living in my car for 24 hours | clickfortaz

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[Music] I'm spitting so what have you guys suggested that I lived in my car for a day the rules were simple I can go to the store I can go get food and I can go to toilet I have to eat sleep and do everything else in the car so I raised this some thought this next thing you know I was packing all the things into my car with my friend one two three let's go and we were going to live in the car or the day pretty-pretty correcting that's okay and I get this week to me wrap me off a little fish meal we haven't eaten today so we're gonna have our McDonald's and it's gonna be a great tab today's off to a good start I'd say yeah you say that is littering ambulance car this car ready feels very like stuck together thing if we Bletchley Park outside of Starbucks so we're gonna see if we can get a free one bike good try we won't let you watch stuff on you breathe you're gonna do the big waves like we have Wi-Fi we have Wi-Fi only an hour into charge over any Arvind balance on our Wi-Fi with such Millennials I gave it a wingding you know when you don't breathe and you do it oh you know I hate honesty I've never goes on the thing I spend like a good two five minutes like so and I'm a litigator at the beginning I think we'll be fine like I don't think there's gonna be any issues or no I think we'll be fine it survived that's not aiming like just a society based you forgot my toothbrush are my toothpaste and I bought enough for I got three toothbrushes new ones see I'm a head I'm like you forget had talked last night I'm messy my car is right now and we're not even an hour into this childhood moon doesn't like salad in her food so this is this is the VI this is the reality of living in her car so good now try and find the toilet so we can pee water hands we're literally going into chaos II just to use the toilet right there you got comfortable when you weak stance of ditches or can't see some napkins and that's a tea one two three easy as KFC Oh simple as 1 2 P 1 2 3 k SC baby we just need ya oh my god I'm sweating so bad no but I'm talking about the humans around we headed to this massive stock with trago mills in a place called message itself we've come to one of the biggest supermarkets ever I really want to check this place out bracelet in the middle it's literally in the middle of nowhere and it looks like a massive fairytale castle I'm really excited to check it out this place is mah rusev we have decided to spend our day today in one of the biggest single market in the world could be but I've been acting look afford to check this place out for the longest time did it really cool well it is it gets really cool it's amazing and then we put in everything we want possibility there's wiring to the picture queue supermarket montage now [Music] it's what we like to hear honey everyday let's practice so we have come here for reason I've written a list of all things I want to get from you I'm asked pop noodles Oh window sheets I wanna get sheets power windows and very light because you can never have enough air like I'm too scared to sleep in the nighttime I'm pretty cozy in so we just wanted something to cover the windows but to me they have this thing called I might just have this on my villas we have for the blinds well I can't get home today you can guess ugly five seconds I guess so it's 359 that's so cheap I got myself an ice lolly we're making the walk back to the car and I'm dreading it because I know it's gonna boil it but that was them that was it good there's a good time in Traeger supermarket yeah can you please heat this is it um no joke I just wanted to be winter now but we're so annoying I am so annoying that is what is like yes no matter who's leaking the whole reason I get this door suddenly it's literally driven the whole reason I get these clipper thing is because like ice creams drip everyone Oh [Music] [Music] get up and ready what we'll do is we'll bring all of this to the fan oh okay she was clearly not okay ready okay well that was anticlimactic that oh okay you know listen guys I'd help that I'm doing the filming this is actually coming together pretty well oh oh hey there do the nurse you we have an indoor a/c system we have a sound an LCD screen TV how do you feel about this room it's quite all right it's actually not that bad it's a person I exited I really like I think it's really because this is what the one thing I was like worried about so I may have lost my phone somewhere in this car and I don't know where he is so now I'm gonna have to go look for my phone you had one job it's not in that one but I still gonna try bring it it see my bad news no oh it's down here somewhere I think let me just get up Oh Oh remember I remember forever we are gonna put the blinds on now I really hope this works because that's not that I'm really conscious about this trip Oh No and then you do like that oh it's tight I mean it's tiny and it's see-through but it'll do but the front two-seaters but when we drive in places that's what we're gonna say this is the communal area where we're gonna sleep and then under here is our storage space so all the extra stuff so bags ukulele and I think wow that's like a home area I love it look we packed everything we got everything sorted for the Sun blinds up we were so excited it's gonna be the best day ever oh my god this is gonna save us oh no one's gonna see it's good to sleep I didn't understand like we got the blind on the side Hey actually from admittedly I might just do this just like for fun yeah we didn't get it a night it's okay it's fine you know we got to work with what we got if this is sick we're gonna watch yes man I've never watched that before oh no oh God I we are sugar right oh my God he's actually a movie in my car doo-doo-doo Frankie bunnies we went to Frankie and Benny's and as you can see I got a lot she got herself a nice pizza I got myself some pasta we're gonna carve the air oh honey yeah I most of you I've known some people might not like it you smell you t do you laughing you know I got myself some onion rings Oh oh that is so the pig but no we should know I don't want to turn I'm so I have some of the pasta is actually really plain but it's okay oh that's really you like it is plain mm-hmm mmm it's nice right can I cook I mean it's just your cup solid curves and they basically get what you pay for this is expensive basically get ripped off tomato sauce is really gonna lose I really need to go just try a little buy list it's hot though huh what do you think oh it was all right but yeah you like it yeah do you how do you like it beyond five out of ten would you eat that again oh you look good I'd much prefer having Justin surprised I'm so bored oh Christ we had a whole like and boxer fight last night each and then we had to be a little ship so yeah what a bit you know shame about it and then we also had some fries do we have frozen here we go did you really don't ya then we had this I said like side of fries and lately she's less than 24 hours Wow I am really busting for Lou so you lift you come to a supermarket just so I can use the toilet let's go and we might even get suspects along the way Lachie have come to answer just to be that's the car like told you both moon and I have come into a thorough night of a hospital so we can't see anything right now we have no help we're looking for a torch these are really bothering Jeannie didn't look power batteries yes micro 50 string money I'll it she didn't even think about oh oh whether the blame there's a claim looks like so oh my god you out you could sleep on that imagine if I just slipped on the get two grand in it three grand if I'm lucky if I got like a whiplash we completely forgot about breakfast tomorrow morning so we've come to the healthy selection of silver horrid oh yeah it's just all you look breakfast way golden syrup I like okay we'll get that Barbara okay amber super the loo and I need to go quickly before we leave [Music] this is going to be the hidden Patek now you can get changing changing clothes and all I'm gonna with the job is now this is our sanitary toiletries area of love with it so we're gonna do that all we have our wipes because we're not gonna use this to clean up we're gonna do is in a car and my friend [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] no you're not gonna do it though because I know you're gonna that was the hardest thing brushing our teeth with hard but we did it we did it I'm gonna be relying on this to cleanse myself cleansing their body it's a Andrex classic clean wash let's I don't share on the night anyway so I'm fine just do your face in it so I'll do my face yeah I'll use it after you move in here the biz you can hear the you've seen the sunset right now Oh get the back of my neck I okay do me a things are so sensitive you gotta clean your aren't there here I'm just gonna put more deer in on it base of it I didn't really sweat that I only ever really sweat January for my face and I hate that so this is the difference between moon and I right now she's taken off moon is taken off all her makeup I'm screwing my armpits you like foundation I'm like Bo BIA that's me ready for the night now plan is to sleep next to a beach so that when we wake up it'll be night to a nice sunrise and yeah we went on a long drive to find a place to park for the night we wanted to stay somewhere next to a beach so it's currently 10 p.m. and free parking starts at 11:00 so we're just gonna go and pay for an hour charging gals 8 till 11:00 Monday to Sunday there is no pay machine here this is not in use so they swell moon is not scared of small skin a factor with lychee in the middle nowhere but she's scared of this fly so I'm gonna try whenever you ready to slam it one more no just slam it out squash it go kill it kill it please just open the door [Music] [Music] we're gonna meet Russell home to getting killed in bro you're gonna be able to sleep it's a small place but yeah I'm fine okay can we go to sleep then let's just go to sleep how do you feel about this whole situation it's really hot it's quite hot and stuffy I am sweating balls right now mum Pizza I'm doing that great I should probably do what you're so these are sign out there that says there's cameras here to prevent crime and security reasons now there's two ways you can see that the way I'm choosing to see it is that this cameras in place to keep us safe the other way you can see is like why is it cuz it's just security so if anything does happen in you know if we die the last person I spoke to was my mum so she cannot go me you know I mean like I actually did speak to my mum before I died so Lisa and I'm like off the hook I'm like and then what you find that it was for a child video that's how he died you know if you're that stupid we should probably say something like wise and stuff why is this could be the 50-day Jews memorial tribute task this is a terrible then I love you mum and dad I don't care about my breath so much well at the moment ahead and I hope you're proud of me if you're not please don't say so just lie it's not a hard just like if you died like this then you deserve to die you know in my memorial service you just say that you're part of me and my make up that way up there waiting reality we're like yeah yeah you know just also I open what but my dad you loved it we just wanted to update you guys and let you know that in real life we're alive we're well rehydrated we're hydrated and we're not schooled it wakin up to the beach in the early morning was one of my favorite moments I felt like nothing us mud no stress no problems just peace oh my god bro I told you I know this is beautiful no we did it we slept in the car overnight and it was fine not gonna lie I did have broken sleep I wasn't like I didn't like sleep well the whole night moon slept a lot better than I did but um yeah I don't feel scared or anything cuz that was my main concern I thought it's gonna be really scared and like not be able to sleep because it'd be dangerous and stuff but it was going fine is that you know one there's someone running past me but yeah it was really good [Music] but just go into the beach now to use the toilet facilities to like Raja T was a face and a boy doing what we did yes see the girl oh that's our breakfast we would let you gonna just represent living living in a car was very humbling Anna made me realize how I be fine with the basic necessities and but I really liked the laid-back lifestyle it was kind of liberating we just washed our faith we at the beach lovely view I'm feeling really good I'm feeling pretty awake yeah feeling really good brought some stuff last night from sumaru the oranges we got part of stuff so we're just gonna sit here huh breakfast and that's pretty much it because then we're gonna chirp sort of drive home we're gonna chin in the car for a little bit hang out then that's the challenge over that's it we did it I know I didn't have any real worries about it yeah apart from sleeping apart from sleeping but to be honest sleeping was the easiest thing the most difficult thing for me was the actual things that you need to do in a game change to rushing your teeth that was quite difficult to do in the car so overall I think it was I feel so lucky that it went so smoothly in fact it wasn't even that big oh dude because we still had our privileges mr. hodda you still could go home Wi-Fi you know we parked right next to beat so we woke up to the scene it was so much as sunny we have a public bathroom nearby that had everything in it we went to some one market we had food and everything so like it was just a fun experience it was like camping but in a car it was so good you know what I got any complaints it went so smoothly we're safe we're happy you know I think anything I thought we'd get bored but it was a complete upset we were rushing for time there was so much we said we didn't even do and also we know that we'd be completely fine in each other's company without getting like irritated or there was no moments where I felt like I'm kind of sick of you now like you know I mean like I need my own space or like it was to cost Rafael there I was like you know they were than any of that we're kind of the same wavelength on a lot of things and when we did struggle and didn't struggle I don't think we've been struggled at all I think it went so well but when we did struggle say when we were brush my teeth all that it was funny no I think the whole thing was just a laugh it was like a really good expense I'm glad we did this because I don't know if I would have thought of doing this if someone didn't mention in the comments mmm I really like doing these town video cuz it puts me I'm a comfort zone I get experience since I wouldn't normally do so yeah let me know what I should do next for task rise or just like leave me suggestions for challenges and stuff like that because yeah I really enjoy doing them smells really I don't know I feel like mmm really good experience I'm so grateful for this experience I'm a grateful that got to do with you bro and we had so much fun and yeah it was really nice to document it all ago I woke up to the beach I was really that was such a feel obeying like we just woke up to the sea oh I love weed everyday thanks for dinner bro Wow there's no what I should try next um I'm excited thank you so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed this video and I shall see you guys next time thanks for watchin bye thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed the video I remember to click the part
Channel: ClickForTaz
Views: 2,681,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car, 24 hours, challenge, clickfortaz, living
Id: hSQvjvBMN8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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