa that's boring the shop maybe something else is in the same Clippers these I say I feel like I've said this a million times now gross to me but they sell we got personal bathroom stuff and close an old CD player and what looks like a male self which is something we've kind of been meeting like this up to getting Afridi in it that works for us anyway a lot of stuff to get to the car fingers cross it all fits we'll get it there and then do a recap and I will see you then all right guys let's do a recap on this storage unit because I'm interested information as well as good news let's start with the good news first of all that huge box that we did not know what it was well we looked it up and guess what it is it's a heat press machine now that exact one in new condition that one has never been taken out of the box it's selling for over $200 we're just gonna tip this unit to just over 500 bucks on a $60 storage unit which is insane just great was not really expecting that much we're coming through it but to make 500 bucks in a day on a storage unit that's what I'm talking about - I want to say this every time you find a storage unit with a crap ton of phones look into them because this is the third time now three we've got I think around 100 storage units or so give or take five third time this has happened to us so we cut them one this one could not come on would not cut on it off neither with the tablet these two would cut on nothing information nothing besides you know just a basic phone or whatnot this one this one however had a whole secret life in it so we go into the messages on there the first thing we see I'm not gonna go into graphic detail here but is a picture of the woman we found her picture so I know this is her with a certain organ but only the male star this species has been around yeah so that's it not only that but it has a little text under the size do you very bad not spelled right of course but do you what are you want to make $100 again so right there I knew it again second time within like two months or so we've got another hooker storage unit again this is the third time out of all our videos we found a prostitute storage unit that wasn't it again they had probably how many contacts for an iPhone like 317 or something like that but I'm convinced the reason people have so many phones in a storage unit is because they're living a double life they are they don't want their friends they don't want their family to know what they're doing in this case they're prostitutes because it wasn't just one guy I just clicked the first one the last message down there popped it up and boom I got a beautiful picture of my face but it was the same stuff all kinds of messages on there so once again another prostitute storage unit I don't want to say just like the last one when I was going through the unit there's not one single thing in there dodo made me think oh we got a hookers unit nothing just like the last time last time I thought it would be just a teacher this time it looked like an art student just you just don't know you don't know and that's why you should always just take the time to look through the paperwork look through the phone cuz you can just make the story that much more interesting to me that's one of the funnest parts about this uncovering this story so now that I got that out the way let's go into more detail we found no gun unfortunately but we did find 645 Cal bullets and one random 45 hollow tip so seven total bullets not really sure why they had the bullets about the gun I guess somebody got the gun out of there but for most you guys at least my 45 - I think it takes seven rounds seven rounds found that's probably somebody emptied out their clip this right here we found a little I think is the Nano bipod Nano right there last time we found one of these are sold for like seventeen dollars so not nothing special but it's super light it ships for like a buck or something so that's always good this I just thought it's funny cuz we found the pipe that's not like weed and they had a little bleed magazine too so that stopped rolling ammo rolling around a table it's not safe we also have all these hats still not really too sure on this one this one has no tags or anything like that so I don't know what to do with that these however are worth about between seven and ten dollars a piece on eBay we have one two three four them so most likely get around say on average thirty bucks for the hats which is good this little thing I was kind of sad about I looked it up I was editing they're selling these it basically remodeled old games at Walmart this is like 13 bucks it's nothing old unfortunately just made to look old which does kind of suck the ed hardy bag I've seen a pretty big variation of these on eBay some of these were going for as low as $10 some of them were going for 65 bucks so we'll probably bill this up for auction on eBay eventually and see how much of that goes and we got the Wii in the games and everything else was pretty much what you saw the big score that we didn't realize what it was was the heat machine over 200 bucks so all in all like we said we'll make around 500 bucks on a unit and it's a Hookers unit again guys that's gonna be it for this one thank you so much for watching we did enjoy make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure huntin videos all the time if you do want to follow us on our social media links they're gonna be on the screen just click links down in the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 849,807
Rating: 4.2232571 out of 5
Keywords: I bought a prostitute's storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a prostitute, storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage locker, I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage auction locker, storage locker, abandoned storage units, found in storage locker, treasure hunting with jebus, storage units
Id: nWldxKAag4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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