i tried to go zero waste for a week..and this is what happened | clickfortaz

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my diet this week was literally any food that i could find that was zero waste oh wow it really is jelly like that's a weird texture to put on your teeth i just got in there saw what i could find and got out ah yeah okay i failed [Music] oh i don't think i like it this video is in partnership with bbc sounds the easiest way to listen to bbc sounds podcasts curated music mixes for every mood and bbc radio hello my favorite humans welcome back to another video this one was recommended by ellie would love to see you do a zero waste sustainable challenge again since london has more zero waste shops and options climate crisis let's talk about it when i hear the words climate crisis i instantly go into panic mode and then straight to denial those are my mental stages of how i cope and deal with it because it is absolutely terrifying i love that i've started this video off with giving everyone an existential crisis we love that so yeah my way of coping with this is denial which has a zero percent success rate and doesn't get the job done so i figured i should probably try something else so ellie suggested i try the zero waste challenge in london i have done this challenge before back in cardiff but i figured now that i live in london let's try it here because i'm assuming there will be more options and it might be more accessible i don't know that's what we're gonna find out this week this week i'm not just feeding myself i just gotta clean myself out my clothes am i gonna be able to do that without producing any waste at all for an entire week now that i say that loud i realize how crazy that is but is it impossible we don't know we don't know we're gonna be hopeful but it's gonna be a very challenging interesting week so we shall see how that goes um you might just watch me suffer for 10 minutes straight so content i think the hardest thing for me personally doing this zero waste challenge is gonna be the preparation so for example when i go shopping now i have to take all of these things with me bruh like i just don't think ahead in anything in life i very much just put myself in a situation and just hope for the best so like every day tasks like going shopping i can't just do that i gotta like think ahead all the time and i think that's gonna be my biggest challenge because i just know what i'm like so these are now my shopping bags and then i have different sizes of containers i also got to make sure i don't smash everything so i want to start off this challenge doing what i would normally do so i'm going to go to my regular supermarket and see how many zero waste options they have and how successful that trip is going to be i need to get my toiletries i need to get washing up powder i need to get food [Music] let's go i drove here in my electric car so eco-friendly we're still within the challenge last year i think he forced him to buy the new car london was bringing in the ules charge which is a great thing by the way i'm not complaining about it but basically if your car isn't eco-friendly you'll get charged for having it and i basically had the worst car of all because i had a diesel i know i know just saying that loud i feel so guilty like having a diesel car in london is just not cute but once the eulers came in i was like okay it's time for me to get a new car basically and i was like if i'm gonna get a new car then i want to get something that's fully electric so hence this beauty now fully electric car i no longer feel as guilty and it's obviously way better for the environment and it's more importantly within this challenge so yeah let's go to supermarket and see what i can get that's zero waste hopefully it's a lot of things and we shall see how successful i am taz uses a few containers and thinks she's saving the planet bruh in recent years supermarkets have become more conscious about sustainability and cutting down on waste so my hope is that i will have a much more positive experience this time around trying this challenge compared to a few years ago the easiest thing you could find was loose fruit and veg honestly it was a mixed experience there was still definitely plastic everywhere you could see you would find cardboard packaging but then they would have things like plastic lids on them so it kind of rendered it pointless the toyota section was just a giant fail i think i found one item and that was it [Music] i am now back in the car but that was a really stressful experience lately i've noticed going supermarket shopping is really stressful for me and i don't know why i don't know if i have developed social anxiety or what it is but i know i get really flustered in supermarkets now and i never used to be like that i just wanted to get out of that experience i have managed to do a whole bag of shopping whether it's zero waste or not it's another question entirely gonna show you quickly what i got in my food shop from the supermarket i'm hoping i'm really hoping there's no plastic packaging in this now i don't know that because i can't see it i've got myself a box of cookies because it's all cardboard oh should we find those oh i feel like there's going to be plastic get in it's going to be i've already made a mess ah yeah okay i failed so i failed on the first thing because they have plastic oh great i'm doing a great start to chad i got distracted by the cookies i really thought they could have put this without plastic packaging they really could have so that's a fail vegan sausage rolls usually there's no plastic packaging inside these oh i think this one's already opened maybe let's see if there's any plastic inside okay there's no plastic inside but it is open and there's loads of salt in it so i couldn't find anything for toiletries like all toiletries was just like a no-go the only cardboard packaging i found was this which is a mussel soaked redox like bath salts that's the only thing i could find to clean myself with but it's bliming open so now all the bathtubs are going to go everywhere it's going to go all over my onions oh this was kind of a lucky find i found an entirely cardboard um packaged orange juice found oranges that was amazing that's a real good find i'm happy with that one now i'm hoping this is recyclable widely recycled yes this is good got myself a tin of tuna i don't know what i'm gonna do with all these this is so miscellaneous this is so random but i just got in there saw what i could find and got out a loose pepper and i got loose onions it's a mixed bag it's very much you know what that's the best way to describe it it's very much a mixed bag i think i did all right it wasn't a complete fail i managed to get one toiletry item and i managed to get some food and drink you know i thought it would be worse man this is gonna be a long week this is gonna be a challenge oh my glasses my glasses you know what i really shouldn't be trusted with glasses i don't even use my cover for my glasses and i just leave them everywhere it's a miracle that these ones haven't broke i broke my other ones but this one is still staying strong i was starving i needed to get food in my system straight away and thankfully little's bakery came through i got my pizzas i really hope this tastes good because i am so hungry you know what not bad the only reason i'm not panicking about food this week is because i have liddles if all else fails and i manage to find no other food i can always go to lidl's bakery and i'll always have my back you can get fruit and veg loose so i can always get my fruit and veg it's everything else that's a problem what am i gonna do for protein no i didn't get eggs because eggs are in cardboard packaging oh i should've got eggs today why didn't eggs you know what the whole shopping experience i don't know why i just went in and i started panicking i don't even know why i just got stressed out and then i didn't even think things through because i could have got eggs right eggs would have been fine and that would have been protein this video is in partnership with bbc sounds i love bbc sounds because i am a massive podcast listener i am listening to podcasts literally all day every day when i'm eating working and editing even when i'm sleeping i'm currently listening to the podcast stacy dooley fresh starts and it's basically a podcast where it shows different people's stories from all different kinds of backgrounds and how they got their fresh start in life it's something that i personally resonate with because i myself have had a fresh start in life for those who don't know growing up i studied law and i was kind of going down that path until i decided to have a fresh start and now i'm doing something completely different and i'm in a creative industry so i know firsthand how difficult it is to go through that transition and what's been really nice about this podcast is it's been really nice to hear other people's stories and how they got to where they were it's quite encouraging at times it's really interesting it's really inspiring i'm going to be sharing some of my favorite moments and recommendations on my instagram stories my instagram is clickfortask click the link in the description box to download bbc sounds and start enjoying all the original bbc content today's breakfast is courtesy of lidl's bakery i got a pan of chocolate and a chocolate doughnut and i also picked up a loaf of bread this ladies and gentlemen is my water bottle i only use it at home but this week since i'm doing this challenge i'm gonna take it outside with me so that i'm not using plastic water bottles it's time let's pray there's no hidden plastic packaging inside [Music] [Applause] listen to this this bread is like a rock at this point a lot of you guys told me in the comments if i just soak in water and put in the oven or in the microwave it should be okay so i'm going to try that i was looking at the packaging for this and i couldn't find any information on whether it's recyclable or not um usually it will say whether you can recycle it or you'll also tell you do not recycle this one doesn't say anything but then at the same time like i'm looking at it and it looks like paper to me so now i feel like that's the thing with this challenge i've noticed it makes you overthink so much eating and feeding myself has become ten times more stressful so we love that for me this bread is like literally a rock right so what do i do i just put water on it okay so i'm either gonna get rock hard toast or soggy toast that water trick actually worked really well the bread's soft let's talk about toiletries i went to a supermarket trying to look for zero waste options for my toiletries and honestly i found nothing so basically i've had to think outside the box and source my toiletries from other places the best zero waste deodorant option i could find was from wild which you can buy online and in boot stores but it was kind of a struggle to find it in reality i went to three boot stores and was unsuccessful and then the store in which i did find it it wasn't even on the shelves the lady had to go to the back of the store and check the stock so yeah not the easiest thing to find in reality i got myself the wild deodorant and this is a massive lifesaver they're plastic free compostable refills also super pretty oh this is fun so that is my zero waste alternative this would normally cost 12 pounds i managed to get on discount i think it was 9 60 for me in the end comparing that to my usual option which is just like the dove one which is like one pound the zero waste option is more expensive for other toiletry items i went to the lush store because i knew they did packaging free items such as shampoo bars and bath soaps now this was a very interesting experience this ladies and gentlemen is my toothpaste i have never seen toothpaste in this form now you're probably thinking taz these are plastic containers but before you guys go crazy on me hear me out it says bring it back on the containers lush has this like recycling scheme you buy these pots which are plastic i know not great but you can bring it back and they will recycle the plastic like they'll keep using it we already have this plastic in the world right it's already been created but it's going to be constantly reused so it's not like adding to the planet so therefore i feel like i'm still within the challenge but i don't know let me know if that means i have broken the zero-waste child i mean i already broke it with the box of cookies but i don't know i feel like that means i'm still within the challenge because i'm still recycling it right and if you recycle you're good have i broken the challenge or not let me know so this is option number one and it's like uh it's like tablets this one is very interesting okay so you can't really see it that well but this one is a black jelly toothpaste so that's gonna be interesting to try out it's a wild time i'm gonna have tablets and black jelly for my toothpaste this is my um i don't know what you call it a body scrub this is actually gonna be really good for travel it's actually really good for travel so i actually like this and for shampoo i got this shampoo bar oh that is strong very very lemony i don't know why i went for this one i think i went for the color because i like yellow now i don't know if it's more expensive going zero waste because it could be cheaper options out there that i haven't gone to like i went to lush which isn't your like average everyday store i don't know if lush is like the best example for this challenge but at the same time i was desperate and the only option i could find was lush it is a bit more pricey than your regular supermarket options it's questionable if you can afford it but there may be cheaper alternatives that are zero waste but i just wasn't aware of them so i didn't get them it is time to try out the black jelly oh toothpaste oh wow it really is jelly like that's a weird texture to put on your teeth and that ladies and gentlemen is my toothpaste i'm not crazy about the texture it's a really nice taste it's quite sweet it tastes like you're having sweets and it does make my teeth feel clean which is the most important thing so you know what it's actually not that bad i'd give this a solid 8 out 10. okay it is time to test out the shampoo bar and the shower oil it is hot in here and i look like a wet mop which we love i have just washed my hair with the shampoo bar i thought my hair would smell more lemony but it actually has no scent to it so that's disappointing on to more exciting things we are going to try the toothpaste tablets which look like candy i've gone for the pink one what you do with these is you just bite it and then you brush it with a damp toothbrush oh it's very soft suck release oh it's powder it's powder okay all right let's brush it [Applause] [Music] oh i don't think i like it oh that is a weird it's really like powdery and foamy in my mouth oh so pink that's cute well it's not a spit why did i say that about spit i definitely prefer the jelly over this for sure this one is a lot messier and it's just uh not as enjoyable and it doesn't taste as nice the jelly one was really sweet this one just tastes like uh like i've got washing powder in my mouth i'd give this a 5 out of 10. i googled what the most sustainable supermarket in the uk was and surprisingly little came on top and actually when i did a food shop i found it was pretty easy to find items with recyclable packaging [Music] when i looked online it turns out that lidl is actually one of the best places to do zero waste shopping because they have a lot of like recyclable packaging so i managed to do another bag of shopping and i got a bunch of fruit and veg and stuff like that so that was successful that was actually really good i managed to find lots of things um which had recyclable packaging and spice packet mixes which is gonna really save me this week so um very happy littles once again comes through i think it's time to change the game plan because up until now i've been relying on doing all of my zero waste shopping at your regular supermarkets um places like lush boots which are stores available all throughout the uk i wanted to at least try this challenge going to your everyday places but i'm still struggling to find certain things for example pasta lidls do pass in carbo packaging but it has like a bit of plastic in it as well so i couldn't use that so i've decided to look into zero waste stores which are stores specifically designed for this lifestyle plastic free i found quite a few options in london so that's great so yeah i'm gonna go to a zero-waste store and hopefully that'll sort me out for the rest of the week i went to the source bulk food store and oh my god it was like walking into zero waste heaven spices there were so many different options to choose from i didn't even know what half the stuff was but i appreciate that it was available to me all nicely displayed and then we just take it off at the end so after you've waited oh you can just like so i just write this down yeah so 138 grams [Music] they also sold shampoo conditioner oil washing up and laundry liquid that the staff member helped me with it was a different but positive shopping experience everything was sold by weight [Music] my washing up liquid which i had before i started this challenge is nearly finished but luckily i have picked up some washing up liquid from the zero waste store so once that's finished i'm gonna fill it up with this it is now washing up time and i picked up some laundry liquid from the zero waste stool so we're gonna test this out i'm gonna do a whole wash and see how we get on it smells like oranges like really strong okay i don't know how much of this i'm supposed to put in i don't know if that's too much or too little or even if that's the right compartment to put it in but i've done it now it's done all right we shall see how that goes one thing that i didn't take into account when i first was doing this challenge is how much i would have to go out of my way to get certain things like for example the deodorant the only option i could find was the wild one and they only sold that boots so i had to go that extra mile like i had to go through that effort just to go to that one store to get one thing and like if you live a busy lifestyle you don't have all that free time you're someone who's busy all the time i don't know how that would work also another dilemma i this my tripod no longer works and i need to get a new one but i can't just go and buy it because that's going to produce waste so like what do i do when things in life happen and you need to replace them and you can't there's only so much preparation you can do in life right sometimes things just happen and what do you do on a zero-waste lifestyle i don't know like i lit you just cannot get a new tripod this week on this challenge so lots of things are happening and i don't know how to deal with them i think the hardest part of the challenge is just how restrictive it is like when i would be faced with a challenge like my tripod breaking i didn't know how to fix that problem i just didn't buy a tripod this week because i couldn't do that but like what would i do normally in that situation right it's not an easy challenge by any means also update on the clothes they have now been washed and i am very much putting off hanging them out but i will do that now they actually smell pretty clean they smell pretty good so um that was a success i am just getting ready to make some spaghetti well i guess it's not spaghetti but it's just pasta bolognese this is the pasta i picked up from the zero waste store and then this is the meat i got from the butcher's but i asked him to put it in a container as opposed to his usual packaging which was a bit awkward but you know the good thing about getting me is it's already out so you just got to ask them to put it in a container but yeah so that's what i'm making now i started panicking because i remembered to get spices but i completely forgot about salt because i guess i don't usually go out and buy salt or every single time right so i completely forgot about that but this was in my cupboard and i've just done a quick check and it is widely recycled so it's recyclable so i can actually use it and um we are still within the challenge every time every god dang time let's cry more cooking oh i'm not even joking i'm genuinely quite terrified to try it because i just don't want it to be bad oh oh i don't know it's not bad it's not amazing i feel like i can taste the meat it's making me feel a bit funny it's okay if i just like chew in two seconds and swallow i'll be all right i have been trying to convince myself that this balinese is good and honestly it's getting worse with every bite i don't know what it is with me cooking meat when other people cook meat i can stomach it and it's fine it's only when i cook it that it tastes so bad and the thing is i don't have a lot of food to work with this week so i can't be this picky unless i just go to lill's bakery again and get pizza that's basically my diet this week it's little's pizza clearly i can't rely on my cooking because i am not doing well it is currently one in the morning and i'm just chilling here having some chocolate because who needs structure and stability in it like clearly not me i've got through like half of this packet and this chocolate is so good i think it's my new favorite chocolate but yeah i would highly recommend it's actually really really good my diet this week was literally any food that i could find that was zero waste any food that had recyclable packaging i just got and i just made do with that there was no pre-planning there was no thought there was no meal plan this week it was literally just recyclable packaging or little bakery this challenge has been very confusing it's been a struggle it's been quite challenging i'm not gonna lie even though i tried my best i still don't even know if i did the challenge correctly like that's how confusing is i actually don't know if i was successful not this week i mean i tried my best but whether that was successful or not is a whole story entirely i feel like this week was really all over the place you basically just watched me struggle for entire week and try to figure it out in real time but instead going to one supermarket to do all your shopping you've got to go to like seven different places it's not as convenient it ends up being more expensive it had to be more time consuming and even then i wasn't even entirely sure of what i got one zero waste i still don't even know if i did it correctly i'm sure you guys will let me know in the comment section below i tried that's it that's all i can say a forever hopefully but yeah that has been me doing zero waste for a week in london also click the link in the description box to download bbc sounds and enjoy all the original bbc content i'll be sharing all my bbc sounds updates on my instagram stories so definitely check that out as always thank you so much for watching i love you lots please know that you matter and i shall see you guys next time thanks for watching bye
Channel: ClickForTaz
Views: 343,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zero waste, trash, challenge, week, food, lifestyle, vlog, taz, funny, comedy
Id: ySGbPssVn4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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