The Roulette of OP Weapons in Minecraft!

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let the games begin today we're using this stadium for some pvp roulette we got a lot of cool stuff set up mikey check out that big glass house oh fancy what's this thing huh it looks like it could be a mysterious gate somewhere awesome it's enormous this could fit a whole village inside it this looks like a nice little beach oh i didn't bring my bathing suit we don't have to worry about that right now see this this is a gigantic fountain awesome it's very pretty actually there is something really amazing about this fountain what's that you said there's something amazing yeah try pressing this button here push it oh okay whenever you're ready it's not gonna hurt me is it three two one whoa gg do you see the fireworks i sure do sweet they just keep going and going so pretty now that we've had a taste of how much cool stuff is in store we have to make the most of it and start our gun roulette pvp what do you say should we get started [Music] the time has come great let's play our first roulette round how exactly does this thing work the color you shoot your arrow on is the same color of the equipment you have to use i'll kick things off [Music] oh i love purple interesting purple seems like it would be something really strong me too but i have a good feeling about it now it's my turn hmm which one of these colors looks the strongest round and round the rainbow wheel we go red this'll be good hey you went with your theme color let's put the bows and arrows back and move along climb aboard huh come on whoa this is fun let's go again we will but first it's time to find the houses with our corresponding colors and collect all the equipment from inside you're purple i'm red what if it's a trap it's not a trap i'm just saying you never know all right let's see what we've got to work with what no way wow i don't believe it am i dreaming i'm gonna cry it's okay this is amazing i'm i'm a samurai you're wearing some of the strongest armor in the whole game there's no way i can top that only one way to find out i just need to set my expectations low so no matter what i get i'm happy with it hmm oh huh what's that a bow and arrow okay not bad oh you're not gonna believe this believe what this is a really rare item it's a lucky bow i guess it's better than a regular bow right even still all it is is a pointy rock a bendy stick and a string there's no way you'll be able to fight me in this legendary armor i wouldn't be so sure about that see this bow has a secret ability oh jj you're so cute you think you can actually beat me don't you why don't we test this in the pvp arena fine let's do it round one in one corner we've got mikey in his legendary samurai armor and in the other corner jj and his lucky bow who will win easy i already know the answer and jj try not to cry when i totally destroy you okay ready set go it's on don't just stand there i want to test out my secret ability on you your what nothing it sounded a lot like you said secret ability who cares bring it hang on no these aren't arrows cut it out stop that's the most annoying weapon i've ever seen in my life lava what wait how did you do that go creeper go yeah no no no no no no fair you can't even get close quit it had enough with this boat you never know what you're gonna fire all you can do is hope for something lucky oh come on jealous let's go look out give me a break i just need to get close to you and then i can win good luck with that that's the last straw i'm not holding back i'm running out this isn't good oh if i lose any more health then i'm as good as gotcha i lost game over turns out my lucky bow was pretty strong pretty strong take a look around you almost blew up the entire map oh i hadn't noticed hopefully next round is something a little more fair [Music] time to pick what colors we want next right i'll go first sure what color are you aiming for not sure yet [Music] what i got it sky blue yep my favorite out of all the colors that one's definitely the prettiest it's such a nice shade thanks now that you've picked yours i need to figure out which one i want oh so many options yeah this one yellow it is i hope it's good let's start with yours again mikey my little blue box i hope i get some kind of projectile launcher this time open it up and see three two one huh no way this rocks is that a tnt set now that's some good equipment i know exactly what i mean i don't know exactly what to do with this i definitely don't have any good ideas for what to do with this tnt okay mikey that's not suspicious at all what are you hiding huh me hiding no i'm not hiding anything i'm just what the who put that fire there let's forget about the secrets in the fire and move on i picked yellow right i think so i hope i have something good in here your tnt will be tough to beat here goes nothing whoa [Music] jackpot i hate to break it to you but i'm winning this round how see this a goss rifle one of the most advanced weapons to ever exist in minecraft plus i got a grappling hook oh well good for you you're gonna need all the help you can get if you want to stop my secret plan i mean what secret plan all right let's get started are you ready wait i want to say it this time i want to say it this time let me say it you got to say it last time go ahead you just need to set up set up i'll stand a little bit closer to you there ready set no oh nice now i see your secret plan that's not all there's way more secret plan where that came from you're not the only one with a secret plan go ahead and light the tnt huh are you sure yep sounds fishy bye bye jj bye bye mikey careful with that tnt mikey i've got a grappling hook so it's super easy to get away it's so hard to keep up with you does it work on trees ah quit hopping around stay still and let me blow you up no thanks hey i could do this all day i'm back i can still win i just have to play it smart could i climb up there no now it's the time for my secret plan you've got to be kidding get down here sweetie i'll get you i can see the whole arena from here you climbing that big square was a part of my plan too it went exactly like i thought it would i got you right where i want you are you for real i'm a hundred percent for real don't worry it'll be over soon what are you doing i'm not digging anything really those look an awful lot like landmines to me no of course not i should remind you that the weapon i'm using is designed specifically to fight against enemies from far away you can talk all you want but your words mean nothing to me once i've surrounded your position in landmines i mean um surprises then it'll be game over you'll never be able to come down here's where your plan is flawed why would i need to come down because because hey mikey say good night good night boom a part of the plan how did you do that i just took the shot only one shot i didn't think it would be that strong that's not fair you were so focused on your land mines you forgot to hide oops i wasn't supposed to do that to run for your lives whoa are you okay i'm fine and i'm the official winner of round two congrats should we move on yeah it's the third and final round you're going down you sure about that more sure than i've ever been more ready than i've ever been great where to shoot where to shoot where to shoot whoa watch where you're aiming dirt it may look plain but i have a feeling it's gonna be the strongest color yet interesting your turn i wonder if i should try the same strategy as you that's not a bad idea what strategy i'll pick the last color i'd normally pick and hope for the best oops look out boom you picked pink yep nice whatever's inside i'm sure it'll still come in handy let's go hey the dirt and pink sheds are right next to each other careful around the fire it's real okay here we go uh actually now that i'm standing in front of it i feel like dirt may have been the wrong choice is it too late to trade colors i bet green is ten times stronger you could at least take a look all right oh look [Applause] no way no way no way [Music] an alien blaster oh that's not all a jet pack yup i can fly this is the greatest thing ever to happen in the history of anything ever i'm unstoppable jj [Music] that looks even stronger than my grappling hook and sniper rifle from the last round oh yeah way stronger i can't believe you got a jet pack and an alien blaster i can feel the power surging through me i'm invincible jj invincible and to think you wanted to switch colors at the last minute i better check what equipment i have in mind you're gonna need a real miracle come on come on please be good huh what's that show me show me see this is that rocket launcher not bad not bad but not good enough i'm just too hard to catch how are you gonna hit me when i'm flying around the whole time you got a point this will be a tricky one i think i might be hard for you to hit uh hang on a second i think that there's something i'm forgetting what is it well i'm not 100 sure but i think this rocket launcher has a really useful special ability that's great and everything but i can literally fly so i can just dodge your rockets every time this round is as good as done okay let's get it over with then sounds good this will be our last battle no matter who the winner is it's me by the way the winner's gonna be me i've got a jet pack an alien blaster and the geniusness of a genius sorry in advance for annihilating you are you done yet can we get started i'm done let's do this whoa that was close this is tough hey mikey what are you running from i'm not running i'm flying not for long easiest dodge of my life yeah oh so close maybe this will help come on get them fireworks i'll just dodge them all where'd you go [Music] there you are oh i can't hit him he's too fast [Music] you left me no choice i have to use my ultimate technique you'll never hit me no matter what kind of ultimate technique it is it'll never hit oh yeah hey mikey dodge this huh how gotcha that's what you get for some reason i couldn't dodge it that's because my special ability activated my homing rocket function seriously try it again are you sure it's just gonna be the same result as last time i'm already locked on game over do it i dare you huh this time i'll dodge it wait and see there was nothing i could do that rocket launcher is way too strong [Applause] oh man once i'm locked on no matter where you are the rockets will come and find you like this see not bad huh i know i said this a million times today but that's not fair better luck next time let's do one more round are you sure i mean i guess we could try out the rest of the storage sheds we never used close i missed there we go nice i guess that means it's time to check out the tnt shed oh fun we broke it now then ready open if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 30,543,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: uVCou3fwi4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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