I Bought A CURSED HOUSE In Minecraft

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let's get started mikey bought a new house so i'm here to take a look this thing is enormous it must have been expensive well you'd be surprised it was only 85 cents what a deal i can't believe i bought a whole house for so cheap i know it's really old but it's been renovated to look brand new it's nice and clean too uh are you kidding me 85 cents i wonder if there's a reason why you bought it for so cheap maybe it has a shady history behind it what no way i haven't run into a single problem so far take a look at the floor plan come on whoa [Music] very nice thanks spacious yeah fancy too it had some work done i'm proud of this place it was so cheap what a bargain huh for sure check out this painting yeah you like it why don't you show me the outside okay interesting shape i love the way it's shaped the renovations helped a lot wow it's square yep it is [Music] hang on mikey something's bothering me what well you're wrong this house is perfect wait up mikey take a closer look at the rectangular shape it's a square whatever see this corner yeah follow me it should be right here oh don't you find the floor plan a little strange why is there a mysterious space right in the corner it doesn't look like a pillar whatever it is it's suspicious yeah you're right what is it i wonder why it's here same interesting hang on is there something inside maybe i'm really curious i have an idea what is it [Music] there hmm oh what there's something behind the painting i see it it looks like an old patch of wood this house is older than we thought even though it got renovated this part stayed the same huh why is it still here then why is it being hidden by a picture frame i don't think the wood was being hidden i think it's a secret space let's go i don't know this place must be sealed off for a reason i don't think we should get any closer than we are now don't you want to investigate with me come on i'm too scared to go alone jj and mikey till the end right well if you insist the truth is even though i'm scared i'm still super curious me too let's do this thing we better get ready yeah good idea okay i'm prepared i brought some adventure goods an axe a pickaxe some tnt and some dynamite whoa yep we're ready to go come on all right first we need to tear down this old wood so we can get inside i bet we make our first discovery in there okay yeah i'm so excited i can't wait to see what's in there whoa wow nice huh what's in here hmm i don't know oh wow what's this strange symbol it's empty you're right we found a secret room in your house but there's nothing here hmm so that's it a dead end you might want to take a closer look what's this i noticed that this part of the floor looks off the color is different and there's a cryptic pattern hold on a sec this entire section of floor is old seriously maybe the renovators were cutting corners or forgot about this part why don't we tear the floor apart and find out i wonder if we'll find any treasure this house is so old it's bound to have some let's give it a try i'll use some more dynamite to blow it open there we go i'm really curious about what's under here wow oh [Applause] whoa what's down there wait huh [Music] what just happened there's a door straight ahead of us down the stairs let's check it out i bet we find treasure doesn't it look dangerous to you we've come this far we can't go back now this place must have a shady history that's what happens when you buy a house for 85 cents let's go this way i'm right behind you but careful we have no idea what's waiting for us down here hurry jj wow i wonder what's next it goes nothing three two one open [Music] what is this place wow what kind of basement is this it's a lava pit i see something to be honest i'm kind of scared me too i hope we don't find anything too weird up ahead yeah if we fall it's game over right let's be careful we'll find the treasure eventually no need to rush we made it nice this place looks super weird hmm i think this is some sort of prison we can't get past this point wait can't we break through the iron bars good idea that's more like it let's go wow yes where does this hatch lead what's this look is this a door for some reason it was open let's go through it all right you're going first well we've come this far yeah i'm a little scared but i think it'll all be worth it we're gonna find something amazing i'm sure of it [Music] oh slime what this place is crazy what is it what's with all these symbols oh that's odd where's the treasure good question i don't see any this place looks empty i'm getting some creepy vibes down here let's head back [Music] all i wanted was some treasure yeah that's too bad [Music] what's going on who's knocking this late at night we have a problem jj i saw someone what do you mean here come inside oh sure thank you phew so right i'm not sure who it is but i saw someone in my house you gotta help me jj you saw someone else in your house that's right that's not good we should investigate oh thank you here we are what he's here where inside really something isn't right no one's here i saw him with my own eyes this place looks empty to me yeah i guess you're right hey what was that what what's wrong no way i don't believe my eyes what's that what's it doing huh huh mikey what i saw a clown run through here you saw it yep wait what let's chase after it come on quick this way no i see it after it it's running away we're going after it okay let's go what's this clown's deal uh where's it going i don't know let's catch up to it we're right on its tail oh down the hatch no way we better follow it i want to know the truth about that clown let's go my turn wow unbelievable what is it oh no yikes look out whoa this is inside it's so strong can we even beat it nope let's run away back up the ladder this way hurry jj it's coming after us run come on almost there let's go back to the house okay keep moving mikey it's right behind us hurry jj no no careful run one more i made it don't stop there jj i'm too scared to look behind me is the club still chasing after us i think so we're here one second i sealed it off nice all right almost done oh no no no no we need to seal this section off as soon as possible [Music] it all makes sense now huh that part of the house was sealed off to keep the clown inside spooky what was the deal with that clown whatever it was it's trapped again well we're safe now that's true but there's no way i'm staying in a house with a clown in the basement i'm putting it up for sale first thing in the morning if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 2,145,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: wnRGuyDcNyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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