OVERPOWERED Speedrunner VS Hunter in Minecraft

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[Music] okay let's get started today we're playing hide and seek the rules are simple if i could defeat the ender dragon without dying then i win if i can't beat it then mikey wins sounds fun so if your health goes down to zero then you lose that's right i only have one question though do you mind if i use some of the equipment i have in storage sure what kind of equipment is it i'm already good to go oh you've got a sword i'll just need a minute to grab my things from storage thanks all right yes whoa now this is something special i'll put on my armor oh sounds nice here's the helmet that looks so cool it's glowing my eyes are flashing that's insane i have a bunch of tools to choose from too whoa my armor makes me move faster i should slow down what an amazing sword a shiny new bow here's a pickaxe and a shovel what's this an axe and last but not least oh next up are some ender pearls what are these they look powerful then we have some endless stew to keep my health up perfect whoa so this is my equipment awesome hey mikey yeah how do i look wow cool that's awesome can i use it sure it looks like a lot of fun what can it do i'll show you are you ready yep let's go begin you're too fast oh wow i have wings hang on come back one sec oh there's a village really i'm here no way look behind you here mikey you're making me dizzy i might as well test out this bow sure it's a bow battle i wonder who's stronger no i'm great with a bow whoa check it out no hey what was that this bow it's so strong arrows rain down wherever my shot lands wow this is incredible no fair i guess flying is second nature to me this is nice still i should find that village and prepare some food wow oh there it is now then time to see how powerful this hoe really is what nothing special oh well i guess this hoe is just a whoa cool that's pretty amazing it's tilling can you harvest in one hit no not for big areas of crops but i'm going to till the entire village i have a feeling the villagers are really going to appreciate it whoa look how much of this i turned into farmland that's awesome what are you up to mikey i'm far away from you that sounds suspicious wait where are you i hit you there huh that's where you are i'll get you what weapon is that boom oh check out my black hole what's going on it's everywhere what's it doing it's covering me is that it whoa it launched the black hole did all that wow what happened no it sucked up a pig these black holes are crazy what no way amazing it's so strong all right it's time to move on i'm gonna try out the pickaxe this pickaxe is amazing no way wow it can clear a whole house in one hit sorry for destroying your homes villagers let me think i should probably gather some wood i'm gonna use the axe wow i cleared the entire tree in one chop i should take this to the jungle [Music] yes i finally made it to the jungle oh i guess i don't take any ball damage whoa check it out mikey this axe is incredible it is even these giant jungle trees they go down in one hit oh this rocks what's going on wow amazing i see something no way i can't believe how much wood i have it's more than i'll ever need [Music] there's mikey i got you that's not a very safe place to stand why why because of this hey no what yes what was that oh i found a cave all thanks to you mikey seriously huh i need to start looking for diamonds whoa where am i this pickaxe rocks it's insanely powerful check out how deep i'm getting uh-oh i broke through the bedrock wait a second i can fly that could have been a disaster phew lucky me oh i found some diamonds i better grab them wait what's going on first i need to make a platform to stand on next i'll change this pickaxe back to normal mode if you look closely it says fortune x in the description so it must be super duper lucky time to mine those diamonds and see what i get what's up now i have two big piles of diamonds really i have 128 in total you're kidding look at all the diamonds lucky yeah in that case i should find some obsidian so i can get to the nether is there any obsidian around here i just need to keep digging until i see some oh i see lava there's gotta be obsidian nearby there's water too i have an idea i need to smelt this iron down [Music] now that i have a bucket i can grab some water i still need to find a lava pool though i'll check above ground [Music] whoa it's almost nighttime where can i find some lava oh i found some i'll pour out my water whoa perfect now i'll mine the obsidian hey guess what i discovered mikey it looks like my armor is immune to lava for real no way yes way that's enough obsidian time for me to build my nether portal i'm gonna make it as big as i can just wait and see yes the portal's finished here goes [Music] all nothing my journey through the nether is underway first things first i need to find another fortress hmm there's one right here now all i need to do is hunt down a couple of blazes nice hopefully they dropped some blaze rods let's see i can't seem to find any what's up mikey ah blaze rods i finally found some yes those blazes are going down [Music] hold on a sec did i just see mikey down there i did you found me oh no this isn't good what's your plan well i guess mikey's gone i'll keep harvesting as many blaze rods as i can is that tnt yep i'm blowing up the boy's spotter wait i need that mikey whoa yes yes yes you destroyed it how could you hooray this is bad i did it how am i supposed to find any blazes now huh yes mikey's down you shot me what do i do about the broken blade spawner i can't believe my plan worked oh blazes yes this sword is really powerful what makes it so strong no way it says it has infinity attack damage i could wipe out anything in just one hit i have eight blaze rods look enderman i need to take them out and grab their ender pearls there we go one hits really oh i got one whoa i only have one the plan is simple collect ender pearls go to the end then slay the ender dragon what's your plan mikey you want to know what my plan is you'll see huh yep that's suspicious what are you trying to do this time are you summoning a wither i am seriously it'll destroy both of us it's the only thing that can take you down ah wait you actually summoned it i don't know if i can beat that this withers coming for you oh no yes time to summon some more i think i can feed it with a black hole really wait what i think i need to use the bow again wait mikey slow down my boat stopped working oh you summoned another one withers attack oh black hole get em why isn't the wither getting sucked into my black hole come on the withers are too strong [Music] all right this black hole should take care of them now oh i'm making more that's too many withers come on save me whoa incredible let's go bye bye withers they don't stand a chance against me no way i exploded [Music] you blew yourself up mikey ah my black holes are working this is pointless yes i win seriously but my plan whoa it's still alive those weren't too bad time to hunt down those endermen [Music] yes those endermen are going down only one ender pearl to go i almost have 12 already let's do this thing once and for all yes that's 12. you're strong now then if i combine the blaze powder and the ender pearls i can follow whichever direction the eye of ender goes that'll take me right to the end oh that way i better follow it hang on a sec [Music] tnt i missed oh mikey i'll get you you won't survive this yes you missed me go black holes i dodged them wow that's pretty impressive i fell good it's raining arrows oh no phew oh man that was a close one thanks to you mikey i don't remember which direction to go yay my plan worked that way okay almost there let's go i'll try throwing another one around here [Music] oh looks like the stronghold is underwater i better start digging silverfish that must mean i'm getting closer oh sweet there it is it's an underwater stronghold hang on a sec i hope i didn't accidentally destroy the end portal i need to be careful where are you mikey what okay yes where am i gonna find the end portal i'll keep looking oh mikey yes you found me what's up nothing where's the end portal wait yes don't go in there where is it oh here oh i finally found it [Music] my defense is really tough lava doesn't hurt nope not at all seriously whoa all else fails i guess i'll punch you stop it i need one more yes hey where'd you go my old lava burned me mikey took himself out oh well here i go yes made it whoa it's time to face the end i'll try using black holes to take down the ender dragon i'll stop you before you can destroy the crystals i don't think i need to destroy them why because i'll beat it in one hit if you don't break the end crystals the ender dragon will heal yep i'm coming after you jj i need to beat it before it heals look at my damage the ender dragon is hard to beat you're right maybe i'll use a black hole but circling back now's my chance are you kidding slow down you're winning too fast oh the ender dragon got sucked in this is bad hold up stop it i did it do i still have a chance the ender dragon disappeared how am i supposed to slay i won if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 9,584,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: mWBPaPDft18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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