Look What People Threw In The TRASH This Week! Garbage Picking Ep. 332

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alrighty wow been a busy past i don't know 72 hours or so that storage unit really kicked my butt that furniture all the way back really really stank um but getting rid of the uh the garbage well my van even smells uh kind of crazy never know what you'll find those store jeans if you guys haven't checked out that video check it out after this uh and yeah it is trash picking day let's make it another fun one try find some treasure it poured this morning so i'm leaving a little bit later thinking people probably put out their garbage a little bit later let's get out there see it's in the trash today and make it a good one let's do it so so lay on the fork just smiled at me and just walked inside that's nice i know last week i was here this stuff's all soaked um the guy said his basement flooded allowing me to take all the metal he wasn't really concerned about anything sometimes people get a little weird out when you take their trash i don't really see it much else that's a mirror don't need that i'll use some towers yeah donate some of that stuff try to find one of those bins but uh there's some monitors there it seems like he left that pot or whatever up top so i could see that it's metal i told him i was taking the metal he's pretty happy about it so everyone wins all right only when now we're gonna do this take the weed whacker troy bell is this the four cycle it is the four cycle those are nice to have hmm oh no this one i can see is fill the garbage i'm going to take this one for scrap i'm going to leave the other one because i can see it's filled up garbage okay [Music] all right a piece of aluminum up here yes couple pieces of aluminum then we make a scrap run tomorrow and take a bunch of aluminum stuff all right i like that christmas thing maybe it's not even christmas maybe some holiday i gotta get this water out of here i'm sorry it's sloshing around everywhere crutches this thing looks kind of cool it's a nice decorative thing it does look old but i'm pretty confident it's not [Music] on this side i got some wire i don't need a scrap wood says your snake that's the record house a broken bench and a dog bowl thing that bench looks like it was i don't know what it was i find it hard to just cast aluminum looks like die cast but it could very well be cast aluminum i don't know i don't think castleman breaks like that ah you guys see that i don't know if those guys are around you those are your lanyard flies and they are a huge issue here in pennsylvania right now i feel like these are cast aluminum and this stuff is just like some die cast blind that's my guess mystery box lots bacon wave those boxes destroyed take that for scrap i thought there'd be some interesting i make waves kind of cool the box is completely melted i'll take this all right i literally was over there and i saw this person unloading some stuff so i figured i'll stop over here wow that went i know it's garbage because i watch them just take that but i'll take this pretty cool producer chair looks like a local television show television show i meant to say radio rape news news station radio television show all right [Music] [Music] i think that went with it all right we'll cruise to the other side town still in town one feels very nice out 66 degrees got a little missed feels like a perfect fall day kind of it's getting me excited for fall i think a lot of people would probably agree with me on this one fall is probably the most favorite season of them all i really do love spring just because that means that flea markets are just coming back around but you know obviously you got fall you got autumn nice weather a little chilly campfire stuff like that i don't like fall well i love fall but i would just say i don't like fall just because just because of uh winter is the next one not a big fan of winter but yeah beautiful weather beautiful picks been fun and i'll also take wraps metal here yeah this one way back yeah actually the tool boxes i have in my garage are actually from this stuff these trucks go by taking the turn uh all right got it all this week pretty soon just at this spot alone i'll probably be able to build my own car kind of crazy to still see these popping up from time to time dog dogs carrying on i like this producer chair hey how's it going how you doing all righty have a good day kind of curious what this yellow thing is back there if it's vintage holy that whole box is all screens i kid you not i don't even know where the rest of this is i mean that goes to it but it's like a shoe thing it's a toy box it got soaked in the bath but it's kind of cool to look at all right there's a dog across the street not really well buddy really hoping it doesn't catch a little smell of sauce on me it's kind of it's kind of camouflaged i'll walk this way he's black and white he's by the tree just a dog though alrighty so what a day it was wow where's that director's chair there it is that is most definitely my favorite piece can't believe i found all these screens i think anderson is the one that does a lot of really uh they do custom custom windows they're pretty pretty popular around here a lot of people have anderson windows uh that is one thing uh don't get me started with that i had someone come over and give me uh i had a couple people come over and give me estimates to replace all the windows in the house as well as put siding on it and at that point i was like well pretty much you can double that price or triple that price and just build a new home so that will not be happening siding on windows is just astronomical in price uh but there is a whole set i guess they most likely switched to all theirs i can see some of these are dented so these were probably the ones that they had previously rather than they ordered like a wrong size or whatever it might be but awesome piece there the directors share we got a ton of metal here uh we'll see how well this goes i'm gonna probably take out these computer towers think about stockpiling them for a little bit longer and then go to one of these yards that pay you uh rather than dumping these off in a light iron pile because some scrap yards take them as light iron but some will pay you about four to five times as much if you take it in as a computer tower also some yards don't take computer towers so it all depends on where you go uh but it was another fun day nonetheless hopefully you guys enjoyed yet another treasure hunt a lot of stuff not going to landfill if you guys enjoyed this video go ahead hit the like button for me i greatly appreciate if you guys want to see more subscribe down below catch up you guys next time for next venture until next time have a great day keep living the dream [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 75,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trash picking, garbage picking, trash day, garbage day, found in trash, found for free, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, speedy diver, dumpster dive ulta, dumpster dive gamestop, recycle metal, scrap metal, scrapping, garbage truck, scrap pallet man, people garbage, garbage man found, garbage bag prank, garbage prank, prank, recycle, landfill, save the earth, going green, save the earth recycle, recycle education, taco stacks trash, resuce, salvage yard
Id: 9o8u03w3alo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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