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this Ferrari hasn't been on the road in over 11 years and after I bought it I found out the exact reason why and with that reason it could mean the deal I got on this may not be as good as a first thought now I know you just like me enjoy a bargain especially when it comes to cars and as petrol heads to try and find the best car we can get for as little money as possible which is quite hard when it comes to a Ferrari but a decent Ferrari F430 you're looking to pay above 70 000 pounds but there's something special about the one that I bought it's a manual a manuals are like unicorns in fact I can only see one for sale in the whole of the UK and it's nearly a hundred thousand pounds but I managed to get this for way cheaper than that but there's a catch the lads have come for delivery of a pristine condition Ferrari at 4 30. oh wow I previously bought a martial logo from a track experience company and let's face it I was kind of scam what on Earth has happened to this car but recently I found out they were selling this Ferrari so why would I go back to a place to buy a car where I was previously scammed well I didn't somebody else did yeah so so the window was down so we had to like go again hold the window up so everything oh my God no way yeah sure that everything is complete the whole everything for the car is here so it's a complete car yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah thanks for the work guys with my relationship with the track experience Place being not so great Freddy Scott and Sam went down there to check some cars out without me um it's gated and it's got the gate I don't know where the knob is though and this time with Sam doing the negotiating he got himself a deal I bought this one I bought that so technically Sam bought the car but then delivered it and sold it straight to me delivering another quality car so this is a Ferrari 430 which should have a 4.3 V8 here not here apparently engine win uh went bang and then there was a transmission that went on another car so he stole the transmission for another car then the transmission got stripped to be rebuilt and then nobody better so a lemon of a car like most of the cars I buy really but I still think of the price we got it at it was a deal for once we've actually got a car that Hannah likes I do like it and so that means you can have the the Ferrari so as you probably know by now but it does have does haven't gin it's just in bits hey that's my hat [Music] everywhere one of their mechanics could go says please so after they decided not to put this car back together I think dude all the stickers on it sat inside a shopping center a shopping mall if you're American and on display to advertise the track experience oh to advertise the track experience company we've got Valves and to make it look legit right now the car sits really high at the back because there is no engine or there's not a full engine in the back and there's a piece of wood right at the bottom here can you see that there and from what I've been told that wood was put there and there was loads of sandbags put in the back to make it look like it had an engine in like weighed it down so when it sat in the shopping mall it looked like a nice Ferrari which people could come and look at now we've got to save it but first we've got to work out what's worth saving is any of this stuff that came with the car even possible to put back together I guess this is an oil cooler nice okay I found the gearbox it's part of it there was so much stuff in so many different boxes my dad seemed to find it hilarious a lot of this stuff I don't even know what it's for and it wasn't long until we found somebody else's tools because there's some oldies holding somebody what the hell is that I think the mole grips which were left there are clamp in the hose for the clutch fluid to stop it pouring out anywhere but hey I'm not turning down some free Mole grips [Music] registration is m x 0 5 h c d let's check this out the last known mileage in 2011 was 31 065 miles and that was in 2011 so how many more miles has it done since that mileage record if it actually has done that low mileage this car is going to be worth a lot more than I paid for it once I finished it [Music] we've got light look at the oil pressure Marley's Miley's mileage yep 32 338. the car has done 1200 miles after 2011 and then ended up like this how has that ended up like this so the cars didn't lie about what mileage this car had done but how the hell is a Ferrari with this low mileage ended up in this state 2642 seconds oh my God there is so much to do on this car and I guess this is where the realization of what I've just bought has settled in I've never owned driven or even sat in a Ferrari and now I've got to rebuild one there's a few things before we get onto that what we figured out on here so this bumper is all smashed up on the front and as this car was like a a display car sat inside a shopping center a shopping mall there's no way they sat it inside the shopping mall on display with a broken bumper so they've definitely that there's been another Ferrari on track which they've nicked the bumper off and put this crash one on there definitely and then the same with the rear bumper Line This rear bumper is not even the right color there's no way to put that on display so I reckon they've kind of almost used this as a parts car which also explains why I mean like oh geez there's no window regulator in here that's probably been taken out for another car there's no door handles on the other side there's not even any wiper linkage on there so I reckon it's sat there and it's been used as a parts car which is unfortunate but there's one thing missing here which I think tells a story on why this engine is in bits the actual cylinders that one do you think that one scored yeah yeah oh yeah that one is scored you can feel it so all these cylinders are meant to be smooth this is what the piston goes up and down in and the Rings are meant to create a nice seal as they're going up and this is scored so it's going to let stuff through it but I don't think that is why this engine is out the bottom of the block looks okay but what you can see is on the bearings they've got this copper kind of look to them so they've got really hot and wore away the bearings which shows that potentially there was no oil getting to them pretty much everything that rotates on a car requires a bearing and the crankshaft is no different and bearings need oil oil is fed to the crankshaft bearings through oil journals basically little holes in the crankshaft and this creates a microscopic layer of oil between the bearing and the crankshaft to keep it moving and if the oil flow stops then bear in wear like this can happen causing catastrophic engine failure so one thing that we've noticed or not noticed there's no oil pump here and the oil pump and the water pump on this car after looking do a bit of research is one complete thing if the water pump failed then the oil pump could have failed and that could have caused the oil starvation and that's why the engine could be a part maybe I don't I don't know now you've seen all that we've got with the car let me tell you the price from rebuilding Audi TTS in a restaurant car park I never thought it would lead to this moment where I'm putting Ferrari F430 on the board that I bought for 60 000 pounds which may sound steep for what I've got with it but there was a savior and a reason on why we pulled the trigger on this some told me about this car when we was out in America fixing the GT3 and I knew the exact state it was in and from my previous experience I knew it was unlikely that the whole engine was going to be there which almost stopped me from buying it but then I showed the pictures to Freddie and what are the chances he actually had a spare engine in his Workshop how can I buy this off here oh I'll give it to you if you want you give it to me yeah I'll give it to you let's do that let's do that and we've got an engine we do have a gearbox I don't know with Freddy giving us an engine all we had to do is work out how to get it back to the UK so he boxed it up I don't I don't put any warranties on that engine I have not opened it up so you know buyer you know get what you pay for you get what you pay for all done and ready to ship to the UK so now I'm feeling pretty confident because not only have we got a Ferrari at a half decent price we've got an engine as well and on the cover vertical report everything is checking out it's showing that it's not been recorded as ever being stolen it's had no mileage fraud it's not got any outstanding finance and it's never been recorded as damaged and I never would have bought this car if I didn't cover a cool check it before because it could have shown me anything if the call was previously in an accident and it was auctioned off at a car crash auction site I could have seen the photos of when it was auctioned off so if you're thinking about buying a car or you just want to find a little bit more history about your own car go check it out with with core vertical with the link in the description box below and use code mat to get discount on that check yeah it made it quiz [Music] and here is the F430 engine all the way from Florida to the UK but there is one catch with this engine do this right now no Freddy scanders yeah two broken engines but at least one's in almost one piece this seems like the impossible rebuild but for sixty thousand pound with a free engine from Freddy this could work out perfectly depending on how bad this engine is damaged so one engine which is seized and another engine which is in pieces if we can find out why this engine is seized we might have a good chance on building one good engine out of two bad ones if we manage to rebuild this engine and actually get it running we should be Italian mechanics [Music] let's find out what exactly is wrong with Freddie's engine it doesn't turn over and it seems locked out so we're going to start from the top of the engine and work our way down first off is the rocker covers didn't reveal much there so now we're taking the cover for the chain off so this it's either really clean or brand new [Music] oh that stinks there's water in this engine I don't know how close it got to the P1 at Freddy's but yeah it stinks could this engine be flooded but it doesn't make sense this all looks new it looks like it's had new tensioners new chain and everything looks news up look it's like a smaller version of the Mercer logo oil pump on the bottom here then you've got like a balance shaft then go into the two camshafts at the top two camshafts at the top it is literally a almost like a carbon copy but a smaller version of the merchalago engine I think we could do this providing we can work out what's actually wrong with this engine but the good news all this looks new do we trust it I don't know before we went any further I got the camera down some of the spark plug holes to see if there was anything unusual down there but it didn't really reveal much we couldn't see anything obvious which now left us with no choice but to start stripping apart the engine even further now we're going to take the chains off these are what keep the engine in time making sure the valves open and close at the right time and they don't get hit by the Pistons once the chains were loose we could then remove the camshafts from the top of the engine this then revealed the head bolts Big 12 mil Allen keys to get the head bolts out and of course that was the next step [Music] lift it up but everything looked okay diesel in it which my dad put in sleeves look good they didn't look like there was any damage there yes the Pistons and everything weren't brand new but nothing looked damaged and that goes for the other side as well so why is it safe yeah yeah let's try and turn it now Charlotte Freddie's still scammed us we're coming for you Friday so the problem must be on the underside of the engine so now we've got to strip the oil pump and the water pump off it and investigate further [Music] we've took all of this apart and the cranks still won't move we think a piston is seized in here for some unknown reason um possibly these two here but it's a bit wet like it is wet in here so I don't know like where the water's got in and it seized it up the rest of the engine does actually look alright I mean these bearings they're not brand new but they're not bad but as I started to take The Conrads off the crank I noticed something unusual is that Ben has been oh yeah it took water up and it's bent in it found it maybe this was a flooded engine because check it out this conrod is bent look at the banana you can see how Bentley oh bent it is it's locked up the engine the rest are all straight when a piston is going up and down the cylinder it's compressing air but when water Finds Its way in there it struggles to compress it so as the Piston Rises to the top it's a case of who's the weakest link and that's usually the conrod which would leave it looking bent like this that's quite good news actually then because we've got some con rods over there we've got a bent comrade and now two engines in absolute pieces maybe Freddie didn't scam us [Laughter] and that is what happens when you try and compress a fluid somebody is gonna lose and the conrod has lost badly there looks like we've got some work to do on our hands thanks so much for watching this video If you enjoyed it hit that subscribe button hit that thumbs up button and I'll see you in the next video peace out Tony what you got there a box what's the what's the box of nuts look at that I never knew that foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Mat Armstrong
Views: 3,478,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ferrari, rebuild, rebuilding, restoration, cheap, ferrari f430, scammed, exotic cars, matt armstrong, mat armstrong, restore, wrecked, damaged, engine, engine rebuild, timelapse, full rebuild, ferrari f430 pov, ferrari f430 manual, rare, manual, gated manual
Id: m1W2O-VKmIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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