I Bought A Pallet Of Amazon Returns!! *215 ITEMS*

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hey everyone so today we are doing a very exciting video in this video we are going to be buying a giant box of returns now a couple years ago i watched sophia nygaard do this video so i don't know if this is like still a hot concept because i know it's been done before and probably many times since that video that i saw but i want to do it now back when this was like popular i remember searching like returns canada and like nothing really came up but then the other day i was just shopping around online for stuff for the house renovation and there was this giant canadian liquidation store full of returns you could buy so i was like is this a sign that i should do it now like better late than never so the website that i found was restock.ca now i have no idea if this is a new website i can honestly say a couple years ago when i was trying to find canadian liquidation sites i couldn't find this one i don't know if that was just user error or if it's new either way we've got it now so let's get looking i'm on my ipad right now okay under home and more there's baby products bedding health and beauty home furniture home products small appliances sports and outdoor and toys health and beauty caught my attention but as if i can remember correctly they are completely sold out so we're not doing a beauty box maybe in the future but then there are home furniture and when i say i was enticed by this i was very enticed of course if you guys have seen these like huge return box videos returns can be for any reason i mean you've probably returned something at some point in your life so you do run the risk of buying an entire return box of broken items this is a risky game we play today this one was listed at two thousand two hundred fifty dollars now for five hundred and sixty two dollars okay so these are the four pictures that they chose to put emphasis towards and then this is more probably what it would look like shipped to you so if we zoom in you can kind of see a little bit more detail like i see like a blanket back there a big rug here i think this is like a patio bench if you actually want to see what's in here they actually list everything down here and you can count up all of the like prices on the side oh you see here this one i was talking about returns products were sold to a consumer then returned to a store within 30 days these are untested and you can find about 20 of defective items okay i'm wondering if we click here what is this oh i don't want to facetime what is this oh total units 33 cost per unit is 17 which is pretty good because when you think about it some of these pieces were like 160 80 129 so to get each piece for 17 i mean clearly that's the reason why people buy these returns let me just give you a little lesson on returns this one has 21 units but 528 so i'm guessing some of these were worth more i mean based on this it looks a little more pricey what is the shipping cost gonna be on this oh my gosh three pallets worth of stuff i'm scared i think home trends is the walmart company so this must be returns from walmart oh my gosh is this one new oh i like that island cart and i actually like this bed frame maybe i should go for this one i was also slightly enticed by this one because i really want that umbrella ideally i would love a kitchen box just because that's what i personally like exploring around oh my gosh 321 units of home products cost per unit is two dollars in eight cents is this a good indicator like we have a staple gun i think this is like a tablecloth because like should i get furniture or should i get decor or should i buy a bunch of returns and decorate a room i'm kind of enticed by the ones with like 400 units 450 units of what this is crazy who's returning their sunglasses clearly a lot of people my concern is like do they put the best things in the picture and then everything else is like not great oh my gosh look at this eighteen hundred units for five grand are you struggling like this is literally what indecision looks like what is this why is gordon ramsay here i just wanna pick the right one but i have no idea what's in each one this is the one i should do 250 units for 612 dollars that's 2.85 cents per unit oh my gosh i don't even want this to deliver to my house but i'm adding it i've made a decision and it only took 45 minutes i will be super surprised if this actually gets here without any problems it's just so many parcels i swear i get like one parcel and it's already like kind of hard to track around all right 250 units of home products on the way i have no idea how long this is gonna take to get here hopefully not too long because i'm literally so excited so i will just touch back with you guys when it is here [Music] okay you guys they came so quickly i don't know why i thought that this package was going to take forever to get here but it was like i got a knock on the door like six days after i ordered this and they were like your giant thing of returns is here where should we put it and i was like i guess because it's like a return center within canada it's like not too far away but i for some reason just thought a delivery of this like sheer mass like this is huge it's almost is it like it's like as tall as me i just thought it would take longer like i order a shirt and it'll take like two months to get here and this took six days this return center is actually based in montreal so if you happen to live in montreal i guess you can just go to this shipment center and literally pick it up granted you'll probably need a truck and like some muscles but i mean if you want to save on shipping you can do that too everyone's really excited about the returns like honestly i told everyone we were filming the returns today and my dad came over tate came over like everyone wants to see what is in this return bin when it delivered everyone was like gosh what's in here what's in here shipping literally took no time but it was a little bit pricey which totally makes sense because like look how heavy this is this is so big parkour parkour already there's some toilet paper we're actually out of toilet it's a very useful thing okay but it is pretty cold in the garage right now we don't have a heated garage we just literally as you can see have heaters set up so i think what we'll do is we will take the saran wrap off and move everything upstairs and then we'll dive into everything put it into groups and also test some stuff it's like a shower caddy thing but it sounds a little broken let's just see a few of the things you know i'm just so excited a like outdoor mat an adjustable tension rod um you've been needing attention i have been is it to put keys and stuff in there's little holes oh yeah it hangs on the wall like this oh [Music] okay so now it's on to the boxes which i must look oh my gosh look at all of these silicone guns i'm excited about that look how many there are there's like 10 in here that's writing on it wait i need to see what this is okay now oh it's a mirror oh yeah little indoor outdoor rugs i'm getting so excited right now another [Laughter] toilet [Laughter] [Music] okay you guys so clearly there's a lot of stuff to go through and a lot of things to see we're gonna take it all upstairs and then we'll get into it more in detail okay you guys this is what everything looks like when it's not stacked up really high it looks like even more stuff so i'm thinking a good first step is to organize it into categories [Music] oh what's this a tea sleeping cup oh a jar i love this jar dad look at all the paper oh my gosh it never ends we've got tape forever oh no what is this [Applause] what is that slap chop i thought i should put on this wide angle moment so you could see just the pure chaos that has ensued behind us yeah this is after we organized everything this is how it looks organized i feel like no matter what if you lay it out like this everything looks like trash but there's some good things in here like surely not everything is broken we split it into piles let me show you the piles quickly over in the corner we have the shoe racks drying racks there was like a surprisingly large amount of shoe racks and drying racks and rubber maids so we categorized that together and then definitely the largest section was the kitchenware so that's dry towels pans casserole dishes plate sets which i'm so excited to get into the plate sets to see what's broken and what's not because i'm assuming a big reason why people return plate sets is because a plate is broken or something then the next section that is rather small and more consists of a ton of duplicates is the renovation section which as you can see someone just didn't need electrical tape they decided you know what we don't want a silicone and we don't want to fill the wall but we really thought we were going to have like a team doing it so i don't know what happened there but i'm guessing those tools are still good and honestly we'll put them to you yeah we we always look for stuff and we sometimes get our stuff dry in there and so we'll have a spare i never even noticed like that you were in the corner with like a light directly now we have a bathroom section which i'm a little bit afraid of a dog section which is gonna be great because chip will use it then we have a home decor section where we have blankets pillows picture frames lots of curtains which is pretty great then we have rugs and then we have outdoor stuff like a ton of solar lights and then some craft supplies with yarn and this weird black fabric that we found that i'm not super excited about and then the last section is lamps so we didn't count but there should be 215 items here there are so many lamps you guys i think i actually was onto that when we were ordering it but i was like whatever how many limes can there really be there's a lot of lamps and for anyone wondering where all the pieces are going yes i might grab a few things here or there to keep but the majority of the items are going to be donated to many different charities some homeless shelters some women's shelters a bunch of places wherever we see fit for certain items we'll donate them there we're not going to be keeping anything or trying our hand at selling stuff i just want to do a big donation and i mean like honestly i'm loving some of the products so i'm keeping the moonlight i'm keeping it because i ordered a moonlight years ago and it never came i think it was a scam the thing i'm most excited for is kind of like diving into the homeware yeah and just seeing like what's broken let's do it [Music] the thing people are excited for are the high ticket items which i would say the dinner sets it says on their broken plate so we'll see they're cute they are really cute where's the broken plate these are adorable oh no little chip on that one that wasn't one broken plate that was four all the big plates are broken i gotta say though i feel like a lot of these broke when it got shipped to us well let's see if we have any luck with this one they're kind of cute they are cute oh yeah all the bowls are good only one broken plate though oh that's bad missing one small plate one bowl and one big point that's so random like how could it be missing oh my gosh oh oh yeah so there's one of each set bro that would be disappointing yes back in the day corral was known for not being able to break so if you took a corel plate and threw it against the linoleum floor it shouldn't break these are actually great i love corel yeah i don't see any chips about these no that was perfect yeah those are perfect they're perfect corral okay so that is all for the dinnerware sets now we have more like casserole dishes and stuff so let's see i just basically want to see glass things if they're broken yeah oh my gosh there's a lot of stuff in here oh my gosh i'm obsessed oh hold on a minute i think i'm finding the problem oh it doesn't fit why that's weird it doesn't fit they're right if anyone's interested about the lid mom soaked it in hot water and it fits now i did it okay this is a baker's basics okay cracked on two of them oh wow wow that is annoying oh i see this look at this little crack right here oh my gosh it smells like popcorn it does smell like popcorn why we have the second angle to get a close up on the crack here is the crack that they speak of which you know what it's a crack girl it's a crack yeah but you know what if people are buying baking basics and like it's a splurge you want it to be perfect you don't want it to be cracked at all so i get it i get it try and find the chip there's a chip on it oh yeah here it is right here really yeah it's nothing to do either maybe we just like know all our stuff is chips like right this is a nice deep pyrex mom this is dented oh oh my gosh this is 52. okay that would be bothersome for 52. i can understand that's kind of disappointing that's a nice pan it's scratched apparently oh wow these are dented apparently i love them yeah i feel like that's pretty successful oh yeah like if you were worried that ordering these you would get lots of stuff that's unusable i would say this is pretty usable in the kitchenware section the lower ticket items were a lot of like disposable plates and disposable cups and like plastic bags then we found a lot of returned tupperware or like plastic containers for food or water the one weird thing here there is so many containers here but like only one lid so i don't know if that was like on purpose or if we're missing the lid or if it's just you're supposed to use the one lid but there's only one lid and there's no reason for return gonna see if there are lids for everything there is four of this size perfect four of this one but we are missing six little circles and two squares so i mean that's what we get with the returns you know what a bad set still what's this arctic zone oh look at it nice ergonomic wow i love that i don't know what it's for but it's great maybe like a salad dress oh my gosh oh this must be to take your lunch yeah no did you not know that and then in the kitchen section we have water bottles and thermoses some of these are broken as you can see this thermos sadly apparently both these britas are broken says the receipt apparently this water bottle is deformed so i have to see what they're talking about it looks fine that one's fine oh gosh there we go there's a big dent in here honestly that's fair enough but this one's good this little kettle what's wrong with you doesn't work very well fair this was the kitchen gadget section we have scales potato scrubbers utensil holders this chop thing fondue just a bunch of things that would be seen in the kitchen i literally just bought one of these i needed one of these does this not work will not work at all all right we'll seal up yeah we'll get it we'll get it look surely these words let's try these out guys we think this might be why it's not working because it's not pushed in there enough apparently this doesn't work but we just pushed on the battery and now look it is working ready i mean i'm not an expert at how much this weighs but that's why i have this i mean what's wrong with this look at that would chop oh wait this is le plateau hellevant paraben oh i actually love this because i hate using my phone you have to turn it really far once and then back oh my gosh okay i literally have this you guys and one thing i will say is you can still just use this piece these were lunge kits now most of the reasons oh this one's a rip inside oh a little rip this is a cooler and this one the zipper is defective oh i see broken zipper and then the funny thing about this you guys is this one the zipper was broken but they'd already wrote their name on it shaheen buchner i'm so sorry you're zipper bro okay you guys these are the last two things in the kitchen oh wait and this this is broken sadly but this is gum paste there's also this drawer liner which is actually pretty nice but yeah it didn't really fall in any categories okay guys that was all for the kitchen stuff honestly not too many things were broken i think their percentage of like 20 is broken is probably pretty legit now we're gonna move into another category we'll probably do craft stuff and then homeware okay guys so here is the craft stuff that there was honestly i feel like these returns happened just on personal preference because i can honestly say there's nothing wrong with this yarn it looks good it probably just didn't work for whoever's project same with the string and the needles and this is fabric but i'm afraid of it here we have the dog swag a dog may have escaped out of this one but these are great and someone definitely got this for like their big dog and chip's just gonna also chip will take this okay here we have what we considered like renovating stuff so many rolls of tape so many silicone guns and so many drywall repair kits i don't really know how this came to be a return it might just have been overstock i will say though we actually bought a set just like this not too long ago to fix the wall in this very room so it's too bad this didn't come a little sooner here we have the bathroom stuff which includes a bathroom shower caddy a toilet brush two toilet seats and a bunch of towels honestly pretty good for this stuff because i feel like they can't really be defective it's probably just a personal preference thing it's a deluxe padded toilet seat when you start out really excited and now it's like we're tired there's a lot of stuff in here i'm so tired right now grab a blanket and let's just have a little nap for a while these blankets are all really soft they are oh who wouldn't love that you guys this is all like the blankets napkins and curtains there's a lot of curtains here we have light gray dark gray black white and these curtains it's not just two it's four pieces so like there's four of these you said i love it no wonder you're such a baby what are these those are door mats they're grippy doors all this stuff is pretty good though oh it's really good hey you need a tension rod i do need a tension rod here you go thank you and then we had more homeware which you know there was a few things wrong with these to be honest a fair bit was broken but a fair bit wasn't and then there were solar lights many solar lights [Music] sorry now we're going to tackle the lamps and then we're going to be done for today we're going to come back tomorrow we're going to have to build everything and make sure that it's good so we have our extension cord which we got from the return so this will be a good test on that whoa the switch is not working not that it was completely bent let's hope we don't get electrocuted whoa it works i think you're going the wrong way no i think you're going the wrong way [Laughter] that switch is not wrecked mom this switch it's like a is like a little piece broken off but we can make it work okay what's in here what's in this little ball oh it's a turkey baster what [Laughter] oh the bottom oh yeah that was under here the cement of the bottom fell out this lampshade wouldn't be bad on that one [Laughter] oh it works should we turn it off okay let's see moment of truth can i turn the lights off yeah hang on [Laughter] mia what just wait something happens wait just wait for it switch light it changes it actually is great i just wish it was cordless it's interesting it is interesting oh do you think this push-in is what the problem is oh maybe maybe it's dented i just thought it was a moon crevice but maybe that's a dent saying it wasn't really powerful okay next next light bulbs this one caught my attention nothing wrong with this babe yes someone must just like have not thought it matched their home it's adorable there we go oh it's heavy this is a nice lamp it's very tall [Applause] okay perfect next one i don't like this one i think it's like looks bad ready ready okay i don't like it it's not it's not made well it works though okay we have three more lamps oh there were the microphone wasn't on okay okay okay we have three more lamps oh you weren't in frame okay okay we have three more lamps [Laughter] okay this one was the easiest to put together i don't know if it's because it's the third one okay ready what that's weird maybe it got broken in the shipping it feels like it should be a really good lamp time to build in and twist please work we have one more lamp you guys oh this is bent too oh is anyone still watching this like we're just literally putting together lamps for 30 minutes okay girl ready oh yeah that's worth it [Laughter] we were gonna stop we have no we have like 40 minutes before we have to leave and i think that let's just do the rugs yeah i think so okay okay you guys these are the rugs we have how many of these six christmas presents [Laughter] which makes me think some of this was just like over stock not all returns because i don't think someone bought six of those and then returned them nonetheless they're really cute oh this is a nice though this is nice and it has a nice rubber back definitely nothing is wrong no it's not deformed oh i see what's the trouble oh it is oh it is this is a nicer this is nice too this will be great in the garage it will be it's got a mean bend here but i think we can get it out i mean also you guys there was two sets of rubbermaids these big ones that don't have lids which i'm guessing that's why it got returned and then these two which come with one lid but that is all for today we'll see you guys in a millisecond tomorrow where we're going to tackle all the shoe racks and the things we have to build all right guys we are back it is the next day i have my energy refilled now we are going to tackle this corner these are all pieces that need to be built so i'm gonna guess that some of them are gonna be defective but the only way really to be sure is by building them so i think we should start with this one this is like something that we actually have to build and then these were with it they're like little bin things so let's do that let's open it up okay we already have an issue see the thing with particle board is if you're too rough with it or if the center's too rough with it you're gonna get things like this so already one is oh and look there you go oh my gosh this looks like it was set up and used for like years look at all these scratches there's no screws in here what one has thing to put together and this was the one thing that i was like oh this might actually be good well that sucks we have another use for our cube thing here's this hopefully there will actually be the hardware we need these aren't even open so someone just like took this out was like no oh my gosh these little things this is instantly killed or buzzed immediately once you get into it though it's honestly okay that's okay like for 20 bucks because that's what this retailed for to organize like if you have like kids clothes or even toys you know i hated it at the beginning but now i kind of see its function and its purpose and like it's a good affordable storage system it totally is we love it now okay the sheer mass of shoe racks that get returned i think these are like two shoe racks are they not yes these are two identical shoe racks oh cause look it this one has the legs but this one is not with the legs are we sure they're not a pair okay we'll put it together figure it out [Music] all right mom give up your shoes let's put them on it works oh yeah there you go look i like it there's nothing wrong with that it's got no instructions and no packaging oh a broken leg see that's not bad okay this one is you can only use the top three racks oh it's broken the problem this piece broke off well like it won't work with only one leg [Laughter] it's good yeah that one's really good yeah what is this you say i organize your shoes girl okay you guys you know what we're just gonna put together there's four more things we'll just put them together off camera because i feel like this is getting very repetitive and then we'll just show you them all because like it's not that exciting two hours later okay you guys we just put together those four things now this one sadly which i was really excited about is missing all of the like influential pieces that hold it together which is exactly what it said on the return receipt so that's disappointing because i was actually excited about that one but it's not going to go together like you could probably buy replacement pieces for a lot of these things but if you're not like well versed at like home depot you probably wouldn't know what to look for but these three things we built and we have yet to test them a lot of them hang on like the back of the door so let's try them out without okay [Laughter] how is it it's amazing i'm putting my shoes in it right now oh my gosh oh there you go that's pretty good though it is pretty good this is a drying rack yeah okay there you are doing laundry there it is that's pretty good okay the last one another drying rack which doesn't have to go to the door but we'll just do it it's got little feet on this side there i'm not feeling a hundred percent i think it has to go maybe a little more straight there the box has it at an angle that's the selling feature it's not the moment time to go oh wait hold on you guys i forgot we have literally shown everything in this kit except for this locker swag kit and three locks and that is everything that was in this entire return box everything we literally showed you everything okay we have officially shown you every single day this was so much work going through this box like we really did justice to this return box we went through everything like we tested everything yeah we've been through with a fine toothed comb i feel like they have it pretty right when they say 10 to 20 either won't work or be broken because i'm looking at the giant pile of like broken or wrecked things and it looks like about 15 i would say i was super impressed at first with the breakable things like the dishes to not have much breakage and then these bigger things like the lamps and the building stuff they were defective and broken yeah the furniture yeah it's almost like people don't return furniture unless it's like broken yeah or really really doesn't work exactly yeah okay we both brought our favorite item i'm most excited about the moon lamp i literally wanted this first like honestly it could have been five years [Laughter] i just bought this and i love this a lot so i wanted to give you something that's for you because i have one so nice it's great you're gonna love it you're gonna love it you're gonna love it so just quickly just give you an idea like let's say we didn't have to pay any shipping on this because some people don't have to pay that much shipping so 615 dollars divided by 215. 2.86 an item so let's just say let's say only 180 items survived okay 615 divided by 180 3.40 an item if you guys would like to see any more return boxes whether it's like holiday items or i was thinking like maybe furniture and we try and decorate a room with all returned items let me know if you guys want to see that because obviously we would think it was really fun as for the pieces i'm gonna hold on to a few decor pieces just in case we do that decoration video but the rest of the stuff we're gonna pick through and pick a few things and then we're gonna put it in sections and donate it to different places as we see the products fit so don't worry these will be going to good use and we literally tested everything yeah and everything's yeah you and everything yeah we're a little bit crazy right now we made um five shoe racks but yeah this was a ton of fun i hope you guys enjoyed watching i will put the charity in the description box mom thank you for all of your help it was a lot of fun and we will see you guys in the next one bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Mia Maples
Views: 2,854,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mia maples, mama maples, unboxing returns, unboxing amazon returns, I bought a huge pallet of returns, I bought a pallet of amazon returns, unboxing returns from amazon, designer returns, I bought $1000 of returns, a bought returns for cheap, $2 per item of returns, buying returns for cheap, I bought a box of customer returns, I bought lost luggage, amazon, returns
Id: t6ILD4xIWbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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